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Thread: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Default Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    Not sure if any of you know this, but I'm trying to figure out how to add a "glow" effect to an.. well, an effect. An example of these is the unlooted effect and the sunscrop effect - they lighten up the area around itself.

    Looking at sunscope's definition, I just see
    	string effectEntName = "effect_sunscope_01.ent"
    ..which isn't very useful since that just leads to here:
    	string	type = "special_effect"
    	string	effectDef = "effect_sunscope_01.def"
    	float	impactTime = 1
    	float	DVPSsphereSize = 3
    	bool	worldEffect = false
    	bool	selectable = false
    	bool	playerSelectable = false
    	bool	boundVolCollide = false
    	int		effectMinLevel = 1
    	int		effectMaxLevel = 1
    Knowing that sunscope brightness levels change per tier, I compared the two entity files and nothing was different besides which definition file it pointed to.
    Unfortunately this led to a dead end, as I can't open binary effect files and those are the only ones left. (.rtm)

    Now, I investigated "unlooted" to see if that helped any.

    This one's definition file is a lot more beefed up, but I'm not hugely sure how to read it fully. I'm also not sure if any of these really gives a "glow" effect either.. diffuse RGB (or differential), ambience RGB, specular RGB, radius, flicker rate, flicker magnitude, pulse rate, etc etc.

    For the heck of it, I threw this:
    				float	diffR = 0.3
    				float	diffG = 0.3
    				float	diffB = 1
    				float	ambR = 0.01
    				float	ambG = 0.01
    				float	ambB = 0.1
    into my file to see if anything happened, which nothing did, sadly.
    Funnily enough, none of these had a .sha file to look at, either.

    So I'm worried that the environmental glow effect is hidden in the rtm files.. which I can't access. Anyone know how to find it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    Can't edit my post, but here's a screenie of the glow I'm talking about, around the dead pygmy:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    The problem, I think, that is hindering your curiosity/tinkering skill is that the dev install and the player install is missing a lot of the "source" files for the effects. These source files are loaded into particle editor (you can see this option in menu, when you do /setpref developer true and /loadui to refresh).

    So these references, like: string effectDef = "effect_sunscope_01.def" is actually ignoring the source file (that .def file) and looks for the .rtm file (effect_sunscope_01.rtm). Said "effect"sunscope_01.def" (source file used to generate the .rtm in particle editor) is missing in the regular player's install.

    The .rtm file is generated by loading the source file "L" button into particle editor. You then hit the "SB" (Save Binary) file to create the .rtm. Note is it is important you hit the "SB" button quickly, before the effect quits playing in the editor/game. The particle editor is really wonky, too.

    You'll need to restart game between different things. I've never actually figured the particle editor out, itself. I manually edit the .def source file, then "L"oad it into the editor then SB to save to a .rtm; can put the .rtm into the override folder (restart game).

    There's no clear instructions, but if you view the .def file in notepad, you can start to detect some patterns.

    The effect on the dead mob, is effect_unlooted.def (and .rtm).

    I've added a complete copy of the /resources/definitions/effects that's in the dev's game install. I think these should be available to players to experiment with. You'll see some new subfolders and more .def files after unzipping this file.

    Just unzip to your /resources/definitions folder. It will add the missing files to your /resources/definitions/effects folder.

    Download here

    Also note, the effect name (.ent) is set in the database. But if you turn on support logs, you can see this in the client_net_log_###.txt files. Example entry you'd find is:

    litems/<number>/dtrigger/0/sdeffilename: effect_summon_ice.ent

    This tells the client, to apply the effect_summon_ice.ent file, which would point to the .def file (in reality the .rtm file), but we can generate a new .rtm file by editing the .def source file, then loading (L button) that into Particle editor, then saving the .rtm binary (SB button).

    Also note, when you load a name into particle editor, you dont add the .def or .ent extension. In my example above, you'd type in "effect_summon_ice", not "effect_summon_ice.ent" or "effect_summon_ice.def". Particle editor doesn't want to know the filename, but the stringname of the effect.

