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Thread: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

  1. #21
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    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Speaking of grind and repeat, I think I've thought of a way to include Crafters in this discussion....since they seem to be being left out again. ;)

    Empire Construction merchant.

    His job basically is to buy unused Novians from players in exchange for these 'tokens' being discussed.
    Obviously the trade amounts would have to be quite high and tier'd in some way but I think the idea is sound?

    Crafters spend most of there time crafting peoples plots and don't often get the chance to do both in the same day....or week.
    Some others don't like hunting but that shouldn't mean they don't get chance to partake in the goodies as without them there would be no Istaria.
    I'm sure they wouldn't mind building stuff on there plots to knock down for novians and a chance of these 'epic items' you talk about?

    It mite even encourage some of those on free accounts to sub up and buy a small plot to obtain crafting novians from?

    I see this as win win but i'm sure i'll be told now. ;)

  2. #22

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Sindala View Post
    Speaking of grind and repeat, I think I've thought of a way to include Crafters in this discussion....since they seem to be being left out again. ;)

    Empire Construction merchant.

    His job basically is to buy unused Novians from players in exchange for these 'tokens' being discussed.
    Obviously the trade amounts would have to be quite high and tier'd in some way but I think the idea is sound?

    Crafters spend most of there time crafting peoples plots and don't often get the chance to do both in the same day....or week.
    Some others don't like hunting but that shouldn't mean they don't get chance to partake in the goodies as without them there would be no Istaria.
    I'm sure they wouldn't mind building stuff on there plots to knock down for novians and a chance of these 'epic items' you talk about?

    It mite even encourage some of those on free accounts to sub up and buy a small plot to obtain crafting novians from?

    I see this as win win but i'm sure i'll be told now. ;)
    Hmmm... if its to gain things like techs then sure... but to gain things like reklars tail scale i have to object

  3. #23

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Sindala View Post
    Speaking of grind and repeat, I think I've thought of a way to include Crafters in this discussion....since they seem to be being left out again. ;)

    Empire Construction merchant.

    His job basically is to buy unused Novians from players in exchange for these 'tokens' being discussed.
    Obviously the trade amounts would have to be quite high and tier'd in some way but I think the idea is sound?
    Not by me. That idea I actually like!

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  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Why object? you give no reasons?

    You kill Reklar to get tokens, I make a Grand guild house.....same thing to me, Except mine takes about 5 months longer...and then for probably less tokens than a kill.
    Should still be obtainable either way is my point.
    I have spent 98% of the last 5 months building my new plot and I've been in-game ALOT. Why should crafters always be overlooked.
    Like I said before, without dedicated crafters in this wouldn't be a game. Who do you think spends hours each day on repetitive grind making the potions and armour sets 'hunter' chars buy with coin? .....crafters.

    Now anyone who knows me knows i'm no crafter but it does bother me that they constantly get nothing except a new flag to build or wall carving. After almost reaching GMC I have earned a respect for those who craft day after day.

    Crafters of Istaria unite! No more shall you be classed as 'lesser bi-peds' ;)

  5. #25

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Sindala View Post
    Why object? you give no reasons?

    You kill Reklar to get tokens, I make a Grand guild house.....same thing to me, Except mine takes about 5 months longer...and then for probably less tokens than a kill.
    Should still be obtainable either way is my point.
    Some people have been hunting reklar over 8 years and still don't have his tail scale. Why should crafters get one if we adventurers can't? ;p And..why would they need any? I mean if they're strictly crafters (strictly. as in - maybe 2 adv schools to lv 100 only for the stat bonuses and gifts and gear, maybe a few more for fending golems) then they wouldn't be figthing often enough anyway to really need it. I think that's the objection anyway?? Certainly in the case of the tail scale. I'm not sure if one has ever existsed apart form the one screenshotted for the wiki. Although personally, i don't really have any objection that crafters should be able to earn tokens. I simply think crafters deserve something better. I mean practicly everything vendored in this case is for adventurers. There are only a few forms for pure crafters to need...actually thats a thing. How is a crafter supposed to get that-formula-for-that-old-tech if they have to fight - and if they /are/ purely crafter, they can't fight? Good point.
    What kind of craft dailies could there be that require the same sort of...attention? i guess? that adventure dailies would have.

