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Thread: Brainstorming Ideas

  1. #41

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Galdethriel View Post
    Get the old players back, let people hold onto plots, populate the world a little. Things can add up.
    I actually find the suggestion sound and just. Paying 14.95 for one sub or 30.00 for two subs. Not many can pull off two or more unless they are comfortable with their financial situation (for sure, not me atm). I'm doing good to just maintain a non-plot sub. If I was paying full price for a one plot sub, I'd be very likely and tempted to maintain a couple of extra plots (for the community) for just a few dollars more. Ala carte pricing for just holding a plot... That's just brilliant. The key to many free to play games is to nickel and dime players for the little extra things. We don't notice nickel and dime so much as dollar and 5 dollar. I can't speak for everyone, just my personal finances atm. You could probably squeeze a couple of extra dollars out of me a month with an adjustment. While lowering the price on the big ticket items could hurt the game (changing pricing is always risky), adding more payment options, ala carte could help. Having 20% of plots filled by higher priced subs vs possible 50+% filled by lower priced ala carted (in addition to regular subs) for players wanting to maintain plot solely for the purpose towards helping the community. Lots of players don't really maintain plots (once they get bored) for themselves, but for others. Its a bit late, I'm just rambling, maybe didn't put a lot of thought into it, but certainly something to try to crunch some numbers and think about possiblities. I wouldn't dismiss the idea so quickly, is all I'm saying.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; November 5th, 2014 at 12:41 PM.
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  2. #42

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    *blush* I do not understand:-(
    further explaination is appreciated:-)
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #43

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    While I rarely agree with Galdethriel, I would DEFINATELY pay for seperate plot slots (and not just a whole sub) and I like their idea of the subscriptions.
    But adding 2 extra slots to gifted? I dunno if you just typed it incorrectly or indeed want gifted slots to have a maximum of 3 plots, seems a bit of an overkill.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Galdethriel View Post
    You and I both know the suggestion is a little more constructive than just making the game cheaper. The idea is that a less expensive game is more manageable and appealing, especially when wanting to hold onto plots long term. This could well mean more players, more plot holders, and VI could potentially be making more money from that than it currently is holding onto old MMO pricing.

    People will justify payment for a game if they really want to play it - assuming that they can manage to justify paying for HZ instead of various other modern MMOs that still charge as well as the increasing number of MMOs that don't - can they then continue to justify paying for HZ when times are hard? And when they can't do so for a while, can they then justify coming back, having to work to get back to where they left off so that they can repeat the process all over again? My friend couldn't.

    And as for offering gameplay - we need to get this idea out of our heads. HZ offers playable dragons. That's it. Everything else is covered in other MMOs.

    I can see that I'm not going to get too far, but I just want to leave you with this final suggestion for the subscription model, one I think wouldn't step on VI's toes in the way you believe the other suggestions will.

    Basic sub - same price and character slots, but add a single plot ownership right to it
    Gifted sub - same price, 10 character slots, add two plots
    Single Holding sub - low price (eg. 3-5 dollars), no character slots, one plot
    Double Holding sub - low-mid price (6-7 dollars), no character slots, two plots

    Get the old players back, let people hold onto plots, populate the world a little. Things can add up.
    I don't think this can work with just these changes. Plots, character slots, consignment slots are the only monetized items the game has. Giving away a free plot will not help the game unless other charges take its' place.

    Want to build a t6 guild hall? $99.99 And this is just for a token required to complete the building, something similiar to the hiring permits. A Zoning permit or something.
    Want to build a fountain? $9.99 (For the "Cornerstone")
    Want to build a t6 shop? $39.99
    Want to build a clock tower? $19.99 ("Clock mechanism")
    Want to build a tree (any, each tree) $4.99 (for the "Seed")
    ... All these additional bits would have to be added to the building construction list. Require Ingenuity skill of 1 to apply. Or perhaps a completely separate list of buildings would be available on the free plots, those which require the bought pieces. And paid sub plots could have the normal buildings.

    You see where it's going... This would be the only thing that could justify a free plot.

    And to really take advantage of the players on the free human subs, all the things for sale on loyalty vendor could be purchased with $. Or a flat price per token, say $4.99 which is half or 1/3 the price paying players pay to get them. And many more fluff things would need added. Or it could just be a separate vendor with different items for sale. Fluff items only (we've had this discussion in the past, about being pay-to-win being bad for the game, so fluff only).

    Maybe it could work.

    I think the plots are worth a sub. What other game can you build a plot, its in the open world, anyone can see it, use it? Most games with housing at all, have instanced housing. This has a better model imho.

    Problems doing something like this would cause: All the plots everywhere would get bought up, and then be forever tied up on free accounts. Maybe it could work if the free plots were all restricted to say Shepherd mountain and Genevia (places that from memeory are pretty empty of ownership), and then 1 out of every 4 everywhere else.

    I don't know...
    Last edited by Guaran; November 5th, 2014 at 03:36 PM.

