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Thread: Istaria's Got Competition

  1. #41

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    ETA February 2017. 2 years, who knows what the fabulous WWW will bring by then. Maybe self driving cars? Maybe Max Headroom will become reality!
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  2. #42

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Machaeon View Post
    Have to agree with Rackie on this. Perma-death after 100 deaths is a bit extreme. I could die 100 times per HOUR depending on what game I'm playing, and I can guarantee you I've died over 100 times in Istaria. On just one character. In less than 2 years of playing. Factoring in the (intended) difficulty of playing as a dragon, this is a big, BIG no-no.
    Dark Souls with a death limit. Imagine.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Ummm, this was cancelled by the creater on Nov. 2013. Why are people still talking about it? The title of the post "Istaria's Got Competition" Really? Ya right! That thought doesn't even come close to what Istaria is.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    "Funding Canceled" yet again..

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  5. #45
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Korchak Strongbone View Post
    Ummm, this was cancelled by the creater on Nov. 2013. Why are people still talking about it? The title of the post "Istaria's Got Competition" Really? Ya right! That thought doesn't even come close to what Istaria is.
    I titled it that ages ago because it had playable dragons.. but it went dead for a year and then was rezzed once they started a new kickstarter. Which was left dead and unfunded. Again. xD

    Didn't realise it was nothing like Istaria until a while after I made the thread and they came out with new details and ideas about dragons and their gameplay

  6. #46

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    For me any game such as ToA with perma-death just makes me go, meehhh
    100 / 100 / 100 / 100 Lunus
    "Mythclaws" Saris

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    They are back up again. I made a forum account on their site to see what's going on, and I got this: since their kick starters didn't work they went from an MMO to a server-type thing. So ya make an "island" and set rules for it.
    I might play it at it's release (next year, alpha / beta stuff this year) but the affirmed servers say either NO DRAGONS ALLOWED or SECRET POPULATION OF 2-3 DRAGONS IN THE ENTIRE ISLAND all due to a dragons violent upbringing. As people want to skin and eat them.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Also it's not a sub based thing. Ya pay once to play

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    With a lack of any demo or even an example of any real game play, I doubt it would be worth it. All the Trials of Ascension videos I've ever seen show very basic work being done:

    • A pre-beta level video showing the different actions the combat system will allow.
    • A video where someone talks about the intended skills system while showcasing a bit of mounted combat against a few dozen NPCs that seemed to be mostly mindless besides "attack the player... sometime today." And no actual skill trees or windows where you would actually see your skills progress was actually shown. Just a bit of NPC slaughter.
    • A video showing trees being spawned. Yep. That's all that was shown.
    • A video showing a basic structure being built. What's also seen is the player's inventory window, which doesn't even look like anyone put effort into it.

      That is the inventory window. Grand, isn't it?
      Back to the structure though, they show one 'theme' of building you can put together, that being the "rustic cottage" and no other models or buildings or plans for buildings. They show that they have modular pieces you can use to build something bigger: floor piece, wall piece, door, etc. That's all fine and dandy, but still doesn't make ToA an RPG or a game worth playing really.
    • A video of the raknar-spider-things shown climbing walls and ceilings. Glitchy-climbing walls and ceilings. They were floating half the time.
    • A video showing nothing but a still of the concept art for dragons. All talk and no show. If your selling point is dragons, you'd think the first model you would get done is the dragon model, and that you'd showcase the hell out of it.

    I'm not sure about anyone else, but to me the sum total of the above does not make a game. No animals or other creatures were ever shown in any of the videos, no quests or goals to achieve, no dungeons or even any interesting terrain, not much UI was shown at all and what was shown is laughable, and of course no player model for the dragons was shown to be functional, the spider-things were shown to be able to poorly climb walls, no model or terrain really went beyond what I've seen in little-known and unfunded Unity-based games- a good bit of the textures and models I recognize as being what the Unity engine just GIVES you to work with so very little work was likely needed to get the 'world' polished up enough to make a video of it.

