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Thread: Undo "fixes"

  1. #21

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Yes, I see that now. They don't seem to wander anymore, not even the dung piles outside of doom. They just sit together like lawn ornaments. I don't think thats intended. Let me delve into this some more and see if we can get them motivated to get some exercise and move around.
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  2. #22

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    Yes, I see that now. They don't seem to wander anymore, not even the dung piles outside of doom. They just sit together like lawn ornaments. I don't think thats intended. Let me delve into this some more and see if we can get them motivated to get some exercise and move around.
    Even if you get a maggot solo pulled the dung pile will target you, then you get swarmed, so breaking the link between dung pile and maggot would be great. Considering its a dung pile.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Devs are still tweaking some settings on test server, for optimal desired behavior. But this issue will be fixed and work correctly on next delta, for sure. Thanks for clarifying how they were behaving undesireably; devs weren't aware that this was happening.

    On test server: Maggots are wandering normally and you can pull maggots without aggro'ing the others or the dung pile. Of course attacking the dung pile will 'anger' them all.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  4. #24

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Terao View Post
    This is not true. Up to a rating of overall 200 it's EASY to level up, without using trophies. You need well teched gear with resists and wards against the damage type of the creature you chose to hunt and you need to know to controll your toon. Use Weaver and Fitter to max dex and str. And very important are your TPs, a lot of people spend them on the wrong things, you'll find some threads in this forum about. There are still a lot of other places to gain levels and not only the Eastern Deadlands (Fyakkis, Blights), Doom (Maggots, Guards, Mylocs). Up to Rating of 160 it's going well on different types of Golems if you knock down large pulls.

    To get rating 278 you'll need trophies when you hit rating above 230 (if I remember right). And you need lots of them. It never was an easy task to get that far. And I wish VI won't change the way levels are gained. It would become too easy for dragons then. A high rated biped should still be something that is difficult to gain. And yes, Istaria is a old school grinding game, no way to change this.

    True istaria IS grindy, but its nolt as grindy as Everquest and wow, You have to remake another character to play another class, lets not to mention you dont got your cheap market selling stuff, i sware if the coin gotten inflated you wouldent be getting trophies cheaply anymore. But thats my two cents. Theres alot of features you can do, lets not to mention grouping, and taking on more monsters at the same time gives you More exp for every monster up to 10 and up to theb group limit. take advantage of what the game gives you. thats what i do.. I take on 10+ mobs at a time. when you get to my level sure why not :P if you need help leveling ask me on the chaos server on bazrake ill gladly aid you.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  5. #25

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by ArchDemon View Post
    True istaria IS grindy, but its nolt as grindy as Everquest and wow
    kinda off-topic I guess, but WoW is not grindy in the slightest, it takes less than a month to get to max level (counting warlords of draenor), it has devolved it's leveling experience so much that it's:
    Dungeon finder->Dungeon finder->Dungeon finder.
    and while that in itself is kinda of a grind, it's not NEARLY as grindy as istaria, where it can take several years to reach max rating.

    Not to mention, with WoW, if you have a max level character already and you have heirlooms and xp boosting potions where you can get yourself to a rate of 5 times the normal experience yield if I'm not mistaken, then a new char is even easier to get to max lvl.

    I mean yes, if you want to experience the game through quests and not through the actual (current) leveling system, then yes, it can get really grindy, but you're not doing it the "correct" way then either.
    Heck, a few days ago I saw someone upload a video on how to get from 91 to 100 in 90 minutes or so. (I'm not sure whether they used 'looms or stuff, but he has a track record of knowing his stuff)

    The only aspect that makes WoW grindy, is the drop rates, which tbh, is the only reason there is any kind of economy.
    The reason why things go for thousands of gold on WoW is because:
    -getting gold is not that hard.
    -mount drops of 2%
    -things are trading card exclusive, which are not only another way of bliz getting tons of money (I've bought WoW TCG booster packs in the past, trust me, it takes a while to get a "loot card"), but also (sometimes) timed exclusives.

    If we would see this in istaria we would see prices skyrocket for items LIKE that, not mundane stuff like trophies that you can easily grind up. the only way trophy prices might increase is if the drop rate would be lowered.

    either way, what I'm trying to get at, is when you try to bring things over as facts....atleast know the facts.
    Last edited by meepsa; November 9th, 2015 at 03:02 AM.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Harro somewhere near Fafnir the Defiler

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    kinda off-topic I guess, but WoW is not grindy in the slightest, it takes less than a month to get to max level (counting warlords of draenor), it has devolved it's leveling experience so much that it's:
    Dungeon finder->Dungeon finder->Dungeon finder.
    and while that in itself is kinda of a grind, it's not NEARLY as grindy as istaria, where it can take several years to reach max rating.

