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Thread: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

  1. #1

    Default Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Think a extra plot for each 2 subs someone had would entice some to get extra subs? 2 subs get 3 plots, 4 subs get 6 plots, etc.

    !!Rwrr Smaug Rwrr!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    good idea! I support that

    We have enough empty plots but not enough players.

    Having a plot for free would bring life into deserted areas too- and hopefully more players
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    That's an idea... I can't see it being all that harmful either...

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  4. #4

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I would like to see more Master Guild plots for dragon comunities.
    Last edited by Drakarius Shadows; December 8th, 2015 at 07:01 PM.
    100 / 100 / 100 / 100 Lunus
    "Mythclaws" Saris

  5. #5

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I support this as well! would be nice to get a plot on Blight for new content testing with out having to pay for another sub (Has 6 plot holder ones currently XD)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I'm in for that idea really.

    But I also got another idea for a whole while in my mind:
    I think we all agree that having several hundrets of empty plots on the shard doesn't make fun. It's sad. I also think we all agree that there won't be several hundrets of new players due to buy those plots, hence they will stay community property.

    My idea was that the plots are made available to existing players in some different way as they are. Right now you have to pay another 'plot owner' sub to achieve another plot for your account. I think almost noone is interested to pay another full subscription for a plot nowadays. But there are for sure some people who would even pay three or more plots when they were a little cheaper.

    - Each account may buy additional 'plot owner' accounts, limited to the amount of the possible characters
    - 'plot owner' account is cheaper than a normal subscription, if I may suggest some price I'd say between 1/3 to 2/3 of the full subscription for each plot

    More plots available means much more fun for players. They've got to do something again and their mates are sure in for another visit of a cool place.

    Istaria Lexica | Istaria Reference

  7. #7

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    It would be a pleasure to decorate some of the smaller plots.

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  8. #8

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    It would be nice to be able to own multiple plots on a single character too. Easier in regards to building and keeping track of characters too. I'd love to own a bunch of the smaller plots and make everything pretty.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Love the idea, in addition to this though, I would LOVE to see a new sub type, which would simply be 1 plot slot, and be along the lines of $5/month.

    Yes I know there's more of a difference between the $10 and the $15 access than just the plot (consignment slots and character slots are the only thing that comes to mind atm), but in my eyes, $5 seems like the right price for an extra plot slot to a subscription.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    Love the idea, in addition to this though, I would LOVE to see a new sub type, which would simply be 1 plot slot, and be along the lines of $5/month.

    Yes I know there's more of a difference between the $10 and the $15 access than just the plot (consignment slots and character slots are the only thing that comes to mind atm), but in my eyes, $5 seems like the right price for an extra plot slot to a subscription.
    Seems like a decent idea except theres a chance might lead to a reduction in revenue (which I'm sure most would agree not good for the continuation of the game) by some dropping a paid 2nd account they now have just for the 2nd plot to get the cheaper plot only sub proposal. Just a thought. Would the increase in single subs buying a plot only sub outweigh current dual subs opting to downgrade to plot only 2nd sub?

    !!Rwrr Smaug Rwrr!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Smaug View Post
    Seems like a decent idea except theres a chance might lead to a reduction in revenue
    Hehe, I was actually going to say the same thing about your original suggestion

    Let's pretend you're like me and have 3 subs for 3 plots. Under your suggestion, I could drop a sub and keep my 3 plots, YEAH for me

    Let's pretend you have 4 subs for 4 plots. Personally, I would try re-arrange my hoard (perhaps make an extra vault toon or two), so I could reduce my subs to 2 thus maintaining 3 plots and thus halve my expense. I'm sure some would consider the 2 extra plots a blessing, but that wouldn't lead to more revenue.

    Under both those scenarios the company loses revenue.

    I think your suggestion in it's current form would likely only be an enticement for those with 1 sub AND they want 2 more plots. I can only speak personally of course, but I think the suggestion as it is would only reduce company revenue.
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

  12. #12

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by hallucin8 View Post
    Hehe, I was actually going to say the same thing about your original suggestion

    Let's pretend you're like me and have 3 subs for 3 plots. Under your suggestion, I could drop a sub and keep my 3 plots, YEAH for me

    Let's pretend you have 4 subs for 4 plots. Personally, I would try re-arrange my hoard (perhaps make an extra vault toon or two), so I could reduce my subs to 2 thus maintaining 3 plots and thus halve my expense. I'm sure some would consider the 2 extra plots a blessing, but that wouldn't lead to more revenue.

