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Thread: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I love this program so much, makes crafting just that much easier!

    But out of curiosity, what IS its icon? A bird?

  2. #42

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I am sorry but do not understand what to do. If anyone out there in Istaria land can assist me, step by step, I would greatly appreciate it.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Peaches View Post
    I am sorry but do not understand what to do. If anyone out there in Istaria land can assist me, step by step, I would greatly appreciate it.
    Not to be offensive, but this is fairly step by step, isn't it:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    Instructions to update to DB Version 2012-07-12:

    1: Right click and save this config file: Config.xml and Save it to the root of your HCC Directory (Likely C:\Program Files\HCC2). It should prompt you to replace/overwrite the file there. If it does not prompt you, then you that suggests you are attempting to save in the wrong folder. Please reverify the folder you are saving Config.xml to. Of course, make sure you have HCC installed first!

    2: Start/Restart HCC. It should inform you an update is available! Go to Live Update, and update to the newest database.
    Which of those steps do you need more assistance with? Maybe the stuff about the folder is a bit confusing... so maybe first try to find out where HCC2 is installed on your system.

    How do you launch HCC2? Desktop shortcut? Start menu? Anyway:
    1. Right click on the link to HCC2 that you usually run.
    2. A menu should pop up, select "Properties" from that menu.
    3. Select the Tap "Shortcut" (if it is not selected already)
    4. In the middle of the window there is a textfield "Target", in that field you see the location of HCC2 on your system. Remember* that.

    *Remember could mean "Copy and Paste" (maybe to some text file) or just "write it down on a note" or just keep it in mind very good... you can even just let the window stay open, if it does not hinder you in the next step, so you always have a reference.

    Then you need to replace the Config.xml file, as stated above. You could run into problems with permissions (quite likely on Windows Vista or Windows 7 systems). To make that a bit easier, maybe do the replace of the config.xml this way:

    1. Right click on config.xml and select "Save as" or "save link as file" or something similar (depends on your browser)
    2. Select some place that you will find again later, let's say your desktop and save the config.xml file there. (I'll assume you saved the file on your desktop in this step by step guide)
    3. Open the Windows explorer by pressing the windows key and e simultaneously (or by typing "explorer" into the startmenu-search thing and selecting Windows Explorer).
    4. Navigate into the directory you remembered above.
    5. If you are doing this on Windows Vista/7 and the path was in the Program Files folder, this might me an issue, because parts of it are hidden... you can type the path in the top text filed, just right to the blue buttons and press enter
    6. Now you should be seeing the contents of your HCC2 folder. You can now right click the Config.xml file that is already in that folder, select "Copy"
    7. Now press the buttons CTRL and V at the same time.
    8. Windows might ask you for some priviledge stuff, do that.. that means you either just have to click a button on a window that will pop up or you might have to enter username and password of some administrator account. If you don't have that, call the one that has and let them do the work
    9. You should now see a new file called "Config - copy.xml" or similar. This is a backup of your config file... if the old server is up again, you can use that to switch back to the server, if there is no easier way.
    10. Now, click "desktop" on the left panel-tree-view-thing. You might need to scroll up a little there. Try to not click on anything else.
    11. You should now see the contents of your desktop only in the windows explorer (yeah, your desktop is just an ordinary folder ). Right click on "Config.xml" that you saved there earlier, select "Cut" (or "Copy" if you want to keep the file there)
    12. Press the white arrow on blue ground that points to the left on the left top of the explorer window. If you accidentally selected some different folders, before going to the desktop from your HCC2 folder, press the button multiple times, until you see the contents of the HCC2 folder. Be sure to check the path against what you remembered above, so you are sure to work in the right folder.
    13. Now press the crtl and V keys again, as you did above. The system should ask you for permission and also if you really want to overwrite config.xml (I'm not sure in what order). Say yes, do that to everything it asks....

    Now, continue with step 2 from Cegaiel.

    I hope that covers everything... I just did it this way and tried to write down each step, no matter how simple it seemed to myself.
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  4. #44

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Thanks for waiting patiently. THe servers are back up!

    Please let me know if you see any bugs.

    So.. why did it take me so long? Because i was allowing my previous hoster time to fix the problem. Their time ran out. So I took matter in my own hands, switched hosting companies, and copied all information from one to another.

    In other words, no data lost

    Thanks Cegaiel for putting that update up to keep things running! If you happen to have a list of what changes were made, id greatly appreciate it, so i can attempt to incorpate them back into HCC. (i would need to update the sql databases that hold that information)

    Again, thanks all for your patience
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
    Code Name: Webdragon
    SysAdmin, Head Developer

  5. #45

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Cegaiel's update has been added to the timeless update list. everyone who switches back will have that update as well. Next update may take time as that information is compiled into the database.
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
    Code Name: Webdragon
    SysAdmin, Head Developer

  6. #46

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Thanks and welcome back!

