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Thread: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

  1. #81

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I can see where that's confusing. I was confused for several minutes looking at it.

    I see the profiles show both 'Dragon Scalecraft' and just plain 'Scalecraft'. It shouldn't be like that, never noticed that. I'll get rid of the 'Dragon Scalecraft' to avoid confusion. The 'Skill Used' in the bottom window pane of the disk (or any scales) forms, shows 'Scalecraft' and not 'Dragon Scalecraft'. So the recipe calculates it based on values you enter into 'Scalecraft' and not 'Dragon Scalecraft' (in profile).

    So I know the skill in game is technically called 'Dragon Scalecraft', but since its always used 'Scalecraft' in the forms and would be a bit of work renaming every skill in all the dragon forms; We'll just leave it as 'Scalecraft' to continue to work using the 'Scalecraft' skill, in profiles. But will get rid of the 'Dragon Scalecraft' skill from profiles, assuming I don't find any forms that use that (which I doubt).

    So just remember, whatever skill is showing in the bottom window pane (Resources/Efficiency/Need/Skill Used/Min/Opt), under Skill Used, is the value that will be used from the Profile window.

    The Example profile (titled "Blight: Example) doesn't show 'Dragon Scalecraft'. But the "Default: Optimal" and any new profile created, does. Already fixed!

    Last week I said there wasn't going to be another update for a while (since nothing much has changed). But wasn't expecting a game patch (Live Delta 242) last Tues. Some of these changes affect HCC with one comp renamed, and a few comps changed (Ferocious Gruok which doesn't exist). So was going to push a small mini-update later tonight/tomorrow to fix those. I'll also get rid of the 'Dragon Scalecraft' reference, in profiles. Also will remove the "Trash" folder, that I had to temporarily create for a work around, in order to rearrange the food items on last update.
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  2. #82

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Thanks, Cegaiel, for your reply, as it forced me to look at things more closely. What I was seeing was the exact opposite of what you said in your reply, so, I uninstalled completely and then re-installed, following the instructions at the HCC page, and now I'm seeing only Scalecraft, in both profiles and in that bottom window pane :-D Now, just need to re-do my Profile....happy camper! Thanks!
    Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for thou art crunchy, and extra-tasty dipped in ketchup.

  3. #83

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Notes regarding next patch (coming within next couple of days), particulary for current/future administrators. I am adding all Hand Wraps with the following keyword tag <item-keyword>skill_use_onehandslash</item-keyword> instead of <item-keyword>skill_use_unarmed</item-keyword>. Previously was BLANK.

    The reason is that using this keyword tag will allow the tech of Ability: Power Strike tech to be applied to the Hand Wraps. Using Unarmed tag or leaving BLANK will not allow this. The Power Strike tech was added to Hand wraps on the Oct 15, 2013 game patch. This is the tag that will allow this new tech, but not affect the valid/normal list of techs currently available for Unarmed... Using One hand slash instead of Unarmed tag or BLANK works out perfectly without consequences. We got lucky on this one

    Please do not revert 'skill_use_onehandslash' tag with 'skill_use_unarmed' on Hand Wraps or revert back to BLANK... This is not a mistake.

    Everyone else, the new shield stats are coming soon to HCC. In the meantime, the new Shield stats (from patch) can be obtained from here.
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  4. #84

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    New patch is now available for the Spring Content 2014 data. Just click the update button inside HCC program. Enjoy

    Some things updated/added:
    • Mind Range tech added
    • Mind Damage tech added
    • Frozen Carapace Dust form added (Comps also added)
    • Glass Nodule Fabricator form added
    • New category added "Resources - Foraging" for the above two formulas.
    • Recycle times updated on all other Fabricators (Egg, Milk, etc)
    • Vilitis Plant Processing added (Comps also added)
    • Most of the new bulks on the plot buildings. Still awaiting confirmation to the remaining missing data to fill in the rest of the data. Unknown will show as ? for bulk amounts in the mean time.
    • Updated many icons in the database (previously was hard coded/overwritten with my .xml files).
    • Glass bottles now produce a qty of 5 instead of 2.
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  5. #85

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Driving me nuts.. I just had to fix the Dragon Tech Kits (Battle-Forged, Deadly, Piercing Winds, Razor Teeth, Rending, Sharper kits).
    The format was all bad. Re-formatted all the techs/tiers. Fixed any incorrect info. Thanks Veruliyam for data verification.
    All "Dragon:" tech kits should display in a more friendly format (Epic - Tech Kit category).