    Under both those scenarios the company loses revenue.

    I think your suggestion in it's current form would likely only be an enticement for those with 1 sub AND they want 2 more plots. I can only speak personally of course, but I think the suggestion as it is would only reduce company revenue.
    Hmm your right, I guess time to scratch another suggestion

    !!Rwrr Smaug Rwrr!!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Smaug View Post
    Hmm your right, I guess time to scratch another suggestion
    I wouldn't make any arguments about being right or wrong. The idea of offering a discount or enticement for multiple subs certain has merit. Unfortunately, the well established small player base is likely to already have multiple-subs, so while we'd certainly benefit, perhaps the company and it's amazing dedicated part-time/volunteer staff would not.

    If it were only offered to people with more than 4 subs or something, then it might have a positive impact on some players and generate some extra revenue by enticing those on the border to get one more sub. But if there were more people getting bonus plots and dropping subs, than those adding subs to get bonus plots, the net result would still be a loss in revenue. Of course, this is all utter speculation as I have no idea what the distribution of players and their subscriptions is, nor what others would do in the same situation.
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

  14. #14

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Your obviously right, don't know why i saw that possibility in Meepsa suggestion (people downgrading to a cheaper sub) and not seeing the same in mine. Mine was even worse cause at least with Meepsa they wouldn't of lost quite as much (revenue) as would in mine if people just dropped a sub to be replaced with a bonus one as in your scenario.

    Hmm what if the bonus plots were limited to the smallest plots available? What is that 40x40? Do most you think that have multiple subs for plots go for small plots or bigger plots? Whats the size of yours? Any you'd want to drop to downgrade to a smallest plot? My whole intent on the suggestion (at least for me) was the possibility of using the bonus plots for out of the way places near resources that have no shop/vault near them.

    !!Rwrr Smaug Rwrr!!
    Last edited by Smaug; December 11th, 2015 at 06:51 AM.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Smaug View Post
    Your obviously right, don't know why i saw that possibility in Meepsa suggestion (people downgrading to a cheaper sub) and not seeing the same in mine. Mine was even worse cause at least with Meepsa they wouldn't of lost quite as much (revenue) as would in mine if people just dropped a sub to be replaced with a bonus one as in your scenario.

    Hmm what if the bonus plots were limited to the smallest plots available? What is that 40x40? Do most you think that have multiple subs for plots go for small plots or bigger plots? Whats the size of yours? Any you'd want to drop to downgrade to a smallest plot? My whole intent on the suggestion (at least for me) was the possibility of using the bonus plots for out of the way places near resources that have no shop/vault near them.

    !!Rwrr Smaug Rwrr!!

    Id rather keep it the way it is.. Cause if the 9$ gets a plot.. Whats the point in the 15$ one if your getting two? the player has his hands full with the single plot already.. theres no point in owning two plots if it takes youforever to finish the 1st one and yes it deducts the money flow from the devs to keep the game going..

    I suggest.. a tornament such thing.. a pvp type.. Winner gets annother plot.. Would attract more players to it.. Having the player at teirs in pvp.. t1 t2 t3 t4 etc etc... Thats how i see plots to be earned like that.Course this idea might be bad idea too.. so its just an idea.. without having to mess with the devs already cheapo subs.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  16. #16

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I like your idea Arch.
    It could also be some complicated epic quest, requiring group play to earn a second plot.

    For me, having more than one plot has the following benefits:

    • We got much too much empty plots due to lack of active players. How much available plots are there on a shard? Around 1000? And how much players are there to work them? My guess on Order is not more than 30. This makes the world appear fallow (sp?). Active players, including myself, get depressed when looking at those grounds, they may leave one day because of that.
    • Strategic plots. Since we're not much players anymore and strategic plots (near resources) disappear, noone but (, multi-account) subscribers are able to rebuild them. Loosing those plots ends up in loosing new players aswell as old ones because crafting will become much more difficult. Multiple, cheaper or rewarded additional plots would help there.

    Horizons/Istaria shards have been designed for more than 1000 players playing in parallel. The system worked out well there but we and especially vi will need to think in lower quantities today.

