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Thread: Radical idea!

  1. #1

    Default Radical idea!

    Merge Chaos and Order.
    More people the better.
    We're all in the same place.
    We can have an economy again!!!!

    People with specific plots and don't want to move would be really mad.
    RP vs non RP channels (see later in post)
    -not sure what else.

    RP vs non RP:
    I don't see this being to much of an issue as we already know how to deal with it on Order.
    Make a specific RP channel. Happens for Dragon, some guilds, and many other chat channels.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Radical idea!

    no, just no.

    mainly because I do not see this happening at all, secondly one of your pros is wrong, there will NOT suddenly be an economy when the playerbase merges, there is no economy because of how the gameplay works. (atleast, to me)

    just my thoughts.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Radical idea!

    As much as I would love to see Order's population expand, I also have to give a firm no to this idea.

    True, we know how to 'deal' with non-RPers, but that doesn't mean it's a pleasant thing to have to sort through them all the time, and I think there would be far more skirmishes between the casuals and the hardcore RPers if the two were to merge. Not everyone likes to RP in channels, in fact it's a lot more fun to take it outside into the world some times, and gives the RP an even better sense of realism. I think the addition of multiple non-RPers chit-chatting in a public area like NT when RPers want to gather there for storytelling would make things extremely difficult and frustrating, and that's only one example.

    Oh, and I'd like to keep my current lair, thanks.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Radical idea!

    Id have to say No on this as well, i men it would be cool to have a big community. but A. i don't think the servers could handle it. and B. i like order and chaos how they are. Orders small population is great, Chaos is growing more and more everyday.

    and also i think we can agree. Rpers would get very frustrated, some people on chaos don't want anything to do with rp. and vice versa. some people on order don't want anything to do non rp.

    I like how they are, order really isn't that much different, there are times when lots are online. Just the peak online times are more pronounced/noticed then those on chaos.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Radical idea!

    a NO from here too.

    It would be the end of the uniqueness of each shard.
    I always feel like in another game, if I change shards.
    Blight included.
    This is the reason, why I think that the (wonderful and nice) people would
    not be that happy together.
    If we had to- np-
    but as its not a must- lets keep the charmes of the different worlds.

    Btw:I would feel sick without one special plot I have-
    the other plots and lairs we own- we could rebuild anywhere.

    But Cooo:
    I see more cons than you do
    which does not mean that I have to support this idea
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Radical idea!

    My opinion is no because people would like to keep their lairs and plot, because it is better to have a specific shard dedicated to RP in channels and in local channel while still open to non-RPers.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Radical idea!

    Closing this thread before it turns into something none of us want to have to read.

    No server merging is in the plans at this time.

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