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Thread: A chunk of complaining

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Somewhere on the edge of sanity

    Default A chunk of complaining

    Because it is better to acknowledge such things.

    Complaint number one, I have noticed -no- enforcement of Order being a 'roleplaying' shard whatsoever. Certain individuals are even taking advantage of this, viewing Order as a lower-population alternative to Chaos. The ones in question quite plainly ignore standards like OOC, discussing topics from quests to game mechanics to basketball, all in the grammar-less uncapitalized 'I's and first letters. I find this an insult, as I both denote my OOC quite heartily with a double set of parenthesis, (()), and take pride in my passable use of the English language. Note that I have named no names, because that would lead to my post being shot down, bringing me to my next issue.

    The forums, which should be a medium for discussion, are chock full of closed threads. One particular agitation was a late-night suggestion to make -head scales- visible. I was shot down twice in quick succession, linked to a post on making dragon armor visible, and the thread was closed, all before I could elaborate that a standard model be added, working on the same concept as the masks that one of them brought up. An assumption was made, because the others who read the post did not see the same picture I did, and I was too tired to elaborate.

    This demonstrates a degree of contempt for the newer players in the community and a lapse in logic on the part of the forum moderators and/or the developers, the latter based around the concept of a suggestions forum, which is to bring in ideas that might not have otherwise been thought of. If this is the case, then when a post is not dripping with information, instead of assuming you already know, why not ask for elaboration? In this particular case, I had read both the dragon armor posts and the FAQ's, but did not see enough of a correlation to assume that my suggestion would be invalid; had an assumption not been made that everyone else knew what I was referring to, then the idea might have been proved valid with a simple copy/paste experiment.

    Lastly, I want to come back to my earlier comment on the treatment of newer players; having put forth the effort and managing to become an Ancient dragon shortly after my hundredth day of playing Istaria, I found myself still missing a few smaller pieces of information, such as the process of obtaining a particular ice damage conversion crystal. When it came up in the marketplace, I decided to ask where the quest started; if I was answered, the answer was buried under a series of remarks on my ineptitude, implications that I was power-leveled, and complaints about ancients less than 120 days old (of which I happen to be one). While I understand the need to thin out the utterly inept and nincompoopish individuals that occasionally stumble upon Istaria and treat it as a repeatable 14-day playground, in this case the sarcasm and nastiness was utterly uncalled for, especially over such a small piece of information.

    Alright, I'm done. ^.^

  2. #2

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Wow, that is a chunk of complaining. I would respond further, but at the moment I just don't care enough to argue with you about any of your points.

  3. #3

    Smile Re: A chunk of complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by deathwinged View Post
    -no- enforcement of Order being a 'roleplaying' shard whatsoever
    I'm not on Order so I cannot directly comment, but what kind of enforcement are you hoping for? There are no moderators that sit there and dictate what can or cannot be said. If you haven't already, perhaps just try asking them to take their conversation into private chat.

    Quote Originally Posted by deathwinged View Post
    head scales- visible.
    Being one of those who shot your suggestion down, I firstly like to point out, we all would love to see it, so please don't think for a second that we were trying to show you any contempt.

    Unfortunately, while you may have had an idea of implementing it, it's just not going to happen. As Raktor said, there are many other posts about it including many dev responses on why. The FAQ might not hold the best answer, but it does have the most detailed reason.

    While there may not been a correlation between your suggested implementation and other ideas, the desire is still the same, to have visible dragon armor. A lot of work went into getting the heads to a stage where they could accept the masks, but unfortunately to extend that to the rest of the models is not something the devs have time for.

    Quote Originally Posted by deathwinged View Post
    ice damage conversion crystal
    FYI: This is from Winter Vale, which offers a nice little quest series with some nice rewards.

    Happy huntings
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Couple of things.

    First, thanks for the pointer.
    Second, I was leaning more towards the head scales having a mask mesh added to them which would appear when dyed.
    Lastly, this is no longer in any way relevant, I am merely of the belief that problems should be stated, then ignored. :3

