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Thread: Azu's Deviations

  1. #41

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Only just now am I noticing what a mess he left in here, there are bones, scraps, trinkets and blight residue coating a wall. I used to fume at him to clean up after himself... leaving such a disaster in this room was unsightly and attracts pests.

    I'm caught between cleaning it up and.. leaving it.. now...

    The saris ladies have noticed me waking from stupor... and noted they've been trying to get me out of it not for days, but for weeks, and more fervidly when I started to slightly thin from not eating. I hadn't noticed I was hungry. It just didn't matter to me.

    They managed to finally and carefully return me to my feet... and I perhaps am reluctant to admit that without my ladies-in-waiting, I would have simply allowed myself to wither and starve. I kept the scale in my pack, and we all ate well this evening.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    'The elf is a.. problem. It sucks out souls. I cannot directly attack it lest I meet oblivion as did Selarth...' she thought. But she also had a solution at hand and the regents to make it happen.

    She first tried to use a dragon skull as the base for the inherent symbolism of the body, but its formerly blighted origins ended up causing the enchantment to fizzle. In the end, she was forced to create a ceremonial head scale with a diamond inlaid in the forehead.

    Two weeks of preparation, hours of spell casting and a complex ritual later, it had multiple layers of enchantment upon it.

    The first layer was the very function of the helm, the second to attune this function to her alone the third to make the helm attempt to adhere like glue to the user's face until it is deactivated, the fourth to protect these core functions from anti-magic and spells, and fifth to mask the magic nature of the item so it feels and appears utterly mundane in every regard even to mages.

    Beyond the fourth, additional layers of anti-magic protection and magic masking had been set as a buffer to protect the lower layers, just in case.

    Content with her work, she wrote a word on a paper scrap and gave it to one of her saris handmaidens nearby. Donning the mask, glowed a soft shade of white similar to the color of the diamond that bore the brunt of the charges. The glow eventually snaked over her whole form, and once engulfed, she simply changed form.

    The saris who had been watching her work blinked in surprised to see a female human (and one lacking clothes at that) struggling to figure out how to walk on two legs without a huge, bulky tail. Before long as well, the fleshy pink shape began to shiver from the air being slightly cooler in the library wing than down the hallway. She opted to sit down rather than take a fall and break some fragile piece of herself.

    She placed her hand on her face. Grasping it, she gave it a bit of a tug to test if the mask was sticking properly. When all she felt was flesh as flesh moves, the test is successful. The last test performed is how it deactivates.

    "Say that word please, Eryun." Azu requested.

    The saris looked and the scrap and back at the sitting lady before uttering the word on the paper. Nothing happened. Azu followed it by uttering the same word and placing her hand on her face. The same white glow engulfed her, she returned to dragon form, and she removed the scale, all the while with a wicked grin across her maw. She looked to the saris.

    "Can I trust you all to make me some fine fur robes for my other form whilst I adjust to that shape?" the dragoness purred. The saris nodded and scurried off to go get the others to make fine fur mage robes.

    The rest of the day was spent learning to walk properly while using the helm, and the handmaidens sat excitedly in a group with thread, fabrics, furs and needles chattering away whilst they fabricated clothing. It wasn't an event out of the ordinary to make new clothes for someone else or to mend a torn garment, but to make clothes for someone that never wore clothes? What a treat. They prattled on and debated about colors, fur linings, what would best accent green eyes and gold trim well into the next morning.

    __________________________________________________ _______________

    Dawn. The sun faintly peeks out through some clouds on the horizon and the weather was in a rare bout of calmness. She had equipped herself with a staff and her elegant attire, including a pair of sturdy leather boots she hadn't even asked for (as she hadn't remembered that human feet are soft and susceptible to stepping on sharp objects). Gazing over the rising sun, she took in a breath of air.

    It smelled to her only of opportunities as she set out on the difficult path into Mahagra.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    (( I love how you write ^^

    This is certainly getting interesting and I can't wait to rp stuffs! ))
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  3. #43

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    I went out to test my new little toy and shortly found some... shortfalls. As was expected, the drawbacks such an item totes with its boons are equally as dire as the benefits it brings. Such is the way of magic.

