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Thread: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

  1. #1

    Default EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    I played it for a week now and have 3 characters
    Drafac, lvl 8 Mage - Qeynos - Runnyeye
    Drafac, lvl 9 Fighter - Qeynos - Blackburrow
    Rhialto, lvl 11 Sorcerer - Freeport - Runnyeye

    let me say this:


    - GFX are MUCH better than HZ no question about it but you need a beefed GFX card liek a 9800 Pro 256 MB to see all the textures in High resolution in 1600x1200 res!!
    - hundreds of working quests, more than you can actually complete. With a nice quest journal to keep track. All quest do actually WORK!!!
    - Nice items to get from quests and for sale
    - Housing from the moment you arrive in the city inclusive furniture (quests/buy) etc.
    - Crafting is nice (I spoke to a former very high level HZ crafter in EQ2 !!)
    - Game engine rocks, game play is fast and has tactical aspects, you get more spells/abilities while you go
    - No lag (yes NO LAG), Fighting is bliss !
    - Great athmosphere in towns (NPCs actually do walk around)
    - Dungeons with collision detection and enough challenge
    - YOU CAN SOLO NO PROBLEM!!!! (played 3 days solo and made 3 characters - fighter lvl 8, mage lvl 8, Sorcerer lvl 11)
    - Fighting a group of 2 mobs solo which are 1 level below you is a real challenge!
    - Grouping works flawlesly (raiding options are also possible to merge a few groups)
    - Hundreds of different mobs


    - Mob encounters are different. Some are for groups and some are for solo. You can see this when scanning a mob. Also the color of a mob shows the difficulty. This makes the game less immersive, but because the mobs are really hard to fight solo especially groups of 2+ mobs this is a necessity but maybe could have been done different.
    - You have to buy a lot of backpacks to get a decent amount of storage

    so to keep its short everything that HZ misses for the PURE ADVENTURER EQ2 has and better!

    The Iron Watch
    Ice Server

  2. #2
    Robert Quicksilver

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Hi Rhialto

    No doubt this will be moved to off-topic any time soon.

    Got a character on runnyeye too, Kriya, a dashing lvl 12 air-guitar playing bard in Qeynos. :)

    Are you off isle of refugee yet? ;)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Somewhere in the Dark Woods of Sweden.

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Have played the game now for a few weeks, and im really really impressed by it.

    Although.. i will return to hz when everything is sorted out for the draggys.
    Aenos on the Unity Shard
    One of those rare Helians. [Retired]
    draggy adventurer lev 100 / crafter lev 81

  4. #4

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    I play EQII for 2 weeks nearly.

    You can solo, but by the time you're getting 30 solo, you can built 3 lvl 100 in Hz (got only lvl 15 on one char in 10 hard core solo days).

    Craft is like playing a musical solo game, you got to hit the correct key keeping your eyes focused on your screen, it's not more fun than that. and you know xhat? past lvl 10 in a craft, you MUST rely on other crafters, as a example, an armorer CAN'T make its bars without an alchimist.
    You can't customize anything, and item bonus stats are not predictable.

    Graphics are not more astounding than Hz, it's only a point of view.

    Housing in EQ has no utilities: no vault, no tools, only social and money destruction.

    Lag is connection depedant, i never had on Hz, I don't have on EQII, but i got 30fps on HZ, and less than 5 fps with the same rendering quality.

    boring athmosphere in town, the same NpC doing the same road, telling the sames words again and again...

    Donjon with bugged collision detection... and actually, you can have mob out of view rigth at your feet, or mobs going right to you trough the front tank.

    You have tactics trought OH, unsoloable mobs, and totaly dependant adventure way.

    Broken quest are commun, craft is useless before lvl 25/30 because of looted item outclassing the crafted one.

    Fitghing 2 mobs 2 lvls higher than you is as easy as spelling ABC, but, you can also die on the same mob, once they're 5 lvl lower than you.

    the chat system in EQII is half as usefull thant Hz.

    In fact, everything you said is only a point of view.

    I'll probably continue EQII, just because i got friends other there.

    But Hz is far more developped than EQII for RP, customization, and immerssion.