    On this matter - i'm curious to see what kind of dailies the devs have in mind.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Sindala View Post
    ...His job basically is to buy unused Novians from players in exchange for these 'tokens' being discussed.
    Obviously the trade amounts would have to be quite high and tier'd in some way but I think the idea is sound?..
    I was just about to post that I still feel like Reklar kills should drop "Reklar" tokens, and same for valkor and sog. I don't like the idea that someone can "earn" a Reklar sash without ever having killed Reklar, or get a Reklar item for doing nothing but killing Valkor.

    So I have to disagree that with craft materials only, someone would be able to get the epic loot without going on any hunts.

    If we aren't inspiring people to group up and go on epic hunts, whats the point? Oh, let's just give all the very hard to earn or rare to stuff to people for free! Got bazillion old novians?!? (I know I do), here you go!

    Many older players have the cool stuff because they earned them. They were around to free the Satyrs, they built the Bridges to new places, they hunted Rekar for a year to get a Reklar sash of Fury crafted. Everyone who whines about "I want this! but no, I don't ever go on hunts. I sit around New Trismus all day, look at me!" shouldn't be given some easy or alternate path to whatever items get put on this token vendor. (Generalized statement not about any particular player).

    Now, I've set aside all those concerns in general support for the idea that the bosses drop a token for every participant, so that effort is rewarded and someone can't go 6 months without winning a random, or go for months without seeing the required last needed piece drop. Fixing those issues I think is a good thing. Giving players who are just farming Daknor a Reklar sash, I am not going to support, ever. Which is why I think a randomized daily might be a good fit. So that particular mini bosses are not able to be farmed daily to get the epic rewards. Kill one once a week, ok. (as long as only doing that quest it would take someone 3 years to get the item).

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    .... I mean practicly everything vendored in this case is for adventurers...

    Now, having separate daily quests for craters, that grants a crafter token, spendable for completely different stuff, I think might be ok. What stuff that would be? The formulas for the epic craftable gear. But not for the epic gear itself.
    Last edited by Guaran; March 26th, 2014 at 05:57 PM.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Sindala View Post
    Why object? you give no reasons?

    You kill Reklar to get tokens, I make a Grand guild house.....same thing to me, Except mine takes about 5 months longer...and then for probably less tokens than a kill.
    Should still be obtainable either way is my point.
    I have spent 98% of the last 5 months building my new plot and I've been in-game ALOT. Why should crafters always be overlooked.
    Like I said before, without dedicated crafters in this wouldn't be a game. Who do you think spends hours each day on repetitive grind making the potions and armour sets 'hunter' chars buy with coin? .....crafters.

    Now anyone who knows me knows i'm no crafter but it does bother me that they constantly get nothing except a new flag to build or wall carving. After almost reaching GMC I have earned a respect for those who craft day after day.

    Crafters of Istaria unite! No more shall you be classed as 'lesser bi-peds' ;)
    Firstly the reward for Killing hunting epics is just that, a reward for hunting epics, not a reward for crafting.

    though i do think there should be more rewards for crafting..
    Also for what reason do crafters need a Blood sword (for example). Personally I think they should introduce Epic crafting gear.

    I dunno a "Diamond Pick Axe" which grants 60 to mining and quarrying and gives a carrying capacity. Or a floating forge cargo disk that has a relatively small capacity but allows for smelting & Metal item products anywhere.

    secondly I have never thought of crafters as "lesser bi-peds" hell I have more crafting classes than I do hunters

    And although hunters need crafters lets just remember that all those crafters sets still require the comps to be HUNTED so it is give and take there not all crafters give and never get anything back.
    Last edited by Calyndrell; March 26th, 2014 at 06:25 PM. Reason: Guaran and azath said it better

  8. #28

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Daily crafting quests for Epic tools or epic item formulas is a good idea.

    Mixing the Dailies up so that you get a random one each day is also an interesting idea.

    I was just about to post that I still feel like Reklar kills should drop "Reklar" tokens, and same for valkor and sog. I don't like the idea that someone can "earn" a Reklar sash without ever having killed Reklar, or get a Reklar item for doing nothing but killing Valkor.

