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Thread: What would you choose?

  1. #1

    Default What would you choose?

    I have a hypothetical question for all of you.

    We are right now at least 17 days behind on updates/fixes. This is because of the large vault - it seems to be too much trouble to make unique versions of all the patches and fixes without breaking something else (hence, the bugged plots and red barriers)...

    The choice I'd like to ask is:

    What do you prefer - fully updated game and small vault, or big vault and sod the updates?

    Personally, I'd rather have the updates than the vault.
    Celenor Sarafien - Unity - Proud member of Shinzawai.
    93 ranger/47 healer/37 tailor/36 mage/21 weaver/15 fletcher

  2. #2

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    I'd rather have the updates than the vault.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    Update, its no more fun to play in a bugged game,
    on Unity the Game has been bugged since merge on one
    way or another.
    GN/AE should give us the Game we pay for, or are we paying
    just 2/3 of our payment ?


  4. #4

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    The game without bugs and lag and glitches would be nice.

    Then after that I wouldn't mind losing big vaults to some new content.


  5. #5

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    I prefer a fully updated game ... and Xmas event before february ! [:P]
    We played a lot of months with small vault before merge and it was not a problem.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    Fix the bugs , give us quest to increase the size of our vaults, and i will be content...
    Isair Maelowyn [Retired]

  7. #7

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    actually this is one of the harder questions...

    while I am building and crafting I am happy that the vaults are still big (due to the bugged plots anyway)

    on the other hand.. I have been adventuring a little in the last two weeks again and the bugs to the spawns, no-spawns.. etc.. are hard to take there.

    So basically it's kind of difficult. Although a fixed system might do us all better than easy building.
    -- || knoccest of the tailors. period.
    Watch the Guild Movie on Youtube
    member of Order of Reclamation

  8. #8

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    I like the big vaults. And my plot, so far, is not bugged. But I think of all the other players and I can see that bugged plots and bugged mob spawns take the fun out of the game.

    So, if this is really the choice -- let the vaults shrink and fix the game. Fix it. No updates and patches -- unless they are fixes!!! This is the priority. And tell us what's being done and when. I just hate to see the uninformative login screen. At least 60% of the anger about all the disruption and failures so far stems from the 'no-information-habit'.

    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  9. #9

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    id chose the fixes over the vault size yes we all knwo vault size is nice etc etc, but come on 17 days behind, no cleanse tech fix, seems to not have the spawn hotfix

    screw the vaults gimme the updates!

  10. #10

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    theycan decrease the size of the vault once the f***ing spawn-system is fixed [:@]
    Dvergar Blutaxt @ Unity (former ICE) / Paladin 97 - Mason 100 // before hibernation

  11. #11

    Default Re: What would you choose?


    as I haven't played much due to the state of the game recently

  12. #12

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    I would want the answers for 2 questions first.

    1) Where did you get the 17 days behind on patches from?

    2) What makes you so sure that its the vault that is causing the bugs?

    We where patched right up to and including where the vaults were reduced in size but GN inserted a fix to keep vaults large as we had auctions so long after NA.

    Since then, as far as I can see, NA have only had one live update and that was yesterday.

    Some of the bugs predate the time when GN inserted a vault fix so it cant all be down to that. In fact we have been bugged to buggery ever since they started diverting from the exact copy of NA servers, ie the auction debacle. Patching to NA state never helped, so maybe it was something that happened between those times and they just cant (be bothered, sorry couldnt resist) to find it.

    If everything was down to vault size I would vote do it, with notice, in fact I wouldnt be to upset to see the game revert as I feel it would help the economy. But as I've always said give reasonable notice first and Im not convinced it will be the answer to all our problems anyway.
    Bleri McThrust - Dwarf
    Unity - Formerly Ice

  13. #13

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    Quote Originally Posted by Korial
    I'd rather have the updates than the vault.

  14. #14

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    we all know the default vault is 2000 bulk and the fully upgradedVault Vis 3000 bulk.. a little more would be good.. those promised vault quest to vault X would bea nice christmas gift:-)

    but if vault shrinkage has to be for updates so be it.. rather a bugfixed game than 1.000.000 vault...
    100 Warrior |100 Guardian |100 Healer
    Unity [former Ice]

    wich one would you pick ?