    Not to mention, with WoW, if you have a max level character already and you have heirlooms and xp boosting potions where you can get yourself to a rate of 5 times the normal experience yield if I'm not mistaken, then a new char is even easier to get to max lvl.

    I mean yes, if you want to experience the game through quests and not through the actual (current) leveling system, then yes, it can get really grindy, but you're not doing it the "correct" way then either.
    Heck, a few days ago I saw someone upload a video on how to get from 91 to 100 in 90 minutes or so. (I'm not sure whether they used 'looms or stuff, but he has a track record of knowing his stuff)

    The only aspect that makes WoW grindy, is the drop rates, which tbh, is the only reason there is any kind of economy.
    The reason why things go for thousands of gold on WoW is because:
    -getting gold is not that hard.
    -mount drops of 2%
    -things are trading card exclusive, which are not only another way of bliz getting tons of money (I've bought WoW TCG booster packs in the past, trust me, it takes a while to get a "loot card"), but also (sometimes) timed exclusives.

    If we would see this in istaria we would see prices skyrocket for items LIKE that, not mundane stuff like trophies that you can easily grind up. the only way trophy prices might increase is if the drop rate would be lowered.

    either way, what I'm trying to get at, is when you try to bring things over as facts....atleast know the facts.
    I have to agree with Meepsa on this. I like to do research and get the facts straight. Not say all this misinformation, ArchDemon. I highly suggest you do some research first. Yes, istaria is grindy, but it's your choice if it is fun for you or not. It's in the eye of the beholder.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Although The grind in Istaria is real, I think it should be tweaked a bit. Considering the game heavily favors dragons unless a biped finds an exploit. Yes this could be a dragon vs. biped thing, but Im looking at all the nerfs that hit bipeds vs dragons.

    Nerfs to bipeds:
    -Trophies drop rate decreased, Dragons do not really need to grind trophies like bipeds are required to at later levels.
    -Mobs were buffed to deal with dragons killing to fast, making mobs harder at higher levels for bipeds. At 1300 skill, 1500 dex, and 130 rating, and mob is 91, I still miss 90% of the time.
    -Stun mechanic was nerfed to prevent stun-locking, killing storm disc, and ranger, as well as elar. Dragons do not stun-lock.
    -Maggots are being looked into

    Dragon Nerfs:
    -Increase to gold rage timer, still 1 shots mobs.

    To me it looks like everything the devs do almost 95% is targeted at bipeds.

    Maybe just coincidence?

  8. #28

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    No matter what nerfs my biped gets, and I've fought to undue them in the past to no avail, I'd rather play him than my dragon. The trend I'm seeing is that nerfs have changed this game to the point people primarily play dragons. I rarely see peds running around, and player search shows peds out numbered 2 to 1 or more. Maybe it's just easier to level a dragon for end game content. Some people ingame said the epic weapon nerf really hurt the game with the removal of those forms for epic tokens. I love the current changes to the game and that's why I came back. But to be honest I wonder why this game is even live anymore. I log on at 5am central time to do dailys with about 9 people in MP on chaos server. During what is called peak times, the population is abysmal. And to get my digs in, I still think Velea and the Amon bully changes to game were caustic to population. Those two didn't listen to feedback, they forced their views of how this game should be changed.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Riaken, let me comment on your post- with all respect- we know each other long enough:-)

    - Nerfs: Some call it nerfs- some say it was necessary for game balance or just fixes (stunnlock e.g.)

    - Too few bipeds: Istaria is still the only game-where you can play AND be a dragon--nothing beats that!
    Even after all these years- it makes my heart sing to fly and fight in Istaria.
    Many of us- old or new players- prefer drags- as you can play biped in any other mmo.

    - "Epic weapon nerf": I call it improvement- not a nerf--never thought me and my other vet friends would start on epics all over again. But we did- got all new stuff- and had more fun since a long time.

    - Too few players online: Many reasons for that. One for sure is: If vets do not play, its hard for new or newer players to come along.
    - But : A year with only fixes and no new content.. is a dangerous game. Some who wait
    for new stuff to log in again-may not return.

    And here my very personal opinion: Amon and Velea did always listen. And often enough they found the balance beween the things the players wanted-and what is good for the game.
    Lots of us trusted them-enough to keep on paying and playing , even if we disagreed or did not understand.
    And though I sometimes was anoyed or flaming--sooner or later I could live with it-most of the time better than before.
    And I always knew-there is a tomorrow
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  10. #30

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    I whole-heartedly agree with Lov here (I had a relatively lenghty post written before, but with my unstable connection at that time it seems it didn't post it.)
    Either way, Velea and Amon are 2 of the best devs I've seen in a long time when it comes to community relations, they listened when we complained, and compromised if neccisary, they were also willing to join in on a cross-server istaria skype for direct feedback with players.

