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Thread: Minecraft

  1. #741

    Default Re: Minecraft

    theres no plugins that should effect drops and mobs for the game. i think they just have a low drop rate.

    also working on a new pluging called morematerials. will let us add new blocks and items with custom textures!!! going to remove cookbook what is in use for this one.

    this plugin will even let us add these new blocks to spawn in world naturally but the world is already generated

  2. #742

    Default Re: Minecraft

    Wow, really?!

    That's... really eerie.
    I had a dream last night (that aside from telling me no more gaming late at night) where the items in dwarf fortress was in the minecraft world. I spent most of my dream smoothing marble blocks. -_- I don't know if that makes it a lame dream or really awesome.

  3. #743

    Default Re: Minecraft

    Flying doesn't seem to work.

  4. #744

    Default Re: Minecraft

    it seems to break after world traveling. on any world to world. reloging back in same world fixes it i tried to update the plugin still no fixed it so i known about this error for a few days already

  5. #745

    Default Re: Minecraft

    I couldn't fly at login. Relogging doesn't seem to work.

  6. #746

    Default Re: Minecraft

    the author of the plugin is working on a fix. also shain i see you made a tree farm. you do remember golden axes = epicness for chopping trees. give it a try watch the base of the trunk

  7. #747

    Default Re: Minecraft

    Yup. Been using a gold axe. Wood gathering is about all I trust myself to do since I'm eternally cursed to fall into the nearest body of magma when underground without flying x.x
    Figures the minute I decide to work on a dragon roost is the day I can't work on it.

  8. #748

    Default Re: Minecraft

    just a tiny little warning. dont update to 1.2 minecraft. thats all.

    ok but for reals 1.2 and up will further change how the server runs seems like bukkit may die thanks to future updates and mojan taking a chunk of the bukit staff and there going to make there own inhouse closed source bukkit program

  9. #749

    Default Re: Minecraft

    think i got flight working again. still a bit bugy but me and drac were flying

  10. #750

    Default Re: Minecraft

    working with a new pluging
    atm the custom recipes are in rework but its all for the better! LOOK NEW BLOCKS

  11. #751

    Default Re: Minecraft

    view this page to learn info on plugin im using and get ideas on if you like me to add anything

  12. #752

    Default Re: Minecraft

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia View Post
    just a tiny little warning. dont update to 1.2 minecraft. thats all.

    ok but for reals 1.2 and up will further change how the server runs seems like bukkit may die thanks to future updates and mojan taking a chunk of the bukit staff and there going to make there own inhouse closed source bukkit program
    And as I said a while ago that's because you have so many plugins on your server and it's going to experience problems with every major update because of that. You've gotten very lucky with the fact that the frequency of Minecraft updates has dropped drastically compared to early beta. Every major update to Minecraft requires every plugin to be updated for compatability; tone down the sheer number of pugins your server has and you'll experience fewer problems.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  13. #753

    Default Re: Minecraft

    have you been following the bukkit boards every plugin is breaking? mojong swiped 4 lead bukkit devs. bukkit is going to die...and yes this is straight from bukkit official news soooo how does that have to with me running to many plugins? i got 2.4 gigs of ram that has at most 3 poeple on at a time. its not my fault that the new 1.2 and plus will have all new API which will make all plugins broken unless the authors update them to the new api and even then most on the bukkit boards say 3-4 months tops bukkit will be gone

    Just look at this this least and this is only for the common plugins

    im slowly moving from bukkit to more things on spout
    Last edited by Blue Hasia; March 4th, 2012 at 06:50 AM.

  14. #754

    Default Re: Minecraft

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia View Post
    have you been following the bukkit boards every plugin is breaking? mojong swiped 4 lead bukkit devs. bukkit is going to die...and yes this is straight from bukkit official news soooo how does that have to with me running to many plugins?
    Dang that Mojang for giving people jobs *shakes fist at them* terrible company is terrible. Seriously though I don't see how Mojang grabbing the Bukkit devs is a bad thing, to me it seems like Mojang would like those devs to work on an official server program for Minecraft that's much better than the current one (perhaps even the mod API). To me the 'death of bukkit' will inevitably result in the birth of a server host that has much more intimate access to Minecraft's source (and as a result should run better).

    The fact that your server experiences problems when there's a major update is what it has to do with you running so many plugins.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia View Post
    i got 2.4 gigs of ram that has at most 3 poeple on at a time.
    How much RAM you have is completely irrelevant to the fact that mods and plugins almost always break when the game is updated, and this is not something that just Minecraft experiences (2.4 gigs is a very strange amount of RAM, btw).

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia View Post
    its not my fault that the new 1.2 and plus will have all new API which will make all plugins broken unless the authors update them to the new api and even then most on the bukkit boards say 3-4 months tops bukkit will be gone
    But it is your fault that you have so many plugins despite the fact that they often break come a Minecraft update (thus you can't really complain when they do break as you made the decision to use them). Also I don't think you entirely understand what an "all new API" would entail, exactly, and that there's hardly an "all new API" developed for each update. :P
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  15. #755

    Default Re: Minecraft

    "The fact that your server experiences problems when there's a major update is what it has to do with you running so many plugins."

    my server has a problem? its running just fine. the previous incident had to do with a error with the new year with my hoster. it had a freak out when the new year clicked over and timed events were beings corrupted in the scheduled task manager offered by the hosting company. so nothing to with the bukkit or the plugins.

  16. #756

    Default Re: Minecraft

    two more blocks bambo block and hay bale

  17. #757

    Default Re: Minecraft

    so my oldest son plays this, been bugging me for months to try it. My two younger ones, ages 6 and 4 now also play it (in creative at the moment, esp the 4 year old) and now I've gotten hooked on it.

    My question is, is there a mod for a markable map? LIke istaria has? I keep getting lost and can't find my way back home. My son showed me about the f3 option.. but seriously I'd like to have a small window open with my map to visually see where I am at all times.. dont know how many times I've died due to falling into a large hole cuz the "holding the map in my hands" was blocking my view

    Chaos - Kinrath - Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper,
    Ashlind - hatchling, Corinnia - training biped
    Sparkled Sunbeam - hatchling

  18. #758

    Default Re: Minecraft

    if your playing in single player mode check this out

    it does not let you mark the map but it is helpfull

    if your playing on a server thats hosted by you then check this out

  19. #759

    Default Re: Minecraft

    Oh kewl.. thanx Blue.. now to follow the directions to install it
    Chaos - Kinrath - Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper,
    Ashlind - hatchling, Corinnia - training biped
    Sparkled Sunbeam - hatchling

  20. #760

    Default Re: Minecraft

    Is there a guide somewhere that shows how to mark territory on the map? I should probably mark mine sooner rather than later as I have small pockets spread out all over and I've noticed at least three new players on this week.

    Is there also a good place that outlines modifications to your avatar or a downloadable dragon template?

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