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Thread: Send Water LOL

  1. #1

    Default Send Water LOL

    Governor declares state of emergency in Lucas County
    Toledo area residents are urged to not drink, boil, cook in, or wash vegetables with city water after two sample readings for toxins exceeded the recommended “do not drink” standard of one microgram per liter standard. About 400,000 people in and around Ohio‘s fourth-largest city are affected.** Residents were told bathing in the water is OK but drinking or boiling it is not.

    Looks for small water well in yard !!
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    I wish I could help out. Have the largest fresh water lake in the world about 7 miles away but no way to get water to you.

    Hope they get that situation resolved quickly. Is it a problem from the water source or something with the city water system?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    The bad thing for me is I just had dental surgery have a bunch of sutures in my mouth, But as I've already drank the water ....
    I was able to get 2 cases of bottled water and I'll reserve it for the pets to drink, and I'll stick w/ the toxic stuff.
    Well so far this is the word :
    Residents in Toledo and most surrounding areas have been warned to not consume its water after tests revealed the presence of a toxin possibly related to algae on Lake Erie.
    Toledo issued the warning early Saturday. It said tests at one treatment plant returned two sample readings for microsystin above the standard for consumption.
    The city warned against boiling because it will only increase the toxin's concentration. The advisory covers city residents and those in Lucas County served by the city's water supply.
    The city's advisory says Lake Erie may have been affected by a bloom of harmful algae that produces the toxin. Consuming the tainted water could result in vomiting, diarrhea and other problems.
    The city says more tests are being run. Until presence of the toxin is removed, the following areas should NOT consume, bathe in, brush teeth, or boil water,
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    Youch. Thats bad.

    Be careful about drinking that. Might be worth the drive to get more bottled water. Are they going to be shipping in emergency water supplies?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    Yikes, be careful with that Andy. Don't drink it, and here's to a speedy recovery on the surgery!
    *starts crafting algae killing potions...*
    Blight: Kaylee, Marynah, others
    Guildmistress, Crafters of Blight
    Chaos: Demmona, Bankshot, others
    Co-Guildmistress, Mithril Council

  6. #6

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    Wowsers, don't make the risk of infection with those sutures higher than it already is! Stick with the bottled water! Besides, most toxins build up after repeated exposures, so just because you were OK at first does not mean having more will be OK too. Hope you recover well and have clean water again sooner rather than later!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    National Guard is gathering water tankers and bringing water to Toledo.
    The city is like a ghost town , like 99% of the restaurants and motels/hotels are closed as they use water to cook with or clean dishes. movie theaters , the zoo and any other business that uses water is closed, was strange to be in a grocery store and see all the produce gone that uses misters to keep wet, looks like all the schools will also be closed, at least the jails and the prison have bottled water /p.
    All and all people are not freaking out too much (yet) but I'm thinking give this another week and all hell is gonna break lose.
    My suggestion just get about 10 miles of hose and move where they suck water into the treatment plants, or park a bunch of ships behind the intake and anchor them in place and run the snot out of the props to help move the water. Or do the old cloud seeding trick to make rain. or just close down the town ( more ) and leave till it standing till this stuff is gone.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    We read about it here too:

    Take good care my friend- I wished we could help
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    Why is it when you think your out of the woods, you see another whole other forest :

    TOLEDO - The worry over another water emergency along Lake Erie is far from over.
    That's because the algae that left behind toxins contaminating the drinking water of 400,000 people in the Toledo-area isn't supposed to peak until September.
    Water plant operators and residents who get their water from the western end of Lake Erie will be holding their breath over the next few months. Treatment plants, like the one in Oregon, say they are testing their water daily for presence of microcystin, the toxin which tainted Toledo's water supply over the weekend.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    Gads. That sucks.

    Do what you need to do to keep yourself healthy.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    Isn't there any way to harvest the algae and make use of it before it makes things quite so toxic?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    You know I'm not sure , I suggested getting a bunch of ships anchor them and run the engines to make a crap load of prop wash and move it away , or get a 6 mile long hose and suck the water in from farther out in the lake..
    !! But the strangest thing I seen earlier around 1730EST , was like thousands of seagulls flying about the went S/E of the lake/river and then back again , they were just staying about 100-150 ft in the air not making a lot of noise but just flying about they would go about 3/4 mile and come back towards the river / lake area then take back off. used a scope and telephoto lens but did not see any bugs they might of been chasing , just really strange, and with this water mess going on, one never knows lol...
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  13. #13

    Exclamation Re: Send Water LOL

    Andy, from what I heard you could have gotten all the water you needed from the flooding in Detroit last week...

    [And now that I have got you - show your face on Blight now and then - I've been lonely. ]

    Nia :: Blight Shard :: Chronicles of the Twisted Guild

  14. #14

    Default Re: Send Water LOL

    You mean like this : (Toledo) rain.jpg /p andy. Toledo Ohio Glass capital of the word and home of the Plywood window @
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

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