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Thread: Annual Festival of Ash?

  1. #1

    Default Annual Festival of Ash?

    When was the last Festival of Ash held? I've not attended since 2012, and I know our old Pheonix has folded his wings once again. Did he rouse himself to conduct the festival in 2013 and 2014? Should we be looking to revive this festival for the 2015 season? It'd be a shame to see this tradition pass if Maekrux does not wake.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    I don't believe many know of the Festival of Ash. There hasn't been any word of it since many years ago. The last one that I remember was the one that Starstilanx was nominated to lead.

    Many of the traditions, as I remember them, are fairly easy to run. The Speaker of Flame is the one that holds a very honorable position, leading the ceremonies.

    There are several that are conducted during the event. There is also the Helian procession to the Lunus shrine. The faction races, which dragons fly on a fixed path and represent their factions. The hatchling races, which are generally just for fun. The story hour, which dragons gather side-by-side in a large ring-like formation to tell stories both true and fictional. There is the exchange of gifts as well that I believe took place near the beginning of the festival after the Speaker of Flame begins the ceremonies.

    The only problem that comes with this is that the Speaker has a speech that they are required to give and I'm not sure what that speech is about. The last time I wrote Stars' version was in 2011.

    I'm more than happy to work with others to revive this event. I think it was excellent when it was held in the past.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    The two of you have piqued my interest; what was the purpose of this Festival (RP purpose, I'm assuming)? From Starstilanx' description, it sounds like a time when faction differences are set aside, at least temporarily. Were there Lunus equivalents to the Helian procession? With the success of the recent RP event in New Trismus (on Order), I'd love to see something like this brought back to life...anyone else?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    2013 or 14 was the last festival of ash..not sure which year but one of those.

    Though last time i looked it was quite fun i'd love for people to bring it back.

  5. #5
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Never actually went to it myself (never had the time) but I always wanted to. I do remember there being a Festival of Ash in 2013, though, definitely. I don't think 2014 had one. (If it's in December, that is.)

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Several years ago, the devs held a story contest. I was much more active in the game at the time, because I had a real hand in promoting and creating the lore of the world, since so much of it was not in the game in various ways. Something I really wanted to leave behind was the idea of a dragon festival, and so the story was aimed at that idea - to create a Festival of Ash, or the dragon's winter festival. Traditionally, it is held when the ash beings to fall in Lunus more heavily due to the changing colder temperatures of winter. To quote the story,

    “It is a time of rebirth and renewal. It is a celebration held in Drulkar’s name to assure ourselves that spring will come again. "

    The story goes on to explain that the Festival of Ash was no longer held after the Schism, until Lunus, who was beginning to reach the end of his years, invited Helian to Dralk personally for the winter festival. Thus was the first Helian procession, as she brought the whole Helian clan with her for the holiday. During the festival, food is shared as winter is a lean time, hoard is traded without thought to its value as a show of kinship, races are held both hatchling and aerial, and stories are told. The main theme of the holiday is unification - holding together to survive the winter (which is why the Schism put an end to the holiday in the first place). This is usually done through the imagery of the 'brothers of flame,' as dragons are the children of the god of fire, and that as flames burn brightest when they are together, so too do dragons. It's normally held either early December or late January to avoid the holidays.

    Actually, that did make its way into the game - Allathos' memories recall an old Festival of Ash in which the ashfalls are particularly heavy.

    This year, I just didn't have the willpower to try to make it happen again. I brought in other players to do various roles, such as the Speaker of the Flame, but whenever I let it go to see if anyone would pick it up, no one did. I sort of figured no one was interested. I think this year was the first it wasn't held.

    If people want to host it, feel free. I might even have Ausixen poke his head in. I've included the old notes below, but before things changed for me, I had been considering lengthening the event to be a weeklong thing rather than a one-day thing, so you would have the parade and speech one day, the races another, etc - so that more people could participate.

    Old notes:
    Prepare hoard, have one ready to trade.

