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Thread: Lair Horde room

  1. #1

    Default Lair Horde room

    Was just browsing through the suggestions and this popped in my head when I read this

    Was thinking that dragons as dragons, collect hoard. I thought that it would look cool if instead of the hoard appearing only to the character/dragon, we could build a hoard lair chamber which would fill up the more hoard you had. Every lair could only have one hoard room. Example: The room is say...a medium to big sized room (will let the developers decide on the size) and every time you reach a certain hoar amount the room woulf fill up even more. Sorta like in the items window but bigger and in public.

    We could even introduce special hoard drops which would automatically be placed in the hoard room when looted. The RoP items could also be put on display there.

    I have no idea how much work this might need but was just suggesting...I thought it would be nice to have big gold rooms filled with gold which would make you drool because it's ingame and not real-life :P

    Thank you for reading,
    Please give feedback, would like to get opinions on if it's good or bad.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lair Horde room


    There is no way to dynamically alter the appearance of a lair chamber and there are no plans to add new ones at this time.
    Azulyte is a Dragon's best friend. Azulars on the other hand, are another matter entirely...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    There is no way to dynamically alter the appearance of a lair chamber and there are no plans to add new ones at this time.
    Even though this has been suggested a number of times before I think that the idea could be made simpler by taking out the whole "dynamic" part of it and have 3 hoard rooms that a player could build (T2 ,4 and 6) that required a large amount of hoard items for their construction (eg 50 priceless orbs and 150 bells and 75 crowns). Or even if you could not swing that then trading hoard in for "hoard tokens" that you could apply. As it is there is just so much hoard in the game at the moment that just gets thrown away on the T6 PB we some better to do with it.
    SoG? Where? :-P

    Alas gone are the days when this was easy to do.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    wow Freelancer! GREAT IDEA!!!!
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    wow Freelancer! GREAT IDEA!!!!
    Agreed! I wanna show off my bling!

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    Agreed! I wanna show off my bling!
    I second (third) this idea! It will give me something to use all the hoard I take from Xantha's lair!
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
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  7. #7
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    Jun 2010
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    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Agreed with this! : D

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    ooh that is a nice compromise (I hope its possible...)

    You could use the hoard items as LS build requirements - or as you said - to trade for the specific designs (or tokens to unlock the designs).

    There could be a dragon merchant (or use one of the ones already up) in Dralk and Chiconis that would know this "lost room schematic" for T2/4/6 of Lunus and Helian flavored Hoard chambers. To purchase the schematic (I am thinking this would work since we do it for holiday designs) you would have to have XYZ of hoard items to trade. Each tier of course going up in requirements - but stil keeping it something reasonable (i.e. don't require 400 million hoard for t6 even if its possible its still a huge pain lol) to be acheived through saving and effort of a few weeks to several months.

    Then once you had it all you could just trade it as currency for the receipie of the hoard chamber you wanted!

    And of course, the higher in tier the greater and more varied the treasure! It wouldn't have to be a larger and larger room necesarily, just more and more variable treasure pile!

    That would be awesome!
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Thanks for giving feedback everyone

    It's not a bad idea. So, I was also thinking that the higher the chamber level the more decorated it would turn out. Example: T1 hoard room could have engravings in the room or even one or two dragon statues in there (sorta like the ones in Tazoon). The higher you go the room could get more impresive like, the statues could go from stone to bronze, silver or gold. The ceiling could have hanging crystals. I thought it might look good since in almost all of dragon mythology a dragon's hoard is it's most prised posetion and therefore the chamber should have a boost. We could even have Lunus and Helian chanbers.

    I was also thinking if there could be some sort of "table" where the dragon's RoP and ARoP items are shown. Since it's impossible to change lair chambers I thought of this. The chamber could be built in three fases. First fase, the player would craft the room, but not complete it. The chamber would be all crafted and "finished" except for that part. As soon as he finished his RoP second fase gets unlocked and he continues to craft his RoP section. Once completed RoP items will be on display. The the same with ARoP.

    Might sound a bit too much I know. But just want to test out some ideas. If not now, then maybe later in the future.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Yea Ive found with the game's engines and limitations (on the engine and the dev team) its better to try and put forth the idea in as direct and simple a way as is possible in the hopes that someone might take it on.

    Something like - turning on an NPC to accept hoard as trade for coins (the same model that works on every NPC we dont use coin for - but have used tokens, candy, holiday items, etc. for currency) and then just having three tiers of rooms each one getting bigger and better (and costing more) to buy and then build like a regular lair room is probably the "closest" we can get to a shifting hoard room.

    I dont know that "phases" in the building of the lair chamber is even a possibilty as you spoke of. The only thing I can think of in game that comes close is the ability to build a lair chamber with or wihtout the machines and then "activating" the machien or not at your choice.

    So if it was along that idea - then you could have a "activation swtich" for hte player to turn on\'off themselves as far as ROP/AROP items; however, I dont know that it could be auto-tied to the completion of quests in game. Not sure the engine can do that type of tie-in.

    Which would mean that anyone at any level could "activate" those items regardless of wether they were adult or anciet. Unless you also limited the buying of the receipies to those only tagged as Adult or Ancient (much like a regular quest or abilities we have).

    But then you are starting to get complicated and the level 100 non adults or non ancients who wanted a bigger and better hoard room would get upset because they couldn't have the "more awesome" rooms since they weren't adult/ancient even though they had the hoard.

    Which would only be solved by then having 3 tiers of EACH level (3 for all dragons with no activation option, 3 tiers for adults-activation of ROP items, and then 3 tiers for Ancients only with teh activation of the ROP/AROP display).

