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Thread: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

  1. #21

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Anzha View Post
    What function, if any, does having an in-game purchase cost serve? I can understand if a plot is owned and a player wants to sell that plot to someone else, prime real estate or what-have-you. For a new player in the lvl 20-30 range, a couple hours fighting gets me 12 silver. Plots cost what, 1000s? I saw one for 9g somewhere yesterday. It baffles my mind a bit. Anyway, its something I would consider as it was certainly the off-putting factor for me.
    I'll agree on this one, plots/lairs have become luxury priced when they were changed from maybe a couple 100s to a 1g minimum, which yes, would deter new players from starting with a plot sub (in fact, I try to spread the idea of buying a plotholder sub when you are actually able to work on it, and only work with basic access up untill that point, simply because it has no use to have a plotholder sub for atleast the first 30-40 levels.)

    A quick look on shows me that the cheapest plots go for 1g 131s, and the cheapest lairs going for 1g 340s, why not ease up on those smaller plots (I'm talking Kion, Parsinia, Bridgeview, Sslanis and part of the Dalimond Peninsula) that people...are propably not going to keep anyway once they get a larger sum of coin? make them go for 200s or something, so that they're still a pain in the virtual wallet, but not so much an insane grindfest.

    as for why the plots are going for so much, the only thing that comes to mind is to be a money sink, which wouldn't make sense since you get, what? 80% back if you sell straight to the community manager?

    Oh and Anzha, another small tip would be to find a guild that owns a guild plot, that way the lairs/plots only cost 1s, but only in the region of the master guild plot. ^^

    I'm with Arzel here, a plot should only be rewarded:
    A) for cash.
    B) for crafting.

    @Elt I think the total amount of plots is near 1750, checking Blight which is pretty much dead, on gives me roughly that number.
    Last edited by meepsa; December 22nd, 2015 at 01:34 PM.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I think you need to refine your search meepsa. I did a search on price range 1s to 300s (none Guild) plots and it shows 492 on Choas and 504 on Order. Lairs are a a little more money, had to search in the 1s to 500s range and got 75 on Chaos and 74 on Order. The last update says April 21/2014, so the data is out of date. Unless you are looking at something Different?
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  3. #23

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Dacurly View Post
    @ Anzha and a little off topic.
    Have you told your Guild you would like a plot? In our guild that is not an issue, the guild will get you the coin to buy a plot. We will help build it too, if you want the help.
    Nah, haven't really discussed it as such. I feel like I've already gotten waaaay too much from the guild & wouldn't ask them to finance this as well. I think just the way things are now, plots seem to be things that 'higher level players' do, once they've got a few tradeskills maxed & enough money to finance/acquire formulas etc. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if you're wanting to fill empty plots removing the gold cost is just a suggestion. I think newer folks having a plot could also help with retention as you've invested time & effort into something - even if it is just t1 silos and a tent. Its home

    EDIT: That thing is kind of fantastic for knowing where to go and look!
    Last edited by Anzha; December 22nd, 2015 at 06:06 PM.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Don't worry too much, Anzha. After any adventure level 80 it's no longer an issue to get some gold pieces.

    Istaria Lexica | Istaria Reference

  5. #25

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Dacurly View Post
    I think you need to refine your search meepsa. I did a search on price range 1s to 300s (none Guild) plots and it shows 492 on Choas and 504 on Order. Lairs are a a little more money, had to search in the 1s to 500s range and got 75 on Chaos and 74 on Order. The last update says April 21/2014, so the data is out of date. Unless you are looking at something Different?
    I was looking at the total amount of plots, going to blight would be the easiest amount with as, well, nobody plays on there anymore really. As Eltaria made a rough estimation (though I now read the "available" bit, woopsie hehe) and yeah, I counted guild plots just for a better number of how many plots we have in-game.

    back on track for enticements though, how about 1 free Blight plot slot per account? that way people can test new additions to plots/lairs without having to sacrifice their live plot or lair, and it might entice people to also hop on the test server a bit more?

    I mean heck it already gets double xp, 50% off merchants and if I'm not mistaken double sell value, but that's not really a pull once you've got what you want.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Elteria View Post
    Don't worry too much, Anzha. After any adventure level 80 it's no longer an issue to get some gold pieces.
    Adventuring, you mean like, killing things other than cobalt nodes? I guess I could try more of that ^^

  7. #27

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Yeah you may need those funny skills anyway, to ensure getting your crafting items teched :-)

    Istaria Lexica | Istaria Reference

  8. #28

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    I was looking at the total amount of plots, going to blight would be the easiest amount with as, well, nobody plays on there anymore really. As Eltaria made a rough estimation (though I now read the "available" bit, woopsie hehe) and yeah, I counted guild plots just for a better number of how many plots we have in-game.

    back on track for enticements though, how about 1 free Blight plot slot per account? that way people can test new additions to plots/lairs without having to sacrifice their live plot or lair, and it might entice people to also hop on the test server a bit more?

    I mean heck it already gets double xp, 50% off merchants and if I'm not mistaken double sell value, but that's not really a pull once you've got what you want.
    I like Meepsa`s idea. a free Blight plot to test out new stuffs does sound great! I have a sslik on Blight who can build most T1, and a few T2 plot pieces already. just don`t have the extra $$ to put into another sub right now. but if offered a free one, I`d surely get on Blight more often to test out any new content!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Harro somewhere near Fafnir the Defiler

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing_Duck View Post
    I like Meepsa`s idea. a free Blight plot to test out new stuffs does sound great! I have a sslik on Blight who can build most T1, and a few T2 plot pieces already. just don`t have the extra $$ to put into another sub right now. but if offered a free one, I`d surely get on Blight more often to test out any new content!
    I agree with Darkwing Duck. I think there should be a free Blight Plot for testing purposes. This would make things easier for testing.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I wouldn't build on blight because I only game on chaos :P it doesn't make sense for me to build on Blight shard.

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  11. #31

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Salwirk View Post
    I wouldn't build on blight because I only game on chaos :P it doesn't make sense for me to build on Blight shard.
    wow, compelling arguement...
    I don't think you even read what I typed, nor was it specificly aimed at you.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I wouldn't say no to free plot but this is just what me average player thinks on having plot on blight. It would be pretty much useless to me unless I decided to do completely decorative. For storing purposes that's useless. never said it was pointed at me specifically. I believe many players stick to just one shard.

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  13. #33

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    I agree with this idea, this way I could use my sub for my dragon lair aswell as for my biped a nice plot

  14. #34

    Default Re: Possible enticements for multiple subs......

    Quote Originally Posted by Arzel Rashemi View Post
    I have to agree there. I dislike the idea of PVP for a plot that requires things very un-PVP such as crafting. The game was never supported properly for PVP and its too unbalanced for such an idea.
    Its an idea an example how one would earn another plot. And the pvp ant unbalanced. its just abilites are just that good xD but again its an example. Id rather earn my plot then just be given me one for paying a sub. I dont want a plot anyways. thats why devs made a 9$ and a 15$ subs. No advantages just you can build something. So if there was a pvp tornament Example it would work well with earning a plot in 1st place. but you cant earn another plot with the same account once you have two already. But anyways thats how id do it. let it be earned.. If not Keep it the way it is.. Remember its your funds that keeps istaria going and improve getting free additions slots and such is great. But instead of plots.. id rather earn character slots, or loyalty tokens and such.. If you want another plot keep supporting the game. theres nothing wrong with the subs. Were all treated equally so theres bo reason to give free stuff to those that just support the game. But if your given more character slots it would be better.. But thats my 2 copper.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
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