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Thread: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

  1. #1

    Default Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    I've completed every possible confectioner quest, except one final one "Rare Foods: Dinner Impossible".

    I can't seem to complete it. I recall a recent change from the requirement to drop from level 100 to 95. Did something get mixed up?

    I'm attempting this quest while joined at level 100 CNF school and can start the quest.

    First step, should be speak to Lady Kendra (in Kion). However, speaking to her doesn't do anything.

    If you also look at the screenshot, it seems the first step is missing.

    ie Under "Help Lady Kendra plan her next dinner party"... It should show "Speak to Lady Kendra". Then proceed to next step.

    Note how the first step is missing under the category "Help Lady Kendra..." is missing? Where a checkbox would appear after completing?


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  2. #2

    Default Re: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    Actually the level was raised from 80 to 95.

    The speak to Lady Kendra step is definitely missing from your log. Did you listen to all the vaultkeeper's dialog? And I think the vaultkeeper gives you a letter or something. Did you read it?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    I don't normally recommend dropping quests and retaking them, I know full-well that I've lost out on some quests years ago because I cancelled them when they appeared to be broken and was unable to take them again.

    Having said that, it has been my experience that the rare food quests can safely be dropped and retaken. It might be worth retaking this quest so that you can verify if any essential steps were missed last time you took it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    That quest is on a timer.. 1 or 2 hours (forget exactly how long you have). So as soon as you take it, be ready to complete it. And you will be pressed for time for the gathering portions.. (if the quest counts the gathering, I forget that too, but think probably not).

    If you picked up the quest and it immediately looked like that, then there may be a bug. If you picked it up the prior day or longer ago, the timer ran out and you gotta start over.

    Be sure to carefully read all the quest dialog as well, since they will inform you of the urgency.

    I do still have my notes from when I took this quest, all of these ingredients are needed. I cannot recall if the quest counts the gathering, or processing, or what.
    Rye Flour
    Ground Cinnamon
    Corn Flour
    Heavy Cream
    Sliced Bannanas
    Mashed Strawberries
    Wheat Dough
    Cleaned Urchins
    Sliced Tomatoes
    Diced Hot Peppers
    Chopped Onions
    Trout Filet
    Lemon Juice
    Ground Salt
    Ground Pepper

    try making sure you have plenty of the ingredients to make all the above before you start, and you should have a better chance to finish it. It was meant to be pretty difficult but its' doable.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    Ahah! Thanks to eighty's clues, I've figured it out.

    Ok, so the quest does work, but at least think a little wrinkle should be ironed out, in this quest.

    I deleted the quest and started it again.

    Once you greet the vaultkeeper, you're presented the link to accept the quest. Once you click the link, no other dialogue appears from the vault keeper. In fact, I wasn't even sure at first if I had gotten the quest correctly (or if it recognized my click), since he didn't say anything else. I just opened up my quest log to make sure it was there and the screenshot in my first post was what I saw. So I figured onto Lady Kendra (which was a fail).

    This time, after clicking the quest link. I did greet the Vaultkeeper again. This time the rest of the dialogue appeared and the letter appeared in my inventory. And now the quest log correctly shows the next step.

    Is there anyway to make the vaultkeeper's dialogue (and letter in inventory) automatically advanced upon clicking the quest link? Or at the very least, add a new step after clicking the quest link (ie Speak to vaultkeeper again). The lack of any dialogue and the fact the quest appeared in my log, saying to speak to Lady Kendra can fool even the most seasoned player

    Technically the first step in the quest log is wrong. It shouldn't say speak to Lady Kendra, it should actually say Speak to Vaultkeeper (again).

    Here is how it looks after greeting the vault keeper again. The missing step now shows correctly. Also note the dialogue "Maggie tells you..." does not appear until you re-greet the vaultkeeper a 2nd time, so its confusing.

    Thanks for the list and tips, Guaran
    Last edited by Cegaiel; October 6th, 2014 at 01:13 AM.
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    Ahh the old greet again to get the quest to continue bug.. that one is all over many quests... but I think they've fixed a lot of them. Definitely that should be corrected.

    So how long was the quest timer? Did it count the gathering? Or could you just make everything as the quest asked? And remind me what was the reward for that quest? A formula wasn't it?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    The quest timer is to make 4 dishes (3 item per dish) in 4 hours.

    Technically you only need 5 minutes to finish the quest (as long as you gather the ingredients ahead of time. The quest has a counter, but only to craft the four dishes (x3 each). There is no counter for the actual resources or ingredients. So technically you can just Speak to Lady Kendra (get the 4 formulas), then safely delete the quest.

    Take as many days as you want to gather the resources. Once you figure your list out and craft the resources, then restart the quest.
    You then have four hours to click the Create Item button 4 times in four hours (who can't click a formula 4 times in 4 hours?).

    So using this (likely unexpected trick (delete quest, restart), the 4 hour timer is pretty pointless. However, if you want a challenge, you can still certainly do this quest in four hours, with no ingrdients/resources in queue, if you really work hard

    This quest might need to be reworked. This should be the hardest CNF quest, but because of your ability to delete quest, then restart whenever you want, makes it actually easy.

    And the Rewards for this (AND the shopping list of ingredients) is at! (I added the ingredients today (and the TIP: Notes)). This page is very up to date now.

    But rewards are 5 Formulas and most importantly the Chef Emblem (+25 Cooking).
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Dinner Impossible quest, broke

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    This quest might need to be reworked. This should be the hardest CNF quest, but because of your ability to delete quest, then restart whenever you want, makes it actually easy.
    I don't think there is a need to rework the quest. Very few players actively play the game while thinking along the lines of "oh dear, this quest is too hard for me so I'll delete it and retake it"... Sure it's feasible for a player to circumvent the unknown aspects of the quest by following the process you have described, but I'm willing to bet that most high level confectioners capable of taking this particular quest are also all-too-familiar with the detriments of deleting quests and not being able to retake them, so are unlikely to take the risk in the first place.

    We've all been there, we've been stuck on a quest and deleted it, only to find that the quest-giver no longer offers it. It's part of playing Horizons/Istaria. If I hadn't pointed out that the rare food quests are safe to delete and retake would you have taken the risk? Well, would you?

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