  5. #45

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    While I rarely agree with Galdethriel, I would DEFINATELY pay for seperate plot slots (and not just a whole sub) and I like their idea of the subscriptions.
    i've wanted seperate plot slots for like all of eternity
    infact the only reason i didn't pick up ida's plot on order, heather when they left was that i already have two important plots
    and oh my god i just
    i cannot justify nor afford another sub for it but sure a few extra dollars YES COUNT ME IN HERE'S MY MONEY
    and i'm 100% certain i'm not the only one who'd easily fork our an extra dollar or two to keep subs

    but i do see an issue with it....
    see...if people pay for holding subs instead of just plot subs, a LOT of people who don't play keep plot subs for years and years because they can justify the cost and plan to come back usually. a lot of istaria's money comes form inactive players keeping up plot subs, and i wonder, if they reverted to simple holding subs, how would be lost?
    but at the same time, how much also might be gained and would that cover for the losses? like i know quite a few of us who'd love a holding sub (in the proposed structure) for one or two extra plots while being active players, and also that players now will "retire" from the game more easily when they didn't want to lose a plot - you'd be getting more money rather than no money at all form those players. So...i think the biggest question with this model is, would there be enough to cover up for the losses (until we get a larger playerbase *crosses fingers*)?

  6. #46

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post

    but i do see an issue with it....
    see...if people pay for holding subs instead of just plot subs, a LOT of people who don't play keep plot subs for years and years because they can justify the cost and plan to come back usually. a lot of istaria's money comes form inactive players keeping up plot subs, and i wonder, if they reverted to simple holding subs, how would be lost?
    most of my friends- long gone- kept up their subs- and their plots/lairs are still there.
    So I think we cannot afford that loss.

    I suggested that before: Buy a smal plot- like the ones in Bris /pad or some in Heather or Genevia - in cities that are visited often- and where it looks depressing if no plots a build there- and get a second one (small!!) for free or for reduced price.
    We all would be happy to see Bris, Heather, Genevia, Parsina,Kion build up again with nice plots- and newcomers do not see ghost-cities- and lots of empty space with whitê flags.

    So: Give a second plot (for free or for a good price) to those, who are willing to pay about 15 bugs for a small plot in exposed areas.
    (sorry- today is not a good day for my English reading or writing- hope you get the point^)
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  7. #47
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    Jul 2007
    England. *sips tea* 8)

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    But adding 2 extra slots to gifted? I dunno if you just typed it incorrectly or indeed want gifted slots to have a maximum of 3 plots, seems a bit of an overkill.
    Oh yeah, that's my bad. I meant two plots for a gifted account. Thanks for pointing out my derp. XD

    I don't think this can work with just these changes. Plots, character slots, consignment slots are the only monetized items the game has. Giving away a free plot will not help the game unless other charges take its' place.

    Want to build a t6 guild hall? $99.99 And this is just for a token required to complete the building, something similiar to the hiring permits. A Zoning permit or something.
    Want to build a fountain? $9.99 (For the "Cornerstone")
    Want to build a t6 shop? $39.99
    Want to build a clock tower? $19.99 ("Clock mechanism")
    Want to build a tree (any, each tree) $4.99 (for the "Seed")
    ... All these additional bits would have to be added to the building construction list. Require Ingenuity skill of 1 to apply. Or perhaps a completely separate list of buildings would be available on the free plots, those which require the bought pieces. And paid sub plots could have the normal buildings.

    You see where it's going... This would be the only thing that could justify a free plot.
    When I suggested free plots, I really meant super tiny plots for the sake of getting a taster, and it would require the owner to log in to maintain their ownership of said tiny plot. In the model you quoted I didn't suggest any sort of free plot, only that all subscriptions would be entitled to one in some respect. Though the idea of paying for rights to certain buildings isn't unworkable (though I would suggest it be a pay once to unlock for tier 6 items and no where near the example prices listed) it shouldn't be a large issue if subscriptions are still being paid.

    Fluff items only (we've had this discussion in the past, about being pay-to-win being bad for the game, so fluff only).
    If the game ever went free to play or buy to play, I think this would be a good idea. Vanity items, paying once to unlock races, perhaps unlocking the highest tier of buildings (which may pave the way for new building models to be unlockable in a similar way), pets, maybe even mounts if the game ever adds them. But that would be an ambitious goal, if a goal at all, and that is up to you guys and the devs.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Brainstorming Ideas

    I would like to see the ability to own multiple plots, but an upkeep tax paid(monthly/ bi-weekly/ weekly depending on balance) for each additional plot over the First, as well as restrictions placed on sizes of plots owned so (1 large 2 small) maxing out at 3 plots and the upkeep tax increases for each plot owned. I feel that would be a decent way to go about it. If you go into default on you have a week to pay it to current or it gets reclaimed. i feel that would be a pretty decent way of going about it. I also feel that a FTP account should be able to purchase a tiny plot(smaller than the current small) but have a weekly tax imposed on it to maintain ownership.

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