  5. #5

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by hallucin8 View Post
    I'm not on Order so I cannot directly comment, but what kind of enforcement are you hoping for? There are no moderators that sit there and dictate what can or cannot be said. If you haven't already, perhaps just try asking them to take their conversation into private chat.
    theres two types that don't obey the roleplaying policy on order:
    1. The one who made up a character who was really over powered and ignored all lore and such in game. Reflecting their rudenss out of character. luckily these types only go on the 14 day trial and leave *thanks drulkar* i mean honestly...this type is usually extremelty rude, stubborn, annoying, etc. not the type chaos, order or blight wants to ever see. luckily we don't get these type of people anymore on order c:
    2. The one who listens, and then tries their best to roleplay, and respects those who do roleplay often in public. This happens because they didn't bother to read the policy, and only paid little attention if any to the notice that comes up when you make a character on order. I presume this is what he means.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    theres two types that don't obey the roleplaying policy on order:
    Oh, I disagree. There's a third type: The ones who don't think its worth the effort. The ones who 'type like this becuz i think the rules dont apply to me' and think 'its to much effort to use ()'. :3

  7. #7
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Second, I was leaning more towards the head scales having a mask mesh added to them which would appear when dyed.
    That might be possible if the biped system of detecting armor equips is used on dragons to detect scale equips, and apply a texture like a mask. However I don't think the devs really ar einterested in it right now.
    I'm sorry if i came off as rude; I've seen suggestions for visible dragon armor many, many times and they're always shot down, so I decided I'd write a post before Velea or Amon or someone posted something like 'view the faq - we can't do it'. (No offense, but that's what it generally sounds like, guys~)

    Anyways, most of the OOCers/idiots that I see are as follows:
    1) Complete ignoring of rules. Believes they do not need to use brackets, even simple ones like [] that don't even require the shift button. Think they can just blahlblahblah all day long without consequences. Usually come in groups of two.
    2) The lore-breakers and extreme benders with names like DeathSmasher999. Those who apparently are eastern dragons with no wings, fur that drags behind them that never gets dirty, and long branching horns on the fin head. Can cast epic magics and biped spells perfectly. Ect. ect.
    The funniest of this one I've seen is a hatchling that literally walked up to an ancient, poked them, and when they responded said "you r supposed 2 die"
    3) Those who don't respect others who RP, OOCs, but can RP sometimes if they choose to. World seems to revolve around them. Brackets always seem optional depending on their moods.

    Of course, there's mixes of those and more. I've seen many through my years here, and recently it's gotten more or less worse. (Back in my day, the only thing you saw in NT was RP and if one person forgot a bracket, you would be shot to death on the spot)

    I didn't get to see the marketplace scandal you mentioned, so I can't exactly comment. Assuming power-leveling isn't the best thing for anyone to do, even if it is a possibility. Usually power-levelers wouldn't even know the shard existed.
    Actually, I might of seen what you're referring to; if you are talking about the time when that one person was getting on another person case for not knowing everything as an ancient... I believe that was a joke. If not, then I'm thinking of something else.

  8. #8

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Wel, if this is who I think it is (If your name starts with an A)), I provided you the location of where to get the crystal, very early in the conversation.

    Also, don't get offended when people are upset by a 100 day ancient. You may have worked very hard for it, but to most veterans it is just another feeling of frustration that there is no benefit for having a character over 3000 days old, and that the years of work are easily matched by someone else in a 100 days.
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  9. #9

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    *links wings with Mim and walks away*
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  10. #10

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    *links Paws with Mim and walks away, links paw with lovwyrm and walks away*
    Last edited by Peaches; November 17th, 2012 at 02:36 PM.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Most 3000+ day ancients on any shard will chew you out for being a hunderd day ancient. (I've been chewed out for not knowing everything about everything the first time I ever logged in.) It's just the way it is. They think it works against powerlevelers - no offense anyone - and it doesn't. It simply drives newer players away. I don't think I can understand their frustration. I'm only 390-ish days old and have no problem helping 100-ish ancients. In fact, I would love to see anyone who didn't have to ask questions in Istaria at one time or another. (Although someone claims they knew everything the second they made their first character. :s ) About visible head scales, I don't think this will happen. The closest you can get is wearing a mask, which can still be fun. As for order, I avoid order with a passion now due to that roleplay thing. If you don't roleplay a certain way, you're out. Don't try to start your own roleplay, don't ask OOC questions even with the (), because you'll get yelled at. (Sorry and no offense, had to add a slight rant of my own.)

