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Thread: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

  1. #1

    Default Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    So... what happened to Istaria these days?

    I remember the game being a game that boasted an excellent community, people would be willing to hear you out and listen to what you might have to say. I remember in olden days, when I asked something in Marketplace, I either got silence (which I took that to mean nobody had/was able to do what I needed which is fine) or I'd get people willing to help or at least offer advice.

    But then I suppose that was on Order.

    So, on Chaos... what's with our personal little company of snide/snippy trolls in Marketplace lately?

    Earlier I tried to inquire if anybody was capable of making a T1 Tarbash disk.

    Nobody answered at first, and then a couple people started picking apart what I said...

    I said "the t1 huge capacity disk, tarbash I think it was called?" because I could not quite remember what it was called.

    Instead of just staying quiet, I had a couple trolls saying "t1 and huge don't belong in the same sentence" and then they went on to explain that the tarbash disk is the 1-stack high capacity" and I said "sorry, I meant high then". answer.

    *rolls eyes* Okay.... it doesn't bother me that nobody was available to make me one (I was more going to ask what materials would be needed for one so I could gather the crap myself), what bothers me is the rudeness, snide and snippy remarks to a simple question.

    Then about 30min later, a dragon asks a question about the Clearport consigner missing. Someone says "there's one in the vault" and for the next 10min, the dragon was trying to verify that the consigner inside the vault was really a t6 consigner.

    The Snide and Snippy Troll Company (I'm noticing a certain 2-3 players who are constantly getting snide and snippy) decided that they'd start berating the dragon. I commented that the snippy answers were not necessary by any means and then the one responds by (rudely) telling me to "back off, this has nothing to do with you".

    Um.... really, buddy?


    Who the *bleeeep* do you think you are to tell me what to do?

    I was very tempted to give him what I thought of him. I am honestly starting to get tired of the crap to be honest. If I wanted this sort of trolling, I'd go join Trade Chat over in WoW. I honestly thought this game was better than this.

    Now, I'm not saying Everyone in Istaria is acting like this, but those trolls in the Marketplace really need to stuff it. I'm a snarky person myself by nature, but I don't get snarky with someone who's just asking for advice or help, and this is by far not the only time I've had issues with a couple of these players getting unnecessarily rude and snippy with me. The one seems to think they own the server or something that everybody should just smile and nod... it is getting really old TBH.

    What do new players think when they see this going on, I wonder?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    Dhalin I think you were reading a bit too deeply into what was said last night. The dragon who was asking about the T6 pawnie got their answer, but they either ignored the response or refused to believe it- hence the so-called 'snippiness' that you described.

    And the debacle with the cargo disk did not come across as snide to me, rather it was simply the other player making a joke (because, let's face it, t1 isn't that big.)

    If you are going to let yourself get angry at these people then you only have yourself to blame. The majority of regulars on MP are honest, helpful people but who tend to get the flack from newer, more argumentative players who do come into MP chat and cause trouble (I have witnessed this a lot recently, so I can relate to your laments of the MP trolling. It's a shame that there are few methods of managing these people other than the simple ignore function but, we make the best with what we have.) I'm not calling you argumentative, that is not my intention, but maybe next time someone gives you the impression that they are being snide, turn the other cheek and joke back at them. You might be surprised how willing Chaos MP is to have a lighthearted joke when everyone is civil. Some just mask it behind sarcasm (I learned this the hard way ).

    Just because you think someone is being snide doesn't mean that it was their intention. The vets you are talking about (because I know exactly who you are addressing in the OP) really do not mean harm when they say what they do.
    Bumbling Ancient and grumbling Satyr on Chaos- if Helians are supposed to be 'spellcasters', then why is Wintheria, the Gold Rage trainer, a Helian?
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    If they were trying to make jokes, then err. They could be a little less snippy, to be honest.

    But like I said, this isn't the only time I've ever seen this happen with at least one of those players before and it seems like nearly every response they give me feels very snippy-like.

    But very well I'll try to give them a chance.

  4. #4
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    There are some people around who think they know everything, did everything and "rule the shard" and indeed make remarks that make you want to hit them with a frying pan. I don't agree with Meredas that they don't intent being snide because I think that's exactly what they are doing.
    I agree you should not let them make you angry because that's not good for you, just try to ignore them, that's what I try to do.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    And... there are alot of hostile new people who think older players are jerks. New players who dont listen at all... or who want to make constants demands that their questions are answered immediately. Blah blah blah.... same old rants. This whole thread is rehashing the same things. Most of us who hang out in MP in Chaos are very helpfull, even after listening to the trash talk, and crap that gets spewed there and here on the forums by warriors who would rather post than play.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    I think the "snippy" comes from 1) people NOT listening when they are in fact given an answer the first time, 2) When a member says I am 1 zillion days old blah blah blah, but can you make me a bronze chest piece? 3) When MP turns into a mentally handicap slugfest instead of actual MP business.

    I think the bulk of Chaos is tired of the crap in MP and it is now reflecting on people's response's.

    And fyi- as a member since 2005 I would think you would know what a sandstone tarbash disc is, and could make one. I guess I could be wrong.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sslarn View Post
    I think the "snippy" comes from 1) people NOT listening when they are in fact given an answer the first time, 2) When a member says I am 1 zillion days old blah blah blah, but can you make me a bronze chest piece? 3) When MP turns into a mentally handicap slugfest instead of actual MP business.

    I think the bulk of Chaos is tired of the crap in MP and it is now reflecting on people's response's.

    And fyi- as a member since 2005 I would think you would know what a sandstone tarbash disc is, and could make one. I guess I could be wrong.
    #1: I couldn't remember if it was called a "Tarbash" or "Standish". I always got the biped disks confused because I played mainly a dragon, thus I used the dragon disks mostly.

    #2: I cannot alt+tab and I must run Istaria full-screen or it CTDs on all of my computers.

    #3: Yes, I knew what type/size of disk I wanted (the Lv20 1 stack high bulk).

    #4: No, I did not know what materials were needed to make one (hence why I was asking).
    EDIT: Obviously it takes bronze and standstone, but how much? Any Essence Orbs? Cloth? Etc.

    #5: I was away from the game for nearly a year; I had forgotten a lot of stuff, or have fuzzy memories of where some things are/what some things were called.

    #6: Due to money trouble IRL, I had to start a new freebie account, which means I am now playing as a biped with very low craft levels (IE: can't make much of anything myself except tools as I'm leveling BLK first).

    Is it so wrong to ask for a little help and get an actual straight response?

    I understand there's childish crap going on, but people don't have to take it out on people asking simple questions.

    I thought that's what MP was for, you know? People asking to trade / ask people to make things for them / etc?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Snide/Snippy Responses and/or Trolling in MP (Chaos)

    Sigi, I think there is only one player on Chaos who thinks they own the shard, but I'm certain it is not who Dhalin is talking about.
    Bumbling Ancient and grumbling Satyr on Chaos- if Helians are supposed to be 'spellcasters', then why is Wintheria, the Gold Rage trainer, a Helian?
    "Let your post stand on its own merits [without the need for attention-seeking tactics such as colours or images]." -GW2 Forum Conduct

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