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Thread: Blight Client Update 386.13

  1. #1

    Default Blight Client Update 386.13

    386.10 Release
    - The list of maps to load are now located in /resources/interface/maps.def
    - Made map list drop down wider, so names of maps fit
    - Player markers not showing up
    - Pets now cast shadows, per shadow setting
    - Select nearest enemy should not select pet
    - Shadow for spider was too small - made 2m - looks good
    - Correct sort order of maps in map window
    - Correct pet name on pet object (future functionality)
    - Fix for clicking claws and crash
    - Shift item details attribute headers over 4 pixels so text is easier to read
    - Bulk fix
    - Binding message sometimes won't display

    386.12 Release
    - Fix so that paper press will load on map
    - Fix so that unequipped pet disappears
    - Fix for cargo disk being searchable
    - Many tweaks to map files

    386.13 Release
    - Allow custom name of pet visible to others (pre-release before server updates)
    - More map scale / position fixes

    If you run into new issues with this update, please let us know through the support site - or if you've been using it for a few hours of game play and all looks good, let us know as well.

    Your feedback will help get this release to the live shards quickly - so let us know your experience.

    Thank you,

    Istaria Development Team
    Last edited by Yfelvik; January 29th, 2014 at 01:39 AM. Reason: Add 386.13 Notes

  2. #2

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    Nothing to report on the features listed on patch notes. They seem to work as intended. Very nice

    However, I just wanted to toss out a few things that need to be considered and corrected before a live patch.

    Since reporting an issue with Dalimond last Blight patch, Dalimond offset appears to be fixed internally now; but markers are still slightly off because of bad code on a file. You need to update the map.def (in Dalimond folder). The below code makes all the markers align perfectly (locations derived from map_dalimond_terrain.def):
    	string	Name = "Dalimond"
    	float	WorldGlobalLeft = 22500
    	float	WorldGlobalTop = 23000
    	float	WorldGlobalRight = 23000
    	float	WorldGlobalBottom = 22500
    Currently this appears in map.def and does NOT work (this is code from a previous live patch):
    	string	Name = "Dalimond"
    	float	WorldGlobalLeft = 22444.000000
    	float	WorldGlobalTop = 22956.000000
    	float	WorldGlobalRight = 22956.000000
    	float	WorldGlobalBottom = 22444.000000

    I verified ALL the maps in the pulldown menu. The markers all align correctly in every possible map, except these two (and Dalimond, see above):


    If you visit Chiconis or Kirasanct and sit on the arrival pad, open the map. You will see the map shows you sitting a significant distance from your real position. Something needs updated internally? Thus, this will make all npc, machine markers, etc be offset as well and not in the correct position on map.


    Side note. Drakul map markers do align correctly. But something is wrong with the images. You should try to regenerate them. The images have a weird background light/white tint on some of them. Look at the Drakul map on the pulldown menu. You can't help but see what I'm refering to. On about 6 of the tiles (left side and top/middle), they have this bright background tint, that the remaining images do not.


    Please add "Machines" button on Istaria map (located above NPC's button, maybe, that would coincide with location of button, 2nd from bottom, on the "city" maps). This is very nice feature to find machines near you while visiting Guild/Settlements or out in the boondocks I really love the machine buttons thing. I added it manually to test it out and it work beautifully. Hopefully just an oversight, since the button is on "city" maps, it certainly should be on "Istaria" map.

    Suggested code for map.def in Istaria folder (to add Machines button):

