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Thread: fighting games

  1. #1

    Default fighting games

    Why is it every time a fighting game is coming out especially the on going ones like the up coming soul calibor 5...why is it sooooo top secret their character think they want to let every one know hey stop worrying the one you play as will be coming back.

    im a lizard man, zasemal and yung sun

  2. #2

    Default Re: fighting games

    Or they could at least tell you which ones are in the new game, and keep the new characters secret, maybe.

    I've only ever played 1 of the Soul Calibur games... um, 2 I think it was? It was the Gamecube version, the one that had Link and his overpowered ring out throw. lol.

    But I do understand the rant.

    I'd also have to add an extra question: What's with the Fighting Game 11, Fighting Game 12, Fighting Game 38473892 coming out?

    Okay, so Final Fantasy is also guilty of this, but Final Fantasy is almost always a completely new and different game each time a new one comes out. New story, new characters, new just about everything, except for maybe the battle system, and some familiar spells/items. And sometimes even THOSE change.

    But when I see, say, Street Fighter #2,000,000 coming out and I see screenshots... I see mostly the same characters, it looks like they do mostly the same moves, and they've added 1-2 characters and called it a "new game". Eh.... really? Seriously?

    Just how many of those games exist, now?

  3. #3

    Default Re: fighting games

    in defense of street fighter its been dorment for a long time.

    "I'd also have to add an extra question: What's with the Fighting Game 11, Fighting Game 12, Fighting Game 38473892 coming out?"

    their a few that spam every year the same fighting game with the same stuff almost. but good ones like soul calibor take about 2-3 years between each release and they actually improve greatly from the previous one

  4. #4

    Default Re: fighting games

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia View Post
    in defense of street fighter its been dorment for a long time.
    About time, jeez. lol. I know for awhile there, they kept releasing the same thing over and over again with just a little added to it.

    "I'd also have to add an extra question: What's with the Fighting Game 11, Fighting Game 12, Fighting Game 38473892 coming out?"

    their a few that spam every year the same fighting game with the same stuff almost. but good ones like soul calibor take about 2-3 years between each release and they actually improve greatly from the previous one
    I never meant to say that SC did that, as it is one of the few exceptions to the rule, but there are others that do; their names just escape me at the moment. lol.

    But then, Sports games are about as bad for this. They update the rosters, maybe throw in a few game engine changes and boom, new game. And people actually buy those. No wonder EA jumped all over the sports bandwagon; that must be THE easiest money you could possibly make if you can just change some rosters around, some stats, and maybe do a little updating on the graphics/engine and ship out a new game. Heck, the title covers look almost the same; you just swap "2011" for "2012". lol.

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