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Thread: Kickstarter

  1. #21

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    I think this is an awesome idea. Even without raising as much money as some of these other games, the advertisement and recognition alone would probably benefit Istaria since it really isn't out there. It's still the only worthwhile game where you can play a dragon, and considering the new Game of Thrones craze, this might be the best time to get it known :P

  2. #22

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    The only other game I ever supported has been Elite: Dangerous (as I've played the original Elite on a C=64 some decades ago, and I had a lot of fun with it) and they reached their goal. I'd really like to support this - let us know if it's a option. I know it takes time to plan a project - but giving us a hint hurt none ^^
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  3. #23

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    This is a great idea. The worst that could happen is Istaria gets a little more funding, the best that can happen.. Who knows? I've seen some crazy successes brought about by crowd funding.

    I think with some careful forethought and a little overhaul/upgrade, Istaria could be very successful.

    Does Virtrium have the manpower currently to handle a project like this, if they did get the funding? That could also be addressed. Volunteer work might actually help just as much as funding.

    I'm not sure how everyone feels but I think one avenue of the funding should be advertisement. I've seen very crappy MMO's with greater numbers than Istaria simply because they have the shiny banner in every site with the half-naked person on it, and people just don't know what their choices are. Perhaps this is not highest on the list, but should be a consideration. Those who cannot afford to donate more could even act as advocates for the game at different MMO sites like the "Spread the Word" event suggests.

    Keep creating ideas like this!

    Lunus Ancient Dragon - 100 Adv. 100 Craft. 100 Lair. 49 CrystalShaper
    Feel free to add me on Facebook: [email protected]

  4. #24

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    I checked with the devs and a Kickstarter project is certainly possible in the future. Their immediate response was that "you only get to do a Kickstarter project once" - so they want to make sure that once things move in that direction, there's a clear path to success and making sure that solid results can be presented to backers.


  5. #25

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Amarie Ancalimon View Post
    I checked with the devs and a Kickstarter project is certainly possible in the future. Their immediate response was that "you only get to do a Kickstarter project once" - so they want to make sure that once things move in that direction, there's a clear path to success and making sure that solid results can be presented to backers.
    This is great news! Thank you.
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  6. #26

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Has there been any more talk of this, or intentions of seeing it happen in the near future?

  7. #27

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Totally supper this! <3
    Would contribute even if I don't have a sub right now. What an awesome idea. I'd promote it all over the place!

  8. #28

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Just want to point out that a Kickstarter is most definitely not "no risk". There have already been one or two instances of companies being successfully sued for not fully delivering on promises made from a successful Kickstarter.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  9. #29

    Unhappy Re: Kickstarter

    If Virtrium did make a Kickstarter, I would support it for sure. It would be an easy oppurtunity for the developpers to get some working cash.
    However, as others have pointed out, there is a need for reward categories. While I am sure the developpers are able to keep their word on what they promise to backers, I would not want to see reward tiers such as "Get a free overpowered weapon forever." or something like that. Some tiers I would agree with would be subscription time, titles, a bit of in-game money, or maybe a special dragon color. Nothing that would affect gameplay too much.
    If the devs promise physical rewards, such as a figurine, there is the risk of suing by Kickstarter if they fail to produce enough or don't get them shipped accordingly.

    Something I would love to see is a new engine. I often fantasize about how great Istaria would be if it had a more... modern engine. I recently came back to Istaria after succumbing to the great memories I have experienced on it, but I was slightly dissapointed to see the same old engine. The graphics are outdated. There are a lot of glitches. Stuff is chunky and hard to use. There are annoying bugs. However, the gameplay and community(now lacking, sadly) are amazing, and keep dragging me back.

    If Istaria could be remade into a new engine while still keeping a vanilla aspect(I would hate to see it turn into a game like WoW.), I'm sure that a lot of people, including I, would be very happy. We would get a lot of attention, and we would receive a flood of new and old players. The ancients in New Trismus would get off their bottoms that have been seated for five years, and would fly around to see the new world.
    However, this would be a LOT of work for the developpers. It would be a couple years at least.

    Also, this is slightly off-topic, but does anyone remember Runescape? Remember how good and amazing it was to play back before 2007? If yes, try playing it now and see how long you can last before closing it in dissapointment. The new game updates around 2008 made the game way too bloated. I don't want something similar to happen to Istaria.

    Sadly, I think this post wishful thinking. Stuff like this never happens.