  12. #12

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Deathwinged, I invite you to browse Istarian Rants and Roleplay (Order) threads. In them you'll find a good number of debating about RP in general, OoC-IC things, new/returning/older players' relationships,... It will help you get an insight of what has been going on for years on Istaria, so feel free to check it out if you want. Having voiced my opinion on the related matters, many times, in these threads, I won't repeat them there in public. But don't hesitate to PM me if you want to discuss with me about these things, or find me in game when I'm on, my characters are LungTien and Serynbeth, on Order shard.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Not sure why this thread was ressurected, but eh. xD
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdiatoken View Post
    Most 3000+ day ancients on any shard will chew you out for being a hunderd day ancient. (I've been chewed out for not knowing everything about everything the first time I ever logged in.) It's just the way it is. They think it works against powerlevelers - no offense anyone - and it doesn't. It simply drives newer players away. I don't think I can understand their frustration. I'm only 390-ish days old and have no problem helping 100-ish ancients.
    I'm over 1,000 days old and have absolutely no problem with 100-day ancients and level-30 adults, though it will irk me if they rushed there for the sake of getting there. Either way, I don't hold it against them. I've seen lots of new people chewed out, but at least most of them deserved it. ("Can u level me 2 100???" "Make me a scale now" "Help me NOW!!!!!!!!!1"... basically demanding lol) I know a good group of old vets who don't chew out the newbies though. Mostly people who hold themselves all high and mighty do. :/

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdiatoken View Post
    As for order, I avoid order with a passion now due to that roleplay thing. If you don't roleplay a certain way, you're out. Don't try to start your own roleplay, don't ask OOC questions even with the (), because you'll get yelled at. (Sorry and no offense, had to add a slight rant of my own.)
    That stinks. I'm sorry you got a bad impression. :/ Most people I hang out with are very welcoming to new players or people in general unless they've disgraced themselves to the community somehow. I don't RP much anymore, though; it's slowly became boring to me, but I do make an appearance and when I do, I'm generally welcomed. (Then again, most of the time I rp when there's people I know around)

  14. #14
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    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    I'm over 1,000 days old and have absolutely no problem with 100-day ancients and level-30 adults, though it will irk me if they rushed there for the sake of getting there.

    That stinks. I'm sorry you got a bad impression. :/ Most people I hang out with are very welcoming to new players or people in general unless they've disgraced themselves to the community somehow. I don't RP much anymore, though; it's slowly became boring to me, but I do make an appearance and when I do, I'm generally welcomed. (Then again, most of the time I rp when there's people I know around)
    You're 1 in a million to not assume that every 100 day ancient and 30 day adult was power leveled there. Most assume that there's no such thing as working hard enough to do the RoP and ARoP in that amount of time.
    No offense to the roleplayers - I'm sure there are nice ones - but when you don't know anyone, it's hard to rp with someone you know, if that makes sense.

  15. #15

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdiatoken View Post
    No offense to the roleplayers - I'm sure there are nice ones - but when you don't know anyone, it's hard to rp with someone you know, if that makes sense.
    I personally don't see any issue in starting RPing with people we don't know yet. An OoC discussion on the side, like in tell, can help launching a good relationship. I also know a good bunch of RPers who are nice as well, though we are currently in a low and not too active part of the cycle regarding public RP.

  16. #16

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    I myself have noticed a bit of rudeness when asking where something is even when on as my ancient. a few think just because I`m level 100/100, and over 3k days old, I automaticaly know where everything is. when the whole Dalimond Ridge T2 revamp took place, resources/mobs were removed/moved/added, I had to ask where a few things were simply because it all changed. this is to be expected. I`m always willing to help others, even if they are powerleveled, as long as they don`t beg to the point of me basicaly leveling them for them, I`ve no probs with helping new players.
    As for Order, and RP, I only RP with a few, and I`m super careful what/who/how I RP, as I admit a few characters aren`t exactly complete lore friendly. But I do try to stay in lore best I can, and never God-Mod (e.g. have up powers to kill, or not be killed in any way)
    Hope none of this is offending, if it is, I`m greatly sorry. Just sharing my own experiences in game.

  17. #17

    Default Re: A chunk of complaining

    This was an interesting bit to read... and really, it reminds me much of posts I've seen in multiple different MMOs and forums. I suppose the best we can do is try to enlighten the newcomers, and invite others to join the RP if they so desire. I think a good thing for the community would be a few integrated plotlines for those who don't have the time to make them up themselves. I may be starting one of my own here, soon... Symazok has been eyeballing certain dragons and is about to start something up that could be useful as a community plotline, for example. That is... if people decide to play along with it.

    And sometimes, Darkwing, in accordance to your second paragraph... sometimes, that's all you can do. I never minded a little lore-bending, myself, and the lore of the game is very vague in comparison to others so there's a lot of rooms to..

    *Puts on sunglasses*...

    Stretch out your wings.



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