    	string Name = "Istaria"
    	float WorldGlobalLeft = 13500
    	float WorldGlobalTop = 41000
    	float WorldGlobalRight = 31500
    	float WorldGlobalBottom = 13000
    	float MaxZoom = 4
    	float MinZoom = 0.125
    	float MetersToPixels = 7.8125
    		int SystemLayerID = 1
    		string LayerName = "Terrain"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_edit.png"
    		string LayerDef = "map_Istaria_terrain.def"
    		bool Hidable = false
    		int	SystemLayerID = 2
    		string LayerName = "Character"
    		string LayerDef = "map_character.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_equipped.png"
    		bool Hidable = false
    		int	SystemLayerID = 3
    		string LayerName = "Group Members"
    		string LayerDef = "map_groupmember.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_group_invite.png"
    		int SystemLayerID = 5
    		string LayerName = "Players"
    		string LayerDef = "map_players.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_equipped.png"
    		int	SystemLayerID = 6
    		string LayerName = "Markers"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_points.png"
    		int	SystemLayerID = 11
    		string LayerName = "RegionsEdit"
    		string LayerDef = "map_Istaria_region_edit.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_surveyor.png"
    		string LayerName = "City Names"
    		string LayerDef = "map_Istaria_cities.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_flag.png"
    		string LayerName = "Settlements"
    		string LayerDef = "map_Istaria_player_cities.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_flag.png"
    		string LayerName = "Communities"
    		string LayerDef = "map_istaria_community.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_flag.png"
    		string LayerName = "Geographic Areas"
    		string LayerDef = "map_istaria_geography.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_flag.png"
    		string LayerName = "POI"
    		string LayerDef = "map_istaria_POI.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_flag.png"
    		int SystemLayerID = 12
    		string LayerName = "Machines"
    		string LayerDef = "map_machines.def"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_machine.png"
    		int SystemLayerID = 3237
    		string LayerName = "NPCs"
    		string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_edit.png"
    		string LayerDef = "map_Istaria_npc.def"
    Last edited by Cegaiel; January 16th, 2014 at 10:14 AM.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    The following map coordinates have been updated on Blight:

    The Istaria map also has the new layer for machines.

    The Drakul maps are going to be regenerated, but this isn't considered a breaking issue for the release of the new client.

    Client release 386.10 is a release candidate. If there's an issue, please submit a support ticket. If things are working great, also send in a ticket. This update is scheduled for release on January 21 - pending continued testing / checking for issues. If you're playing on Blight, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    This shouldn't side track a release since these are minor, but pointing a couple of other things out regarding the machines feature. Might as well try to get them all before release. From what I can tell this is an internal or most likely database issue.

    Besides the two references to dragon in the map_machines.def ("Dragon Scale Forge" and "Dragon Scholar's Desk") all other Dragon machines seems to share the corresponding marker (such as the biped like machine equivalent). Example Lunus/Helian Smelter will show the "Smelter" and Helian/Lunus Anvil would show the "Anvil" icon, etc.

    There a few dragon machines that just shows the generic machines icon for "Machines". It seems this generic "Machines" icon (map_marker_machine.png) only displays when it can't find a match in the db. From what I can tell, no generic machine marker (map_marker_machine.png) should be showing on the map, unless something is wrong?

    I can't say for sure, if this is the entire list, but these are the ones I've noticed that do show generic marker (Visit Chiconis and Dralk if you want to see what I mean, bunch of dragon machines showing as generic marker):

    Helian+Lunus Scaleforge shows generic marker. Could just link it to "Dragon Scaleforge" in db.
    Helian+Lunus Stonecutter shows generic marker. Could just link it to "Stone Cutter"
    Helian Gemcutting Bench (could link to "Gem Cutting Bench") is broke, BUT Lunus Gemcutting Bench is OK. It shows a marker.

    I may have missed other possible Lunus/Helian machines, so maybe re-verify the entire list of dragon machines

    "Helian/Lunus Crystal Shaper" - maybe this should be added to .def or link to another reference? Currently shows generic marker.

    "Paper Press" is missing in the .def file, but was told it was already addressed, but listing here again just in case. This would need a new icon or just use another one temporarily (shrug)
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    Been using this client for a few days, haven't had the inventory bugs, and it seems everything is properly displaying stats and effects in linked items, and in abilities. A few issues still such as the <UNKNOWN> in item creation window, but nothing show-stopping.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    Last night I noticed my lair halls storage was not full by 4 stacks, yet it kept saying not enough room to drag 4 or even 1 item in. There might be some small lingering piece of the inventory bug left to fix.

    Still this client does fix much of the big inventory bugs.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    I did notice something with the new maps when flying to isle of drowned. It doesn't hardly zoom out. Setting needs changed, MaxZoom, from 2 to 5. This applies to all the city type maps. Smaller maps do ok with maxzoom of 4.
    Last edited by Guaran; January 19th, 2014 at 08:45 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    Agree about the zoom, it is too low on those on the sub maps.

