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Thread: Dragons seeking Dragons

  1. #101

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    All OOC of course,

    Hmm.. I don't think this is the right place, but I'm hoping to find a devoutly religious biped to 'find' the egg of the hatchie I've been bringing out every so often, Ricar. For RP reasons and the opportunity to try out a different character design, I'd like him to be raised by a biped paladin instead of the norm.

    So anyone have a biped that would enjoy being an A'meo?
    I have a low level paladin human who could pass as an A'mea, if you like.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    While i am not posting here for seaking someone as i am from another realm i must say i really enjoy reading all the notes love sigvards! i am looking for *crossed out bananas* people ..i cracked up right there yesh
    long live roleplay!

  3. #103

    Smile Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Hey Avalina, I have to say... a very nice idea!

    Than I will post for my second Dragon.

    Uhlakk (male):

    Just hatched, he enjoyed hunting and lookaround what's new in his world.
    He found some Teachers, and he learned to hunt better and craft stuff.

    Now he explores New Trismus and wonder... where he came from... and who is his Ameo or Amea!!!

    Who likes to have a Hatchi... here he is.... free for adoption!

    Hail Malganival Lunus !! How can I serve YOU?


  4. #104

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Who's scary?!!

    Female dragons?

    Well of course they're scary! They're female dragons!! How would any self-respecting male like a female dragon who wasn't scary... How would any female dragon be worth their tails if they weren't scary..

    Cuz female dragons are large and in charge...

    *smiles and shows great pointy teeth - proud to be scary...*
    Amen to that!!! Go scary females!!! *Rawrs*


  5. #105
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    ooooh, deeeaaarrr...

    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  6. #106

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Hmmmm... but don't get to scary girls.... otherwise we will have no Hatchis anymore! *broad smile*
    Hail Malganival Lunus !! How can I serve YOU?


  7. #107
    Join Date
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    Tolleson, Arizona, USA
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    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    (( I saw this and figured, what the heck.. Though it apparently hasn't been in use in some time ))

    - Sebea Lertvelat -

    Sebea does have a real family out there somewhere, or so she believes she does, however she was separated from them during the destruction of there home island which has been swallowed by the sea.
    Though she has not given up hope in one day finding either her siblings or her mother and father, she does need someone to take her in and teach her the ways of the world she now has to survive in. Along with just be there for her in general.

    Sebea is also a crystal dragon, though she does not have crystal scales, but her internal organs and bone structure is much stronger then a standard dragons and she was also born from crystal itself(basically the 'egg' is crystal instead of a more organic substance).

    She is fun, loving, enjoys playing, and can sometimes be a bit of a spit-fire. She is also very talkative and very chipper in personality.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    (About time he did one)

    *An aged paper is posted with no use of a clip or nail. Perhaps glue? The writing upon the note is neat, but leans an odd if the writer was using their off hand*

    To the female who wouldst be interested,

    I am a young ancient (aye, I dost know the words shouldst not go together), who hast been alone all of mine life. Tis not something normally said outloud, I am aware, but tis true. I hath never had a mate.

    I wouldst like to believe this is not due to, perhaps, wretchedness upon mine part, but rather just upon how busy mine life has been. Tis true, aye, that I dost bear many visible scars from the troubles in mine life, but I hath adapted to the fullest of mine ability.

    Thou shouldst knowest of mine physical description I dost guess. Tis true that all boys grow to be larger than their mother, and I am not an exception. Mine mother tis as tall as I hast seen any ancient reach, and I am a few feet taller than she. Mine scales are *there is a pool of dried ink here, indicating a long pause of writing* pink. Aye, they are pink. Tis not a comment on mine masculinity I dost assure thee. I am missing mine right foreleg entirely, so I dost often use mine right wing in its place.

    I am of the Helian faction, though I didst actually go through both of the rites. I am well read in many books; particularly in biology. As such, I dost consider mineself a doctor of sorts. Due to mine...lineage...I am also a solid user of blood magic.

    I dost seek a companion. I dost seek a love. I desirest a family. If it dost pleasest thee....please feel free to contact me.

    Kindest Regards,
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  9. #109

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    ((I've an albino drake hatchling I made for the sake of it, but I've come to really love this hatchling's appearance and look forward to playing him. He has the callihan-head, and as can be expected, is pure white with red eyes. He is an absolutely clean slate, a vanilla-colored vanilla dragon if you may. No special powers, no set personality, no backstory.

    I'm looking to have him come into a dragon family either by adoption or birth, but am intrigued by the possibility of the latter to a family of darker colored dragons. Flag me down if interested.))

