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Thread: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

  1. #1

    Default Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    It seems to this player the answer is no, you may leave, take a break or what have you, but somehow, Istaria remains, calling us incesently back, do we who return time and again do so as we love Istaria? Yes, despite the lag and the crashes, broken quest lines and so on, to us, it is still home. Oh, we may fuss and stew from time to time, but we still love it.

    Why? becuase it is all about what we share here, the commaraderie the freindships built. that is what Isaria is.

    Zarkela - Green Dragoness - Helian

  2. #2

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    important thoughts, Zarkela.

    And so true. Keywords here are "home" and "friends"

    I can understand if someone needs and takes a break.
    But I appeal to all who are able to afford: Keep on paying for at least one account.
    Keep Istaria alive: Plots will be there to support and enjoy your friends while you are gone-
    and propably even more important:
    Devs will be able to keep on caring for our game.

    I remember the nightmare , when one dark morning my shard (unity) has been shot down in the the night-
    to never return.
    And I am still deeply grateful that Rick and all others from VI made it possible that I could come home.!!
    (and a special winghug to Amon and Velea for their endless patience with..ok should only talk about me here, so : me^^)

    On a side note: Being online with max. 4 other players- like it is the last weeks during EU prime time (on Order)
    makes me shiver...
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    My only reason to come back is to manage my plots. I just keep getting more.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    Well said Zark! *pounce*
    Only reason I would ever quit playing, would be
    A.) getting laid off of work, not able to pay for my subs
    B.) Game becomes so unstable, I can`t log in no matter the support tickets, patches, uninstalls/reinstalls
    But even with those issues, I`d still try my best to get on, or at least pop bythe forums to say hi to all my friends!
    Funny I never thought a simple MMORPG could build lasting friendships not only in game, but in real life, but it has!
    I think many players who have stopped playing still remain an active part in the community. wether it be on the game`s forums here, or other sites. We all stick together. cuz we`re family afterall!

  5. #5
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    having lived thru the time of troubles, I know how hard it can be sometimes. but this is my home, and I will be here to turn off the lights, should that terrible time ever come - which I pray it does not.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  6. #6

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    Small addendum to my OP:

    Back when I first started playing Horizons: Empire of Istaria, about 10 years ago, I started on Chaos shard, but something happened, was it the fact that the Shards Merged? Or that the Istaria changed hands a few times? the bottom line was the effect of many, many people dropping from the game. Chaos just got lonelier and lonelier for me, to the point I even said to myself: "It is just a game" nothing matters, when I said that and believed it, I started bouncing from game to game like a ping-pong ball. "It is just a game", I would repeat, like some insane mantra.

    Finally, I returned, But not to Chaos, it no longer held anything for me, but to Order, here, I learned it is not "Just a game". And I learned that I could make friends, not just "IC" friends, but friends who would stay with me, and I with them. I had come home!

    I have touched the lives of others and others likewise touched me. I have done what could be done to help make the lives of others brighter and in doing so, made my life better. Is it "Just a game?" you tell me.
    Zarkela - Green Dragoness - Helian

  7. #7

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    I have tried to leave a few times. I always ended up back here. It is the people, the Scions and then the game that keep me here. Lots of my friends here I consider some of the best I have in life. How strong the Scions are and how well we are still set-up after all these years is a constant source of pride for me. The game suits my laid back free roaming play-style as well as any MMO I have played.

    I have given up on leaving. The grass most certainly isn't greener on the other side of any the fences I have jumped.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    By unknown occurrence I happened to look at these forums. Moreover I had a look at this post in particular because of the inquiry.

    I have not logged in my account since 2007. I created a "trial" account a year ago to see if anything was new, but only used it for one day.

    Anyone who has left for good will likely not post about it.

    There are some who have truly left. Though I suppose whoever remains now never leave permanently.

    Don't take offense if I make no further reply because I may honestly forget about this post. Being very busy I often forget about posts in other places that I am even active in.

    Good day.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    I know many players who left and never returned. There are also many who arrive and stay only a short time. The low shard population is an indication of this. The game lacks quests and people to quest with. It seems to be a circular issue.........
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quebec (Canada) // Ota'fakag, Trandalar (Order)

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    It scares me a bit too Lovwyrm, about the population of Order... I'm not so used to log in with like 10 people or less and I keep wondering what is wrong nowadays...

    I agree Zarkela! One cannot stay away from Istaria for so long. You may take a break because of studies or lack of money... You end up missing it, missing the community, missing your friends... There is just something about this game, that makes one feel home.

