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Thread: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

  1. #21

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    I also believe that the larger plots are underpriced, while the silver barrier to plot ownership is too high, unless you are in a guild who has a plot. Make the smaller plots easier to obtain and more affordable, to encourage players to own plots and therefore contribute to this great game financially. The large plots are very much in demand, and in demand means the price can go up, and that there should be more of them.
    When I was looking into getting a plot (i was very excited) when I saw one that I liked that was a good size (i think it was a 56x86 or someat) It was WAY out of my price range. I could have gone for a guild plot, but they didn't have the resources nearby and I didn't know about using vault space to getting mats to your buildsite. I wound up having to borrow the 1.2ish gold to buy the land and start building, which was why I subbed in the first place. I would have been very unhappy if it was harder to make friends and I was forced to generate the coin myself to purchase that plot.
    Now the really big plots are awesome. I can totally see myself moving into one that was desirably placed, and I don't mind earning it now that I have a little someplace to call home. But I think many of the existing big plots that are currently owned are way undervalued. just my 2 copper...

  2. #22

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Lots of good discussion in this thread. I saw this question go up but I didn't respond earlier because I couldn't decide what to say. (Collective GASP at the resident Wall Of Text Purveyor being at a loss for words.) Having had awhile to mull it over:

    Steelclaw, thank you for enlightening us on the current system of plot pricing! Absolutely fascinating, not to mention entertaining.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Regardless of the reason behind deciding not to own a plot (there was a discussion on this... somewhere)
    Here it was!

    Given both how unpopular smaller plots are at current prices and coming around to the idea that "a big one-time purchase is a pretty lame money-sink", I think repricing a lot of the more unpopular plots massively downwards might do something to get more people buying them. I don't know whether it'd be only a small uptick in ownership or a significant one-- I suspect it'd be more on the modest side because just because a plot's coin-cheaper doesn't mean the other reasons people haven't been buying it have been fixed. I do think it might make smaller properties more newbie-friendly, though, since it'd tear down (what I am guessing is) one of the biggest barriers to new players getting into plots: getting the dang thing in the first place.

    I am ambivalent on how repricing some of the pricier owned plots would affect owners though. I'm not fond of the thought that someone who plunked down 20 gold on their plot would overnight be staring at a plot they could resell to the neighborhood for 4 gold, because ow ow ow 16 gold is not a trivial sum for any but maybe the top ten richest players. I'm just as disproportionately loss-adverse as the next human being. However I'm not sure if that hypothetical 16 gold is any more real and worth considering than the hypothetical 16 gold I could have if I started adventuring in the Eastern Deadlands ten hours a day for a few weeks. This hypothetical money would only be "lost" in the event of the holder selling their plot back to the neighborhood. When does this tend to come up? 1. When the player is quitting, or 2. when the player wishes to move to a new plot. In the event of 1. I don't know why you'd need to hoard another 16 gold if you're leaving, which implies not coming back. In the event of 2, I could see wanting the money to help fund your new home's purchase, but we're discussing a situation where ALL plots just got cheaper, so the hypothetical 16g probably won't be the deciding factor in whether you can afford your new home. That leaves a couple niche reasons to want the money: because you're only temp-quitting (I have sympathy for that and think you shouldn't have your gold supply nuked for it); because you want that money to spend on whateverwhozits like the Formulatron (which I do NOT have much sympathy for because then everyone else who wasn't in the expensive housing market isn't getting a massive windfall out of this, and the people benefiting from this most would probably be Ye Old Veterans who already have umpteen million advantages over the newer people).

    So, hrm. I'm torn. Akiron's legacy flag idea is a pretty good solution, or a run-once "[old price of plot] - [new price] = [deposited straight into plot owner's money". (For the record my holdings' resale-to-neighborhood value would add about 60% to my current raw coin. Depending on how hypothetical repricing could shake out, I might lose a relatively large chunk of gold I used to have.)

    We don't need an in-game tax on our plots because we're already paying out-of-game for them. I'm glad the devs would never be silly enough to suggest such a thing. (Yes I remember hoard decay. It might as well have been named fun decay for how much everyone enjoyed it.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daulnay View Post
    It's pretty clear that people trade up to larger plots as soon as they can, unless there's something special about the plot. It's also clear that there aren't many small plots that otherwise offer something special.
    I think Daulnay's pretty much nailed the plot-buying experience as it is now. From my own experiences: a plot being tiny is a huge handicap on its attractiveness because they're never cheap enough that you can't find another plot that's bigger and has nearly everything else the same if not better.

    I don't know how feasible the idea of only repricing unowned plots is, because what counts as unowned? Order and Chaos have many similar and overlapping ownership patterns, but Order just has fewer plots total since we're smaller-- and what about plots that have been popular over time but aren't owned at the moment on any shard? Seems a smidgen fraught to me.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    I am probably one of those players that will be losing well over 20G with this repricing.

    Honestly this doesn't faze me in the least bit. I think I paid 4x the lot value for one of my current homes because I purchased it from another player. If I want my money back, more than likely I will auction the plot (where I could easily get my gold back) or give it away to a friend.

