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Thread: Map Pack 3.7

  1. #141

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Found blight crab mob at 30333/26999  6576
    Greedy dragon

  2. #142

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Quote Originally Posted by Krinharth View Post
    Found blight crab mob at 30333/26999
    Thank you! Marker added for next update and db exported to Istaria Map page. Can immediately view map pack marker here in mean time.
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  3. #143

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Beware if you are using the new Blight Client 386.82.0 it break the search feature on map pack. Meaning if you search something, the map will not move to and focus on the icon anymore. If you are not using this client, then this doesn't apply to you.

    Two ways to fix it. Either copy /resources/interface/maps/map_character.def to /resource_override/resources/interface/maps (overwrite).

    Or with notepad, edit /resource_override/resources/interface/maps/map_character.def

        UI_WINDOWDEF Image
            string Name = "Player"
            string Shader = "map_indicator_direction.sha"
            float H = 64.0
            float W = 64.0
        UI_WINDOWDEF Image
            string Name = "CargoDisc"
            string Image = "map_marker_cargo.png"
            float H = 9.0
            float W = 9.0
        UI_WINDOWDEF Image
            string Name = "Pet"
            string Image = "map_marker_pet.png"
            float H = 9.0
            float W = 9.0
            string Name = "Search"
            string Image = "map_marker_target_lg.png"
            float H = 16.0
            float W = 16.0
    The section with "Search" is new and is part of a new feature introduced on this client release. There wasn't any notes on the patch updates regarding this new highlight feature.

    If you're curious, see more information regarding this new feature here: Preview - Next Update section
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  4. #144

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Just a little thing, When I tried to install update from 1-9-15, it said my update from 9-??-14 was newer and failed to install. I had to uninstall it before the new update would install. Just a little problem but you may want to look at it. Thanks for all the great work. -- Slimey

  5. #145
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    I've said it before but some things can't be said enough:

    Thank you all so very much for that marvelous map pack.
    I love it, it makes Istarian life so much easier and therefor better
    I hope you can keep up this good work for a very long time!

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  6. #146

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Yup, this is something that needs to be said more often, so, thanks for the reminder!

    Huge thanks to all of those involved with the is *awesome*!

  7. #147

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    I just realized my last post #143; there is a simpler solution to fixing map pack, IF you are using Blight Client 386.82.0 . Just simply delete /resources_override/resources/interface/maps/map_character.def file . You can disregard instructions to copy or edit it. Once deleted, it would use the default one from the resources folder. That file doesn't need to be overriden until next update, so doesn't need to exist for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimey View Post
    Just a little thing, When I tried to install update from 1-9-15, it said my update from 9-??-14 was newer and failed to install. I had to uninstall it before the new update would install. Just a little problem but you may want to look at it. Thanks for all the great work. -- Slimey
    Ah, you're refering to the 750x750 Med Resolution map upgrade from Jan 9, 2015. Thanks for mentioning that. I see whats going on. My thinking was by using mm.dd.yy as a version number, people could look at their installed version # and look at the date on the website (Last Updated) and be able to figure out if they needed to grab any potential updates.

    That has backfired now that it is a new year. Version numbers are suppose to be Major Version . Minor Version . Build Number

    By using the first 2 numbers as a month, it thought the old 9.11.2014 was newer 1.15.2015 (9 is much higher than 1, oops).

    I'll have to start putting the year first from now on in version numbers. is the format I'll start using from now on, including next regular map pack update. I've just uploaded a new .exe with a proper version number. It will perform an upgrade now.

    While I'm on the horn, that Med Resolution 750x750 upgrade a few days ago was minor, I think I replaced two images that were off by 1 pixel, not aligning properly. I'm sure no one has ever noticed it, around Falathien. So anyone that didn't grab it yet, not really a reason to rush Most likely will be another update in next couple of days. I've found some other imperfections in certains areas on the Istaria Map. Different hues where some tiles connect. The client might have been hiccuping when I generated them last time. I'm going to regenerate those map images and see if they come out better. If I can improve them, the 500x500 version will make its way to regular game patcher. The 750x750 would be an optional upgrade, as usual obtained from website.

    Thanks for the kind words, guys. Terao and I thank you. Good times ahead!
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  8. #148

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    There is now a map pack update, for Blight server players (264). Hopefully, this will help you find your way around and test things out, like quests at the various npc's in NT and see new layout.

    Additionally, it would include the features mentioned on Preview notes (for upcoming release) as well as all pending changes, for you to review/comment on.

    I'd highly recommend you not mix this up with your current Live Shard folder. I'd recommend a 2nd copy of the game folder and run it there with this update. Or at the very least, make a backup first (Launcher, Troubleshoot Button, Prefs button, Backup Button (Restore button if something goes wrong)).

    Again, this update should only be used while playing on Blight server. Don't use on Live Shards.

    Download Blight 264 Map Pack here

    There is only a .zip file available, no installer. You'd just need to unzip this file to your base game folder (choose folder that istaria.exe resides in, as destination folder) - Overwrite All.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  9. #149

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Map Pack 15.02.10 for Today's Delta is now available!

