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Thread: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

  1. #1

    Default The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Soo. Having been playing for while, I finally decided I was going to finish the bitter pickle bottle collection I started 6 years ago!! This seemed like such a great idea! Spent the last 2 days collecting every last bottle cap, getting them all made up into their respective groups and everything.. Felt REALLY good having finally got it all done!! I couldn't believe it! yaya!

    So I head on over to joggler in Aug to turn em in thinking, "W00t 2 longs days of hunting will be well spent!! I KNOW I'm ganna get something good from this!!"

    5000 xp in adv.
    5000 xp in craft.
    3 silver and he took my bottle cap collection!?!?!?!?!

    Are you (many curse words later) serious?

    Can I get my bottle cap collection back? Had I ANY Idea I was going to get that BS for a reward, I would have happily placed that collection in my vault as a trophy, that would have been a reward!! NOT taking my whole collectiong for FREAKING 3 silver.. ARRRGHHH!!! I want my bottle collection back. lol.

    The worst... WORST part of all of this is.. This IS the VERY reason why I dont' do any of the quests in this game.. Sure they are fun to do, they really are. but the rewards makes me want to quit cause they ARE NOT worth my time.. At all, not even a little bit...

    If this seems ranty, well perhaps it is a bit. However, I'm not another toon talkinng aboutthe lack of quests or how they aren't long enough or how they are al the same.. Because I dont' agree with any of that!!

    What I agree with is. **THE REWARDS ARE WORTHLESSSS!!!**
    "Wheres the cancel subscription page again?" - thats what I'm thinking.
    But no, I love this game and I wont be quitting....

    PLEASE just give me back my bottle cap collection. Thats all I want.

    ***Also note: I didn't send in a ticket about this, cause I believe everyone should know about this quest...

    So whats my suggestion after all that
    Change the quest reward!
    Last edited by Finkledbody; August 2nd, 2012 at 06:21 PM.

    Just a little drunk dwarven bi-ped wreaking havoc in chaos.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Quote Originally Posted by Finkledbody View Post
    What I agree with is. **THE REWARDS ARE WORTHLESSSS!!!**
    "Wheres the cancel subscription page again?" - thats what I'm thinking.

    Full agreement on this for you!!!!

    PLEASE just give me back my bottle cap collection. Thats all I want.

    ***Also note: I didn't send in a ticket about this, cause I believe everyone should know about this quest...

    Not a waste of time!!!!

    So whats my suggestion after all that
    Change the quest reward!
    Problem with your post is that you don't ever think things through. Yeah the reward for making the collection is low but the collection is required for an epic spell. I completely disagree with you about getting the collection back. Do some research and figure out what happens in the quest and later on.

    Oh yeah, heehee (almost forgot the sign off)

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    It is more about dragons who would rather want to hoard the collection than get the quest's reward, far less rewarding.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    HA @ Fink. Sorry mate, but that made me laugh a lot!
    If you had bothered to ask, I could have happily told you to not bother handing it in.

    As Hoberton said, and regarding Lung's point as well, it's used for the Shinning Blades quest first and foremost, but is also worth a hunk of hoard (although, you could get much more hoard much faster via other methods).

    As with all quests, it's always about the reward apparently... but did you like the lore at all? The Shinning Blades quest is quite fun, which you may have already completed.

    As a T5 quest, almost no amount of exp is worth it, given there are much faster ways to level. More money? Again, much easier ways to earn coin. I just don't understand what you were expecting... 200K exp to craft and adventure? Given it's a repeatable quest, that could get abused... but if it were a one-time-only quest, you do it, and then *poof*, it's gone. Which would only be more content that someone has worked long and hard on, and we've churned through it in much less time than it took to implement. (HA, that turned into a mini-rant as well).

    I've never played Everquest, but having seen a friend do so, she had to turn off quest experience cause she was levelling too fast... I don't want to see anything like that happen here Though I don't think we are in any danger of that happening anytime soon

    Admittedly, the reward could be a little more interesting, but if we start getting more emblems or one-time-only techs, we get back into the discussion of not enough stack space... I'm sure it's a very delicate balancing act, that is simply impossible to balance with everyone's different opinions.
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoberton View Post
    Problem with your post is that you don't ever think things through. Yeah the reward for making the collection is low but the collection is required for an epic spell. I completely disagree with you about getting the collection back. Do some research and figure out what happens in the quest and later on.