  5. #5

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)


    ==Quotes and rebuttals==

    "You can't customize anything, and item bonus stats are not predictable".

    True for now as far as we know, things change later in game, in the beginning HZ had no item customizations other than teched gear.

    "Graphics are not more astounding than Hz, it's only a point of view. "

    My point of view is the graphics are awesome, they will only get better as graphic cards giet better, which at the tech rate will be within a year or 2, so a smart move on there behalf.

    "Housing in EQ has no utilities: no vault, no tools, only social and money destruction."

    As far as housing goes, you can go in tradermode in your house that links to a broker, and in fact you can setup crafting stations in your house, and it has a door, and you can hang paintings and chairs and lighting and mirrors, have live movinghousepetsetc etc, what can you do with HZ housing besides storage And the sorta vendors? ( which will be coming in EQ2 as well )

    "Lag is connection depedant, i never had on Hz, I don't have on EQII, but i got 30fps on HZ, and less than 5 fps with the same rendering quality."

    True, but HZ has had lag issues for many, along with a few other core issues like spawnrate, I don't have the issues you do and I only have 512 ram, the only slowdown I ever see is from alot of zoning thru the towns.

    "boring athmosphere in town, the same NpC doing the same road, telling the sames words again and again..."

    And how is HZ's atmosphere in town any better? Or any other town in any other mmorg? Name one that has walking talking quest giving chars that actually watch and move there heads and such as folks move buy, where dogs will lunge or follow you, where cats hiss at you if you happen to be a certain race, or follow another.

    "Donjon with bugged collision detection... and actually, you can have mob out of view rigth at your feet, or mobs going right to you trough the front tank. "

    Never had those problems, but hey lets talk about HZ's colision detection............... or lack of.

    "You have tactics trought OH, unsoloable mobs, and totaly dependant adventure way. "

    Ummm they are called boss mobs, HZ has the same thing matter of opinion if it's good or bad.

    "Broken quest are commun, craft is useless before lvl 25/30 because of looted item outclassing the crafted one."

    I have yet to get a broken quest, and I havedone a ton of them, I am a lvl 15 scholar with 5 gold in my pocket, i know adventurers in there 20's that haven't seen that much, I just sold 20 spells today, you have to get out of the noob lvls I guess ( 1 thru 10 ) and yes there are some dropped items that are better than crafted, and it's supposed to be that way.

    "Fitghing 2 mobs 2 lvls higher than you is as easy as spelling ABC, but, you can also die on the same mob, once they're 5 lvl lower than you."

    Depends on the con system, gotta keep an eye out for those arrows over there heads, and resists do suck sometimes, as they do in any game.

    "the chat system in EQII is half as usefull thant Hz. "

    Agreed, although i just put up 2 chat windows and don't really have an issue with it.

    "In fact everything you said was point of view."

    I could say the same thing

    "I'll probably continue EQII, just because i got friends other there."

    Heh no comment

    "But Hz is far more developped than EQII for RP, customization, and immerssion."

    Totally disagree, quests alone outdo anything HZ has contentwise, and EQ2 has a freeable race, and more coming, sound familiar?

  6. #6

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    "True for now as far as we know, things change later in game, in the beginning HZ had no item customizations other than teched gear."

    It simply doesn't matter in eq2 - because everyone looks exactly the same [:@]

    "My point of view is the graphics are awesome, they will only get better as graphic cards giet better, which at the tech rate will be within a year or 2, so a smart move on there behalf."

    So you pay the next two years for a graphic you cannot see? Btw graphics are technically advanced, true, but I don't like them, though. Horizons is nice, while eq2 is well developped - see the difference?

    "I have yet to get a broken quest, and I havedone a ton of them, I am a lvl 15 scholar with 5 gold in my pocket, i know adventurers in there 20's that haven't seen that much, I just sold 20 spells today, you have to get out of the noob lvls I guess ( 1 thru 10 ) and yes there are some dropped items that are better than crafted, and it's supposed to be that way."

    If you want the best items, go to the merchant. Btw it doesn't matter at all what gear you are wearing...

