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Thread: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

  1. #1

    Default End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    I have decided that my goals for this game and for my guild can no longer be realized.

    Thanks for all the fun over the years, but I will be disbanding the guild and retiring it along with all my toons, as I have no intention of playing here any longer.

    Ambato will be going back to the community, so stake your claim early

    We have a number of really great players that I hope will band back together under new management.

    Have fun out there if you can.
    Aamer Khan : The Eyes of Istaria : First Herald of Istaria
    Helper to those in need, Guide to the newly gifted, Friend and neighbor to all.

  2. #2

    Default The Eyes of Istaria are closing for good.

    I have decided to retire from the game permanently and close the Eyes of Istaria guild as well.

    My sub runs out the 9th.

    Thanks for the fun over the years.
    Aamer Khan : The Eyes of Istaria : First Herald of Istaria
    Helper to those in need, Guide to the newly gifted, Friend and neighbor to all.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria are closing for good.

    Aamer- thats a shock- and makes me sad.
    Though we never met personally (as I do not play on Chaos anymore) in all those years,
    and though I have no idea what happened that you draw that unfortunate consequence:
    I always appreciated all you did for Istaria and thank you for that. I wish you luck with all you do in future
    *sad wingwave*

    no chance one can think or talk it over??
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  4. #4

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    *serves AamerKhan a container full of klava presented with a towel and a curtsy*
    Wowsers, that really is an era... Hope you wind up just making it a sabbatical - you'll be missed in the meantime!

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria are closing for good.

    I wish you the best of luck Aamer, health and happiness, wherever life may take you after Istaria.
    Bumbling Ancient and grumbling Satyr on Chaos- if Helians are supposed to be 'spellcasters', then why is Wintheria, the Gold Rage trainer, a Helian?
    "Let your post stand on its own merits [without the need for attention-seeking tactics such as colours or images]." -GW2 Forum Conduct

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria are closing for good.


    That's sad to hear....

    If it is a very active guild... why close the whole guild? What about all of those people in the guild? I'm sorry to hear you're going away, but I understand, everyone has their RL, everyone eventually leaves. It just seems so sudden and such...

  7. #7

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    no ... I have not only closed the guild down permanently but have also deleted all my characters as well as Aamer.

    You will no longer see me in Istaria again.
    Aamer Khan : The Eyes of Istaria : First Herald of Istaria
    Helper to those in need, Guide to the newly gifted, Friend and neighbor to all.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria are closing for good.

    Sorry to see you go, m8.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria are closing for good.

    Wasn't EoI the guild that would recruit with the only requirement being "having a pulse"? Perhaps that was the problem?

  10. #10

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    That's a real shame. You sell Ambato back to the Community after all your guildies spent a large chunk of their game time building up the plots.. Nice way to exit! I understand all too well why this guild disbanded..

  11. #11

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    I'm also sad to see you go Aamer, but best of luck to you! Whoever ends up taking the reins for the new guild(s) that form, please feel free to ask for help with rebuilding .

    Khalon 100/100/100 craftsdrake
    Xynder 100/100/21 loony Lunus
    Martel dedicated pugilist and craftsdwarf at large... Have anvil, will travel!

  12. #12

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    Quote Originally Posted by Neema View Post
    That's a real shame. You sell Ambato back to the Community after all your guildies spent a large chunk of their game time building up the plots.. Nice way to exit! I understand all too well why this guild disbanded..
    Let me ask you... what stops any of them from buying the master plot and continuing to have total control of those plots?

    Actually you do not understand nor is your perspective the correct one.

    Let me see if I can explain.

    First off you always had to have more than a pulse, so such snide comments are more a comment on your personality than mine. You had to agree to abide by the rules we set out to join. The rules were simple and as follows... Respect other members and their play style, and drama would not be tolerated. Every new member was on a two week probation to make sure they would fit in and not cause issues.

    Second, while it is true that come resources were lost from the master plot when it was sold back to the community, very few if any had contributed to those stock piles and NONE had build or contributed to any of the structures as they had been built years ago. Regardless, this guild and that plot were things I personally had built up and nurtured all those years. They were mine to do with as I saw fit.

    This is a game, that is supposed to be played right? To play requires gathering resources, making gear and weapons, hunting for comps to tech with, etc...

    If I had not created this guild and worked hard to win that plot way back in the day, none of the current players would have had it anyways .. right? For too long some felt they should inherit the guild and plots by default. What I did was for their own good, to force them into creating something for themselves, not just benefit from others labor without labor on their own part. I am not concerned if you liked it neema, but I am concerned that you would try to slant the situation away from what was true by your snide comments.

    Through out this games history I have always been known to be fair and kind, and helpful to all. I was the first herald of this game and have always championed it, even when other did not or could not. Even when I came back to playing this last time, I had worked hard to re-build EOI into the single most active guild in the game. I recently realized that players and the game had changed so much that my ultimate goal were unattainable. For this reason ALONE I decided to retire not only me but the guild I created all those years ago.

    This offers all those EOI members a new opportunity to make something of themselves and for themselves.