    For Epics we're still looking at requiring 1 looted components to go with 3 or 4 purchased ones to build a Valkor or Reklar item. So, for example, you might buy four Epic Weapon Components from the Epic Vendor for tokens to build your Valkor's Bloodsword, but you'd still need the Valkor's Bloodsword Core to finish it and the Core might only be looted.
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  9. #29
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    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    I think it's important that folks not knee-jerk with the "wow has this so I don't want it" bandwagon thought.
    Equally important that concerns/observations/opinions aren't dismissed merely because they mentioned WoW. I don't think it counts as bandwagon if one has actually played the game and some of its daily quests. Aka, don't knee-jerk react with 'it's a wow bandwagon thing' and dismiss it :P

    people are making a lot of assumptions
    Pardon, as I'm going to take this out of context a tiny bit >.> But yes, yes we are. Dailies aren't even on Blight yet, so we can't do all that much but make assumptions. Which leads into my next little bit...

    Some seem to be taking the 'forced to do this or that daily quest etc etc' as literally as possible to the point where it means something completely different than what was intended. I really doubt anyone feels literally forced when confronted with daily quests. When I mentioned it, I assumed it would be taken within the context of a game. Believe I mentioned a better way to put it.
    Eventually, it begins to feel like the game via the daily quest is controlling (trying to) control my gameplay.
    (sorry for a 'comparison' sort of thing, but....) Right now, I can kill as many maggots in Dralnok's Doom as I want (or Fyakki, whichever). There is nothing stopping me but my own life and whatever else I've chosen to fill my life. Daily quests - it's a limitation by the game, one that irritates me to the point where I mention it. Yes, the game is probably technically limiting me the same way as a daily quest by not spawning 10s and 20s of maggots constantly - but gotta be realistic. I'd die to that amount of maggots (eventually>_>). Anyway - the game itself would be limiting me to doing <that> thing once per day. No matter if I wanted to do that quest a couple more times, I could still only do it once a day. There -have- to be limits on some things...does no good to get 1000 ore per whack at a node.

    I only kept playing WoW for that last bit of time because there were alternate, not-as-constricting ways to get stuff.

    @LosianIf there are certain times you can do something, and you miss one of those times, you've lost an opportunity. I don't think anyone implied it would cause someone to be 'way behind', or at a 'significant advantage' (and I still haven't gotten the hang of post organization/this forum, gah, so not going to check..) but it probably wasn't the intent to imply that. I'd prefer to miss an opportunity and be limited that way than miss one and be limited the day a daily quest would via game function.

    a very detailled planned thing.
    There are many items in the game that are obtained via quest or are very difficult to obtain or even can no longer be obtained. We would like to provide a more deterministic way for players to obtain them. That is, a way that players can work towards a goal that they are sure they will achieve at some point.
    Daily Quests and the use of Tokens to buy items from Vendors have been put forward as one good way of handling this issue.
    Going to try this bit by bit, because I don't think that one solution should just apply to everything that needs to be fixed/done/etc. I spoke with a friend earlier - realized that I only stayed with WoW for a while because, while dailies were a good way to get going on wasn't the only way, nor was it the fastest. If a smidge of luck was with you, it was about even between both ways, with maybe dailies being slightly slower.

    I know this is about dailies primarily....however, I think that so far (except for one post that I can remember - *waves at Yildar*) a middle ground hasn't really been considered - it's either been dallies or no dallies, with some tokens floating around for I don't know why. Thus, typing below.

    Techs that people have mistakenly used or used on something when it was the 'best' option available, but that is now no longer the case
    - I'd think just being able to redo the quest would be best. No need to make a certain amount of tokens for it, just go and do it again. It would make misusing a tech kit a pain, but not so much that you're skrewed now and forever because you don't want to go do that looooooooooooong quest chain to get that thingy again - IIRC, the longest chain that gives a tech kit is the Myloc Threat, and considering it's Mental Bane (caster tech! *drools over it*) -I- wouldn't mind doing the quest again for it.

    Old items
    - Honestly, make it as agonizing as possible without being ridiculous (vagueness! \o/). The old items that were removed were available at some point, and I feel it would be vastly rude to just put such things up wherever for a 'normal' price or even a 'pricey' price. Plus, some of the items are really strong. Dare I say it...I wouldn't mind a daily here - maybe 1 1/2, or 1 1/4, with the 1/2 or 1/4 extra daily being for those who want to advance faster.

