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Thread: It's been fun!!!

  1. #1

    Cool It's been fun!!!

    Well, I seem to have lost interest in the game with all the changes. I have tried to hold on through all the changes but the time has come for me to pack it in. As soon as I can figure out the way to cancel my subscription I will be leaving. I have sent in a ticket on this issue and hopefully the support team will lead me to the proper area. Have fun everyone I have known through all these years, I will never forget you. Send me a PM if you want to know how things are going.

  2. #2

    Default Re: It's been fun!!!

    Wow never thought i'd see the day. Fair well hob good luck in whatever you set your mind to next.


  3. #3

    Default Re: It's been fun!!!

    safe travels and have a good life, Hoberton.
    I shall miss our "sigh" which did not need further explanations.
    And its not that I do not understand.

    But pls allow my 2c here:
    In times like this, Istaria needs every single sub to survive.
    And -if we like some changes or not
    (and we often disagreed with what was implemented, but learned to live with it)
    do we really want Istaria disappear from the map of mmos?
    That we cannot return home, when times and moods have changed?
    Never build a house, plant a tree or let our dragon fly? Never visit unique places and meet special people?
    I see an exodus of vet players atm-
    but lots of them just take a more or less longer break- keeping up subs (for the well-being of the game)
    and their plots (for the well-being of the community).
    So do we.
    Just my thoughts
    Take care Hob*waves goodbye*
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wherever the food is O_O

    Default Re: It's been fun!!!

    Good luck with wherever you end up next!

    Canceling subs is through

  5. #5

    Default Re: It's been fun!!!

    this is a sad day when Mr Cheferton hangs up his hat . you have been a great friend and hope you have fun in the future

  6. #6

    Default Re: It's been fun!!!

    Sad to hear you are leaving Hoberton. All the best where ever your travels take you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: It's been fun!!!

    *whipes a tear from my eye* we will miss you Hobs! Be sure to check in on the forums every once in a while.

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