    I noticed your update_check folder is displaying 2012-07-12. I added a few more updates since that initial update of 2012-07-12. The subsequent changes would have only been grabbed by clicking the Live Update button.

    Valareos, please grab this zip file for the latest:

    Click: to get last version.
    Click: Release.xml file to see full list of things updated.

    Again, glad to see you're back

  7. #47

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Eh, hate to keep posting. But should've added that you really just need Tempest.xml and Volcano.xml from config/techs/banner folder. Powershot.xml from the config/tech/ability folder. Those 3 files from that zip would update it from 7-12 to 7-27. Thought I'd mention that in case you already started working on new stuff

  8. #48

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    These spells are missing
    Primal Alacrity
    Primal Attack

    And there seems to be a bug, it's not possible to place socketings on caps or helmets.
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  9. #49

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Valareos thank you for all of the hard work by your team, I have a question on would it be possible to add a report "Format" that would be easily imported by Excel?

  10. #50

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Val, I figured out the bug (per Terao) that prevents the head slot, of armor formulaes, from being socketed.

    Line 15 on /config/techs/socketing/socketing.xml

    Currently shows:

    Should be:

  11. #51

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Also Primal Health spell (Spells-Primal category) incorrectly shows description in tag <tier-desc>Lowers resistance to primal damage.</tier-desc> on ALL tiers. This is the same description for Spell: Unrelenting Winds. Primal Health spells in game actually has a blank description field. So just make up a description, maybe "Heals a friendly target".

  12. #52

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    But out of curiosity, what IS its icon? A bird?
    A parrot!

    Bajillion thank-yous again for this lovely program. Everyone who contributes to it is a hero in my book!

  13. #53

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    Also Primal Health spell (Spells-Primal category) incorrectly shows description in tag <tier-desc>Lowers resistance to primal damage.</tier-desc> on ALL tiers. This is the same description for Spell: Unrelenting Winds. Primal Health spells in game actually has a blank description field. So just make up a description, maybe "Heals a friendly target".

    Also Gift of Velocity shows the exact same incorrect description (Lowers resistance to primal damage). It also has a blank description in game. Perhaps changing it to the Gift of Speed description but with Fly speed ie "A long-term blessing of faster flying speed".

  14. #54

    Exclamation Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    Thanks and welcome back!

    I noticed your update_check folder is displaying 2012-07-12. I added a few more updates since that initial update of 2012-07-12. The subsequent changes would have only been grabbed by clicking the Live Update button.

    Valareos, please grab this zip file for the latest:

    Click: to get last version.
    Click: Release.xml file to see full list of things updated.
    I guess the free Linux server I setup specifically for HCC updates dropped my account without warning. The link in that post is NO longer valid.
    Valareos, grab the archived files from here instead:

    Everyone else, don't forget if you switched and used my config file (back before Val's website came back up) then be sure to switch back to Val's config file/server for HCC updates now. You can find installation instructions and the new config file at his site now:

  15. #55

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Hi Folks.

    I spent over 60 hours on HCC recently getting it back up to par again. Would have like to have been able to get with Val to look it over and see if he felt it was worthy enough to add to HCC live update. But haven't seen him in a while and have no contact info. So I am posting this for the community here.

    Just want you to know Val, I'm not trying to take over the project nor step on any toes. I find HCC useful and the things I update, are things I would've done for my own personal copy anyways. But the effort and data would be a shame to hoard just for myself.

    Some of the things implemented/updated/added:

    • Rearranged many of the categories to be more logical. Added/updated icons to the categories (instead of showing the generic Star * icons), just as it appeared back in 2009.

    • Revamped the Plots categories. Removed the obsolete buildings and added all the new small, medium, large, guild houses from the November 2012 game patch.

    • Updated all the tech comps affected by the game patch.

    • Added Primal Alacrity, Primal Attack, Lessen Focus and Lessen Power spells that were missing.

    • Went though every single spell and added recycle times and effects that were missing on the majority of them. These effects will show durations, frequency, extra damage, DoT, HoT stats, etc. The idea is that when you look at the spells in HCC, you should now see almost all of the same info as if you were viewing them in the game. So not only the usual items needed to craft the spell, but all the info you would see after the spell was created and hovering it.

    • Updated all the comp resources required by the Wooden Round and Round Cross shields (Armor-Shields) and the for Dragon techs such as Razor Teeth, Piercing Winds, etc. (Epic - Tech Kit). Added icons for these kits too.

    • Fixed Armor Socketing Tech to now work on Head slot.

    • Added Clay Mugs to Resources - Earthenware, Added Colored Fabric Pouch and Deluxe Fabric Pouch to Containers. Containers also have more subcategories.

    • Many typos and incorrect descriptions, particularly in the Spells were updated

    • Fixed Ironsilk spools and Adamantium Jointing to appear in the resources windows. Previously they appeared blank.