  10. #110

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    New posters can be seen at New Trismus' town, at Chiconis and Dralk. The followings words are written on each:
    "Some dragons, led by Iaslanzandi, have founded an agency to officer the adoption of dragon hatchlings by families, and their first meetings. The agency is located on the New Trismus' lair, the one under the mountain. I am, myself, among the agency members, and I will begin by presenting a hatchling, which is willing to find a family. Her name is Demonra. She is, as she said, a young black hatchling with red decals, and she likes to climb things, as to mine. She is, as well, eager to explore new places she haven't seen before. She can be funny, or shy at times. More important, she looks for a family to love and to be loved.
    For those who'd like to meet her, please contact me, or any other member of this agency.

    (OoC : Please correct me if I am wrong somewhere... also, the members I've not quoted can present themselves )

  11. #111

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Under the posters describing Demonra, more recent ones have been added.
    "The Hatchling Adoption Agency has just got another request from a male hatchling called Comosal Dawnbreaker... He is a black hatchling with white chest scales. He has earfins and horns on his head. He likes exporing and flying. If a family is willing to meet him, please contact me, or any other member of the Agency.
    LungTien Temeraire."
    Last edited by LungTien Temeraire; July 16th, 2010 at 08:17 PM.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    New posters can be seen around the previous ones.

    "Saphire is a young blue hatchling, with bright yellow stripes. She's curious about everything, and she likes to explore the world, and to be surrounded by her kind members. For more informations, please contact me, or any other member of the Agency.
    LungTien Temeraire"

  13. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Formerly Desert's Edge, Chaos Shard (WA)

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by AguaRush View Post
    While i am not posting here for seaking someone as i am from another realm i must say i really enjoy reading all the notes love sigvards! i am looking for *crossed out bananas* people ..i cracked up right there yesh
    long live roleplay!
    (also not of this shard, but i do have a hatchling on order, a small fiery-red one that might wake up sometime soon, who might enjoy some company, be it biped or dragon =) id also like to say ive enjoyed reading thethread, there were some very creative posts, well done =))

  14. #114
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wherever the food is O_O

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    I was looking through a more recent post when I saw this in thread history at the bottom...thought it would be worth bringing to people's attention, if only so some would read a bit of it and get a laugh. Besides, the forum needs more activity *waves to all the Order people!*

    *keeps laughing, wanders away*
    Last edited by Alisto; March 1st, 2014 at 06:23 PM.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisto View Post
    I was looking through a more recent post when I saw this in thread history at the bottom...thought it would be worth bringing to people's attention, if only so some would read a bit of it and get a laugh. Besides, the forum needs more activity *waves to all the Order people!*

    *keeps laughing, wanders away*
    Quick, lets confuse people and add some lonely hearts ads.

  16. #116
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Where ever my mate is sleeping...otherwise,wherever Murnos isn't.

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    *nudges Azzy with his snout* I should post a please take my pest away ad....*grins* (was hilarious reading this Alisto....really enjoyed the banana dragon...lmao)

  17. #117
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wherever the food is O_O

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    *nudges Azzy with his snout* I should post a please take my pest away ad....*grins*
    That can be arranged....We shall make a golem! A golem animated by the oldest of primal magics...and it will be made of a neverending supply of cookies!

  18. #118

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisto View Post
    That can be arranged....We shall make a golem! A golem animated by the oldest of primal magics...and it will be made of a neverending supply of cookies!
    But...tonturri already has his eyes on someone ;D
    And koa is far too innocent...maybe if you combined the two??...wait, no giving anyone know you want me...>.> <.<

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleron View Post
    *nudges Azzy with his snout* I should post a please take my pest away ad....*grins*
    Hey!! I am not a pest. I am just doing my job!
    And no selling me either..Tondar already said he didn't want me!

  19. #119
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wherever the food is O_O

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    But...tonturri already has his eyes on someone ;D
    Tonturri isn't made of cookies >.> Methinks you misinterpreted what I said to fit your own wants ;D *hides the tontu from azzy*

    wait, no giving anyone know you want me...>.> <.<
    You're giving yourself ideas <.<....

    And no selling me either..Tondar already said he didn't want me!
    *raises paw, waves at Aleron* I'd buy her. I need a LSH slave-errrrrr, assistant manager to finish off this grand hall

  20. #120

    Default Re: Dragons seeking Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    Quick, lets confuse people and add some lonely hearts ads.
    CraAN seeks AdvHA for fun and social outing?

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

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