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Thread: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

  1. #21

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    I think you have perfectly the right to use some of your time in game for your own characters, and haven't to be always helping other players. Like in a 50/50 thing, you have times when you want to do your own things, and some times when you are free and not busy, to help those who ask for it

  2. #22

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    A 30-day requirement isn't out of line. Flying is a major part of the game so requiring someone to subscribe for it is not an unreasonable request/suggestion.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  3. #23

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Mimir, just say no. =) It may not feel like a great choice, but it honestly is just fine. You play the game as you would like to and enjoy it, they'll play the game as they like to and they'll enjoy it or not. It is NOT up to you to keep players here by your charity.

    Anyway, your time is not free. It should cost them money or something in order to craft scales for them. Ask them for one set of components that you need for your own scales in exchange next time.

    I really wish Istaria had a reason to craft for others other than "I can make that! Here, have it! No cost at all!" Depends on the game I guess. I do see istaria crafting more of a "Do it for yourself" kinda affair. =(

  4. #24

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    In a small community like Istaria's, I think it is still nice to help, sometimes, gathering resources, components, making scales and weapons,... for new/lower levelled players, as long as the said players aren't always sitting here and waiting while the ones who help do everything for free. Crafting to lvl 100 is long for example, and it is nice sometimes to do friendly gifts. Same goes for RoP/ARoP and adventure quest and hunts.

  5. #25

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    After doing the helian RoP just a week ago, was neat. as they moved the 3 main end bosses, not stating exactly where. was actualy exciting. I got to kinda feel like a newb again as I had to search for Lem, Kaa, and Selina. Only problem is seems they were too easy to kill. course I leveled Ramythis up to level 60/60 so I suppose it would be easier then LOL!
    I personaly get more bored playing WoW, and EQ then Istaria. the crafting system may be a bit grindy, but I can`t think of any other MMO where you can make a kick tail set of armor, and make it just about any color.

  6. #26

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    In a small community like Istaria's, I think it is still nice to help, sometimes, gathering resources, components, making scales and weapons,... for new/lower levelled players, as long as the said players aren't always sitting here and waiting while the ones who help do everything for free. Crafting to lvl 100 is long for example, and it is nice sometimes to do friendly gifts. Same goes for RoP/ARoP and adventure quest and hunts.
    I agree with what you said for the most part. My main issue is why should I invest my time and energy helping someone who is only here for the free trial? It seems to me that these players only want to get as much and as high as they can before their time runs out? And then to add insult to injury run off to the next free game trial.

    I did see that WoW has a free to level 20 trial running currently. I have never played WoW but getting to level 20 probably would not require top end of game gear.

    That is the difference I see with these 14 day wonders.. get as much and as uber gear as they can before their time runs out, and poof they are gone.

    I personally think that a 30 - 60 day requirement to get flight might be just what is needed to slow this mad dash for all they can get as fast as they can get it... before their time runs out.

  7. #27

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    agreed Mimir!!

    (And just for information:
    Flame and me will make NO scales or spells anymore,
    if craft level is not approppriate-means if we have to gather resources to make the scales/spells.
    I say it again: Those we supported with all that are gone.
    Those who only needed advise or little help here and there- are still with us.
    And sometimes do a better craft job than I could ( to ScaleMaster).
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  8. #28

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Anyone who doesnt believe how bad this whole RoP/14 day trial situation has become, and how close it is to totally turning off/away any sensible new players..................I beg you, just spend a day or so just sat quietly in NT, preferably as an adult or ancient dragon, on Chaos.

    Every day, all that happenes there constantly and without a break, is lvl 1 hatchies - yes, they dont even bother with the quests on Skalkaar as that is "Boooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" - running up the hill from the gate (ignoring the quest caves down there, of course), and the minute they hit NT town, the begging starts. No actually, begging is the wrong word - they start DEMANDING that any adult/ancient/biped who is there, immediately start to "help them lvl" "take me to the spooky spiders and powerlvl me NOW" "lvl my craft for me NOW" "YOU LAZY BIG DRAGONS I NEED HELP COS I WANNA FLLLLLLLLYYYYYY NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! AND WHAT ELSE DO YOU DO ANYWAY YOU ARE LAZY!!!" The insults you get when you wont help, is just amazing - their mothers need a bar of soap, stat.

    And that is how it is now, for the duration of each one's 14 day trial. All they are interested in, is flying. They dont quest, they dont get their abilities, all they want is to be taken to NB and powerlvlled to 30 asap, and to have an adult/biped to feed them endless sandstone to get them to lvl 20 (yes, 20) craft. Then, once they hit that, they endlessly beg in NT for someone to do their RoP for them (they arent interested in doing any of it themselves, of course). Then, once they day at most is spent showing off and bragging to the hatchies still in NT then they are gone, poof, 14 days are up.

    Then, a day later, they bounce back up the hil into NT as a fresh hatchie, and the 14 day horror begins anew......

    It sounds like Ive made all this up, or egaggerated, but please - go to NT on Chaos, spend a quiet day or so just will see for yourself. Dont get me wrong, very occasionally there will be one or two hatchies that actually are interested in carrying on as a dragon and subbing, but the vast majority just keep doing the 14 day trial, over and over............oh, and dont even get me started on the ones who just scream constantly "I WANT A MATE!!" "WHO IS A BOY/GIRL DRAGON HERE?? I NEED A MATE!!!" "ANYONE WANT TO CYBOR??"............. Yup, thats pretty much a constant too.

    Imagine how all this looks, to any player, dragon or biped, who comes up that hill into NT for the very first tim e, who might actually be interested in playing and PAYING for this game, sees that, and turns tail.....