    Lunus line along the path to Dralk's cauldron. Helian come through the gate.

    Helian walk down to cauldron. When the last helian is through, the lunus follow behind.

    Speaker of Flame speaks of the kynship of dragonkynd, directs the dragons to share their hoard, and finally speaks on the Brothers of

    Speaker of Flame blows fire into the cauldron, and directs all others present to do the same. Once complete, give praise to Drulkar
    and announce the start of the festival.

    At this point, foods will be shared and stories will be told. There is also the race between Dralk and Chiconis. Ideally, this will
    last 2 hours, but who can say. (can tell story of idol of flame here - present challenge to slay Turoth the Fire Golem)

    When it winds down, the dragons will be led by the Speaker of Flame to the Dralk communal cave. There he will tell the story of

    Helian and Lunus at the first Festival of Ash after teh schism.

    Speaker will then direct Lunus and Helian pairs to various places they can rest for the evening around the cave.

    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  7. #7

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Oh, this is marvelous! I've copied all of this to a separate document on my computer, to have and study...

    We have a year, folks, to see if this can be revived...I think it would be wonderful!!

    Thanks for your memories!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Count me in to participate if this does get revived!

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Motherly taking care of everyone.

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    We are working to get it revived and started planning, we need someone that's been on the festivals before though would be a massive help.
    Aurelia Borealis of Istara's Chosen.
    Art by Oceanappa.
    Banner by Racktor.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Yup, the three of us (Schwarz, Machaeon and Tondargaet) talked about this at length...we're determined that there *will* be a Festival of Ash sometime during next, any information (especially details) about previous festivals would be greatly appreciated.

    The Festival sounds like a dragon-only event; were the other races invited to observe or participate in any way? Given the changes in Istaria, I could see some sort of "biped" involvement, particularly if it happened the day or two prior to the actual Festival...something with the Helians, at Chiconis, for example. (just to allow participation by others, besides just dragons)

    This sounds like it could be a LOT of fun!


  11. #11
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    From what I remember it was only dragons. But once again I must say I've never been to one.

    Look through the 'Post a pic of your draggies' thread. There are some pictures of the most recent festival of ash in there if you want to play "spot the biped".

  12. #12

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Bipeds can be involved, yes. Though they're more of the 'catering service' per se. They provide some of the food for the dragons to share with one another, so they do have a very important role if they wish the participate.

    I can provide as much information as needed from my experience with it as well. Maekrux -- of course -- knows the most about the event. I have a means of contact with him, so I can run things by him.

    (Come back to us, Mae! ;P)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    I would love to finally attend one of these, the last one I missed due to family/work. Think I managed to slip in at the end once though, looked like a lot of fun was being had so I sat and watched. Would be great to see it brought back to life, definitely encourage at least a collab between Mae (if willing ^^) and those interested in hosting it to make it great! ^^
    Denaryr, ancient, 100/100/36/10Fireth, ancient, 100/100/19

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quebec (Canada) // Ota'fakag, Trandalar (Order)

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    I would certainly love to see this festival come back to life as I enjoyed attending last one. Count me in if it happens again this year!
    Order shard
    Levanan: Ancient Helian drake - 100/100/28 ~ Navkiren: Ancient Lunus drake ~ Nordis: Adult Helian dragoness ~ Sarwulf: Hatchling ~ Aithne: Hatchling
    DeviantArt: Iceveyns

  15. #15

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    At the moment, we're looking at next, December at the earliest, although I'd think January/February might be better, to avoid the holidays. And, if we have anything to say about it, the Festival of Ash *will* happen...several of us in-game have been talking about it, taking notes, suggesting various ideas...the more details and memories that we can gather here, the better. Especially, things like whether the various Festivals in the past were always the same or whether they varied, depending on who was running things...and, how close to "tradition" things should stay.