    The first drawback is that the very magic that anchors the scale to me acts like a soul anchor - I did not forsee this. Portals, teleports and recalls are out of the question. I discovered this from attempting to enter the portal in Mahagra and was promptly shot backwards from an arcane feedback explosion the minute my face contacted the portal. Good thing nobody in town was paying attention to that at the time. Ended up buying a pack and stocking it with such things as a bedroll and rations for walking, and walk I did. ... I long for flight once again after such a lowly method as walking, but such sacrifices are to be made for this grand illusion.

    The second drawback is I should have made the form look... a little less appealing. I had no idea what it would look like when I made the inscriptions to lock it to a human's shape. Its only worse when you add the handiwork of several overexcited saris women to the mix - In my lair I praised their needlework for indeed, such fine work it was... but oh dear, what heads I turn and men have such short attention spans. It is entertaining to watch them walk into walls and lampposts and the like, but after a while the staring - augh. The STARING! ... They need something better to do!

    ... Walking is utterly boring when you have to take all the long ways around instead of just going from point A to point B with a wormhole. At least it gave me time to decide how I'll refer to myself as on the way to that clearing where gatherings occur.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Second trip to clearing from camp in hopes of finding that elf (If only I knew what the supposed 'soul sucker' looked like, might help - all I've got to go on is waiting for an opportunity to see a soul sucking elf and THEN marking it for death).

    I made this scale with intentions of revenge first and foremost but... seems now there is a hatchling-shaped issue that has arisen. You see, upon arrival to the clearing, there were two playing and... one that looked in every regard like selarth (well... minus a few details... blight being one of them) in miniature form.

    I dropped my things in shock. Either some part of his soul escaped and reformed, or he managed to at least sort of cast that spell for a puppet clone he asked for.

    One of the other hatchlings either thought I was a pet or started flirting and took my attention off him so I wouldn't just fall to pieces right there, thankfully (Still... eww. I should have dulled it! Now even HATCHLINGS are after me...) - eventually I decided we should chat in camp.

    His curiosity got the better of him. I told him he was made by a spell - about Selarth too. How he was a warrior, perhaps illiterate and didn't like anyone, but if he liked you, he was big on loyalty and all. A two sided card in which few saw the true face of that dragon - most only saw the card face down.

    He told me that an elf - Mintshade - ate slivers of selarth off his soul because it was an 'infection'. Thus - I know who it is now that is that soul sucker. Sad, I was sitting right next to him and all he did was staaaare at me. Creepy.

    Riphesh had been hiding in the shrubs - he broke a stick and I pulled him over to our table where we had tea and tea biscuits. Despite it, we continued to talk - both hatchlings only wanted to be my good friend and - ah. Its unfortunate that Selarth number two just drops my guard - it is too easy to forget its not him (even if it is him in body).

    Mid sentence after I explained what the spell entailed... My mind went wandering to technicalities. He was more like the product of the work of two dragons (although not in THAT way...) - I just provided materials and method, Selarth did all the legwork. Does that sort of make him my son?


    Auuuuuuuurggggh. This is awkward.


    My brain hurts! ((I couldn't resist. x3))

  5. #45

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    When we hit the snowline for the first time, Thelras never knew what it was. And he played and bounded in it every step of the way till the blizzard valley. The storm was fierce, I had to cover him in a bearskin and keep hold of a rope for his safety.

    I showed him what I really was, less of a human than a dragon. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but otherwise was very happy to have a home and a room to himself. The maidens altered my tent to accommodate the hatchling's size overnight. Suppose I slept well for the first time in a few days - it was just strange sleeping in a bedroll and tent.

    Next morning he went exploring and eventually caught me in the library. It would seem he is about as interested in reading as selarth was. On the bright side, he's back to picture books appropriate to his age.

