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Thread: Game takes off clothes from character

  1. #1

    Default Game takes off clothes from character

    Literally. I noticed at first yesterday when after epic hutn I switched from adventure clothes to cargo clothes. all my equipment is hotkeyed. sometimes not all pieces equip and I do the rest manually. as soon as I double clicked one it gave me message that im overburdened? (while switching from chainmail to cargo?!) and I looked at my capacity and showed 3k/1k. After relog cargo pieces were back in the vault and chainmail back on the character.

    Today I fixed said hotkey to equip all cargo pieces again, and when I clicked it equipped everything but as soon as I relogged ,all pieces were back in vault.

    I just equipped them all manually instead and relogged, cargo pieces stayed on the character.

    If this is of any help,affected pieces that wouldn't stay were:
    T5 cargo cap (primitive id 40553)
    T5 cargo tunic (7372)
    T5 cargo leggings (7360)
    T5 cargo sleeves (7366)
    T5 padded gloves (9275)
    T6 sack (2428)

    Edit: switching from cargo clothes back to chainmail using a hotkey and then relogging-similar effect. cargo clothes stayed on character and chainmail stayed in vault.
    Last edited by Tilithia; September 16th, 2015 at 01:46 PM.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    I've been having issues of this sort as well, I have my crafting scales hotkeyed and often the hotkeys will equip some of the correct items while also equipping some scales from a different set.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  3. #3

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Ignore it. I think I got it to work again. but it was most bizarre.

    @Machaeon- I have that happen all the time too even when I fix them hotkeys will break again after a day or two.
    I don't try to fix hotkeys anymore.

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  4. #4

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Similar problem occurred just now with speed wings and tool claw I use for travel,i switched those to combat pieces and relog removed them. Whats worse, for some reason my armor went down to 1.4k (from 2.6k) even after buffing.
    I noticed this doesn't occur with latest client.
    I really wanted to enjoy this clients features but game becomes very laggy and unplayable. im forced to go back to older client 388.12

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  5. #5

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    One thing I have found is that anything that changes your Health will stop a hotkey sequence from working. Now as far as Gear being back in vault when you log out and back in, if you do it right after you change gear, that could be a lag issue. The server and client don't get synced up before you log out, so the server thinks its still in your Vault. You will notice this if you close a window and log out asap. You log back in and the window is open again.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  6. #6

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Quote Originally Posted by Dacurly View Post
    One thing I have found is that anything that changes your Health will stop a hotkey sequence from working. Now as far as Gear being back in vault when you log out and back in, if you do it right after you change gear, that could be a lag issue. The server and client don't get synced up before you log out, so the server thinks its still in your Vault. You will notice this if you close a window and log out asap. You log back in and the window is open again.
    That is what I thought too until I switch to cargo gear for the rest of the day yesterday and logged in this morning half naked.

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  7. #7
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    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Quote Originally Posted by Salwirk View Post
    That is what I thought too until I switch to cargo gear for the rest of the day yesterday and logged in this morning half naked.
    This is completely off topic, but I absolutely love how this post sounds. xD I had to laugh reading it.

    On-topic: I haven't noticed this on my characters at all, despite all of them having a scale-switching hotkey for movement and combat gear. Then again, I haven't paid very close attention. I'll keep an eye on it and post again if I notice this happening.

  8. #8
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    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Okay I just crashed and relogged to a half-naked Mach. Was wearing one of my crafting sets, equipped by hotkey of course, and came back to only wearing 4/10 scales. Keep in mind, I've had every scale slot in use constantly since I first got Mach to 100 over a year ago so should not ever have any scale slot empty.

    The scales that were missing I did find in my vault, so that's one heart attack avoided.
    Last edited by Machaeon; September 16th, 2015 at 09:21 PM.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Speaking of heart attacks, the same happened again except I was left with TWO scales out of ten and I was on my way to go hunting. Glad I checked my equipment before I actually fought something. Really hope this doesn't happen when I inadvertently crash in the middle of a fight...

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  10. #10

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    I haven't had an issue yet, anyone else have the same thing happening? Might be able to narrow down what is causing it. What OS are you using? I use windows 10 with full Adm. access.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  11. #11

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    I think there was some problems with the db that could've affected item transfers (from vault to inventory, etc etc, on another thread).

    But the hotkey issue of equipping different sets of gear (and some not equipping correctly), I think this is seperate.

    For those that use a hotkey to equip/change a full set of gear (preferably teched); I got a theory I'd like for you to test (if occassionally one or more pieces didn't swap out correctly).

    Can you try to add a wait statement, maybe 0.5 to 1.0 between each piece of gear?
    Equip Item #1
    Wait 1.0
    Equip Item #2
    Wait 1.0
    Equip Item #3
    Wait 1.0

    For an existing hotkey, you just add a bunch of Wait statements, then drag them to the correct slot/location in the hotkey editor window. I know 1.0 is slow, but maybe if that works, then you can work your way down to 0.1.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; September 18th, 2015 at 02:15 AM.
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Ill give it a try tomorrow. for now all I can tell for sure is that it often happens between pair of hotkeys I use frequently. (I switch between healer and ranger clothes often,and both hotkey will have swapped chest or boots or bracer etc)

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  13. #13

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Yeah anything that will alter your health will stop the macro. It was done way back when to prevent AFK exping with ingame macros.

    RIP maggots @ New Brommel

    Not sure what is going on with your macros. Provided I am swapping out gear that does not effect health, it is instantaneous. If I throw a health altering piece in the middle of it, the macro stops on that piece.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    I've just tested, what looks like a fix, to this issue. Devs, I think got it fixed. This issue kind of propogates to other issues. So hoping this fix will address:

    • Items with a +Capacity bonus will no longer decrease everytime you equip the item (resulting in overburdened message).
    • Equipping certain items, will return to vault/inventory and no longer equipped when you re-log

    I think this will apply to other posts and multiple support tickets. Thanks to all for all the feedback, this likely wouldn't be fixed without all your posts and tickets with examples.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; September 21st, 2015 at 02:42 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  15. #15

    Default Re: Game takes off clothes from character

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    I've just tested, what looks like a fix, to this issue. Devs, I think got it fixed. This issue kind of propogates to other issues. So hoping this fix will address:

    • Items with a +Capacity bonus will no longer decrease everytime you equip the item (resulting in overburdened message).
    • Equipping certain items, will return to vault/inventory and no longer equipped when you re-log

    I think this will apply to other posts and multiple support tickets. Thanks to all for all the feedback, this likely wouldn't be fixed without all your posts and tickets with examples.
    it's great to hear that a fix has been found! any estimate when it will hit live servers or was it hotpatched in?

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