    So remember, changing things in the .def file does nothing. Once you change the .def file, you need to "L"oad button in particle editor, then "SB" save binary button to generate the new .rtm before you actually see something new.

    "SB" save binary button will save the .rtm to your /resources/definitions/effectsbin folder.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; September 21st, 2015 at 01:09 AM.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    Cegaiel has it about right. The def files for the effects are the raw files for the rtm. Honestly, they should never have been patched out to the player's clients but they have been there since the beginning. The client can fall back on the def file if there is not an rtm file. At least it used to work that way. Sometimes. But there has been some work on the effects system since I used to use it and I remember there was an effort to get all the effects that exist only as a def converted to rtm after I had to leave the team.

    If you are going to dive into the effects editor be prepared to go bat s%!# crazy. I flipping HATE the effects editor. I'm told there have been some improvements since the last time I used it but my hatred of that part of the client lingers. I gave up creating unique new effects for dragon attacks and spells because of how difficult and unpredictable it was to use. Quite often, effects do something totally different than what you expect. Even in the dev documentation there are a few of the functions that are labeled (broken). It is a pity because the groundwork for a powerful editor is there but it just does not work well.

    Drulkar's Wrath is the only effect that I ever liked that came out of the thing and even that was not as good as what I originally planned for hence the briefly flickering glimpses of Drulkar that you see in different poses. I wanted to animate him similar to the gift spells with fire coming off his body but it just would not work for me and crashed the client frequently. Something was broken in the software that prevented me from doing it. So I put together what I could, some of it borrowed from other spells and copy/pasted into the def file. The end result was ok but far from what I originally intended.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    sooo, if I undestand both Cega's and Solitaire's replies...I'm taking from this that we, the players, can in fact make our own particle effect using the particle editor? provided we create the artwork and .def ourselves. (which I'm guessing can easily be reverse-engineered from the existing .def files that Cega provided)

    if so I might actually take a look at it later and see if I can come up with something for the breezes and primal roar. those blue and white placeholder orbs have been a thorn in my side for long enough!

    Never knew we actually got more options in the menu when we go into developer mode though, it just makes me more curious.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    I think that it will let you work with it. Though I never tried it with the player client. Which is the same as the dev client but there is a special file that is needed to enable other functions. Plus server side settings on your character. But since effects are purely local, it should work. Let us know if you have success. I can try to give you pointers but remember, I hate that thing. I don't want to subject anyone else to the mental stress of using it.

  7. #7
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    This is all really interesting, and thank you so much Cega for the files! ^^

    I fiddled with it a bit yesterday after a hunt but literally could not figure out one thing. <.< So I'm going to give it another shot today or tomorrow and hopefully figure something out.

    What I'm looking to do, by the way, is make it so that Breath of Fire, Flame Burst, and Lightning light up the area around you if you use them. (Orange-yellow, Bright yellow, and white respectively) It made no sense to me that they didn't in the past, especially knowing that it's possible looking at effects like effect_unlooted. Seems I have a lot of trial and error ahead of me though...

    ..and Soli, I know you hate the ol' thing and I certainly don't want to wake up your old anger, but do you remember what parameters lit the environment? Maybe Cega can save you that? Might save me a lot of pain.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    I'm not sure, I can barely make some things to work. I can't really get the particle editor to work, except to load a file and save binary. Thats about what I can do. I rely on reading the source files (no documentation) and trying to figure out with trial and error, by editing the source file and just keep making new .rtm's, restarting game, over and over (and see what happens).

    Using the effect_unlooted as an example, any references to float radius = 50 and some of the other things, included in the keyframe has something to do with the lighting effect that "glows". What exactly, I do not know. I'd have to sit down and experiment a couple of hours to figure that out.

    These bools, from effect_unlooted might play a part to the glowing effect:
    bool terrain = true
    bool objects = true
    bool characters = true

    I'm thinking those tell it it's ok to light up those things. Where'd they go on the breath files, shrug.
    effect_sunscope might yield some clues, that lights up the area, too.