    Epic items
    - Adjust the drop rates to be even, then add a daily/token quest to get maybe one piece every week or two to offset back luck (personally, I like 1.5-2 weeks)

    Speaking of grind and repeat, I think I've thought of a way to include Crafters in this discussion....since they seem to be being left out again. ;)
    Maybe because they don't speak up very often? I won't say there haven't been threads where it was specifically PvE because I haven't really kept track of crafting(by which I mean plot) stuff, but nothing was nor is preventing you from putting something up :) That said
    I dunno a "Diamond Pick Axe" which grants 60 to mining and quarrying and gives a carrying capacity. Or a floating forge cargo disk that has a relatively small capacity but allows for smelting & Metal item products anywhere.
    *Alisto's legion of alts makes grabby paws at the idea of epic tools, though supposes that making epic versions of howevermanytooldthereare is a bit much...* Maybe for the core schools? Versions of a pickaxe, a whatchamcallit...the thing you use to get silk, an axe that doubles as a cutty thing for wood with a handle that lets you channel essence....and so on. *cough*craftingclaw*cough*

    selling them for coin
    I think that the game is too far along (aka, money is 'plentiful' and has very, very little value) for that to be a viable solution. The difference in wealth between some players who are at the same level is huge.

    *tosses the mess of a post on the forums to see if anyone understands it*

    Ongoing edit: Because my organization is bad/typos/bad wording/things
    Last edited by Alisto; March 26th, 2014 at 08:36 PM.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    @Alisto - I frankly just don't get where you're coming from. Nobody has a reason for why having a daily quest is "bad" except that it feels like some other game. Everyone who has referenced dailies being in "other games" have no real reason for why it's bad to add them as a quest mechanic - if there's a reason why it's bad besides a player-perceived "loss" or "missed opportunity," which doesn't exist, or "X game has it so it's bad," I've yet to see it here! A daily quest is just a quest that is repeatedly only by merit of time. That's it. There's no reason the devs shouldn't have access to this mechanic to make a wider variety of quests.

    Quests that aren't repeatable are also "limiting" you. Your characters stats are "limiting." I just don't understand what's so offensive about a quest that can be repeated only after X amount of time. The quests are just something you can do once a day, or maybe week or month. If don't do it, so what. Nothing is lost. Maybe people just have a weird stigma to the word "daily" and what it implies?

    It's just a quest that is limited by time between repetitions; that is ALL the devs have suggested so far for the most part. Immediately saying "no" is just kinda silly; people seem to be assuming they'll make coveted items easily available or something else crazy!

    Frankly, I think WoW's implenentation of dailies were absolutely terrible - they were a horrible and incredibly blatant, obvious effort to *make* you login each day, the rewards were far too good for the effort, it was a complete grab to make you go "well, I guess I *have* to login, ugh" even if you didn't want to. The devs here haven't really told us what they're doing with it, only that they are considering having the ability to make quests repeatable by merit of time, rather than not repeatable or repeatable ad infinitum without delay.. any speculation on what they may do with that ability is really just speculation.

    This thread would be better to discuss *what* you would like to see the devs do with it - being able to re-get techs after a day or week or something is a GREAT idea, for example.. Being able to slowly and steadily work towards some big rewards that you may never see otherwise is splendid! Instead of assuming they will make the same mistakes as other games, let's figure out what sorts of things we'd like to see on quest-timers and how that can benefit us.

    It's ever so simply a way for devs to apply a limitation on the availability of content via quests through time. That's all a daily is. Help them come up with fun ways to use it. :)

    And a quick snip at Azath's remark, here.. "Some people have been hunting reklar over 8 years and still don't have his tail scale. "

    Well, that's fine and all, but quite frankly, that's horrible game design - whomever specificed it to be that rare probably went way overboard, or they really just wanted it to be an insanely coveted item.. If that's the case, they can keep it away from whatever new methods may arise to get things. But if it takes *eight years* to get an item, one which isn't supposed to be artificially super rare, then that item is far too rare, there is simply no justification for a requirement of time investment like that. Just because it took you, or someone else, forever does mean new players should be subjected to that same potential misery. It's dumb! It reminds me of EverQuest.. Oh yes, let's keep the Vex Thal access quest annoyingly horrible and long, I had to do it so should everyone else.. Raster camp is terrible, don't change it, I had to suffer through it!