    High Value plots and lairs are often handed down player to player- usually based on trust that the player would upkeep said plot, negating any reason to worry about whatever price the community value is, save for Blight.

    I would LOVE to see everything go down a notch. This would make plots across the board more accessible to newer players. Anything that gets more players living on the land and developing housing is all good in my book. In my entirely biased opinion, land should be dirt cheap as it is far more expensive in time to develop it.

    Currently pricing for newer players is easily circumvented as there are some very nice sized plots and lairs in guild lands -all for 1s each for those just wanting a home but can't afford one. This is a good incentive for new players to join a guild.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Western North America, near a fault and far from volcanoes.

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Yes, you can get a plot very cheaply if you join a guild. But looked from the other side, why should you have to join a guild in order to be able to buy a plot? The guild plots are not very near the content in the game, either. I'd much rather pay 90s for a plot in Kion than 1s for a plot way out no-where that is larger.

    Thorncloud - Order
    Tamlis Askereth - Order

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    No taxes please. I am playing about 1 day a year but still stay subbed with 2 subs (sometimes 3) because of my undying love for Istaria. I could not support my property if I had to constantly pay taxes.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    There are no plans to add taxes as part of the game for plots.

    The current planned price-range for plots is between 200 silver and 2.5 gold. As Thicklesip said, the largest barrier to plot ownership for newer players is the initial cost. Some of you may think that everyone has tons of gold, but that is not the case (and we have the data to back that up). We're pricing plots into a range in which the majority of players in the game have at least a chance of buying.

    In addition, plots will be priced according to Tier and Area so the closer to the higher tier resources you are and the larger your plot, the more it will cost. And vice versa. The cheapest plots will be the smaller (40x40, 40x50, etc) plots in Tier1 areas.

    As part of the next update we are revisiting some Tier4 and Tier5 communities and doing plot consolidation so that we can enlarge them. Harro, Morning Light, and so forth.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  7. #27

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    price of plots give people something to work for..and also the incentive to stay in game longer, i only have one objection to the plot reclaim in the fact that guild houses are not removed and placed into storage with the exception of the preplanned main guild houses. because just like before when people bought plots just to decon and get the comps resouirces and items stored on the main commuity plots is unfair to the person who leaves the game for a while if their lives get too busy or they are ill and or lose their jobs etc.. I hate the fact that for some reason the guild houses are not reclaimed and left to be ravaged and stripped by the greedy and lazy people in game..who just make coin from selling the resourses and items then deconning the houses then selling back the empty plots. I can understand the master plot guild house main one staying because its preplanned but not all of the guild me its unfair to the players who built and stored their items on them.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Thicklesip View Post
    1. When the player is quitting, or 2. when the player wishes to move to a new plot. In the event of 1. I don't know why you'd need to hoard another 16 gold if you're leaving,which implies not coming back.
    What you just said here is, "Players only quit and never come back!" - Which we all know is not true.

    Many people quit temporarily for another game, finacial reasons, job changes, moving in real life, internets down, bills, bills, bills...

    I have seen so many quit, to be back 1 month later..

    People rarely quit games and say "Well that its!!!"

    So if I happened to be in one of those positions and left around the time when this repricing potentially happens, lets just say I couldnt' pay my internet bill, come back my plots been reclaimed and I was reimbursed half my original plot price?!

    What's going through my head when I get back? I expected to come back to 10g, and I only see 5g. "WTF?!"
    This will lead me to not resubing, and hold onto the "hate" like I did the last time, that took me 5 years to get over and manage my way back to the game. And I know I'm not the only one :p

    This repricing really does need to be done carefully and so fair, the only good suggestion is Akrions

    I would definitely suggest consideration for some form of 'legacy' flag on the plot which would allow the owner to resell their plot for what it was originally worth pre-revamp (after which it'll take on its new revamped price). While losing 1g from a slight drop in a plot's cost would be annoying, losing over 20g from the Brandon's Shelf plots would touch just a bit past annoying I think.

    Just a little drunk dwarven bi-ped wreaking havoc in chaos.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Thicklesip View Post
    That leaves a couple niche reasons to want the money:
    Oh jeez. I forgot to say one last thing :P hehe

    Me personally, getting this coin back would lead to a couple things.

    Paying for a 3rd plot sub and getting another plot.
    Paying for a 4th plot sub and getting another plot.
    Paying out t1/t2 construction work to the newbs like I ALWAYS do.
    And giving coin to fellow guild members that are new, and would like to purchase a plot.

    Just a little drunk dwarven bi-ped wreaking havoc in chaos.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Daulnay View Post
    ...Ideally, if the plots were properly priced, we'd have people occupying a mix of all the different plots. Instead, the population is concentrated in the larger plots.

    I do not understand why the larger plots need repricing down at all -- there's clearly demand for them. It is only the smaller plots that are overpriced in the current situation. The largest plots are, if anything, under-priced. Note that I am assuming there is actually a population of players other than myself that do not own a plot. At the least, new players don't own plots, and if we can encourage people who try Istaria to stay and settle by making it easier for them to buy and build on a small plot, we should!