    Oh yeah, heehee (almost forgot the sign off)
    hahaha. Not really, how much research can be done on quests? Think about it, not everyone wants to go to a manual and get help.. Thats for people that want it all handed to them.. Not me

    Just a little drunk dwarven bi-ped wreaking havoc in chaos.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Quote Originally Posted by hallucin8 View Post
    HA @ Fink. Sorry mate, but that made me laugh a lot!
    If you had bothered to ask, I could have happily told you to not bother handing it in.

    As Hoberton said, and regarding Lung's point as well, it's used for the Shinning Blades quest first and foremost, but is also worth a hunk of hoard (although, you could get much more hoard much faster via other methods).

    As with all quests, it's always about the reward apparently... but did you like the lore at all? The Shinning Blades quest is quite fun, which you may have already completed.

    As a T5 quest, almost no amount of exp is worth it, given there are much faster ways to level. More money? Again, much easier ways to earn coin. I just don't understand what you were expecting... 200K exp to craft and adventure? Given it's a repeatable quest, that could get abused... but if it were a one-time-only quest, you do it, and then *poof*, it's gone. Which would only be more content that someone has worked long and hard on, and we've churned through it in much less time than it took to implement. (HA, that turned into a mini-rant as well).

    I've never played Everquest, but having seen a friend do so, she had to turn off quest experience cause she was levelling too fast... I don't want to see anything like that happen here Though I don't think we are in any danger of that happening anytime soon

    Admittedly, the reward could be a little more interesting, but if we start getting more emblems or one-time-only techs, we get back into the discussion of not enough stack space... I'm sure it's a very delicate balancing act, that is simply impossible to balance with everyone's different opinions.
    hahaha. Lots of good points, someone else had asked me what I expected from it. I would have been happy if the quest reward popped out 125s with no xp.. No joke! I wasn't expecting much because this game is notorious for lack luster rewards. I really wasn't expecting anything good at all. Sad.

    Noo, I'm not talking techs or anything special cause there are a few many good quests out there. So I'm not ranting about that, I'm Talking specifically the Bitter pickle bottle cap collection.

    Up the reward to 150s.. 250s.. 75-freaking silver for gosh sakes.. wtf is 3 silver about? hahahaha


    ::EDIT:: What i should add is during this time I also did some kion quests that I was more satisfied with as far as the quest rewards go... So that should give a pretty darned good idea how LOW my expectations were. hahahahah

    I'm really not all that mad about all of it. I just really think the devs should reconsider the quest reward on this particular quest.. and if they fail to do taht.. NO one should do this quest. it should be deleted from the quest log.
    Last edited by Finkledbody; August 3rd, 2012 at 02:40 AM.

    Just a little drunk dwarven bi-ped wreaking havoc in chaos.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    The shinning Blades quest maybe interesting but in my opinion one of the worst epic type spells in the game.

    Two reasons i say this is, A: it does not work with multicast and B: It does not work with Perfect spell ability.

    In my opinion currently the spell is just flashy if you have spell effects turned on that is.

    PS: to get the quest as far as i know you need to be in a mage type school and have 750 Summoning skill to start this quest

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    How about a shield that looks like all the bottle caps stuck together? A good shield too, something you would want to use...

    just a thought...

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    I love the spell Shining blades I just wish it was like the other epic spells and multicastable...

    So amon whats the chances of bringing it inline with the others?

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Given it's a repeatable quest, that could get abused...
    Good Lord... I remember that quest taking a very long time and using a bazillion item stacks to complete. Anyone feeling the need to do it over and over would be abusing themselves, imo.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Quote Originally Posted by Finkledbody
    Spent the last 2 days collecting every last bottle cap, getting them all made up into their respective groups and everything..
    Quote Originally Posted by awdz
    Good Lord... I remember that quest taking a very long time and using a bazillion item stacks to complete.
    Yes, back in the good ol' days, collecting those caps could take a serious amount of game time. The Ribeth Sake and Granny caps had the worst drop rate (I remember logging a ticket after trying for a month, and was told the chance of a drop for them was 0.08%) and you could easily get 3 or 4 or more nearly complete sets before you'd be lucky to loot those two last caps.

