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Thread: Calling for a council

  1. #141

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    [Reagle] *still holding down Ryzaak`s head he looks over to Niveus* Are nieo alright there Mintshade? *he asked in a concerned voice, and waits for the word to crush undead Ryzaak`s skull*

  2. #142

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *After a few long moments, he intakes a sharp breath and staggers to his feet. Almost as if moving in slow motion, he looks at he group rather raggedly and does his best to assure himself that they aren't trying to kill HIM, as his mind would have him believe at the moment*..................j....jussst....get rid of it.....*he manages to mutter under his breath* we....we...can ss...*stagger* sspeak of the in...information after.
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  3. #143

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *Having waited for the approval, the black ancient nods slowly at Niveus then releases his Prime Bolt, which flies straight towards the undead Ryzaak's head. If the Bolt hits, it will not explode but dig its way towards the evil dragon's brain, as Temeraire wants clearly to end its 'life'. Nobody else would be hurt in the process.

  4. #144

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ~Waiting till after the primal bolt made contact, Banniet conjured two large hands, made of flames, above Ryzaak and streams of fire begin to ignite what was left of his corpse.~
    ((He'll sustain the spell or cast other fire spells till the corpse is gone.))

  5. #145

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    [Reagle] *releases Ryzaak`s head just as the bolt hits, then begins inhale deeply to flame burst the undead drake

    [Ryzaak] *Growls, as the bolt hits, suddenly he feels intense heat deep inside his head, and light beams through every hole, suddenly poof! his head starts on flame, he roars, and flails wildly then falls over, only a burning corpse is left now*

    [Reagle] *Just as the undead drake finaly dies he lets out his flame burst, all that`s left is burning the corpse to ashes, as Banniet begins casting his flame spells*

  6. #146

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (( Now as for the real Ryzaak, Reagle can probably rescue him, he`s ancient so I`l RP him as that till I actualy get the character to ancient
    Also he`ll be sickly blighted, and weak obviously and he`s not gifted seeing he was around well before the gift ever came into existance XD anyways. back to RP ))

  7. #147

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ((I do believe we have to "find out" where he is yet from the phylactery or Niveus, since he hasn't divulged the information yet. ))

  8. #148

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (( hehe yep! your turn Zark! just waiting for Banneit`s spells XD and Lungtien`s primbolts XD ))

  9. #149

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ((Waiting for his spells? Banniet is already assaulting Ryzaak's corpse since before you started to. Same with Temeraire, he struck first even, drilling the primebolt into Ryzaak's skull. I guess I could add a little something extra though, if you want.))
    ~Once the corpse was nothing but dust he cast one last spell, an Improved Flame Wave, pushing the powdered remains away and scattering it to the winds. Anyone looking at Banniet would see a look of satisfied relief in his expression as he sat down and pulled out the pouch with the phylactery again.~
    What should we do with this?

  10. #150

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (LungTien has thrown his Bolt, I'm now waiting for Niveus' reaction.)

  11. #151

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    [Reagle] *Heaves a sigh of relief, then looks to Banniet* He said all his memories are in it yes? maybe we can use it to locate Cynny, and my A`meo. *He then looks over to Niveus* Are you alright Mintshade?

  12. #152

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ~His spine-fin returned to it's normal, relaxed position. Turning to Reagle he tilts his head and looks a little concerned.~
    Your father? How was he mixed in with that one?

    ((Remember, Banniet is a "new guy", he doesn't know that wasn't the real Ryzaak nor who the real Ryzaak is. I don't know who the real Ryzaak is either for that matter. ))

  13. #153

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *Honestly, the elf was NOT fine. It would still be at least a few hours until he came to his senses completely. Clearing his throat, he just waves his hand dismissively* ...f..fine, fine. ....W...We done here?
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  14. #154

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    [reagle] *CAsts a soothing breeze on Niveus* hm.. A`na. The thing is gone. all is g`rei now. well thoe the time being *he chuckles softly, then turns to Banniet* That thing we killed was an imposter trying to make himself appear to be my A`meo. but Reklar has my real Am`eo locked up from what Ieo was getting from it. *he furrows a brow, and lowers his head to look at the phylactery* Ieo wander if the location he is being held is in there.