    I think any repricing method should leave the bulk of currently owned plots at their current price. It should concentrate on making the unwanted types of plots more attractive, especially the smallest ones near lower-level newb towns. In addition, the devs should consider moving some resource spawns nearer to existing small plots, especially at the lower tiers, in order to make the plots more desirable...
    Excellent points.

    Repricing should take several factors into account.
    3 tiers: 1/10 1 10 these are the desirability modifiers for each attribute
    Attributes: Size, Location within area, Area, calculated (size + Location)*Area

    the middle is left at 1, and this can be the base pricing decided for each area. Obviously plots on Genevia can't be priced comparably to plots outside Aughundell (Areas). So a base price of say 100s can apply to Genevia, and say 5G for Aughundell. This is the "1" value for each area.

    Example of application:
    small plot (1/10), far away from town/porters (1/10) on Genevia. The plot should be priced at 2/10 the base plot valuation for the Area Genevia which is 100s, or 20s for this plot. Not a bank breaker even for a new toon. They can get right in and start building.

    Second Genevia Example:
    big plot 10, right in the middle of town 10, Genevia. This would be the most desirable plot in the whole area. Plot cost 400s.

    First aug example: Big plot 10, right down from the teleporter by aug 10, area Aughundell. This would be a 100G plot. (omg omg too much)

    As Daulnay observed, the most desired plots are owned. Players will come up with the money.

    Second aug example: average size plot 1, edge of town, kinda far from teleporter 1, Aughundell. 10G (1+1)x5G

    There would have to be a subjective value manually chosen for the base value for each area. The "location within area" is also subjective, but you only have to dump it in one of three buckets: less than desireable (1/10), average (1), or highly-desired (10).

    For most owned plots in desired areas, this would actually increase their value. A few out of the way plots would lose value. This is how real-estate works, and trying to keep everyone happy with the re-pricing isn't likely possible. As far as players who had plots reposessed long ago, they got back what they paid, I don't see any harm there.

    Result: lots of cheap plots, but the good ones will be priced high, as well they should.

  11. #31

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    I agree with Lilly and Guaran,

    still do not agree with Finklebody and Akrion
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  12. #32

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    I agree with Lilly and Guaran,

    still do not agree with Finklebody and Akrion
    Not sure why you're so against not screwing over people who puchased a plot before the change. I recall you citing it would be just like real life; well I'm sorry but I'm not sure how many players would like to experience the real life issues of losing all their money in their house in a game.

    Any American players here affected by the housing market crash? If so, would any of you like to experience an emulation of that in Istaria? Sounds like great fun to me!
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  13. #33

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Not sure why you're so against not screwing over people who puchased a plot before the change. I recall you citing it would be just like real life; well I'm sorry but I'm not sure how many players would like to experience the real life issues of losing all their money in their house in a game.

    Any American players here affected by the housing market crash? If so, would any of you like to experience an emulation of that in Istaria? Sounds like great fun to me!
    And just how often do you move in Istaria that this is such a great issue?

    I've NEVER moved from a personal plot in my entire game life. I think I've moved twice but that was due to guild land being moved around a few times and even then, it's not like the loss was terrible. If you're moving around that often, you will lose out on a lot of coin anyways because of the tax.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    And just how often do you move in Istaria that this is such a great issue?

    I've NEVER moved from a personal plot in my entire game life. I think I've moved twice but that was due to guild land being moved around a few times and even then, it's not like the loss was terrible. If you're moving around that often, you will lose out on a lot of coin anyways because of the tax.
    Have you not seen the 24G+ prices on the Brandon's Shelf plots? They're not even the biggest plots in Istaria (100x100 being the largest) and the one that I had for a period of time was going for 24G (from the community, not a player) and it was the furthest plot from the portal. Everything about those plots tell me they'd drop to around 3 or 4G if revamped(since I've seen larger plots elsewhere going for ~4-6G). Moving once post-change if you bought the plot pre-change would be a very significiant amount of money.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  15. #35

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    If some coin reimbursement was completed then I suggest the following is taken into account (I find it unlikely it will be actioned but you never know)

    1. Disallow all players who have purchased the plot prior to the the original plot repricing (when cost was adjusted related to distance to a portal/pad).

    2. Only count players who have bought the plot and still own the same plot at this point in time and have had a concurrent active plot holder sub during the whole period that qualifies for the plot.

    3. Any coin reimbursement should only be for the plot purchase price, not for construction work paid for in time/money on the plot.

    As parallels are being drawn against RL; Equity can go down as well as up.
    Chaos Shard
    Scarlet Dawn

  16. #36

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Setting a 1 time flag for every currently owned plot should be more than enough. Everybody's plot would sell for what they sell for now meaning there would be no gain or loss in money.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  17. #37

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Plot Repricing

    Thank you for the feedback. Closing the thread now, as we've heard enough.

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