    Forcing new players or other players to suffer through bad design is not good for games in the long run. Sometimes that means that maybe some of your effort was 'wasted', sure, but it's for the better of the game to fix things that are horrendously out of whack like that.
    Last edited by Losian; March 26th, 2014 at 09:17 PM.

  11. #31
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    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    "bad" except that it feels like some other game
    You seem to be interpreting "I experienced daily quests in <these> games, and due to my experience with them <this>." as "<x> game has it so it's bad." Which is not the case.

    if there's a reason why it's bad besides a player-perceived "loss" or "missed opportunity," which doesn't exist
    Imo, you're looking at only part of the argument, which I expanded upon -> "Anyway - the game itself would be limiting me to doing <that> thing once per day. No matter if I wanted to do that quest a couple more times, I could still only do it once a day. "

    Frankly, I think WoW's implenentation of dailies were absolutely terrible - they were a horrible and incredibly blatant, obvious effort to *make* you login each day.. any speculation on what they may do with that ability is really just speculation.
    And here's where we agree :D WoW's daillies were awful. However, I even mentioned it(it being assumptions/speculation) under the second quote - "But yes, yes we are. Dailies aren't even on Blight yet, so we can't do all that much but make assumptions."

    Your characters stats are "limiting."
    I already acknowledged that there have to be limited on -some things-. Using so base a function to a game as a rebuttal looks shaky. *For those that keep up with the WoW forums and such, take a look at their 'stat squish' - which I couldn't care less about. Stats =/= quests and my capacity to get through content at a certain pace.

    This thread would be better to discuss *what* you would like to see the devs do with it
    There have been a couple threads on the subject already (on what to do with the problems, like techs etc), if my memory hasn't done a failure of epic proportions yet. Even after said threads, it seems it's still...."Tell us about daillies". i.e it feels like dailies are being forced. *note*

    Just because it took you, or someone else, forever does mean new players should be subjected to that same potential misery
    I don't think anyone is saying 'keep it all the way it is currently'. Insofar asI know, this isn't a 'don't change' thread so much as a 'let's change things but please let's do this well'.

    And a quick snip at Azath's remark, here.. "Some people have been hunting reklar over 8 years and still don't have his tail scale. "

    Well, that's fine and all, but quite frankly, that's horrible game design
    You took this somewhat out of context. We know it's horrible game design, hence the creation of this thread and other threads.

    Summary: I prefer being able to choose what to advance when, as opposed to 'Oh, I want to work towards getting <this> item today...Wait, already did that quest for the day.'

    **note**I did say what I'd like to see the devs do with it, as have others. Though, I'm more thinking about what it should be applied to, and not the how/little details and suggestions to make the dailies themselves as pleasant as possible.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Whoever said that daily quest are not on Blight initially is wrong. There are daily quests on Blight currently. ... Just making sure the correct information is out there. ;)

  13. #33
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    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Velea View Post
    Whoever said that daily quest are not on Blight initially is wrong. There are daily quests on Blight currently. ... Just making sure the correct information is out there. ;)
    Whoops, forgot about the new event >_< Thanks!

    Edit: to be clear, was talking about daily quests concerning tech kits/epic items/old items in my post.

    Second edit: *deleted stuff here, dont' want to get too off topic* And it could be that the topic has expanded/changed...just a little bit...:P I'd be the first to admit we all can ramble some.
    Last edited by Alisto; March 26th, 2014 at 10:53 PM.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    And to be clear, that isn't what the original post was about. The original poster, LOVWRYM, objected to daily quests. The potential rewards for them are something that was not brought up at all in the original post in the thread. ;)

  15. #35

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Losian View Post
    ...And a quick snip at Azath's remark, here.. "Some people have been hunting reklar over 8 years and still don't have his tail scale. "

    Well, that's fine and all, but quite frankly, that's horrible game design...
    I think this is a bit of both. It wasn't great design in that the random system seems to be uneven in rewarding players, but on top of that, your needed piece may not drop for a long time.

    But as far as it taking 8 years to complete a tail scale, that's complete rubbish. I built the first tail on chaos likely within 6 months of Reklar being put in (which was sometime in 2005 I think).

    The 8 years statement sounds more like a player who kills Reklar maybe 3 or 4 times per year at max.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    I think this is a bit of both. It wasn't great design in that the random system seems to be uneven in rewarding players, but on top of that, your needed piece may not drop for a long time.