    • Filled in missing <comp-type> tags from the components.xml file. These missing tags was causing the pulldown menu to display in an odd manner. Now when you view the Components window (F5) the pulldown window shows the options side by side, instead of having many lines between each one. Now you can see the following: Looted, Crafted, Bought, Bonus, Quest, Gathered, Harvested in the pulldown menu and can filter those. While I haven't gone through every possible item in this list, it is more presentable and some things have been updated or added. The components window/data will be the next thing focused on for next update. I'm fairly satisfied that everything else on HCC is up to date now.

    All work can be found at

    The latest update is called , Thats the file you want.
    View the HCC_Manual_Patching_Notes.txt file for instructions on how to manually patch.
    The update notes (changes) can also be viewed in the Release.xml file.

    And best of all, if you just dont like it, you can simply push the Live Update/Check for Update/Download button and it will repatch to the previous version on the HCC server 2012-07-12. So theres no risk to try it
    Last edited by Cegaiel; August 5th, 2017 at 11:12 PM.

  16. #56

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I have one more update available, a supplemental update to the previous post/update.

    File = at

    • Created Scrolls categories and added 55 new formulaes (All available Scrolls)

    • Added Papyrus to Resources

    • Added missing Papyrus and Scribing skills to the Default Profiles (so that Current Skill wont display as a zero) while viewing resources at bottom. Added to the \Config\Profiles\Optimal.xml and Template.xml files.

    • All tech comps have now gone through a triple verification. Updated a few incorrect ones. All should be error free now.

    • Cleaned up the standalone components database (components.xml):

      # All comps needed by techs has been retagged to a category called Tech (in pulldown menu). This will keep the Looted category from being overwhelmed with entries, and mixed up with other forms of Looted items. During the verification of the tech comps, all obsolete comps have been deleted, typo'd comps fixed, missing comps, added. The techs in the Components database (F5) are now 100% accurate. Every tech listed is whats currently in the game.

      # Over 150+ items in the component database (mostly food resources) did not have a tier level assigned to them. This would allow the item to display when you choose "All Tiers" but they would not display when you changed the Tier filter to a specific tier. Every item in the database can be filtered by Tier level now.

      # I did not update all the missing Bulk data. Many will still show 0 as bulk. Prices listed (Buy/Sell for Pawnbroker) were NOT verified nor updated. Vielo prices are now obsolete. Vielo means Nadia in Bristugo, who no longer sells components (she only trades for obsolete ones). Some items will still display Vielo prices, but they are meaningless.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; August 5th, 2017 at 11:12 PM.

  17. #57

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Thanks to the keen eye of a user, there is another minor update available.

    • Corrected Kenaf Tapestries to Cotton Tapestries for the 'Large House' in 'Plot - Storage & Vendor'

    • Adamanantium Jointing is no longer blank in 'Plot - Workshops - Tiered' (Tier V)

    • Ironsilk Spools are no longer blank in Tier V formulaes: Fabric Construction Bolt, Fishing Line, Handwraps and Tailoring Recharge Kit

    These two changes were the result of the November 2011 game patch and long overdue.

    • Added Blood Bolt V to 'Spells - Spirit'

    • Blood Bolt I-IV: Resources are up to date per Tier, Sandstone for T1, Slate for T2, etc now. Blood Bolt now uses same resources as other spells; previously T1 was Slate, T2 Granite, etc.

    The latest update is called , Thats the file you want.
    View the HCC_Manual_Patching_Notes.txt file for instructions on how to manually patch.
    The update notes (changes) can also be viewed in the Release.xml file.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; August 5th, 2017 at 11:12 PM.

  18. #58

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I dunno why but when I just put the zip file into the temp folder, on the next hcc start it's all empty. there's only category all and custom, but not a single formula in it.
    Extracting it manually works.
    Dunno if it's something wrong on my side or not

  19. #59

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    If you get that "Caching in Progress" popup, when you start/restart HCC then it did recognize the zip file (in the temp folder) and did patch it. I suspect its a known bug in HCC that happens every so often during a recache of database. It is also normal behavior for the zip file to be erased from the temp folder after a patch.

    Sometimes when you recache the database, either manually or through a patch, sometimes some/all of the formulaes are missing or some/all of the icons are missing. The fix for that bug would be to exit/restart HCC and then manually force a recache again (CTRL + R).

    But if you just want to see if it might have been that bug and want to test that out, try to patch it again, and see if it works on the next try. I suspect it will. When I work on HCC I frequently recache the database many times to see my changes. About every few times in a row, that bug kicks in and I have to exit, recache again. Usually its just the icons are missing. But every so often, the formulaes seem to be missing. But I just tried a manual patch and it worked perfectly for me.

    I verified the database/zip file is correct and if it worked when you manually unzipped it, then that supports that it is most likely that HCC bug.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    <.< thank you Cegaiel!
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
    Code Name: Webdragon
    SysAdmin, Head Developer

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