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Thread: XP required to level from 71-72

  1. #1

    Default XP required to level from 71-72

    Last night I was looking at all my schools sitting at 71, 17 of them. I was thinking about maybe bumping them to 76 lot's of trophies to do that. I wanted to make a list to see how many trophies I might need and as I looked in my school list on my experience bar I noticed something wierd. Most schools are the same XP needed to level to 72 but some where different. Shouldn't each school at 71 take the same ammount of XP to get to 72?

    Today I am going to look at each of the 17 schools I have and compile a list of which schools take X amount of XP and which schools take Y ammount of XP and report back. In the meantime is there anyone else out there with multiple schools at the same level that could verify what I see?
    Thank you,

  2. #2

    Default Re: XP required to level from 71-72

    here are the requirements for 71-72 according to my schools bar. 3 are different than the rest.
    chaos warrior 10,863,900
    crossbowman 10,863,900
    blood mage 10,863,900
    spirit disciple 10,863,900
    knight of creation 10,863,900
    ice disciple 10,863,900
    storm disciple 10,863,900
    berserker 10,863,900
    flame disciple 10,863,900
    spearman 10,863,900
    reaver 10,863,900
    cleric 11,003,000
    wizard 10,863,900
    battle mage 10,863,900
    monk 11,003,000
    paladin 10,863,900
    scout 11,003,000

  3. #3

    Default Re: XP required to level from 71-72

    That's correct.

    Total experience needed to reach level 100 is 35,657,500. Prestige schools starting at a higher than level 1 needs less. ie. Ranger starts at level 20. So it only needs 35,528,400 XP to reach level 100. The 139,100 XP needed to reach level 20 is ignored.

    11,003,000 - 139,100 = 10,863,900
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  4. #4

    Default Re: XP required to level from 71-72

    I understand that about the 139k ignored to reach 100. I'm just talking about the 71 to 72 though. If I'm not mistaken the bar only shows what is required to reach the next level not 100. Shouldn't they all be the same? The ignored part to 100 would be for a chart because your school started at 20 when you joined it but, after that is done each level would be the same I would think. I feel like I'm missing something here. There were only 3 that were more xp required scout, monk,cleric.

  5. #5

    Default Re: XP required to level from 71-72

    The bar shows the total experience (sum of all previous levels) to reach the next level. Since in prestige 1-20 is not counted, the bar shows the 139k less than "full" schools. It's still the same experience required to go from level 71 to 72 in all schools, just the totaled experience shown in the Schools page is different.
    Chaos: Xingolos PlagueWind (31 Hatchling: 23)---Cilok Magmaborn (retired Lunus Ancient: 100/100/60)---Turacegos Blizzardwing (20 Hatchling: 19)---Bilkur Tinkerton (Gnome adjusting to life on Spirit Isle)

  6. #6

    Default Re: XP required to level from 71-72

    I can't believe I never noticed that before. LOL That's amazing, I always thought the XP required on the bar was what's needed for that particular level not the sum of all previous levels. I'm such a noob. Thanks for clearing that up Cilok. I have to give props to Ceg too he had it all laid out but my brain just wasn't getting it. Thank you guys

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