    "Totally disagree, quests alone outdo anything HZ has contentwise, and EQ2 has a freeable race, and more coming, sound familiar?"

    You don't wanna tell me that you like eq2's quests?

    And I want to add something that annoyed me already in eq1, but is bearable there, because it's 5 years old and zones load fast, but I do not want to sit half my game time in front of a loading screen!!! [:@][:@][:@]
    Clerical Chaos Conjurer

    Waechter der Zeit
    Beta-guild from Earth - and we are still here!

  7. #7

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Draca , as far as everyone looking alike, the same could be said at HZ release, but oh how soon we forget right? Tricked weapon came out when? Dyes came out when?

    AS far as going to an npc to get the exact same things that a player can make, once again for those ignorant of the facts, playermade is better than storebought, pristine crafted versions will always outdo anything on a npc merchant, end of story.

    You can't get anything past apprentice 2 on spells and skill upgrades, you either have to get them from a player who made them, or if lucky it might drop off a mob, these upgrades are crucial.

    AS far as the graphic bit , well it look great to me now, way better than HZ, it can only look better as time goes on, that to me is smart, as far as zoning goes I never wait more than 1 min, most times I zone in 30 secs, as do most folks, maybe you need a new machine, btw Sony always stated that you were going to need a beast of a machine to run EQ2, they never hid that fact ( unlike AE hiding the fact that there engine and ATI cards didn't work well together for how long? )

    Now do me a favor, put together a list of HZ's problems and issues, and compare them to EQ2's , and then stop complaining becuase we all know, that even a year after release, HZ has a ton more issues and shortcomings. not to mention 1/10th the population.

    And finally think about this, EQ2 has been patching almost daily to squash the leftover bugs, AE does it what once a month? And in the first 2 months of HZ release how many patches were there? Oh yeah , notta. Hey btw what ever happened to the miracle patch and the content that was supposedly hidden from beta testers? A year later and it's still not there.

    LOL there is no contest if you compare the 2, and this is not the board to try to say another game is inferior, once AE opens another server due to population then you might have a leg to stand on, until then HZ has been turned into Rubies of Eventide, and is 1 step from where that game is right now.

    And just to make sure my point is clear, one game has 200k+ playing it, the other has at best 20k worldwide, which game do you think is doing better, which game do you think most like better? Which game will still be here a year later?

  8. #8

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    Draca , as far as everyone looking alike, the same could be said at HZ release, but oh how soon we forget right? Tricked weapon came out when? Dyes came out when?
    I know it was late. Butsoe has not the intention to allow people to be distinct or to go their own way. Everything in eq2 is predictable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    AS far as going to an npc to get the exact same things that a player can make, once again for those ignorant of the facts, playermade is better than storebought, pristine crafted versions will always outdo anything on a npc merchant, end of story.
    These "better" items have better stats, but that doesn't matter at all. There is no difference between a uber equipped lvl 20 mage and a poor equipped lvl 20 mage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    You can't get anything past apprentice 2 on spells and skill upgrades, you either have to get them from a player who made them, or if lucky it might drop off a mob, these upgrades are crucial.
    Oh, so i'm allowed to camp green mobs for weeks? That must be funny like hell [:P]

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    AS far as the graphic bit , well it look great to me now, way better than HZ, it can only look better as time goes on, that to me is smart, as far as zoning goes I never wait more than 1 min, most times I zone in 30 secs, as do most folks, maybe you need a new machine, btw Sony always stated that you were going to need a beast of a machine to run EQ2, they never hid that fact ( unlike AE hiding the fact that there engine and ATI cards didn't work well together for how long? )
    Hehe, unfortuneately you postet your specs - I have a better machine, and hz is looking a lot better than eq2. And it has a better feeling, too. But that's a matter of taste.
    And zoning in hz takes me - hmm, there are no zones [:P] (<- see here what is state of the art).

