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Thread: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

  1. #1

    Default Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Twice now when I have logged back in all my hot keys have been cleared! Is this a known issue? Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    It's to do with the blight client - i presume you are using that?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    It is not only on the Blight Client - I do not have a Blight account or client. This happened to me also on Order.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    I am on Order.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Someone I know had this same issue on Chaos.

    Started a brand new character, new to game, had three abilities on bank 1 and logged. When he got back in, they were gone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    I have the same issue, logging in on my character whose hotkeys I set yesterday. Prefs and whatnot are still there, but my hotkeys are gone completely.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Was doing some testing last night and it the bug seems to be on par with what Guaran posted.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Makes sense because my ancient's hotkeys do not clear, despite having 10 bars up. Yet, my hatchling's hotkeys did, and he had 7, but they were placed there earlier because I'm on a new laptop.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    The developers have been able to reproduce this issue and a hot fix is coming down the pipe!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Just throwing it out there that editing your .def's manually outside of game does not cause this issue.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    The fix for this issue is in client release 385.2 and will be released within the next day to Blight.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Umm... Is the hotfix to Order yet? 'cause I had to redo all my hotkey bars and lost what I had set on 11 bars yesterday... :-(

    If it is not to Order, what can I do in the meantime to save them (filecopy, e.g.) so that I do not have to manually recreate them all each time I log in?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    If it is not to Order, what can I do in the meantime to save them (filecopy, e.g.) so that I do not have to manually recreate them all each time I log in?
    For all your characters, it'd just be easiest to make a backup of the Prefs folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Istaria\Prefs ). Can either zip it up or just copy/paste the folder to another location. Technically your hotbar keys are stored in Uihotkeys.def and the icons are stored in hotkey_icons (in the folders that contain your character name)

    I've always done that anyways, even before this issue. I keep my favorite hotkey layouts for each school I'm playing. Then whenever I switch schools, I just unzip the last backup I made of my favorite hotkeys I was using while playing said school (ie has my favorite cleric hotkeys, has my favorite warrior hotkeys,, etc). I suppose now that we have 20 bars, I probably don't really need to do that. But hard to break old habits.
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Login to blight allowing it to patch, this gives you the version that fixes the bug. Then log back into Order/Chaos without patching.

    Once you got the keys all redone, be a good idea to back them up.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    This happen to me just last night! I downloaded the game a few days ago and I am only level 7 right now. I had my main hotbar all set up with all my dragon moves (and my very first spell) and a second hotbar set up with all my crafting actions. When I logged in to play last night, both hotbars were all cleared out. Same thing happen to my husband's character on his laptop too.

    It is hard enough to be a noobie trying to learn the game, but it makes it even harder when the hotbar randomly clears *sigh*.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kritterly View Post
    This happen to me just last night! I downloaded the game a few days ago and I am only level 7 right now. I had my main hotbar all set up with all my dragon moves (and my very first spell) and a second hotbar set up with all my crafting actions. When I logged in to play last night, both hotbars were all cleared out. Same thing happen to my husband's character on his laptop too.

    It is hard enough to be a noobie trying to learn the game, but it makes it even harder when the hotbar randomly clears *sigh*.
    Yeah ... unfortunately this is how events usually unfold. Player finds bug, bug is reported, bug won't hit live until <random time> later.

    Your best bet is to patch into Blight, then jump back on your normal server (Chaos or Order) and do not patch. This way you get the updated client which will still work on live.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    The fix for this issue was released August 14:

  18. #18

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Quote Originally Posted by Yfelvik View Post
    The fix for this issue was released August 14:
    This issue is still not fixed; I've had both all my keys and a random key here and there reset within the past two weeks. The odd thing is that when it's a random key, the image stays but it's not actually usable. I've ended up having to redo many of my hotkeys anyway.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Hot Keys Keep Clearing!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kida View Post
    This issue is still not fixed; I've had both all my keys and a random key here and there reset within the past two weeks. The odd thing is that when it's a random key, the image stays but it's not actually usable. I've ended up having to redo many of my hotkeys anyway.
    It's fixed on Blight, so you would have to login to Blight server to get the Blight client, then logout, turn off the patching (troubleshooting options) and then you could use the Blight client while playing on Chaos. (A little convoluted, but I hope that helps)

    The other issue, about a random hotkey greying out, that's a whole different problem which can occur when you use a hotkey/ability on an enemy which is actually dead already, but just not on the client side. For example, attacking a mob you might use Gold Rage and followup quickly with Ravage. If Gold Rage has already killed the mob server-side, but not client-side yet, it will try to queue Ravage, but then the server says "nah, he DEAD", and then the hotkey will grey out for what appears to be about twice as long as the original cooldown of the ability (sucks hard if you use a really long cooldown ability and this happens). Though that might not be what has happened in your case... and this is simply my interpretation, not actual facts nor related to any conversation with devs.
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