    Istaria Lexica | Istaria Reference

  17. #17

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Just putting in my 2 cents here.

    Having subscription costs linked to plot ownership made sense years ago, when there were 'free forever with no limitations' accounts.
    Obviously in this sort of situation you'd end up with free player crap scattered everywhere, you'd have to manage it, delete it after so many days, etc. etc.

    Now however, there's very little difference between the 'basic sub for $10 or property owner for $15, expense wise. If you're going to play, you may as well have a plot.

    However, if you're talking about enticing new players, it takes quite a long time for a new player to get the resources, money, etc. to even consider building a plot. I've been back for a month or so and I'm nowhere near even thinking about that sort of undertaking, either with regards to crafting skills OR cash to even make the initial purchase. Not even remotely close.

    The other issue that I see at the moment is quite honestly, I don't -need- a plot.
    At key resource places, some kind community member has almost invariably already built the requisite machines etc.
    If I were to get a plot, it would mostly be for a) storing crap and b) decorating, both of which I'll be doing eventually because that's how I am, but I don't feel like there's a big push or incentive to upgrade my sub or to go build things.

    New players are encouraged to join guilds to improve the game experience, and look, the guild already has several plots filled with all of the top tier buildings. I don't see that having a 'personal' plot would add any real benefit to me as a new (ok, returned) player. Years ago, when I played previously, I did have a plot, but I only ever got as far as a few silos/tents to store stuff because the guild's buildings were already way better and the guild plot was closer to the portal pad anyway.

    I think the biggest deterrent to me, currently, is the in-game cost rather than the sub cost.
    I'd happily up my sub to include plot ownership, but I'm putting it off until I have the time to actually figure out how to get the gold to even buy the thing. If there was no in-game gold cost, I'd probably up my sub now and at least plop a few tents down until I learned to do something more. This was the only reason I went for the lower sub as I knew there'd be a time delay before I could even do anything with a plot.

    What function, if any, does having an in-game purchase cost serve? I can understand if a plot is owned and a player wants to sell that plot to someone else, prime real estate or what-have-you. For a new player in the lvl 20-30 range, a couple hours fighting gets me 12 silver. Plots cost what, 1000s? I saw one for 9g somewhere yesterday. It baffles my mind a bit. Anyway, its something I would consider as it was certainly the off-putting factor for me.

    I think the 'real money' pricing is alright, and I understand that the game needs to have regular income. I think making plots more 'useful' to new folks would help get people invested in the game and have a sense of ownership over their corner of it.

    But there's little reason for someone new to the game to grind for days to save up in-game gold to buy a plot that isn't conveniently located (as prime locations are taken), that isn't close to any major resource spawn (as these prime useful spots are taken), just to decorate it with crappy tier 1 stuff and store stuff is not really enough incentive, esp when they'd have to pay more per month for the privilege of doing so.

    Again, just my 2 cents and my own reasons why I haven't bothered yet - I'm waiting until I've got the gold and until I've levelled fitter/mason/weaver enough to actually do something with a plot once I have it, and this could be months. If there wasn't the in-game gold cost, I'd probably get the plot sub now and plant a stick and a tent in the middle of it.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by ArchDemon View Post
    Id rather keep it the way it is.. Cause if the 9$ gets a plot.. Whats the point in the 15$ one if your getting two? the player has his hands full with the single plot already.. theres no point in owning two plots if it takes youforever to finish the 1st one and yes it deducts the money flow from the devs to keep the game going..

    I suggest.. a tornament such thing.. a pvp type.. Winner gets annother plot.. Would attract more players to it.. Having the player at teirs in pvp.. t1 t2 t3 t4 etc etc... Thats how i see plots to be earned like that.Course this idea might be bad idea too.. so its just an idea.. without having to mess with the devs already cheapo subs.
    aye, what about us players that absolutely are disgusted by PVP?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    @ Anzha and a little off topic.
    Have you told your Guild you would like a plot? In our guild that is not an issue, the guild will get you the coin to buy a plot. We will help build it too, if you want the help.

    I'm with meepsa on the PVP idea.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  20. #20

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    aye, what about us players that absolutely are disgusted by PVP?
    I have to agree there. I dislike the idea of PVP for a plot that requires things very un-PVP such as crafting. The game was never supported properly for PVP and its too unbalanced for such an idea.

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