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    Now do me a favor, put together a list of HZ's problems and issues, and compare them to EQ2's , and then stop complaining becuase we all know, that even a year after release, HZ has a ton more issues and shortcomings. not to mention 1/10th the population.
    No, I won'tdo this list, it's quite endless [:O]

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    And finally think about this, EQ2 has been patching almost daily to squash the leftover bugs, AE does it what once a month? And in the first 2 months of HZ release how many patches were there? Oh yeah , notta. Hey btw what ever happened to the miracle patch and the content that was supposedly hidden from beta testers? A year later and it's still not there.
    Have you been in eq2 beta? Do you know what the developpers promised us? I trust more in DB than in soe... (perhaps you remember my famous "list of brokenpromises").

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    LOL there is no contest if you compare the 2, and this is not the board to try to say another game is inferior, once AE opens another server due to population then you might have a leg to stand on, until then HZ has been turned into Rubies of Eventide, and is 1 step from where that game is right now.
    No, there is really no contest. EQ2 is just too old-stylish.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    And just to make sure my point is clear, one game has 200k+ playing it, the other has at best 20k worldwide, which game do you think is doing better, which game do you think most like better? Which game will still be here a year later?
    Both will be here. Btw 200k+ TEST eq2 at the moment, and I already met many people who quit it - after only a few weeks.
    Btw I built the biggest european eq2 guild back in January with over 100 players in beta. Now dropped to less than 50... (my horizons guild had the same loss - within 6 months [:P])
    Clerical Chaos Conjurer

    Waechter der Zeit
    Beta-guild from Earth - and we are still here!

  9. #9
    Robert Quicksilver

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Horizons may have no zones, but you still wait for the loading screen to come up when you portal though.
    EQ2 is rock solid stable, for me anyway, I have yet to crash in 3 weeks of playing.
    The fact they can patch so quickly is the big draw for me in EQ2.
    You get funky speech bubbles above your character which I find adds a role playing touch.
    I think comparing Hz vs. EQ2 is like comparing chalk with cheese.

  10. #10

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Draca instead of of countering every statement you said and i could easily ( ha paying to beta eq2? You've been paying for a year to test HZ) I am going to end my statement here on the matter.

    Every server on eq2 is still packed, all 16+ of them, and they are talking of opening new servers and merging some folks off other too crowded ones. the noob zones are still packed and at least 3 instances ( have seen up to 6 ) and commonlands has 4 versions everynight, with a 100+ people in each one, and keep in mind there are more playing the good side than the evil side( commons is the evil side )

    There are more people playing eq2 on 2 servers than all those playing HZ combined, there are more playing on 1 eq2 during primetime, than all of HZ. That tells the true story and can't be argued =)

    EQ2 does have some issues, but nowhere near HZ, and SOE has the staff to fix it, you can't say the same about HZ.

  11. #11

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    So play eq2 because everybody does, and I play hz because it makes morefun, has nicer people, no downtime, no zones, not so much grind, better crafting system, individual characters etc... [:P]

    But for sureSOE hasthe better marketing departement.[G]

    EQ2 has one big issue: they forgot to make thegame fun.
    Did you already reach 20?
    Clerical Chaos Conjurer

    Waechter der Zeit
    Beta-guild from Earth - and we are still here!

  12. #12

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    LVL 22 necro lvl 18 shaman lvl 20 scribe and lvl 16 craftsemen tyvm. Also belong to a great guld who spends most of there time helping others that are new to the game ( alot of us beta tested)

    Oh here's some more info , info that youcan't get at lvl 9 or 10, or 1 week after playing.

    As a guild you can run quests for your guild to earn them points, with these points your guild gains prestige and access to raid zones( and good xp), you get points for running these quests some that goes towards the guilds prestige other pointsgoing to the individual that you can buy special gear with, very nice gear I might add.

    They also have epic gear quests that start at lvl 20.

    The more you get into the game the more there is, and it was just released, there is more content in lvls 1-20 than all 100+ in HZ.

    There is more grind in HZ than EQ2 as EQ has way more quests, which takes away from the grind.

    The folks are about the same, there is no guilds doing mass exploits ( hmmmmmmm yet folks are still mass exploiting here a year later, btw there is another exploit being used in HZ that is worse than the blacksmith one, it was reported 2 weeks ago it's still ingame)

    And if your only comeback is SoE is better at marketing once again, over 100k have tried HZ over 80% of them left, that high % shows which one is the best.