    Which leads back to dev time and effort..LOL.

    The best way is the easiest way - which doesnt fulfill all the hopes and dreams of a "changing or growing" hoard room but still allows us to HAVE a hoard room. Much like we HAVE a library even though the books dont move and you cant alter the books or move them out or change them LOL.

    Just trying to put it in terms/mechanics that I know the game can pull off as opposed to good ideas that probaby can't happen at all.

    Maybe help nudge a dev mind to thinking about it in the right .
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Not a bad idea. I suppose it could start off this way and maybe evolve in the future.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Would this hoard chamber be easier to do if it was a "mural" instead of an actual "chamber"?

    My first venture into Istaria fanfiction: link and my other fanfics: link and artwork: link

  13. #13

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    ummm, I don't know. Although it wouldn't really be called a chamber after... :/

  14. #14

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Quote Originally Posted by flamestar View Post
    Would this hoard chamber be easier to do if it was a "mural" instead of an actual "chamber"?
    The murals are pretty picky about what dimensions you have to work with. A model - probably tricky unless I use similar visual tricks as what you see in helian's tomb (flat texture, crystal cap).
    Azulyte is a Dragon's best friend. Azulars on the other hand, are another matter entirely...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    It is probably do-able by having the lair planning window check the hoard level, and then "make place-able" the higher decorated version of the rooms. It would take alot of work on the art-side. say 3 or 4 different lair horde room shapes/sizes, and them among all those, 4 different "hoard levels" of style.

    250k hoard style (cute room with some trinkets and lights)
    5 million hoard style
    26 million hoard style
    100 million hoard style (totally blinged out, beautiful hoard room, murals on the floor and cieling, drulkar statue that breathes fire. Only would come in the largest room sizes-T5-T6).

    Why bother? Well, one, would give players a goal to shoot for. need 100 million hoard so you can build the bestest hoard room in your lair? well get to work gathering! This makes a nice, long-term to achieve goal, keeps players around (paying a sub), bipeds would love it since hoard would sell well again. Dragons would love having something impressive to build in their lairs.

    Heck, a few of these room could even require say a demon weapon or two as part of the crafting materials! The items that might appear on the wall or in the pile. So the dragon has to obtain things like a demon-staff, demon-axe, demon maul, and they get appear in the room in some way when its finished. Not sure I would require a valkor or reklar weapon since that might be a bit over-the top to get. (Or maybe have 2 choices of room to place, one that needs a demon sword, one that need the blood sword, and have some minor design variations between them).

    As long as the construction window could check the hoard level, and then allow-restrict placement of the room based on that finding, this could be done.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Awesome ideas, Guarn! Checking hoard levels or using Hoarde as coin or well whichever is easier to implement! But, the various sizes should be gated somehow. * nod nod*
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    what a bout being able to add horde piles in places in a lair room ? "dont bypids get to add small stuff like skulls and lights and coffens "cant spell it " i think it wold be kina cools if we can place a set pile of gold coins and stuff in a place in any lair room ? "just a random idea kina on the same path as this from ?
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

  18. #18

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    The problem then would be that it wouldn't really require hoard anymore...(if I understood what you're saying)

  19. #19

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellenia View Post
    what a bout being able to add horde piles in places in a lair room ? "dont bypids get to add small stuff like skulls and lights and coffens "cant spell it " i think it wold be kina cools if we can place a set pile of gold coins and stuff in a place in any lair room ? "just a random idea kina on the same path as this from ?

    I'm not a biped, but I think any "decoration" you see added to a plot is added seperately and not *in* a room. Its buildt on its own like a seperate chamber/building.

    We can't place what you are talking about within rooms because furniture isn't really possible - in any way shape or form (as has been discussed at length here over the years).

    Bipeds can add "decorations" like skulls and christmas trees as long as the plot has room for that "building dimensions" but you don't see them IN the buildings, they are all around the outside.

    Dragon lairs don't have "outside building" options, because evertyhing is wthin a chamber throughout the lair. So no, that really would not be possible if I"m understanding it all correctly.

    The only way to get any type of hoard display is to build a room/mural for that specific purpose that eerything 'pops' when its finished. It would have to be static for whatever tier room you were building.

    The only thing, I htink, we have control over as far as "more hoard equals cooler room" is that the system somehow references your hoard level as a prerequisite for building a room (either by using it as currency to buy the plans for that tier room or by using it as a prerequirsite value in building higher tiers of rooms as Guaran said). Or some variation on that theme.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Lair Horde room

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    The only way to get any type of hoard display is to build a room/mural for that specific purpose that eerything 'pops' when its finished. It would have to be static for whatever tier room you were building.

    The only thing, I htink, we have control over as far as "more hoard equals cooler room" is that the system somehow references your hoard level as a prerequisite for building a room (either by using it as currency to buy the plans for that tier room or by using it as a prerequirsite value in building higher tiers of rooms as Guaran said). Or some variation on that theme.
    My thought was that that the room had "fases" of completion. The room would be completed once "the maximum amount had been built". Sorta like when building a's not compltete but the wall changes shape and goes all crystal-like. Sorta the same thing here. One could build his room upto a certain point (say a hoard level)where the room would also require hoard to be built. The higher the tier of the room, the more hoard it requires. And every time the room is completed say...every 10% (example) the room would change form (just like the wall) and would have small piles of gold. Then for the next fase phase the room would appear with more hoard in it, and the next fase with more and maybe some murals in it. And at some point it could even require a certain epic drop (stated before) to continue building it.

    (anybody understand what I'm typing?)

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