    Added Expert Tech Kit: Undead Slayer formula - Thanks Mordusk for data verification.
    Small Guild House bulk added - Thanks Deelighted for data verification.

    DB: 2014-04-18
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  6. #86

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Heya, I've recently reinstalled HCC and have a couple of questions. I remember years ago helping Matecuss and Arcat develop it (you'll find my name somewhere on the credits page), and contributed a lot of data from my character dumps at the time. Great to see it is still being updated!

    Ok so I installed HCC, and updated the database to the latest available from the original HCC2 web site. That worked fine. I closed HCC, added the modified config file and reopened HCC. The new update server worked fine and it downloaded the HCC_2014-04-23 version of the database. When it attempted to rebuild the cache it completed that part almost instantly, and then all the formulas and techs in HCC vanished. Attempting to rebuild the cache the data didn't change this, nor did restarting HCC.

    I switched back to the original update server, downloaded the last update from there, and things were back to normal with all formulas and techniques visisble again. Another way I got it working with the latest data was by taking a copy of the zip file temporarly downloaded to the hcc\temp folder. By leaving a copy in that folder it is possible to rebuild the cache when the config folder is missing.

    What is happening is when it tries to rebuild the cache the HCC config folder is being wiped out. Manually downloading your update from 18-04-2014 and using that from the config folder works fine, it successfully rebuilds the cache from that data, same when I use a copy of the zip file from the automatic download.

    I haven't yet figured out why it is failing to work with the automatic update. Manual updates are fine, everything seems okay.

    Edit: Okay wasn't much of a question! Any idea why this is happening? Also I'm curious if things like the broken equipment and key formulas are in there?
    Last edited by Tzael; April 25th, 2014 at 07:34 PM.

  7. #87

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    If you would have exited HCC, restarted it, click the Check for Update button again, then click the Re-Download button, it should have worked. You can redownload the same patch more than once. As far as I know, that has always been a known issue. Sometimes everything disappears during a recache or just the icons disappear. It doesn't happen too often. But a quick exit, Check Update/Re-download button has always fixed it. When it downloads, it puts the .zip file in the temp folder, so it works basically the same as doing it manually as you described
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  8. #88

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I just noticed a "bug" in HCC...

    let's say you make imbued bronze bars. let's say you have done some already and you only mark the number on the final product itself and not on the dim essence orb and bronze bars. When you save it, it's not saved... it only saves when you at least mark 1 for each subresource...
    Research Assistant Pharaxes Sphaerideion (started playing 2007-09-08, ascended 2008-06-15)
    Dragon Adventurer: 100 (2009-01-05) Dragon Crafter: 100 (prior 2008-06-04)
    Dragon Crystalshaper: 100 (2013-12-21) Dragon Lairshaper: 100 (2013-09-28)

  9. #89

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    i cant enter
    Abbie: 100 Sorcerer, 100 Wizard, 100 Conjurer, 100 Chaos Warrior

  10. #90

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I can enter it now
    Abbie: 100 Sorcerer, 100 Wizard, 100 Conjurer, 100 Chaos Warrior

  11. #91

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Does the Public Order Database work?

  12. #92

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Lantis View Post
    Does the Public Order Database work?
    Not sure what you mean by 'public'? Order, is something like an order you place at a restaurant. When you are viewing an item in the Formulae Database, there is an 'Add Item' button at bottom right. Add all your techs, etc first, before clicking Add Item. Once you click Add Item, then you can view it under the Order button. While viewing the Report, you MAY need to click the Generate button on the Report pane, before it shows the actual individual components required.

    Note, when you exit HCC your order is forgotten. So you will want to Save it if you want to view later. Click File, Save Order As. to save it. The next time you start HCC, you can then click File, Open Order to reload it.