    Also, please give examples of "bully" changes, as the only thing that comes to mind might be the dragon "Nerf" which wasn't a nerf or buff, it was much-needed balance.
    Yes Gold Rage is still a 1hKO for most enemies, but so is PC+flame burst, yet no-one talks about the AoE insta-kill as much as people did about GR, the main reason being GR insanely low cooldown, and the relatively low hoard-cost.
    now yes, I guess you could count the buffing of general mobs (which I can't really see anywhere patch-note wise, feel free to point me in the right direction), but do you know why the game has become so dragon-centered? it's because the biped community almost never speaks up about something when it gets changed.

    Also, a lot more was changed during that time period than just GR, Bite and drain strike got some changes, galewind got a hoard cost, and several other refresh related changes.
    Last edited by meepsa; November 11th, 2015 at 03:45 PM.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    At 1300 skill, 1500 dex, and 130 rating, and mob is 91, I still miss 90% of the time.
    Right here, I'm questioning what exactly you're fighting to get a 90% miss rate... I have my 150 rating biped (with his highest "melee" school being monk in the low 40s and zero investment in dex) able to hit t6 things easy. He doesn't hit hard of course, he does far more damage with spells... but still is perfectly capable of hitting most things.

    If you're fighting what I think you're fighting to get that miss rate (sand crabs) then those are ALWAYS dodgy, they ALWAYS evade a lot of physical attacks and even on my dragon who is capable of one-shotting them with GR, I use spells to kill them. Less wasted hoard and less aggravation with them dodging my attacks.

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  12. #32

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Machaeon View Post
    Right here, I'm questioning what exactly you're fighting to get a 90% miss rate... I have my 150 rating biped (with his highest "melee" school being monk in the low 40s and zero investment in dex) able to hit t6 things easy. He doesn't hit hard of course, he does far more damage with spells... but still is perfectly capable of hitting most things.

    If you're fighting what I think you're fighting to get that miss rate (sand crabs) then those are ALWAYS dodgy, they ALWAYS evade a lot of physical attacks and even on my dragon who is capable of one-shotting them with GR, I use spells to kill them. Less wasted hoard and less aggravation with them dodging my attacks.
    Im fighting the mobs just outside Harro. Gathers and Tamers, from what I have read across the board, biped melee is almost pointless in comparison to spells. Spells hit 75% more often. Though I found a loophole, finally, so I can pull 10-15 mobs and kill them all. This is what I have been waiting for, just took some number crunching and some time to figure what school combination was needed.

  13. #33

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    I personally like the change to epic weapons, got my first rekklar 1handed weapon the other day from just doing the minor epic mob daily and only took 10 years. When I came back a couple months ago and noticed the very low population, this was brought up as a reason. Someone else chimed in and said the Dev that wasn't nice to players was gone too. And Meepsa, I won't waste my time trying to defend my opinion mostly because the proof I need is in threads that have been locked/deleted by you know who. I get it though, they got dragons in the air and that's about it. As far as new content, months to make and a day to complete it with months then to fix the bugs only to get nerfed. And don't bring up the you should have tested it on blight. That's like putting the foxes in charge of the chicken coup got things like frozen tech mass farmed by anyone chests being opened with melee damage and on and on. And as far as bipeds uproar against ner.. changes, they went unheard and left the game.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    Although The grind in Istaria is real, I think it should be tweaked a bit. Considering the game heavily favors dragons unless a biped finds an exploit. Yes this could be a dragon vs. biped thing, but Im looking at all the nerfs that hit bipeds vs dragons.

    Anything that could lessen the grind, or make it seem less grindy, would be a good thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    Nerfs to bipeds:
    -Trophies drop rate decreased, Dragons do not really need to grind trophies like bipeds are required to at later levels.
    I haven't trophy hunted lately, so I can't confirm this, however about 2 years ago the number of trophies needed to get X number of exp was halved. If the drops have lessened, it was likely an adjustment to the exp given by a trophy turn-in being doubled previously.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    -Mobs were buffed to deal with dragons killing to fast, making mobs harder at higher levels for bipeds. At 1300 skill, 1500 dex, and 130 rating, and mob is 91, I still miss 90% of the time.
    You will have to provide proof of this, sounds bogus to me. Especially saying mobs were changed because of dragons. I know that mobs where changed with varying resistances and vulnerabilities to make combat more interesting. It had nothing to do with dragons. In fact, at the time it was made, bipeds were better able to deal with the need for varying damage types, as they have energy attack, ice attack, flame attack, which were needed for some mobs. Dragon's didn't even have Primal Attack yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    -Stun mechanic was nerfed to prevent stun-locking, killing storm disc, and ranger, as well as elar. Dragons do not stun-lock.

