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Thread: Players of chaos

  1. #1

    Default Players of chaos

    Seriously we whine and @#$%* and complain that there is nothing to do. give us back our raids or spawn something that attacks a town ect . give us more more more . and when they do NO ONE ANSWERS THE CALL aug on chaos is under siege i tried to rally guild mates friends and enemeys Some came most said why bother and some just ignored the call to action.

    If your going to beat down the doors for something enjoy it and actually get your hands dirty i got 7 points for trying to stave off this attack i am not complaining i actualy managed to take out and loot 3 of the blight before i got killed by a death dealer if we would have had 15 people willing to fight we would have been able to save aug I hope it actually falls now so we can look at it and say what have we done
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Please don't swear on the Istaria forums.

    Some people are currently busy with attending things going on in real life, Lightning Claw. Not all are sitting at home, staring at their screen anticipating an attack on a town/city.

    If you want to address people about it, then that's fine. Just speak to those people who said no to you in game; Not the general public that might not even know what is going on.

    Don't take it out on people who have things going on in life, you don't know what is going on with them currently. Maybe something has happened in their life, and they're just not emotionally up to going to fight a blight spawn all day long to die over and over again and rack up death points.

    If you want to get a group together, then do that. Get one, tell people that it's important and do it. Don't throw it at people like it's others faults...

    Thank you, and I hope you can understand this. This was not in personal offense. This was all in good meaning what I have said to you.

    - Regicide
    Last edited by AngelofDeathXx; September 22nd, 2012 at 06:10 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    I had no idea about this because of family issues. But things are a little better now. I'd like to join the fight. Where is it again?

    My first venture into Istaria fanfiction: link and my other fanfics: link and artwork: link

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    I would help if my character wasn't only lvl 17 on Chaos.

  5. #5
    Member Sigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Regicide - this IS a RANT thread and I totally understand lightning claw.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    We tried again tonight - half a dozen ancients came (myself included), only ONE biped could tear themselves away from their precious crafting to even respond.......I had to go at gone 1am, still the anchor was there, I earned about 10 dp's in about 30 mins. This would of been prime time in other countries, yet still people were too lacksidaisical to stop crafting for a few minutes and come help, yet crafters are the ones whining they cant get to augh mines to dig......

    Oh well.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Wish me and my friends could've came an partied there. We have to go to the ED death dealers and such if we want cool DPs here on order

  8. #8

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    Regicide - this IS a RANT thread and I totally understand lightning claw.
    I understand, and as I said before; It was only in good intentions and not to upset anyone.

  9. #9
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Good intentions; The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    I think events like this are a good idea but...

    I don't believe everyone was beating down the doors for something like this. Many players would have their projects going and their own things they want to do.

    This being a game played during one's leisure time I think we should all respect that.

    Personally I find the public chat channels get feral often enough that I just don't join them. I know others who feel the same way. So we're oblivious to any calls to arms.

    Not surprised bipeds are less interested in stuff like this. But I don't think there's any call to be rude about it. It's not their fault the game gives them more interesting / rewarding things to do.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Had I know that the event was on I would have been there (time zone permitting). I check the forums most days and I don't remember seeing a post/thread about this before it happened. If there was a little more/better advertising I am sure that it would have got more attention.
    SoG? Where? :-P

    Alas gone are the days when this was easy to do.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Quote Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
    Had I know that the event was on I would have been there (time zone permitting). I check the forums most days and I don't remember seeing a post/thread about this before it happened. If there was a little more/better advertising I am sure that it would have got more attention.
    I did notify every one on at that time i even sent pms to every rating 100+ at that time as well

    went something like this AUG is under massive siege pls help !!!

    also Think about your post for a second

    advance warning for an attack that might go something like this

    Dear livening races

    We can not tolerate the joke we are becoming as a result we are going to attack Augandel September 23 @ 9 :00 sharp EST thanks for dieing on command

    your enemy's
    the blight & withered ages

    I think not lol
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    I forgot I had read about this. My alt ported into Aug (early monday the 24th EST) and was dead before the loading screen let go of me. I guess it hasn't been thwarted yet. Couldn't actually see any of the mobs but F10/F11 cycled thru them. Kinda dampened the level 100 TNK school I had just finished, but oh well, DPs happen now and again. While it's kinda cool to have the events, maybe remove them in a couple hours if the player base hasn't dealt with it.
    Blight: Kaylee, Marynah, others
    Guildmistress, Crafters of Blight
    Chaos: Demmona, Bankshot, others
    Co-Guildmistress, Mithril Council

  14. #14

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    I don't know when you were on lightning, but as soon as i heard of the blight attack i immediately got a group together (without much difficulty) and went on the offensive.
    I participated in no less than 5 attempts to bring down the avatar and his minions, as well as the blight anchor. It was not difficult any of those times to get a group together to fight. Albeit we never did get a very large group, we did get groups nonetheless.
    If we happened to be unwilling to fight at a particular time, it's likely because those of us who usually do the fighting HAVE been fighting, and are now nursing the wounds of our 20+ deathpoints.
    I am not at all ashamed of our warriors on Chaos, we have put forth valiant efforts to defend our realm!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Quote Originally Posted by Garrick View Post
    I don't know when you were on lightning, but as soon as i heard of the blight attack i immediately got a group together (without much difficulty) and went on the offensive.
    I participated in no less than 5 attempts to bring down the avatar and his minions, as well as the blight anchor. It was not difficult any of those times to get a group together to fight. Albeit we never did get a very large group, we did get groups nonetheless.
    If we happened to be unwilling to fight at a particular time, it's likely because those of us who usually do the fighting HAVE been fighting, and are now nursing the wounds of our 20+ deathpoints.
    I am not at all ashamed of our warriors on Chaos, we have put forth valiant efforts to defend our realm!
    yes i think is was the one who told you about that garrick and i totally agree with you lightning claw

  16. #16

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    This is uber late, but here is a picture of the team that took down the Augh blight;


    I thought that people who participated would like a picture to remember it by.

    - Angel

  17. #17

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    *bows and greets the heroes of Chaos*

    Nice pic!!
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    With a hundred people on at primetime it's comparable to the lag when this game launched. Mobs appear and you hit them and *poof* they have 20 buddies with them. Melee on mobs is painful due to lag, even when I'd thunder cloud them the stun wore off before I could hit them. For me, the heart is willing but the hardware on the other side can't handle it. Maybe that's why people would rather craft and *meep* in NT, then answer your calls.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Players of chaos

    Folks, this is a really pretty thread that got bumped.

    Going to close it, as there is no sense in rehashing that which best left to history.

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