    He wanted to go back to the snow. Told him he couldn't go past the bottom of the hill simply to prevent the local fauna finding an easy meal. He bolted out and I lazily followed to watch (just in case and all). I shook my head thinking he really hadn't listened to the part about the animals having teeth around here when he skidded down the hill... but he surprised me. He used his wings to stop, then ran up the hill again. Immediately... he skidded right back down!

    He continued several more times and oddly... I started to feel happy just watching him. Is this happiness? A hatchling skidding down a hill?

    He got me to do it once too... I had to ice half the hill as I am much larger than he -- and for the first time in a long time, I found myself having a good laugh.

    Why have I never felt this way before? I wonder if someone is just going to come and ruin it for me later... they always do.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Camping is so delightful.

    ... Of course, only when I'm sleeping on a fine maple bed with silken pillows from kion and fresh cotton linens and furs bought in Mahagra. Thelras simply sleeps in the side compartment of the tent on lots of fluffy pillows and innocence is preserved by a divider when the heavy robes need go away.

    The rest of the tent might as well be suitable for an empress. Meh. That is camping for me. Logic: I don't have to carry it, so its fine. Magic is sooooo useful... just leave it in storage in the lair or somewhere in the ethereal and summon it to me.

    Upside: I can have tables with lovely little place settings ready whenever I please. My little flock of saris ladies deserve such high praise for their nitpicking on how the cutlery is ordered on a nightly basis. I think they finally figured it out or someone has been on a winning streak in the debates.

    *Entry ends, next page continues new entry*

    Riphesh and Thelras study together under my guidance in reading in hopes they can learn arcane later. At the very least they will learn to read and write before they decide to sever their bond to progressing with primal studies later. Cannot take such choice lightly, must ensure their minds are ready to make it on their own.

    Meanwhile I seem to have successfully integrated into life without much fuss. I'm still myself but they haven't wanted to kill me. Makes one wonder what all the hype is about.

    But on that note... I had wondered what to do about the hatchling shaped issue in the whole original plot against the elf. I think at this time the hatchling is much much more important... its all I have left right now. Better make him able to take on the world if he needed to, who knows, he might have to someday the way the gifted are bleeding insane.

    Mmm... right. Insane gifted. Theres some crazy one that imitates another to maim someone. Like, imitating a hatchling's father to hurt the daughter.

    This is a threat to me. Either it meets me when I go out in true shape or in my little compact form and uses it to get my soul devoured... or worse, it uses my human shape to attack my apprentices... mrrr.

    No. Cannot have. Must kill it. Good thing draustin was happy to share some of his memories and I didn't even have to ask for half of them. He's just generous. Now to go find that irritating starstilblehx and question his logic in a lead I possess.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Making progress on the gnome. We almost had her, but it would seem she escaped that time and batted her eyelashes at the authorities. Starstilanx and I are set to trial for mutilating her forehead. While I can't say I enjoy working with starstilanx, lesser evils always outweigh greater evils.

    ... For Thelras. I do this for Thelras.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Mmm... how I love the fiends.

    In a spark of chaos I snatched him up and had him surrounded and outnumbered. I wanted to end him there, but no... that could have had fatalities and missing souls in the end. It is better to play with him.

    He has two days left... or by a tradition of kirasanct, I am entitled to vengeance without reprise. So what shall it be..? Send him to the void? Burn him and store his ashes in an arcane artifact vault or my dimensional pocket to never be seen again? There are so many options and so little time.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    The empire has decided to build a portal in summit.


    ... We must set up a rampart to keep the irritating increase in traffic at bay. And the arbalests. They shall be pointed at that annoying town. And the archers...

    *The ink trails off in some irritated rant at how the addition of a portal is invading what was /her/ space...*

  10. #50

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ... Portal mishaps have created a dozen or so large rock spheres. When I had it correct at last I arrived and further memorized the point.

    ... Established permanent portal point to location to allow travel at any time without hazard ... Our project commences. Suggested side projects also are fascinating. Will require to give them a shot some time...

    ((Now what is she up to? Dun dun dun.))

  11. #51

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    .. Previous project attempt failed before it has begun. Restarted with new materials. So far it looks like a success. Just need to ensure it doesn't get a name until a week after its done, or so superstition states. Not taking any chances.