    I'm not holding my breath for this being playable, and certainly won't be shelling out money for it.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
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  10. #50

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Machaeon View Post
    With a lack of any demo or even an example of any real game play, I doubt it would be worth it. All the Trials of Ascension videos I've ever seen show very basic work being done:

    • A pre-beta level video showing the different actions the combat system will allow.
    • A video where someone talks about the intended skills system while showcasing a bit of mounted combat against a few dozen NPCs that seemed to be mostly mindless besides "attack the player... sometime today." And no actual skill trees or windows where you would actually see your skills progress was actually shown. Just a bit of NPC slaughter.
    • A video showing trees being spawned. Yep. That's all that was shown.
    • A video showing a basic structure being built. What's also seen is the player's inventory window, which doesn't even look like anyone put effort into it.

      That is the inventory window. Grand, isn't it?
      Back to the structure though, they show one 'theme' of building you can put together, that being the "rustic cottage" and no other models or buildings or plans for buildings. They show that they have modular pieces you can use to build something bigger: floor piece, wall piece, door, etc. That's all fine and dandy, but still doesn't make ToA an RPG or a game worth playing really.
    • A video of the raknar-spider-things shown climbing walls and ceilings. Glitchy-climbing walls and ceilings. They were floating half the time.
    • A video showing nothing but a still of the concept art for dragons. All talk and no show. If your selling point is dragons, you'd think the first model you would get done is the dragon model, and that you'd showcase the hell out of it.

    I'm not sure about anyone else, but to me the sum total of the above does not make a game. No animals or other creatures were ever shown in any of the videos, no quests or goals to achieve, no dungeons or even any interesting terrain, not much UI was shown at all and what was shown is laughable, and of course no player model for the dragons was shown to be functional, the spider-things were shown to be able to poorly climb walls, no model or terrain really went beyond what I've seen in little-known and unfunded Unity-based games- a good bit of the textures and models I recognize as being what the Unity engine just GIVES you to work with so very little work was likely needed to get the 'world' polished up enough to make a video of it.

    I'm not holding my breath for this being playable, and certainly won't be shelling out money for it.
    They changed there website entirely again lol and are working on two seprate games now. There working on a game called ToA EXILE and the mmo version.

    What dose this mean?
    1: it means theres no oermadeath in Exile so theres a reason to play it now.
    2: Its pay once free forever. no subscriptions needed.
    3: Races are a unlockable thing. So you can unlock races by doing things in the game. like raknars or dragons.
    4: Host your own island? Means you can host your own toa exile server and play with others privately enable lives or live forever or all kinds of things to make your server fun!
    5: Previous donors get to play the game as in if you put im a dime to donate you get to test exile!
    6: Theres more devs now! games being worked on around the clock.

    So i gotta say toa is going for the ways of freedom with the exile game its our lore our way to play it so have fun draggies!
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  11. #51

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    There is much speculation that this game is a scam, many people seem die hard and convinced this will eventually be release, but many believe it is not. Some of the points on this thread: seems to bring up some questionable points. This game has been 'in the works' for almost a decade. They have yet to produce a demo (that I am aware of) in this time (at one point a pledge of $500 would let you see it, one day). Many similar threads on the game. I'm not suggesting it is a scam or is not, but wow, in the works for a decade and the videos and screenshots aren't too impressive. I might be impartial, but there is a game I know of, with dragons, that has been working over a decade.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  12. #52
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    There is much speculation that this game is a scam, many people seem die hard and convinced this will eventually be release, but many believe it is not. Some of the points on this thread: seems to bring up some questionable points. This game has been 'in the works' for almost a decade. They have yet to produce a demo (that I am aware of) in this time (at one point a pledge of $500 would let you see it, one day). Many similar threads on the game. I'm not suggesting it is a scam or is not, but wow, in the works for a decade and the videos and screenshots aren't too impressive. I might be impartial, but there is a game I know of, with dragons, that has been working over a decade.
    I have to agree with Cegaiel if its been working for a decade and hasn't produced anything then there is something up. What I heard of Trials of Ascensions that keeps getting reset and other things it just doesn't look as impressive as Istaria.
    Last edited by Spyrioyo; July 7th, 2015 at 10:48 AM.