    Argue with me all you want the numbers don't lie.

    So I am glad you like HZ but don't try to compare the 2, there is no question that eq2 will berunning strong this time next year, I hope HZ will be for your sakeand others like you, but they are losing 100k a month in income,so it's doubtful.

  13. #13

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Horizons may never be the brightest glowing star on the mmorpg sky...
    But for me, its the perfect game..
    I can't imagine myself playing other mmogs like eq2 or wow..
    And i tried both in beta-test..
    Everquest was fun, at first.. and i was ready to quit Hz permanently for it,
    but after about 2 weeks i got so sick of it i wanted to vomit,..
    Tried wow , for about 2 days.. my first thought after a few hours was omg.. it reminds me of diablo.. and i was ready to vomit again, hehe..

    Anyway, i hope horizons will still be here in a years time, and even if it will
    never have the large player-base of evercamp or wow, or the huge cash-flow of
    the companies that run them, it's going to be a force to be reckoned with..
    Atleast if what has been promised , see the light of day..
    Isair Maelowyn [Retired]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    One should not be comparing a game with such a long past as EQ with one that has only a year, like HZ. That, and we all know HZ was released uncompleted, so it's not all that fair to compare them either.
    Personally, I will not be even looking into EQ2, mostly because after every other MMORPG I try, I end up back in HZ, anyways, and I've heard some bad things about that game, its predecessor, and its developer.
    Go ahead, little EQ2 biped, rebutt me. I'll just eat you with my large HZ Adult Dragon fangs. . . .


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  15. #15

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Raptress there is way more worse things being said about HZ than EQ2 =)

    And don't compare Devs for the love of god , AE has no room to talk in that department, and EQ1 still has 450k playing it so they must be doing something right.

    And I kill dragons in my sleep so ya don't scare me =)

    If ya don't wanna try it it's your loss, I am still having a good time in it.

  16. #16

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    Every server on eq2 is still packed, all 16+ of them, and they are talking of opening new servers and merging some folks off other too crowded ones. the noob zones are still packed and at least 3 instances ( have seen up to 6 ) and commonlands has 4 versions everynight, with a 100+ people in each one, and keep in mind there are more playing the good side than the evil side( commons is the evil side ).
    EQ2 is probably a very good game in its own right.
    But instancing the world? thats just plain stupid. Im all for instancing of dungeons but instancing the world between towns and dungeons has to be the dumbest immersion breaking idea that I ever heard of. A reason for me not to play it.
    Get the map pack here - Get the REAL ancient models here!
    Get White Teeth and Claws for your Dragon here!

    100/100 Ancient Dragon, member of the first group of 8 to ascend to ancient on Unity.
    This sig was designed for Firefox (stupid IE still can't handle png )

  17. #17

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunndar
    Oh here's some more info , info that youcan't get at lvl 9 or 10, or 1 week after playing.
    Been in beta from May till release.
    As a guild you can run quests for your guild to earn them points, with these points your guild gains prestige and access to raid zones( and good xp), you get points for running these quests some that goes towards the guilds prestige other pointsgoing to the individual that you can buy special gear with, very nice gear I might add.
    Guess who was in the first guild to achieve guildlevels...

    The more you get into the game the more there is, and it was just released, there is more content in lvls 1-20 than all 100+ in HZ.

    There is more grind in HZ than EQ2 as EQ has way more quests, which takes away from the grind.
    Hmm. Eq2: "Kill 10 orcs and return to me." Hz: "Kill 10 ogre and return to me."

    No difference. Just that in horizons you level faster. Please don't tell me that you really believe that there is any game in the world with more grind than eq2.

    And if your only comeback is SoE is better at marketing once again, over 100k have tried HZ over 80% of them left, that high % shows which one is the best.
    Argue with me all you want the numbers don't lie.
    Let's see the numbers of eq2... - aaah, SOE hides them - guess why?As I told above there are many many people leaving eq2 right now - I've never ever seen leaving so many people so fast - not even in horizons (and horizons released a unfinished product).