    I'd also like to suggest lowering the MinZoom on big Istaria Map. An example why:

    Feladan is notorious for having many machines close together. This also holds true on many plots/lairs.

    I would suggest changing float MinZoom = 0.125 to 0.0275 This screenshot shows how much easier I can zoom in on NPC's and machines with that zoom level. With this markers don't overlap as badly in these situations.

    The image on the left is zooming in as far as possibly with the current 0.125 setting. Image on right is zoomed in all the way with 0.0275. I know you're not using these markers I posted (substituted). If you're going to use a smaller pixel size, then maybe it doesn't have to be quite that low. But still think that's a good overall setting. That has always been a gripedI had. I know its not related to the blight patch per say, but tossing that out there last minute

    If you dislike 0.0275 then at least do it by half 0.0625. That's currently the map pack setting, btw. I might see about changing in future as well since it makes things a bit easier on the eyes in those scenarios.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; January 20th, 2014 at 12:18 AM.
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    I went through every map. To keep the same low zoom size theme Guaran suggested (and I concur), but keep it fairly consistent in the same size across the board, these are the numbers that I suggest, IMO. Some of the maps are very large compared to others, this is why I my MaxZoom size varies so much.

    Someone using a high resolution graphic card setting, this might seem too small. But feel this would be most compatible for all, including those old lap/desk tops using 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 as well as descent to all others. These settings kept the size fairly uniform across the board.

    These are the 'MaxZoom' size integers I would suggest for the map.def files, IMO:

    Aughundell 2 to 4
    Balits 2 to 4
    Chiconis - Leave alone at 2
    Dalimond 2 to 4
    Dralk Leave alone at 2
    Drowned 2 to 5
    Kion 2 to 4
    Kirasanct - 2 to 4
    Mahagra 2 to 4
    NB 2 to 5
    NK 2 o 5
    NT 2 to 5
    NV 2 to 10 (very large image)
    Skalkaar 2 to 5
    Spirit Isle 2 to 5
    Sslanis 2 to 7 (large image)
    Tazoon 2 to 8 (very large image)
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  10. #10

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    Dragon Claws and Crystals:
    I try to remove dragon crystals from claw and it tells me I am too far from structure, even tho the claw is in my inventory.
    screen attached.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    Client update 386.12 was just released to Blight:
    - Fix so that paper press will load on map
    - Fix so that unequipped pet disappears
    - Fix for cargo disk being searchable
    - Many tweaks to map files

    You can reply to this thread, or submit a support ticket at

    The issue reported before this post, "remove dragon crystals... too far from structure", is not part of these fixes. I'll be testing / reproducing this tonight and will try to get this to the devs for tomorrow.

    Thank you to everyone for testing and helping make this is a great release.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.10

    Hi Marsh Dog,

    Could you please submit a support ticket - I'm trying to reproduce and am not having trouble removing crystals.

    - Istaria Customer Support

  13. #13

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    Marsh and Yfelvik. Think that's an old school bug that never got squashed. It rarely happens and would be difficult to reproduce on the fly. The way I fix that when it happens is to of course log out and back in. To fix it while still online, I drag the item to a plot structure (has to be plot structure, vault won't work, iirc). Then when you pull it back out to inventory, it will let you remove the crystal. Something about how the biote refreshes when its placed in a plot structure (not sure exactly how that works). Would be nice to get that fixed, but again, its hard to reproduce, that doesn't happen very often, but is well known That can happen on any socket item, not just a claw. If I had to take a guess on possibly reproducing it, then I'd suggest putting crystals in your vault or a plot building. And drag and drop the crystals directly from a building or vault, not your inventory.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  14. #14

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    RE: 386.12
    Kirasanct map is now fixed. The marker locations are spot on.

    I do see where you changed Chiconis, but the marker locations are still wrong (see attached image)
    Last patch (.10) my avatar was somewhere around where the green dot is (when sitting on arrival pad).
    .12 patch, Now I am offset furthur away in the opposite direction (red circle)
    I am currently sitting on the arrival pad in this screenshot, and should be here (blue circle)

    I noticed the coordinates in the chiconis map.def and terrain.def files differ (normally they are always the same).
    I attempted to use the coordinates in the terrain.def to the map.def and vice versa (that worked on Dalimond map from previous post), but no luck this time. Position didn't change.