    I am Parr.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrr View Post
    If Virtrium did make a Kickstarter, I would support it for sure. It would be an easy oppurtunity for the developpers to get some working cash.
    However, as others have pointed out, there is a need for reward categories. While I am sure the developpers are able to keep their word on what they promise to backers, I would not want to see reward tiers such as "Get a free overpowered weapon forever." or something like that. Some tiers I would agree with would be subscription time, titles, a bit of in-game money, or maybe a special dragon color. Nothing that would affect gameplay too much.
    If the devs promise physical rewards, such as a figurine, there is the risk of suing by Kickstarter if they fail to produce enough or don't get them shipped accordingly.

    Something I would love to see is a new engine. I often fantasize about how great Istaria would be if it had a more... modern engine. I recently came back to Istaria after succumbing to the great memories I have experienced on it, but I was slightly dissapointed to see the same old engine. The graphics are outdated. There are a lot of glitches. Stuff is chunky and hard to use. There are annoying bugs. However, the gameplay and community(now lacking, sadly) are amazing, and keep dragging me back.

    If Istaria could be remade into a new engine while still keeping a vanilla aspect(I would hate to see it turn into a game like WoW.), I'm sure that a lot of people, including I, would be very happy. We would get a lot of attention, and we would receive a flood of new and old players. The ancients in New Trismus would get off their bottoms that have been seated for five years, and would fly around to see the new world.
    However, this would be a LOT of work for the developpers. It would be a couple years at least.

    Also, this is slightly off-topic, but does anyone remember Runescape? Remember how good and amazing it was to play back before 2007? If yes, try playing it now and see how long you can last before closing it in dissapointment. The new game updates around 2008 made the game way too bloated. I don't want something similar to happen to Istaria.

    Sadly, I think this post wishful thinking. Stuff like this never happens.
    Especially with engine rehauls. You may as well make a new game.

  11. #31

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Not necessarily a bad thing. Making a new game, anyway. It happens, now and again, like GW1 to GW2, and there were massive advancements (as well as backwards movement, which will always happen no matter what) in gameplay and experience. When it started off, the devs there had something wonderful. It was a powerful start to the game... until they started wrecking their own story.

    I can agree with the Istaria rahs about launching a Kickstarter at just the right time. It takes a lot of time, thought, energy and stress to go into something like this. Media itself is working at a great risk. Will the payoff match or exceed the cost? Istaria had a similar issue to GW2 when it launched, in that there was a huge hubbub, and then died down quickly. I had stumbled upon some of the older content they had meant to get in the game, but never did. And it was amazing to see what they didnt have the time or money to add, which they likely could have done as expansions if they had the money for it.

    Remaking the game, or even just doing a Kickstarter, is an idea I immediately leaped for at reading this... but, you gotta look where you leap, so you know where you're landing. If you go for it, devs... you'll definitely have support. But you'll also have huge expectations. Doable, most definitely. But, brainstorms are a good thing.


  12. #32

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracillion View Post
    Especially with engine rehauls. You may as well make a new game.
    Not necessarily. Game engines are essentially a cumulation of engines (e.g. the sound engine, graphics engine, physics engine). What Istaria could really do with is replacing Alchemy.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  13. #33

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Not necessarily. Game engines are essentially a cumulation of engines (e.g. the sound engine, graphics engine, physics engine). What Istaria could really do with is replacing Alchemy.
    And this puts another issue into light- how would this new engine please all the players? I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with it's changes, no matter what they are.

    I am Parr.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrr View Post
    And this puts another issue into light- how would this new engine please all the players? I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with it's changes, no matter what they are.
    Well, if done properly, people still complaining would essentially be complaining that the game runs better. :P
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  15. #35

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    An investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars for a game developer to simply redo the engine just to make an existing game better? We're talking within a reasonable amount of time, not a decade. In addition to all of this, you've downtime of current content development, bug fixing and overall support. Next you've marketing or some advertisement to promote the game and sell the new old product.

    Sign off on it and let me know.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracillion View Post
    An investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars for a game developer to simply redo the engine just to make an existing game better? We're talking within a reasonable amount of time, not a decade. In addition to all of this, you've downtime of current content development, bug fixing and overall support. Next you've marketing or some advertisement to promote the game and sell the new old product.