    With the OP complaining about spending 2 whole days collecting, it gave me a good laugh. heehee hahahaha

    It's worthwhile doing the quest for the spell effect of Shining Blades. It's always a good one to pop into a group fight just to make a change of scenery.

    As for the reward of 3 silver, yes its a bit pathetic. Not sure about the coin value of the bottle caps at a PB. It'd be better if those could be cashed in with the Oddities fellow, if that's possible.


  12. #12

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    i actually only completed 3 cap collections... (i don't go there much anymore..)

    but this one is one that you don't turn in, for obvious reasons. getting all of the caps is reward enough!

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    I think the big issues in my mind regarding this are not just the reward for turning it in, but the entire bitter Pickle area. What is its purpose, what enjoyment do players want to get out of it and what do we (Virtrium) hope for players to get out of it. The area is quite old and has not withstood time very well. It doesn't fit the tiered regions very well, its rewards as mentioned are minuscule, and it has a terrible spawn layout.

    I guess what I'm saying is that it probably needs a total revamp to make it better.
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  14. #14

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    I think the big issues in my mind regarding this are not just the reward for turning it in, but the entire bitter Pickle area. What is its purpose, what enjoyment do players want to get out of it and what do we (Virtrium) hope for players to get out of it. The area is quite old and has not withstood time very well. It doesn't fit the tiered regions very well, its rewards as mentioned are minuscule, and it has a terrible spawn layout.

    I guess what I'm saying is that it probably needs a total revamp to make it better.
    Total might be too much. Dwarfs like their ale, and a haunted ale house is perfect for encounters and story. The area is rather bleak in layout, perhaps make it look more like a ghost town, old west saloon style maybe. (though, I am remembering it's lay out from a wile ago, If it has changed in that time, then just ignore me)

    You do not need a reason to care. ~Xeno
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  15. #15

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    I think the big issues in my mind regarding this are not just the reward for turning it in, but the entire bitter Pickle area. What is its purpose, what enjoyment do players want to get out of it and what do we (Virtrium) hope for players to get out of it. The area is quite old and has not withstood time very well. It doesn't fit the tiered regions very well, its rewards as mentioned are minuscule, and it has a terrible spawn layout.

    I guess what I'm saying is that it probably needs a total revamp to make it better.
    So long as we get to keep our beer, wine, and vodka golems! I laugh everytime I go hunting in that place. Yes I'm sure to die, but the idea of getting hammered by a beer golem is amusing.

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    I'd like to see some lore about how the area fell, spawning the liquor golems. A quest to get something out of each area and why the particular type of golems are thick there. What was going on in the tavern when it was lost? Why are so many dwarven ghosts unsettled there?

    One thing that made the Bitter Pickle hugely popular after it first came out was the massive coin looted as much as anything. Since the golems no longer drop the coin, it would be nice if the caps could be sold to a collector much like Rhagool collects oddities.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    I like the area the way it is

    We still have lots of fun there , if we show it to new players.

    But maybe a little facelift or polish won`t harm
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    I think the big issues in my mind regarding this are not just the reward for turning it in, but the entire bitter Pickle area. What is its purpose, what enjoyment do players want to get out of it and what do we (Virtrium) hope for players to get out of it. The area is quite old and has not withstood time very well. It doesn't fit the tiered regions very well, its rewards as mentioned are minuscule, and it has a terrible spawn layout.

    I guess what I'm saying is that it probably needs a total revamp to make it better.
    that place has a complete random spawn area... it does get "tougher" as you go deeper, but it's all just higgledy-piggledy as for spawn areas. completely random.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    As far as I can tell, to start the quest that gives the shining blades quest, you have to be at least level 75, have at least 750 summoning skill, and completed the bottle cap quest.
    I just lost the game.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap collection

    Bottle caps? Beer Golems?? Haunted tavern???

    I SO can't wait to get my wings and find this place, if only just to see it! There is appearently a video about somebody looking for those caps in the media section of the site:

    but two out of three of those videos are broken.

    here's the exact spot the vids I'm talking about are in, btw:

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