    Haha I feel so nostalgic of the old days though. But you have to go with the flow~
    Order shard
    Levanan: Ancient Helian drake - 100/100/28 ~ Navkiren: Ancient Lunus drake ~ Nordis: Adult Helian dragoness ~ Sarwulf: Hatchling ~ Aithne: Hatchling
    DeviantArt: Iceveyns

  11. #11

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    I just returned today after several years away from game and lots of crazy things going on IRL. I am so lost though! Can't remember how to do very much in game that I used to know like the back of my hand (I don't even know the back of my hand actually). If anybody could be so kind to list things that have been added/changed in the game since (I believe) 2008, I'd really appreciate it. Will have to do some digging about here in the meantime.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    Quote Originally Posted by Varraven View Post
    If anybody could be so kind to list things that have been added/changed in the game since (I believe) 2008, I'd really appreciate it. Will have to do some digging about here in the meantime.
    I think there's really too much changed since then to list it all. I recommend starting a new character and working your way up through the quest series all over the land. Were you here for Dralnok's Doom? For the tier II revamp? What was new when you left?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    I'm still gone, but only because in my current state of impoverishment, I can barely afford groceries month to month... If ever my financial state improves to the point I can afford things for myself again, I'll be back.

    Istaria is just a place that feels like home. I couldn't say exactly what it is, but somehow, even though I've been gone for so long, it still feels like the place I naturally return to.
    Tchanel Rulskyl, Ancient of Order.
    Currently unable to return due to being poor.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    I think there's really too much changed since then to list it all. I recommend starting a new character and working your way up through the quest series all over the land. Were you here for Dralnok's Doom? For the tier II revamp? What was new when you left?
    Thanks for the info I don't think I was here for that, but I do think I received an email mentioning that. Have a lot of catching up to do

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teto Frum View Post
    I have tried to leave a few times. I always ended up back here. It is the people, the Scions and then the game that keep me here. Lots of my friends here I consider some of the best I have in life. How strong the Scions are and how well we are still set-up after all these years is a constant source of pride for me. The game suits my laid back free roaming play-style as well as any MMO I have played.

    I have given up on leaving. The grass most certainly isn't greener on the other side of any the fences I have jumped.
    it is a second home for those who play because of this I know I play on chaos sometimes visiting other shards but chaos has become my second family without all of you I would never have found out thanks for everything I continue to play because of this
    I am very lucky to know my bonded mate and even luckier still to know i am always on his mind and he on mine for that i am very happy.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Aussie Land! (Australia)

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    Agreed, one cannot stay away too long from this game. It's like you've made a connection, a bond with this game and the community and its just too hard to leave without a good reason behind to back you up.
    I know for one when I had to leave for studies, it was tremendously difficult to leave this community, to me it was like putting another life on hold.
    But sooner or later you return.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    I find it difficult to truly leave Istaria though I haven't yet even dreamed of really leaving it so far, its simply because there is no where else to go if I wanted to not only remain a dragon on an mmorpg but find such easy access to friends and possibly rp family. family rps are in my opinion notoriously hard to find on other games simply because of the lack of aging on other games, that is part of what I love about Istaria at least for the order shard.

    I also find that the community is pretty amicable for the fact that its so friendly and overall opinion of other people is not governed by how highly leveled they are but by strength of character, I've played too many games before where stats are everything and if you were not highly leveled or skilled enough you were treated condescendingly by other people.
    'the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing' -Edmund Burke

  18. #18

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    This place will always be special
    Tavar Ssaic (Order) - Sslik Berserker Maniac
    Mudz (Chaos) - Ssleek Monkey
    Trekk (Chaos) - Sslik Grandmaster Monk
    Telzun (Chaos) - Ancient Sslik, uhm I mean dragon :-)

  19. #19

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    I keep thinking about coming back...but...
    My lair is likely long gone, and I can't face starting again. I loved the crafting, I LOVED playing a dragon (there is just nothing else like it), but it was pretty dead when I left (years ago, now) I might get a sub again, for a month, just to see my dragon again.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Does anyone ever truly leave Istaria?

    I dunno if anyone truly leaves istaria, i mean the community in this game is one of the best its friendly and laid back. Ive only played this game for a 1 year now but im certainly not gonna leave it i enjoy it to much and yes the grass isnt't greener on the other fences indeed nope its istaria that has the most green grass. One thing i like is that the passionate developers continue to update this great game after 10 years and that they will continue as long as they can. so yeah Thumbs up to the devs!

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