    Please note, that version number formats have changed, effective immediately. We'll start using . Previously they've been mm.dd.yyyy (that would've been 02.10.2015 normally).

    Be aware, that brand new Istara Map files (with Trees) will be floating down through the game patcher after maintenance today.

    As long as you don't have the optional 750x750 High Resolution Istaria World map upgrade previously installed, then all is well, you'll see them.

    If you do have the 750x750 upgrade installed, then those will override the new game map and you won't see the trees.

    Of course, I've also added a copy of the new map, in high resolution format, for this game update (Upgrade 1a), so you can just install that and it will overwrite them with the newer ones.

    Your choices would be:
    1. Uninstall the High Resolution Upgrade (Control Panel, Uninstall a Program, Map Pack 750x750 - if you used the EXE installer) or delete the /resources_override/interface/maps/istaria/terrain folder - if you installed manually. You would then see the standard 500x500 version included in the game, with Trees.
    2. Install the new upgrade (1a) to see the trees in 750x750 High Resolution format.
    3. Do nothing and don't see the trees (Keep the current 750x750 without the trees).

    The trees are pretty slick adding some depth and more details to the map.

    But I do know some of you will hate change. Thats why I left the lastest copy (Upgrade 1b) of the version without Trees available, just in case.

    I've also archived the current 500x500 game version (without trees), so that will be available too (soon as I find a place to put it).

    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  10. #150

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Apologies if this has been asked in the past, but is there a way to enter coordinates on the map and the map centers on the typed coords? If not, will it be possible to implement this feature in future versions of map pack?

  11. #151

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Quote Originally Posted by Lascivious Goat View Post
    Apologies if this has been asked in the past, but is there a way to enter coordinates on the map and the map centers on the typed coords? If not, will it be possible to implement this feature in future versions of map pack?
    That is an intriguing idea for the game map in general. Map pack piggy backs off the main game's map features and abilities. But no, it can't currently, since the regular game map can not. I'll run it by the devs and see if it's feasible and worth their time. Thanks, that is a very good idea.

    In the meantime you can search by coordinates at the 'Online Map Pack' at . Both use the same database, so they are in synch.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  12. #152

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    I've seem to have missed this on patch notes:

    •A small infestation of Redbacked Spiders has been discovered outside the Aubador settlement just north of the road in the Long Walk (This is a temporary change until the T3 revamp is completed).

    I've added these spiders (Workers and Soldiers) as well as rearranged some of the Mountain Wolves' markers nearby. Might as well add them now instead of waiting another month or so to see them on next map pack update.

    I've just re-uploaded a replacement. Same filename and version number. Just download again, it should patch just fine (or grab new .zip and overwrite). So if you already grabbed the update from yesterday, please grab it again now
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  13. #153

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Ceg, It is just a temporary placement though. The redbacked spiders in aubador

  14. #154

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    FYI Ceg, Lava Oastic needs to be changed to Volcanic Pustule on Mappack
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  15. #155

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    is there a way to delete the city maps and just use the istaria map only, as i find i pause between city and istaria map and is a bit annoying.

  16. #156

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Seraphim View Post
    is there a way to delete the city maps and just use the istaria map only, as i find i pause between city and istaria map and is a bit annoying.
    Yes, quite easily.

    Look in /resources_override/resources/interface/maps folder

    You'll see these folders inside of there:

    dralnokdoom *
    fieryrift *
    islesofbattle *
    istaria * (CAREFUL, Don't delete this one)
    memorial *
    newbrommel *
    newkoraelia *
    newrachival *
    newtrismus *
    newvassarak *
    rift *
    skalkaar *
    spiritisle *
    tombashlander *
    tombhelian *

    Simply delete the entire folder of the city map you wish to no longer appear in the game. Restart game.

    Some areas of the world can't be seen in the Istaria map, so I'd be careful about those, or else you'll be "blind" when visiting (no map to guide you).

    I've added an asterisk * after those folder names, to denote it's not a good idea to delete those.

    If you want to restore it, simply run the .exe installer and choose the "Repair" option (or unzip the .zip version again).
    Last edited by Cegaiel; February 28th, 2015 at 04:36 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  17. #157

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Er, newRachival folder can be deleted too, I didn't mean to put an asterisk * beside that folder.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  18. #158

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    Map Pack v 15.02.28 is now available. No new features to report, just catching up on map markers. Particularly suited for Delta 267-268.

    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  19. #159

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    The four markers for small brownback hunters (coords 224/220, 226/221, and 227/221) around King's Cross gives them as being levels 23-25, but in actuality they are levels 29-31. The brownback pack-leader (coords 226/221) is lvl 25, not lvl 26.

  20. #160

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.7

    The pack leader can be between level 25-27, so it can vary after each respawn. He's level 26 when I just looked at him. I've added 25-27 and added a 2nd spawn location for him. Fixed Small Brownback Hunters to 29-32, the appropriate range. Thank you.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; March 4th, 2015 at 08:52 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

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