    Sign off on it and let me know.
    I've no idea what you're going on about, but whatever it is, you seem passive aggressive about it. There would be no "redoing" the engine, there would be making the game interface with a new one.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  17. #37

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    The revamp people are wanting in this thread would require a major overhaul of the game engine. The amount of time and money required to achieve it would be a sizeable amount. To be feasible and profitable is a whole other issue. It is no simple issue to tackle, regardless of how minor changes may seem to be. As such, an entirely new game is more ideal to the pocketbook than working from anything existing. Introducing replacement higher resolution textures alone causes the game incredible lag and often times CTD from overflows.

    It sucks, as the game as it is has so much to offer. Some minor tweaks here and there in mechanics, convention, and accessibility overall would be awesome. A project like this would be suicidal financially (anytime relatively soon). It's too bad that Virtrium does not accept donations or offer a public outsourcing camp to the community.

  18. #38

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracillion View Post
    The revamp people are wanting in this thread would require a major overhaul of the game engine. The amount of time and money required to achieve it would be a sizeable amount. To be feasible and profitable is a whole other issue. It is no simple issue to tackle, regardless of how minor changes may seem to be. As such, an entirely new game is more ideal to the pocketbook than working from anything existing. Introducing replacement higher resolution textures alone causes the game incredible lag and often times CTD from overflows.
    The money (and time) that Virtrium would need to replace Alchemy is nowhere near what they'd need to make a new Istaria from scratch. I understand quite well the complications involved in game design, and from personal experience I can also tell you that swapping an engine is nowhere near the beast of creating one.

    I've been working on a game destined for the Windows store for about a year now, with the first 6 months consisting of almost nothing but building the basic engines to run it. When Unity3D brought in strong 2D support I dropped my engine and swapped to Unity, which took me all of a week to transfer my game over. Istaria's algorithms, textures, shaders, models, sounds, music, GUI, etc. don't care what uses them, the only thing that matters is making sure whatever uses them can use them. An entirely different matter than making new everything.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Somewhere on the edge of sanity

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracillion View Post
    The revamp people are wanting in this thread would require a major overhaul of the game engine. The amount of time and money required to achieve it would be a sizeable amount. To be feasible and profitable is a whole other issue. It is no simple issue to tackle, regardless of how minor changes may seem to be. As such, an entirely new game is more ideal to the pocketbook than working from anything existing. Introducing replacement higher resolution textures alone causes the game incredible lag and often times CTD from overflows.

    It sucks, as the game as it is has so much to offer. Some minor tweaks here and there in mechanics, convention, and accessibility overall would be awesome. A project like this would be suicidal financially (anytime relatively soon). It's too bad that Virtrium does not accept donations or offer a public outsourcing camp to the community.
    Hey! This thread was necro'd once, now again to a lesser degree. But the starting concept of this thread was indeed to raise the exact funding needed for such a project. With the proper crowdfunding pitch with a strong emphasis on the strong foundation of the game- which has lasted TEN YEARS, even on outdated technologies and pay models! -the game could easily be ported to a more versatile engine, if not have one built from scratch for the purpose. The core of the matter is that Istaria is an amazing concept, a well-constructed system, with an outdated implementation. Reintroducing the game with a new engine and graphics system to make it 'seem smother' and allow for a free to play model would be such a boon that even if the funding from the kickstarter stopped there, it could reenter the market as -some form- of competitor with the big titles today.
    Arakk, Big Red Ancient of Order (100/94/46)
    Marekk, Timid Tinkerdragon of Order (21/40 hatchie)
    Araumus, 'That annoying Naka' of Order (Various-low)

  20. #40

    Default Re: Kickstarter

    Quote Originally Posted by deathwinged View Post
    the game could easily be ported to a more versatile engine
    from where do you have that information?

    Quote Originally Posted by deathwinged View Post
    if not have one built from scratch for the purpose
    no MMORPG is built from the scratch within months, if not years. Until then they would need to run two MMORPGs. Highly unlikely

    Quote Originally Posted by deathwinged View Post
    and allow for a free to play model
    nobody forces you to pay to play Istaria. You can do so without paying a bucket
    Research Assistant Pharaxes Sphaerideion (started playing 2007-09-08, ascended 2008-06-15)
    Dragon Adventurer: 100 (2009-01-05) Dragon Crafter: 100 (prior 2008-06-04)
    Dragon Crystalshaper: 100 (2013-12-21) Dragon Lairshaper: 100 (2013-09-28)

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