    Looking forward to all of this!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quebec (Canada) // Ota'fakag, Trandalar (Order)

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    I'd suggest January, a few days after New Year maybe. A lot of people are still in vacations during those days. Not to mention the double xp event, if it comes back *joins paws in hope*. And make sure it is on a weekend, it is always a winner.

    I think it should stay as close to tradition as possible, to avoid breaking the lore.
    Order shard
    Levanan: Ancient Helian drake - 100/100/28 ~ Navkiren: Ancient Lunus drake ~ Nordis: Adult Helian dragoness ~ Sarwulf: Hatchling ~ Aithne: Hatchling
    DeviantArt: Iceveyns

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Quote Originally Posted by Berdagauret View Post
    Especially, things like whether the various Festivals in the past were always the same or whether they varied, depending on who was running things...and, how close to "tradition" things should stay.
    Considering Kaerisk's post, I'm pretty sure they were very much similar with the only real deviations being the outcome of races and the stories people brought. The variety comes from the players, not from the event itself. And since it's a holiday that's kind of official, at least to the players, it should certainly stay stick to tradition.. I certainly don't change my celebration of holidays every year. They are unique because of who I'm with, not what we plan to do.

    Also, the same person hosted it every single year, didn't they? I only recall that the Speaker of the Flame was an honored position given to someone known/respected in the community from what I gathered from friends... but I don't know who had the position each year or if it actually swapped from time to time.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Yup, keeping with the traditional would be my thought, for the most part; dragons seem to be tradition-bound in many ways. On the other hand, at this early date, always good to toss out ideas and possibilities, just to see what others think.

    A couple of questions for those of you who have attended a Festival in the past. First of all, this procession to "the cauldron;" where the heck IS this cauldron?? Also, I know that at least some teleport gates pre-date the Schism, but, many were placed afterwards; traditionally, how did the Helians (ancients, adults *and* hatchlings) get to Dralk? From the Floating Isle, and then on foot? Or, would it have been a Grand March, all the way from Chiconis? (I can see an opportunity for all sorts of role-play with that last

    Not sure I understand the difference between someone "hosting" the Festival and the Speaker, who seems to be the one "running" things.

    I love this whole thread...and, that so many have offered comments and memories!!

  19. #19
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Quote Originally Posted by Berdagauret View Post
    A couple of questions for those of you who have attended a Festival in the past. First of all, this procession to "the cauldron;" where the heck IS this cauldron??
    Pretty sure the cauldron is the big lava pools underneath the Dralk floating lair.

    Can't answer your second question sadly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Berdagauret View Post
    Not sure I understand the difference between someone "hosting" the Festival and the Speaker, who seems to be the one "running" things.
    Starstilanx mentoined he was chosen/going to be the Speaker of the Flame at one point in time but I'm really sure one person (not Stars) hosted the festival every year. Anyway my point was that the Speaker of the Flame is an honorable position - the person OOCly running the event can be different than the speaker, I imagine. I've spoken to a few friends via Skype and we all concur that a dragon known to or respected amongst the community should be the Speaker rather than someone nobody knows for IC reasons/realism. :P

    Of course Stars could have been the one to host the festival that year he wrote the speech for and I just don't know. *shrugs*

  20. #20

    Default Re: Annual Festival of Ash?

    Thanks, Racktor...looking around Dralk earlier, we came to the conclusion that that spot had to be "the cauldron," as it was the only we could find where a bunch of different aged dragons could all group, AND see the, looks like a natural "stage"....So, guessing the procession was from the teleportal gates down to that "cauldron"...makes sense, since there were comments about Lunus lining the route, and there just aren't enough dragons to line too long a route!

    Figure we'll decide on a Speaker and host as we get further along in this, but, think we're all in agreement: the Speaker needs to be well-known and very well-respected...and, I'd say, just to make things easier, someone who's done it in the past, if at *all* possible!

    Dunno how it's been done in the past, but, unless we're restrained, think several of us "younger" Ancients are going to be pushing for the Helians to journey to Dralk on foot...what a sight that would be!!

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