    Sorry for the rant, but Ive played for so many years, and all I see is my beloved home being destroyed by immature squatters This is not the game Ive loved for so long, anymore - and I dont mean good progression here.

    PLEASE put in a 30 day/need to pay a sub requirement to do the RoP........PLEASE. The real players who are actually interested in, and want to STAY and play, wont mind.
    Last edited by Tamianth; March 13th, 2012 at 02:32 PM.

  9. #29

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    It is only up to you if you want, or not, to help players doing their 14 days trial. If ones wants to help these players, I think it is better not to spend too much time doing something when we don't know if the player will stay after the trial. I personally don't craft items for these players, nor do I give them coins, even if I still help them for killing undeads, by giving informations,... I wouldn't like to spend hours crafting items and gathering resources and other things to see the new player poof and all time and effort wasted for nothing. Once, I even met one who wanted just to level, do RoP and ascend before the trial's end, then leave the game definitely not worth the effort such goal would have required. I'd second the idea of not being able to start RoP nor ascend before the 15+ first days.

    It is sad to hear this happens in Chaos, Tamianth... what I personally do in the case of lvl1 rushing into NT and rawring "powerlvl me-craft for me now-..." is:
    - Informing them about Skalkaar and NT dragon trainers
    - If they insist, saying no
    - If they continue, ignore button.

    About those who rawr about boys, girls, mates, I try once to reason them, if they don't listen, ignore them.
    Last edited by LungTien Temeraire; March 13th, 2012 at 02:33 PM.

  10. #30

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    My first question to a hatchling who asks for help is "Are you on the 14-day trial, or have you subscribed?" If they're on trial, I'll happily give advice on where they should be training, where they can find their trainers, or, even where they can find this, that or the other thing. Those that have subscribed (or, are convincing that they *will* subscribe) will get much more help, although, even here I'll suggest that they get involved in Dragon channel; when the community gets to know a hatchling, and to see that they're willing to work for themselves, the hatchling is much more likely to get own experience is a perfect example).

    I'd love to see a 30-day requirement (or, even, RoP not being possible *unless* you're a subscriber), even if it's just from a RP point-of-view: ascending to Adult *should* be something the hatchling has *earned*, rather than something that's pretty much automatic.
    Cogito, ergo sum Draconem.

  11. #31

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    A 30 day requirement has been added to the quest "Becoming An Adult Dragon: Choose Your Path" with the next update.

  12. #32

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Thank you!!!

  13. #33

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    WOW!! absolutely fantastic. Thank you.

    We can all come out from hiding and start to build the community again.

  14. #34

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    yes thy much:-)
    As I always say: Devs are listening

    Tamianth- I can acknowlege what you say to 100 %.
    I experience exactly what you describe if I`m on Chaos- and- New Tris is not enough:
    I get spammed with such tells.
    This is why I started that thread.

    Its not that we do not have similar on Order- it might be a bit more subtile-but its there.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  15. #35

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    *takes a deep bow to the devs* thank you so much! I've been silently stalking this thread and pretty much agree the the trial-dashers are some of the most annoying players in the community (if you can even call them a part of the community)

    thank you so much for adding this

  16. #36

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamianth View Post
    Every day, all that happenes there constantly and without a break, is lvl 1 hatchies - yes, they dont even bother with the quests on Skalkaar as that is "Boooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiing"
    Sometimes i wish there was a way where people were required to do the "learn the Game basics" quests prior to leaving the starters islands, to ensure that all players at least know the basics. The downside is why should a established player be forced to do it all again because of a "few" who refuse to do it.

    Maybe the 30 day which has been added, will assist in reducing the amount of players that just refuse to do the introductions to the game and bring NT back to a town that no longer is required to be avoided.

  17. #37

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Quote Originally Posted by Velea View Post
    A 30 day requirement has been added to the quest "Becoming An Adult Dragon: Choose Your Path" with the next update.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    Supermod, can I quote you on this at almost all threads?

    But lets be clear. I haven't posted in a RoP thread before.. And I'm a supporter of the current RoP, the requirements, and the difficulty. So now that I ahve decided to give my input after actually doing the RoP (unlike most the of the vocal contributers in prior threads, that only post about how it use to be) I have posted a kind, truthful, well thought out reply to lovs thread that started good.

    I'm not trying to take away from it
    Make it more difficult
    Make it longer
    More or less Solo-able

    I am a supporter of what the devs have done here. They have done a great job.

    So quote away sigi
    Last edited by Finkledbody; March 13th, 2012 at 04:22 PM.

    Just a little drunk dwarven bi-ped wreaking havoc in chaos.

  18. #38
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Quote Originally Posted by Finkledbody View Post
    So quote away sigi

    Thanks Finkled

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  19. #39

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Quote Originally Posted by Velea View Post
    A 30 day requirement has been added to the quest "Becoming An Adult Dragon: Choose Your Path" with the next update.
    Thank you, it was much needed.
    Northwind * Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper * 100/100/100
    Northpole * Spoiled biped * 100 BTLM, 100 CLRC, 100 RVR, 100 RNGR, 100 MAGE, 100 WIZ, 100 SORC, 100 CONJ, 100 SPRT, 100 DRU, 100 HLR, 100 GRDN, 100 MON, 60 WAR, 44 BRSK/SPRM, 40 CHSW * 100 BLK, 100 OUT, 100 JWL, 100 ARM, 100 WPN, 100 FLE, 100 FIT, 100 MSN, 100 SCH, 87 SPL, 85 GTH, 85 MIN

  20. #40

    Default Re: what I see is (RoP/ARoP)

    Wow, i must say i am stunned. Thank you Devs.

    Perhaps this will get some hatchies to ... cool their scales off. and get involved with the community more, and STAY. Least for 30 days

    Thank you again!

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