  13. #53
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by ArchDemon View Post
    They changed there website entirely again lol and are working on two seprate games now. There working on a game called ToA EXILE and the mmo version.
    They arent working on the MMO right now. Exile is the base for the MMO.
    "Yes! ToA: Exile is the first step for the team in developing the MMO version of the game. With ToA: Exile, we’ll be able to observe various mechanics in play, collect data, and earn capital to aid in the future development of the MMO."

    Also website updates are easier than game updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Machaeon View Post
    Many points about the game here~
    Also to note:
    "Dragons present their own unique set of challenges for the development and because of that, their features may turn out to be more limited than the other races at launch. We tentatively plan to have only the Fire variety to start, and for them to be able to fight for their own survival, build a hoard, experience the Tainted Meat mechanic, and use their Growth/Molting advancement system to reach Juvenile stage. This is subject to change as development progresses. If there is time and resources, we will add in additional growth stages, flight, breath weapons, jewel traps, and even the Frost variety."

    Since dragons are hard, they aren't adding them in fully at launch (depsite it being their selling point). They wont be able to fly or breathe fire or grow very big until later, as planned atm. Didnt Ista not add adult/ancient till later? i don't remember that going over well

    Another thing is, for a decade-in-works game, they literally only have the player model for human, animations, and controls done in their Road Map. Everything else isn't started or is work-in-progress. They are working on servers atm (why not gameplay and actual things with other species beats me)
    That's what it says here, anyway.

    Ever since I watched big problems and scandals unfold as well as two kickstarters fail, I've been watching this very skeptically. I knew this came back up as a server-based not-MMO, but I didn't bother updating the thread because, frankly, I feel it's bound to fail. (It's failed for about a decade now so...)

    If it DOES release and isn't a scam or horrible and the dragons actually look alright, I'd be willing to try it. But I'm just watching it now.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    I was pretty certain this game "died." It was an idea, they tried to get traction and failed... And it's been swept under the rug.

  15. #55
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    I don't know. I made this thread in 2013 and stopped caring about it once I realised that it's either
    a) doomed to fail
    or b) going to be nothing like istaria in the slightest

    (Btw this thread has officially been rezzed once a year since 2013, I wonder if to feel accomplished for making such an interesting thread... :P )

  16. #56

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    They are still working on it to get ready for doing some "Alpha/alpha" testing to have something to show.
    Other than having dragons this is not going to be like Istaria.
    100 / 100 / 100 / 100 Lunus
    "Mythclaws" Saris

  17. #57

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Drakarius Shadows View Post
    They are still working on it to get ready for doing some "Alpha/alpha" testing to have something to show.
    Other than having dragons this is not going to be like Istaria.
    im actully a pre-alpha tester of the last test. games very promiseing. the nest one.. well it sorta be like minecraft with dragons as a race plus the option of infinity lives.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  18. #58

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    So that is no dragons to even test yet, correct?
    100 / 100 / 100 / 100 Lunus
    "Mythclaws" Saris

  19. #59

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Drakarius Shadows View Post
    So that is no dragons to even test yet, correct?
    there will be, As they are making the dragon as we speak.. Brax even explaned how the flight is going to be, Its very dragon like.. So.. its worth the try.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  20. #60

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    When the thread gets it yearly rezz again during 2018 (5 year anniversary), I'll sticky it, but under "Fun Stuff" category, as it's amusing. Looking forward to what promises they'll have at that time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    I don't know. I made this thread in 2013 and stopped caring about it once I realised that it's either
    a) doomed to fail
    or b) going to be nothing like istaria in the slightest

    (Btw this thread has officially been rezzed once a year since 2013, I wonder if to feel accomplished for making such an interesting thread... :P )
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

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