    This change was also made to the mobs. Someone complained about getting stun-locked when hunting certain doom mobs, or the blighted hounds, and it got nerfed for both the mobs as well as the players.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    Dragon Nerfs:
    -Increase to gold rage timer, still 1 shots mobs.
    It was a 300% damage reduction over time to Gold Rage. It was a huge nerf.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    To me it looks like everything the devs do almost 95% is targeted at bipeds.

    Maybe just coincidence?

    I think you are mistaken.

    As far as logging in and seeing mostly Dragon characters, that is because Istaria is still the only game of any merit where you can play as a Dragon. That more than anything is affecting what you see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riaken View Post
    ... And to get my digs in, I still think Velea and the Amon bully changes to game were caustic to population. Those two didn't listen to feedback, they forced their views of how this game should be changed.

    I have to agree here. Even when pointing out bugs, or design failures, they were either ignored, or we were simply told "it's working as intended". Blood bolt form is broken, can't tech a t2 spell with t2 techs... blight spells conflict with the effects of their own spelltechs.... I could go on.

    My own observation of some prior dev design choices, was that they listened to a vocal few, and caused way more problems than were solved.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    To me the grind has gotten ridiculous I could reply to some of these statements about how easy it is to fight with epic weapons but they did not get them on their own. I will leave that one alone. As proof of how I feel, notice the population of the game during summer, now, Spring, and during January. I have been in game for 2 years and noticed how the population explodes in January. We all know why because the XP earned is way more reasonable. After my subscription is finished, I too will become a one month out of the year subscription. Only the month of January will have me subscribing. The penalties on me have gotten so bad that I will only play that month. I now understand why people do this. None of the excuses listed above even come close to solving any of these problems this game has. Slimey on Order

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Harro somewhere near Fafnir the Defiler

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimey View Post
    To me the grind has gotten ridiculous I could reply to some of these statements about how easy it is to fight with epic weapons but they did not get them on their own. I will leave that one alone. As proof of how I feel, notice the population of the game during summer, now, Spring, and during January. I have been in game for 2 years and noticed how the population explodes in January. We all know why because the XP earned is way more reasonable. After my subscription is finished, I too will become a one month out of the year subscription. Only the month of January will have me subscribing. The penalties on me have gotten so bad that I will only play that month. I now understand why people do this. None of the excuses listed above even come close to solving any of these problems this game has. Slimey on Order
    Honestly bipeds need reorganization, more quests for the schools, like their did for tier 1 revamp.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by ZyrimShadowheart View Post
    Honestly bipeds need reorganization, more quests for the schools, like their did for tier 1 revamp.
    As a mostly biped player i completely agree with this statement.. I feel theres very little direction storywise for bipeds.. dragons atleast have their drive for ancienthood that being said bipeds have had MANY good things changed on their behalf probably more than the dragons. I don't consider the stunlock changes "anti-Biped" as that was a change to the mechanic as a whole not just one ability. Whats more important is that the devs are apparently focused on killing the bugs.. which is very important.. yes we all want new content... the stuff we have is fairly stale but first we need a stable platform to play on

    Just my two pence.
    Gwain Drago - Mystic Paladin
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  18. #38

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Most biped abilities are gotten as you lv (not counting "Edges"). how about take out some of them and make them quest rewards,in similar manner to dragon quests? at leats those that repeat every 10, 20, 30 or 40 lvs. At least first few schools would seem easier to lv.

    Also funny how that went from maggot bug to ped revamp. A "Talk to the team" thead would be helpful here I think.

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  19. #39

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Salwirk View Post
    Most biped abilities are gotten as you lv (not counting "Edges"). how about take out some of them and make them quest rewards,in similar manner to dragon quests? at leats those that repeat every 10, 20, 30 or 40 lvs. At least first few schools would seem easier to lv.

    Also funny how that went from maggot bug to ped revamp. A "Talk to the team" thead would be helpful here I think.
    the downside to that would be, would be that it should be class specific abilities, because shared abilities like power strike...
    well, as an example if you did the quests for power strike, and then switched to a (new) class that also gets power strike, then it wouldn't make any sense to do the quest over.

    Not to mention, quested abilities, as far as I know, are insta-mastered, or so I seem to remember back when the NEO-schools were introduced and dragons could join them, whilst most abilities were locked out due to mastery, things like Gold Rage VII, Dragon's Gift V and etc. were all counted as mastered.

  20. #40

    Default Re: Undo "fixes"

    Yes I was thinking about class specific abilities only.

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