    I don't see anything about radius in the breath files, so likely why it doesn't light the area up:

    BoF - dragon_flame_adult (effects/uber)
    Flame Burst - dragon_flame_ae
    Breath of Lightning - dragon_lightning
    Breath of Ice - dragon_breath_ice
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    I think you can use the Sunscope effect as a base to work from. Load the RTM and look at how it works. I don't remember the actual effect object that is used for lighting the world around you. You can merge that into the flame breath effects.

    Just change the RGB to better match the flame effects. And you can probably move the source a meter or so in front of the character. Have it light for 2-3 seconds during the "release" phase. There are 4 phases, Prepare (start casting a spell/breathing in), Hold (the delay), Release (the spell/breath fires), Miss or Fizzle or something like that (what happens if the spell/fire breath misses the target. Rarely used).

    As a tip: Look at other effects that you know and experiment with them. The one unfortunate thing is that I can't remember how to set up something that is fairly important to making effects. You have to have a pair of locally loaded characters to act as the source and target of the effects. It can act on your character if I recall but you won't have a target. Generally, it is best to work on effects in offline mode.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    For the local characters, change your /world_cache/sector_default.def file (make a back up first).

    //This is the default sector. You can put objects in here and they will show up 
    //locally in the client, but they will not be stored or sent to the server.
     int version = -1
     int id = -10001 // you must use this special ID
     string name = "source"
     vector pos = 20365, 24595, 0
     vector rot = 0, 0, 180
     bool selectable = true
     int id = -10002 // you must use this special ID
     string name = "target"
     vector pos = 20358, 24592, 0
     vector rot = 0, 0, 0
     bool selectable = true
    As you see in this screenshot, I have two local characters beside me. I typed dragon_flame_adult and hit [L]oad, see how the local character performed the Breath of Fire? L is load .def and LB is load binary (.rtm).

    Some effects are source (yourself), some are target (mob). You'll see references to SOURCE and TARGET in the source files, too.

    string bioteOrigin = "target"
    string bioteOrigin = "source"
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    Thanks, Cegaiel.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    I started to dig into this a bit (i might be reinventing wheel right now but i didnt find any other threads on this) and i somewhat pleased with result.

    But i would like to ask if there is a way to add new effect to an object?
    I want to add glow to lamp posts and some other things but i have no clue where to even look.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    Oh wow nice, that's exactly what I was going for! I just... never had the inspiration to mess with the particle editor. XD

    Lamp posts, I think those are world light objects. Type /setpref developer true and go look at them:

    The little light bulb is a light emitter kind of glitching into the sound emitter there. Don't think there are any effect files for that.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    Lamps and other objects that have associated lights and sounds will have def files usually starting with "attach_specific" or something similar. That will tell you what effects are associated to each
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  15. #15

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    try selecting lamp and then type /printprops, it might tell you which attach file it uses.

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  16. #16

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    All of the attach files are located in: resources\definitions\entity_attach

    Generic lampposts like the one in the screenshot use attach_generic_light01_firelight.def
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  17. #17

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    Okay thank you all i got it now, thanks . also one more thing i noticed that there seems to be limit on how many things can be lit at one time, is that right? is there a way to crank the limit up? I increased loadDist, but it doesnt seem to have any effect.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    I believe that there is a limit. As I recall, lights are expensive in the amount of processing power it takes to illuminate the nearby objects. I don't know if that is still the case for modern computers.

    I did a bit of searching for where the limit is set. In \Istaria\prefs\ClientPrefs_Graphic.def, there is a line "int playerLightSources = 5". You could try increasing the amount to see if that does anything. I'm not sure if it will or not. If it does not, it might be hard coded in the client.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    PlayerLightSources doesnt do anything mine was actually set to -1, changing it to 50 and 5000 didnt do anything. iam going to try fiddle around with it, but i guess i will have to work around that. Thank you for help

  20. #20

    Default Re: Adding A "Glow" Effect?

    I just noticed that unlooted bodies doesnt seem to count towards that limit, so that might be way around it. iam going to keep looking

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