    *A hastily scribbled line divides the page.*

    The fools defended that demon. What has the world come to? Now one of my saris is in critical care. He will have to return her from threat of nyrevin's calling. That group performed admirably, but alas - failed with such resistance. It will be impossible to root the creature out now.

    The second group, to my knowledge, is in place as they should be.


    ((Roles, in time, have evolved in the titian mines. Some workers became warrior guards, and the saris maids in Azu's absence as Atherath took on some roles as secretaries. This, in turn, evolved into saris that knew how to get information. Putting these skills to use proved to be of great benefit to their master, and so the saris infiltrators were born. Not as strong as the warriors of the titian mines, they make up for it in raw skills. From there, each one has their own strength, and no two are quite the same...

    Cleverly, sometimes they are referred to as 'the sin' or 'sin' and there are only eight of them. None as well possess the gift - so all of them try to be careful within reason. When they die - its likely they cannot be easily replaced. This makes any major injury or loss a great blow to their collective organization.

    Most of the information is more or less used by Azu to keep an eye on the world. Sometimes they are assigned organized tasks to perform (they spend some time making plans beforehand), and on rare occasions - contracts - have been profitable.))

    *Shaking her head in disbelief at the story she had been passed on the operation, she shelves her journal for now. Pulling out another book, she flips to the last page written in to make minor note edits:*

    Assignment: Neutralize demon threat in clean, efficient, and quick manner.
    Team 1:
    Akirre *She makes a note that Akirre suffered grave injuries and will need to recover.*

    Assignment: Stake out Delgarath for intelligence.
    Team 2:

    *She writes here:*

    After battle report Team 1: mission plan executed, however resistance was cause for failiure. We will be faced with some sort of demon spawn later on.

    ... *With that, she closes the book and shelves it, going on her way.*

  12. #52

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((Fast forward from our forum lab raid...))

    It was finally able to live on its own without constant assistance and observation. Much like a fire taking to logs after hours of rubbing sticks together, it was a good omen that the work put in is coming full circle. Even if that circle is completing more than a few months later than normal.

    "To complete the process, thou must sit with it. Eight hours a day shouldst suffice." Iyrevi had told her, much to her discontent with such a lazy endeavor.

    Furthermore - even if she could just go through a portal between places arranged for the exchange of research projects between friends, she couldn't take it through with her. Another week had been spent to devise a transport casing to protect it from the elements around the titian mines, keeping the heat levels steady in the process.

    Taking the long way from Delgarath to the home took some time, clutching the modified scalepack container with care to not drop it or have it removed by a gust of wind. Most of the run was pretty easy over the water to the north, but it was a bit of a stormy day outside and she almost lost her package more than once (to her horror). A tweaked flame crystal kept it at a constant temperature inside, keeping the cold out.

    Setting up a resting place in a room that used to belong to Drysten, then Selarth, she started the long waiting process... with several huge stacks of books to pass the time until it hatches.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((I guess since I'm hardly on these days, you can just assume Thelras is out on his own pretty much. :P
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
    Want a pic of your character? Click here!

  14. #54

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightCat View Post
    ((I guess since I'm hardly on these days, you can just assume Thelras is out on his own pretty much. :P
    ((That - but also there are a lot of rooms in the mines. That one is just a good one for having enough space for her, supplies, and a fairly even neutral air temperature (as many rooms are often an extreme of too hot or too cold). Even if he is out, he will always have some place to sleep in.)).

  15. #55

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    At long last, the project came full circle. Seems a side effect of the process created a mutation and turned it white, but it is at best a minor and easily overlooked flaw.

    Took Raenir (That is what I am calling it as it seemed to put up a stink with a certain book read) outside for the first time to teach him the first lessons of the world. Found quickly that Iyrevi's notes of albinos having difficulties with the sun to be true and had to stop to allow some shade.

    Noting he learns quickly and appears tougher than most hatchlings observed wandering around. Not sure if it is another side effect of having been forged half by blood magic or simply a natural trait derived from the blood composing it...

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