    But as far as it taking 8 years to complete a tail scale, that's complete rubbish. I built the first tail on chaos likely within 6 months of Reklar being put in (which was sometime in 2005 I think).

    The 8 years statement sounds more like a player who kills Reklar maybe 3 or 4 times per year at max.
    We - We as in I, Miira, Arzel, Alice, Sija and few others - have been hunting reklar constantly for more than 6 months. We've pretty much all got at least 1 of each peices 1,2 and 4. 3 has never dropped. ever. not once. there are also peices like this on ither mobs too, but it's rather easy to notice on reklar by the fact that literally no one on order still playing has the tail scale, unlike the other rares.

    This is one of the reasons we need a system - like dailies for example. I don't want to be entirely reliant on dailies/tokens etc for epic pieces, just want them so we get the rares.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    I think this is a bit of both. It wasn't great design in that the random system seems to be uneven in rewarding players, but on top of that, your needed piece may not drop for a long time.

    But as far as it taking 8 years to complete a tail scale, that's complete rubbish. I built the first tail on chaos likely within 6 months of Reklar being put in (which was sometime in 2005 I think).

    The 8 years statement sounds more like a player who kills Reklar maybe 3 or 4 times per year at max.
    No its not rubbish, you got lucky as I said no one on order has it that I am aware of.

    PS. Yes its taken 8 years so far.

  18. #38

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    I think this is a bit of both. It wasn't great design in that the random system seems to be uneven in rewarding players, but on top of that, your needed piece may not drop for a long time.

    But as far as it taking 8 years to complete a tail scale, that's complete rubbish. I built the first tail on chaos likely within 6 months of Reklar being put in (which was sometime in 2005 I think).

    The 8 years statement sounds more like a player who kills Reklar maybe 3 or 4 times per year at max.
    Azath and Calyndrell are actually correct Guaran. We have all been at reklar taking him down as much as 4 to 6 times a day for upward of six months. In that time we have gotten every other piece to drop except Tail Scale piece 3 and so far we have only ever seen (in the groups I have been with) one singular piece of Sash Piece 4 drop. And no one I know of, on order at least, has seen the Tail Scale Piece 3 drop at all in the last year or so. There are players who do have the complete tail scale, but they got it from long long ago. I don't know if something happened or changed, but it just highlights how important this issue is.

    And as you pointed out in the thread about epic loot suggestions, there are times where it takes forever for someone to win the random, etc. So when you have a piece of epic loot that may drop once every six to eight months, if not over a year, then knowing only one person in a random system (which has had a history of rigging, cheating, etc) can win it is an unacceptable game mechanic to have for the effort a player puts forth. While dailies or tokens might not be a perfect solution, they are a better solution than doing nothing at all. This is why a daily system or token system is needed for some of this epic loot, even if it is implemented the way Amon has suggested, which I actually like that idea because it makes a mix of both the old and new. Again tho, it is how ultimately it is implemented into the game.

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

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  19. #39

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    This is one of the reasons we need a system - like dailies for example. I don't want to be entirely reliant on dailies/tokens etc for epic pieces, just want them so we get the rares.
    This we can agree on Azath. I don't want to be completely reliant on it which is why I like the idea of having a mixture of both the old and new systems somehow. Certainly at least making it so we still have to hunt the epic in some way to get the epic item associated to that epic. (e.g Reklar for Reklar items, Valkor for Valkor items...) But the main thing is to have those items available so that we can access and earn them sooner than six months or a year of near non-stop hunting of that epic.

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

  20. #40

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Daily Quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    But as far as it taking 8 years to complete a tail scale, that's complete rubbish. I built the first tail on chaos likely within 6 months of Reklar being put in (which was sometime in 2005 I think).

    The 8 years statement sounds more like a player who kills Reklar maybe 3 or 4 times per year at max.
    Good for you Guaran:-)
    I am one of those who still hasen`t the missing part.
    Neither has Flame , Morkx, Vasilios, make it short:
    Besides Takora NONE of my friends (old Unity players included) has the scale.
    And it took Morkx e.g. from the very beginning till this year to complete "sash"
    Hunts we had in all this years? Maximum I say.

    Just for the records^^
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

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