    So I am glad you like HZ but don't try to compare the 2, there is no question that eq2 will berunning strong this time next year, I hope HZ will be for your sakeand others like you, but they are losing 100k a month in income,so it's doubtful.
    And I don't doubt that hz will still be around next year - I doubt eq2 will be the big game next yearits name let me expect. I still play eq1 and it's a shame that eq2 throws the good name into the dirt.

    I still wait forsome arguements, Thunndar. Comparing the numbers isn't really fair as long as SOE does not provide numbers. Btw didn't you play the game you now try to make so bad for over a year and get multiple 100 levels? Hu? Something's wrong there...

    Clerical Chaos Conjurer

    Waechter der Zeit
    Beta-guild from Earth - and we are still here!

  18. #18

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    I still wait forsome arguements, Rhialto. Comparing the numbers isn't really fair as long as SOE does not provide numbers. Btw didn't you play the game you now try to make so bad for over a year and get multiple 100 levels? Hu? Something's wrong there...
    er.. Rhialto hasn't even replied to his thread here yet and you were just cutting through someone elses reply just then, so why are you referring to him?

    I agree however that comparing games upon numbers is futile and silly. The fact is different people have different tastes. I mean just because millions of teenage girls might buy britney spears cds doesn't mean you like them.. in fact you probably don't. So numbers comparisons are sooo useless.

    EQ2 is probably a very good game in its own right.
    But instancing the world? thats just plain stupid. Im all for instancing of dungeons but instancing the world between towns and dungeons has to be the dumbest immersion breaking idea that I ever heard of. A reason for me not to play it.
    I think the fact you have to pick an instance to go in and perhaps switch instances to form up with a group who invited you is not really much more immersion breaking than say zoning full stop. However you have a level of suspension of disbelief if you want to get immersed into a game and this is no different. You have to suspend your disbelief that theres no doors in HZ.. or that many of the npcs feel fairly generic and just sit there staring plus don't have voices, and this is similar.

    As for instancing being "plain stupid" I have to disagree. What would you rather have, an area full of 400 people with lots of people near you trying to kill similar mobs as you or an instance with 100 people where you can kill what you want and suffer from far less visual slowdown. Now of course HZ doesn't have as much of a problem in this area because of lower populations but that in itself has its own problems.

    The very fact large portions of the world can be instanced is the reason I'm fine with the whole zoning thing. In fact I want more of it. Some places in the game do not ever add or remove any more instances of themselves so what happens is there is overcrowding, with 3 groups in one room competing for spawns.. but thankfully I have only really seen this in two zones out of many and its far from consistently bad. It just goes to show how much these instances help.

  19. #19

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Your right. Corrected the name...
    Clerical Chaos Conjurer

    Waechter der Zeit
    Beta-guild from Earth - and we are still here!

  20. #20

    Default Re: EQ2 update from Rhialto (comparison with HZ)

    Quote Originally Posted by Krald

    As for instancing being "plain stupid" I have to disagree. What would you rather have, an area full of 400 people with lots of people near you trying to kill similar mobs as you or an instance with 100 people where you can kill what you want and suffer from far less visual slowdown. Now of course HZ doesn't have as much of a problem in this area because of lower populations but that in itself has its own problems.
    I didnt say Instancing was stupid. I said instancing of the main world is stupid.
    Dungeon instancing(the term dungeon in this case meaning "adventure area for small groups", so some outside area's too) is great for all the reasons you mentioned.

    The world is the hub between the towns and dungeons where all players should be able to meet, socialise, trade, duel or whatever.
    Deviding the main hub world in zones to decrease server load is a good idea but I feel instancing of these areas is the dumbest possible choice sony could have made.
    They have a very impressive engine that should be able to handle a single Antonica/comonlands with a few 1000 players in it.
    Instead of assigning one server to an Instance sony could have chosen to dynamicly spread server load depending on the amount of people in the zone.
    That way they could have made a bigger land (to prevent overcrowding) with more people in it.
    Get the map pack here - Get the REAL ancient models here!
    Get White Teeth and Claws for your Dragon here!

    100/100 Ancient Dragon, member of the first group of 8 to ascend to ancient on Unity.
    This sig was designed for Firefox (stupid IE still can't handle png )

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