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Thread: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer required.

  1. #1

    Default Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer required.

    Greetings, Just posting a request of sorts.

    I am currently looking at lairs near biped plots as I want to move my lair near one so I can level up a biped builder in the event of more world projects, however I am being stymied by the as now unnecessary 24 hour sell back change. When this change was enacted it was to combat novian farmers and I feel with the plot auto decon on reclaim/sell this has been made redundant and more of a hindrance than it was before.

    My problem with it lair hunting is that I can not actually tell where the entrance actually connects to a lair before buying it due to not being able to see the outline as one would on biped plots, this leaves me buying a lair and checking it's shape and connection and then waiting 24 hours when I am not happy with it's shape. This eats up many many days if you are picky.

    Seeing as plot structures automatically decon when the plot is sold/reclaimed and that the 24 hour hold was enacted to deter novian farming, I do believe the 24 hour timer has lived it's life and is no longer serving any practical use.

    If someone wishes to lair or plot hop looking for the right one they should be allowed to, they are penalized after all by a loss of coin on sell-back.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    I agree with this, either get rid of the 24 hour timer (or lower it), or make it so that we can see more details about lairs, or at the very least where (and how) the entrance is positioned!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Maybe they could set it up so if nothing is built, then you can sell. If something is built, the 24hr timer kicks in.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Weather or not something is built no longer matters as it is turned into novians and sent to your bank. :/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Harro somewhere near Fafnir the Defiler

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    I have to agree with all you if nothing is built you shouldn't be penalized and this should go for all plots and lairs.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    I believe if you open the Community page, it shows the outlines of both plots and lairs. If you just mean the red square? Not sure what you can't find by opening a plot window or the community window.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Can you explain further the difference between how the system works today (getting Novians) and back when the timer was implemented differ? Or how the Novian farming concept works?

    Today, you build a structure on plot/lair and if you destroy it, you get the novians in your vault.
    Back then, what would be the advantage of buying/selling plots back to back to get Novians? Or did you only get Novians back then if you sold the plot back (thus destroying all structures, getting novians)? Did you not get novians back then for tearing down one structure at a time?

    I personally dislike the timer when you go out shopping and find something better in the same day. I'm just trying to figure out what the purpose of this was, I never understood that. I'd like to explains this to devs further, but would like to explain it with a better understanding of the "Novian Farming" concept and if this timer is still necessary.
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Previously when you sold a lair or plot back without destroying anything they all stayed on the plot or lair.

    After so many years all the people had bought up the plots/lairs and many of them had quit so the plot reclaim came about.

    Now all these plots and lairs full of structures were a tempting target for people to go in, buy it, then decon it all just to sell an empty scrap of land back to the community.

    The first fix tried was, well what this post is about. To deter people from buying just to decon they added a 24 hour hold on it to slow down the farmers. This worked to some degree but eventually plots and lairs were made to decon on sale or reclaim so all the novians now go back to the owner at that time.

    There is no need any longer to deter people from novian farming as there are no longer any novians to farm... The old 24 hour hold is now obsolete and in my opinion should be made such.

    And yes you can kind of see it in the community window Guaran, but that will never let you know if there is possible ground surface interference.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    I can sort of explain how the novian farming worked.

    At the time when novian farming was an issue we did not have the system we do now where the plot wipes after a certain time upon account expiration and the novians were returned to the vault when the plot was returned for sale to the community. So it was possible to 'farm' them in this method:

    iirc, The plot on an expired account would eventually come up for sale in the community again with the structures that had been build on it still intact. A player could buy the plot and deconstruct all of the structures on the plot, recieving the novians. The player would then sell the now empty plot back to the community, rinse and repeat the process at another plot, rinse and repeat again. This became a bit of a problem as some of those plots and locations that were important to the community of that server.

    Hence why the plot/lair sell back timers were put into place. To prevent this from occurring as quickly as it had been and also it would give the population of the server some time and a chance to save plots that were important to the community. (Especially when it might have had T6 structures and machines, which were a pain in the butt to craft because you had to transmute almost all of the resources from T5.)

    At the time the plot/lair sell back timers were a useful way to slow down the novian farming, but seeing as plots now are wiped and the novians go into the vault of the player before the plot is returned to the community for sale, I can see how its outdated and frustrating to deal with.

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    It seems the 24 hour timer is no longer required, effective immediately. No server restart, delta, etc was required to remove the timer.

    If you've tried to sell a plot recently (and got the 24 hour error), try it now, it should allow you to sell it back now.

    No more 24 hour timer after you sell a plot back to community!
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Once again thank you! *hugs*

    And I went into the lair I was looking at and.. ugh.. stated 5x6x5 but was only able to use 4x6x5 due to rooms being offset by half a room. How annoying, Not only is there nonuseable space I lose a floor to my other lair O.o

    Thanks for fixing the sell-back
    Last edited by Soraii; May 21st, 2015 at 04:01 AM.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Yfelvik fixed it, I'm just the messenger
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Quote Originally Posted by Soraii View Post
    And I went into the lair I was looking at and.. ugh.. stated 5x6x5 but was only able to use 4x6x5 due to rooms being offset by half a room. How annoying, Not only is there nonuseable space I lose a floor to my other lair O.o
    Remember that in lairs, level 0 is the "free" level, and many of them have at least a partial intersection with terrain and are therefore not completely useable. Often there's a few squares that cannot take a structure. Just build a downslope for the very first corridor at the lair entrance to bypass level 0. If there are issues in level 1 and on down, sounds like a ticket should be opened.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ease up on the post plot reclaim plot/lair sell back time? It's no longer require

    Yes, but this was not just on the free floor but on every floor, true the plot map of the lair was 5 sections wide, however due to the orientation of the entrance the rooms were all shifted half of a room to the side leaving me with half of room of dead space on each side of every floor of the lair. The only thing that is able to make use of that half of a room space is a t2 library.. and you just can't add that many t2 libraries to a lair

    It was not usable for my needs.

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