    Once Chiconis is fixed, then all maps marker locations (on all maps/sub maps) will be correct, only one more to go

    If you do figure out the correct WorldLeft, Right, Bottom, Top coordinates for terrain.def and map.def before next patch, could you post them here, please? I flew to the borders top,left,right,bottom and tried those coordinates, but still not working *skirtches head*
    Attached Images Attached Images
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    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  15. #15

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    I'm curious, I have uninstalled the Map Pack 3.7, except for my own version of the main "Istaria" map. Has the main ingame map been officially updated with these patches?

    If Vitrium wants to use the files I created, I am fine with that. I created and edited the files in highres (512), then Terao resized them to the default res of 256 to make both versions of the map. Terao also edited the eastern deadlands wall a bit, since it has some slight discoloring on the north and south ends, but the discolored spots are how the actual landscape is. (So fix it in the terrain )

    What I would really like to see is the ingame map created using the same process that is used on the city maps, so that the individual city maps are not even needed (unless you want to keep it as a separate higher res map as it is now). I hate the lag hit whenever transitioning from the Istaria map to a city map and vice-versa.

    Create the main istaria map using the top-down city mapping process. This should grab proper water and lakes in the first pass (no edits needed). Then only 1 other map is needed for "Islands" which comprises New Vassarack, New Koraelia, New Trismus, New Brommel. The existing new vity type maps for skalkaar and spirit isle can remain as-is. Less separate maps = less transition lag.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    Cargo disk is indeed now searchable. Bravo, thanks for fixing that, makes life so much easier when trying to find where you parked your disk at days ago Pet does disappear now. I never noticed if it remained before :shrug:

    Only a couple of minor issues left that would make this a blockbuster release (at least to me).
    Fix Chiconis coordinates
    Fix remaining missing machines (except Paper Press which is now fixed) - described in post #4.

    Enable the pet marker so it can be tested. I know its currently disabled on purpose, but how bout a sneak peek soon?

    Not important to a release, but pointing this out:

    -- Minor, maybe next blight? : Add a line space in debug logs after reporting missing machines. Logs are running multiple entries on same line when reporting missing machines. (previous line and next line is all on the same line as the missing machine entry.

    Example, all these entries are on one line, this should be 3 lines:

    Unknown machine found for map - see THorizonsUIMapViewControl::RefreshLayers - Lunus StonecutterUnknown machine found for map - see THorizonsUIMapViewControl::RefreshLayers - Lunus Crystal ShaperWARNING Interface texture not found. [map_marker_machine_essence.png]

    Unknown machine found for map - see THorizonsUIMapViewControl::RefreshLayers - Lunus StonecutterUnknown machine found for map - see THorizonsUIMapViewControl::RefreshLayers - Lunus Crystal ShaperWARNING Interface texture not found.  [map_marker_machine_essence.png]
    It is difficult to parse the log files like that

    One last FYI:

    map_indicator_direction.png and map_indicator_direction.sha is located in the interface/maps/default_markers folder. But its really still using those two files from the /interface/themes/default/textures folder. Seems redundant to have a copy in both folders. I think you wanted it to use the default_markers folder, but its not using that folder. When I tried to copy my own marker to the default_markers folder, nothing changed. When I copied to the textures folder, then it updated.

    P.S: Guaran, delete some messages from your inbox, can't send a PM (you're full, dragons only suppose to only hoard the shiny, not messages)
    Last edited by Cegaiel; January 25th, 2014 at 07:33 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  17. #17

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    Ok, cleaned up my inbox

    I fully deleted the map-pack and my newer version of the "Istaria" map. The main in-game map is still the outdated map, and it has some crummy looking water fixes, missing water fixes, Elmnic is just a green filled in section with no plots. Dev's, grab the map pack 3.7 and pull out those files for the "Istaria" main map. I had to hand-edit over 60 places to get all the water fixed, and Elmnic shows it's roads and plots properly now, the new eastern deadlands roads are there, all the plots are proper sized, the newer blighted spots such as east edge of lesser aradoth, and the spot just east of Mithrils Anvil are all included. Map edges are also cleaned up.

    Or, use the top-down mapping process to create the main ingame map all-new That would be cool. I really like the look of your new versions of the city maps, but I think I will strip those all out for client performance/map switch lag reasons.