  15. #155

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    LungTien stares at the ashes a while, his face stuck in a blank expression. The ancient finally looks at Reagle, with his gaze full of compassion. "I'll help you find your father, Reagle. We shall find him and free him, alive and well."
    The primalist's blue eyes glance down at the elf, and Temeraire asks, thoughful: "Would you want me to help you find a quiet place for rest, Mintshade?"

  16. #156

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    I wonder, why did it want to impose itself as your... never mind, I'll probably find out if this works.
    ~He opened the pouch, peeling back the leather to expose the phylactery, still holding the bottom of it through the leather.~
    Let us find out if this holds the knowledge of where your father and Cynny are, I suspect that it may, at least in regards to your father, by what the impostor said. Watch me carefully, if I begin to act strangely, bind me, who knows what kind of tricks this thing might hold.
    ~He closed his eyes and began focusing on the phylactery, attempting to access the knowledge and memories held within.~

    ((He's a Battle Mage and does have some basic ability and knowledge as a Spiritist. Reagle, it's your call if it works and if it does, what he finds out or in the case that it doesn't what kind of mental-backlash he might suffer.))

  17. #157

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (( hehe it`ll be kinda a trade effect. Banniet gains the knowledge it stores, but looses parts of his own spirit as it absorbs spirit when taking out knowledge XD ))

    *As Banniet focuses on the phylactery, it slowly starts taking tiny bits of his spirit each time he focuses on the knowledge within, he will locate where Reklar has Ryzaak held, as well as the drake`s condition, severely blighted, kept alive only by a blight infused collar, braceletes on each leg, and runes etched deep in his very bones. His physical health is quite poor due to the aegis not allowing him much to each or drink, and many beatings he took during the entire imprisonment. he`s also missing his right eye from a battle he took in the past.

    Then Banniet will see a deep forest surrounded by blight, a dark place where not many animals even live except a single owl, this owl seems almost familiar. Could it possibly be Cynny? the suddenly images flash before banniet, of undead Ryzaak, and Cynny talking in this very forest, as well as a ruined tavern outside Aughendel, but not a haunted one. Banniet might be starting to feel rather weak by this time, and might want to break off from the phylactery*

  18. #158

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *he shakes his head a bit at the primalist and idly wishes he had his staff to lean on. He chooses to not voice his opinion yet again that trusting ANY information fed to them by Ryzaak would be absolutely foolish, as he believes it would likely fall on deaf ears.

    Tapping his foot slightly as he waits, the talented spiritist senses that Banneit is beginning to loose portions of energy, or spirit to that orb thing. NOT surprising*

    I swear....if Reklar gave you piece of steak, you people would it~! *he moans as he tries to grab Banneit's hand and press his thumb into a pressure point near the half dragon's thumb, attempting to force the hand open so the phylactery would fall*
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  19. #159

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    There is a disgusting noise of bone fragments grinding against each other and the snapping of metal as the grey tears the delicate claw in half, screeching with the pain. She holds out with more willpower and sets the bone back as it should be. A primal healing later, she had the broken limb set to not simply fall off of its own accords. The lair wards would wait another day as the healing wasn't complete.. this was more important.

    "What has been found?" The grey inquires.

  20. #160

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    The black primalist nods at the obvious refusal of the elf to be helped, before turning his gaze towards Banneit. "Be careful with that phylactery, biped. Whatever we find inside this thing, it may be false, and a trap, but we can't be sure it is. It can be a clue to lead us towards the true Ryzaak."

    That said, LungTien pads up towards Runos and sits down on the volcanic rock to cast powerful healing spells on her, his left forepaw raised and engulfed in a bright blue primal light.

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