    The file is saved as a .xml file in the HCC folder. You could also email to share your order with someone. So, maybe make a wish list, then email it to a high level crafter if you have various requests.

    Also, make sure you have the latest database 2014-05-01 (You can see this above the buttons on the left window pane). If you have a 2009 database and you've clicked the Live Update button too, then you are using the wrong server. Review instructions at . I know this is unrelated to your question, but just adding that again, as I'm sure it's been buried in earlier posts.
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  13. #93

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaxes View Post
    I just noticed a "bug" in HCC...

    let's say you make imbued bronze bars. let's say you have done some already and you only mark the number on the final product itself and not on the dim essence orb and bronze bars. When you save it, it's not saved... it only saves when you at least mark 1 for each subresource...
    I've never noticed that. That would be in the HCC exe code which from my understanding has long been lost. Something like that can't be fixed
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  14. #94

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I try to be more detailed this time since it seems we are talking about different things.

    I create a order, lets say: Armor Bracelet tier 1 with Alchemy I; click Add Technique, click Add Item
    Now i have a order with this item. In the "order tab" u can choose from different views: Orders&Comps, Comps Only, Components only, Bonuses.
    Next u can choose the export format: direct - which shows stuff simply below, html - creates a simple website, clipboard - self explained and "Export to HCC Public Order Database".
    Last step would be click Generate.

    When u search for the last one u will find something like: "HCC Public Order Database plugin v1.0 2009-03-16 by Arcat, OoR Uploads orders and profiles to". On the same site is stated that its a plugin for HCC and meant for data exchange between users via a server database. U can find it also in the HCC2 folder within Plugins folder.

    Is the server still working with this plugin? Did it ever work? How do i use it?
    Last edited by Lantis; July 24th, 2014 at 07:14 AM.

  15. #95

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I dont think all game file are lost btw, i just found this here:

  16. #96

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    No, that site isn't really maintained anymore and the data that was sent is no longer gathered/populated anymore. The site still exists, but the plugin functions aren't really being maintained or used by them anymore. So don't bother with the plugin or instructions to "send them data". HCC is maintained by the community now, via the database now. No way to get the plugin to send data to the "community" now.

    Additionally, the curl.exe file always flags on my anti-virus program. As long as you don't try to send your debug files, that file never gets used anyways. Not sure why, but since looking up items on the program doesn't use it, its never been a problem. But always wondered about that.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; July 24th, 2014 at 08:05 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  17. #97

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Lantis View Post
    I dont think all game file are lost btw, i just found this here:
    Interesting, nice find... Perhaps someone with more coding expertise could use the raw code there and further expand the program Never knew there was a GitHub project for this.
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  18. #98

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    The Public Order Database was part of a demo plugin we wrote for HCC years ago. It was intended to demonstrate the possibility of submitting an order directly from HCC to a third-party web site where the order could be picked up and processed. This functionality is 100% intact in the HCC client. You would have to set up your own public order database though, all the info is there in the plugin for anyone to be able to do so.

    Edit: Cega, don't you remember when we discussed in some detail the reasons for Curl being included, and the simple change it would require to update the version of Curl included? It was only 2 or 3 weeks ago! Btw, check with Arcat for the validity of the code dump on GitHub, he can also advise on any prerequisites to consider before creating a new installer.
    Last edited by Tzael; July 24th, 2014 at 09:03 AM.

  19. #99

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Minor update today (DB: 2014-08-20):

    Papermaking skill added to all tiers of Fabric Scissors.
    Fiery Dire Wolf Fang renamed to Crimson Wolf Fang (per new delta)
    Miner's Blessing now requires 33 Steel Bar (per new delta)
    Bloodskulk <comps> renamed to Blood Skulk <comps>
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  20. #100

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Minor Update today (DB: 2014-09-01)

    All tiers of Cooking knife (Tools - Metal) updated. Fixed all min/opt values for all tiers (All incorrect and/or backwards).

    Added T6 Adamantium Tinkering Spanner (Tools - Metal).

    As far as I know, these are the only T6 Biped Tools available.

    As always, please report any errors/discrepancies you find here.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; September 2nd, 2014 at 03:27 AM.
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