    The map.def for the current blight patch, for the "Istaria" map has a few entries which point to the other def's with an incorrect, shortened name:
    int SystemLayerID = 2
    string LayerName = "Character"
    string LayerDef = "map_character.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_equipped.png"
    bool Hidable = false
    int SystemLayerID = 3
    string LayerName = "Group Members"
    string LayerDef = "map_groupmember.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_group_invite.png"
    int SystemLayerID = 5
    string LayerName = "Players"
    string LayerDef = "map_players.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_equipped.png"


    int SystemLayerID = 12
    string LayerName = "Machines"
    string LayerDef = "map_machines.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_machine.png"

    these appear to be from an older version of the map or mappack.

    each line referencing the .def should say
    string LayerDef = "map_istaria_x.def" fill in the x.

    int SystemLayerID = 2
    string LayerName = "Character"
    string LayerDef = "map_istaria_character.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_equipped.png"
    bool Hidable = false
    int SystemLayerID = 3
    string LayerName = "Group Members"
    string LayerDef = "map_istaria_groupmember.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_group_invite.png"
    int SystemLayerID = 5
    string LayerName = "Players"
    string LayerDef = "map_istaria_players.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_equipped.png"


    int SystemLayerID = 12
    string LayerName = "Machines"
    string LayerDef = "map_istaria_machines.def"
    string LayerGraphic = "graphic19_machine.png"

    This just keeps the naming conventions consistent across all the maps and map files.
    It's also possible I copied this file in myself when testing map changes on blight... and I overwrote the blight version.. if so, sorry for the confusion *tired*.
    Last edited by Guaran; January 25th, 2014 at 12:43 PM.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    Actually those file names are correct. Inside the /resources/interface/maps folder, there are these files (introduced not too long ago): maps.def, map_character.def, map_groupmember.def, map_machines.def, map_npc.def, map_players.def . These are like a Global override to all the other map folders. In fact, you could actually delete map_istaria_character.def, map_istaria_groupmember.def , etc from the Istaria or any other "city" folders and it wouldn't affect the game at all.

    With map pack installed, that's another story. Even copying those global files in the same resources_override folder, they are ignored. With map pack installed, only map.def must reside in the /resources_override/resources/interface/maps folder the other ones gets ignored and not needed to exist. But that naming scheme you mentioned will have to be changed and the contents of those global files dumped into the appropriate files in the map folder (for map pack).

    ie copy/paste map_character.def into map_istaria_character.def for map pack.

    That's basically what that blight patch I posted on Map Pack 3.7 thread did. Just copied groupmember, npc, players.def file to all the map folders (and of course included the new map.def).

    Theres also a new folder in the maps folder "default_markers". Most of the markers that used to exist in /resources/interface/themes/default are now located in this folder. This is where Blight hunts for the markers to display.

    With map pack, that folder is ignored and not used nor needed. The markers still need to exist in the textures folder as it always has.

    They probably didn't get around to cleaning up the folders (or probably won't bother). 4 files can be deleted from all the map folders now that the global file is being used (ie map_istaria_character.def, map_istaria_groupmember.def, map_istaria_npc.def, map_istaria_players.def). They most likely contain the wrong info anyways

    Took me a while to figure all of this out, was frustrating at first trying to figure out why certain things I changed without map pack worked and the same changes with map pack did not, haha.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; January 26th, 2014 at 01:42 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  19. #19

    Default Re: Blight Client Update 386.12

    Just a heads up in case you plan to go Delta tomorrow. The chiconis fix was NOT on todays blight update. Maybe its in queue, but just letting you know be sure to sneak that in there if you do a delta if possible. Shouldn't stop a release, but if you can get that in at the last minute, please do. In regards to post #14.


    float WorldGlobalLeft = 24000.00
    float WorldGlobalTop = 22350.00
    float WorldGlobalRight = 24700.00
    float WorldGlobalBottom = 21650.00


    float SectionWidth = 700.000000
    float SectionHeight = 700.000000

    float WorldLeft = 24000.00
    float WorldTop = 22350.00
    float WorldRight = 24700.00
    float WorldBottom = 21650.00
    string Image = "chiconis_240-223.png"
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

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