    One last comment, remember... this is a GAME.
    Aamer Khan : The Eyes of Istaria : First Herald of Istaria
    Helper to those in need, Guide to the newly gifted, Friend and neighbor to all.

  13. #13

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    *waves to Aamer*

    I'm sorry to see you go, though I think now I can understand your reasons.

    I had a talk with a couple certain people from your former guild and their responses to me... well.

    Let's say I can understand why you chose to left, or at least I have some idea now what might cause you to leave. It is sad, but I suppose that's the way it happens. Perhaps sometime/somewhere we'll get a chance to talk again? Who knows. Either way, I hope whatever you choose to do out there, you'll enjoy it and have fun with it.

    If you ever find yourself in WoW, send me a PM here. I doubt you'd enjoy the community over there, but.. well. You offered to help me out; it is only fair I do the same.

  14. #14

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    Aamer-Sorry to hear that you are leaving. Take care bud. I am sure going to miss you standing besides me fighting anchors. :-). Good bowman you were and yes don't let anyone tell you different. Your choice is yours and yours alone!

  15. #15

    Default Re: End of EOI

    I had wanted to avoid responding to this but this last message is just too much.

    Quote Originally Posted by AamerKhan View Post
    Let me ask you... what stops any of them from buying the master plot and continuing to have total control of those plots?

    Second, while it is true that come resources were lost from the master plot when it was sold back to the community, very few if any had contributed to those stock piles and NONE had build or contributed to any of the structures as they had been built years ago. Regardless, this guild and that plot were things I personally had built up and nurtured all those years. They were mine to do with as I saw fit.

    Sorry Aamer, but this second topic is just not true. I donated years of my time and effort to making sure that Ambato had stocks. Many others who know who they are spent a ton of time as well. What about you? You choose not to help stock much. Your time was too valuable. I have tried very hard not to take this personally or to turn this into a contest... However this whole post shows what a raving egomaniac you have become. Who are you, and what have you done to Aamer?

    This is a game, that is supposed to be played right? To play requires gathering resources, making gear and weapons, hunting for comps to tech with, etc...

    If I had not created this guild and worked hard to win that plot way back in the day, none of the current players would have had it anyways .. right? For too long some felt they should inherit the guild and plots by default. What I did was for their own good, to force them into creating something for themselves, not just benefit from others labor without labor on their own part. I am not concerned if you liked it neema, but I am concerned that you would try to slant the situation away from what was true by your snide comments.

    Complete and total egomanic statement. Only your opinion matters. It wasnt just you Aamer. Maybe you forget such people as Grogo, Trust, Garrick and myself. But wait... none of us matter in the end. Its all about you and your amazing awesomeness in always being there. You always helped the new people who didnt have a clue? Of course you did.

    Through out this games history I have always been known to be fair and kind, and helpful to all. I was the first herald of this game and have always championed it, even when other did not or could not. Even when I came back to playing this last time, I had worked hard to re-build EOI into the single most active guild in the game. I recently realized that players and the game had changed so much that my ultimate goal were unattainable. For this reason ALONE I decided to retire not only me but the guild I created all those years ago.

    Again more raving egotism. You you you... oh yeah.. and you. No one was there to help but you. No one did anything to help build EoI but you. Can you stop raving and listen to yourself through this rage of ego? No.... didnt think so

    This offers all those EOI members a new opportunity to make something of themselves and for themselves.

    No hostility towards you... lots of it was directed at me.

    To those who don't recognize this alt... you should be able to figure it out.

    I have ZERO hostility to those who stayed with EOI till the bitter end. It was an end I foresaw. Aamer threatened this in the past. At least he followeed through with his thread.

    Its just a game.... no drama.... there is a special word for how Aamer ended this. Hypocrit comes to mind

    Peace all... look me up if you want facts and not nonsense.

    The Dorf

    One last comment, remember... this is a GAME.

  16. #16

    Default Re: End of EOI

    oh well..
    I doubt, that esp. this game is "just a game"
    Social interactions sometimes go deeper than they use to do in rl.
    Wounds bleed more- to say it in rp style.
    This is even true for those who do not play 24/7.

    Even those scientists who earn their money with trying to find out what makes the mmos fascination
    come to that conclusion. This goes for all other social networks too.
    We do not need a scientific paper to know all about his. We`ve been/are there.
    Why I bla bla you with all that?
    Because Istaria IS NOT "just a game". WoW is not. LotR is not. Most of the others are not.

    One of the most famous scientist of this branch of science said about a year ago:
    "our grandchildren will ask us, what we mean by "virtual reality"
    I always try to consider this.
    And sorry : For me is "(just) a game" a poor argument and no excuse for anything!
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  17. #17

    Default Re: End of EOI

    *cheers* to you Asander.. Well said!

  18. #18
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    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    I will miss you aamerkhan yes this is sparkcal if you still remember i wish you well in life after istaria

  19. #19

    Default Re: End of an era and of the Eyes of Istaria

    Wow, I can't believe it! I had to leave for a month, when I left we were fine, I come back and everything's changed. I'm going to really miss you Aamer. I hope you can see fit to come back some day. Meanwhile, I wish you the best! I really wish I'd have had a chance to talk to you before you left though.


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