  15. #15

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleri
    I would want the answers for 2 questions first.

    1) Where did you get the 17 days behind on patches from?

    2) What makes you so sure that its the vault that is causing the bugs?

    We where patched right up to and including where the vaults were reduced in size but GN inserted a fix to keep vaults large as we had auctions so long after NA.

    Since then, as far as I can see, NA have only had one live update and that was yesterday.

    Some of the bugs predate the time when GN inserted a vault fix so it cant all be down to that. In fact we have been bugged to buggery ever since they started diverting from the exact copy of NA servers, ie the auction debacle. Patching to NA state never helped, so maybe it was something that happened between those times and they just cant (be bothered, sorry couldnt resist) to find it.

    If everything was down to vault size I would vote do it, with notice, in fact I wouldnt be to upset to see the game revert as I feel it would help the economy. But as I've always said give reasonable notice first and Im not convinced it will be the answer to all our problems anyway.

    I will answer:

    1. According to a multitude of players, we still have the bug the cleanse tech'ed spells not updating health bar. That was fixed on NA on the 30th of November. That is now 17 days ago.

    2. As far asI know, the major problems with plots came _after_ they did the stunt with installing a patch and then deinstalling it due to the fact that it set vault size to standard. Personally, I'd love for delta56 and the client fix to come to Unity as soon as possible. Also the questsystem changethatwent live on the 2nd of December would be nice to have in Europe too..

    The updates we, as of now miss:
    hotfix 11/30/2004 (cleanse bug removed)
    hotfix 12/2/2004 (quests listed instead of tedious cancels)
    Full update 12/16/2004 (including the winter festival and a preview of blighted equipment)

    And, on blight right now is Delta56 -I believe it to be a matter of time before we also miss that one compared to theNA shards.

    Fact is, we're behind - and the longer we have big vaults, the further we'll be behind. The vaults are the sole reason why we are notgetting updates - the updates are, according to AmonGwareth, sent to GN, but they won't use 'em becausethe vault would be reset.
    Celenor Sarafien - Unity - Proud member of Shinzawai.
    93 ranger/47 healer/37 tailor/36 mage/21 weaver/15 fletcher

  16. #16

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    first and most greetings to all

    then now back to buisness

    first when was the game ever without bugs but idream lets dream and deem it possibel

    oki then and only then i would setttle witha game free of bugs

    a vault can be as big as it wants some ppl will have it full like my senior he has it 94 % but my babies have it only at 12 to 15 % filling state so

    yes inthis exceptional wonder or dream i would choose a bugfree enviorment

    but lets be sincere since when have they worked properly (support ...... )

    no lets whats happens but i bet it will get w orse

    i make now a bet i offer 5 free tier 5 standard unteched spells aganist a tier 5 tech
    The day they release ingame the healia ancient helian rop gets in game it will be bugged at least at one stage for some dragons

    who holds the bed ?

    greetings dunkel_ice
    dunkel_ice helian 100 100 5,5 mio hoard
    dunkelzahnjr helian 80 42 280 k
    Hrdunkelzahn helian 80 41 280 k
    now all adult

  17. #17

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    Its time to shrink vaults and give us same patches as the NA servers got.

    Activating spawns are not that hard if you go to the right place, but I dont like playing that way. I want to meet the monsters direct, without sitting at the spawn points waiting to activate them.
    The RP guild Kushan Sogd at Harro, Unity Shard
    Download and install Pekkas Map Pack v2.9 today and HCC 0.26 Beta is there too

  18. #18

    Default Re: What would you choose?

    All they have to do then IMO is keep to there original promise and provide us with notice that they will be removing the oversize vaults.

    However not all the bugs that limited access to plots date from after there vault hotfix. Some, including my own, date from over a month ago.

    Yesterday I got the following response from Support, at last a response [:)]


    we appliex a fix today that should have fixed most of the bugged plots, could you please confirm us that yours is working now?

    Best regards.
    Sadly I had to reply with a big fat NO. However I presume its fixed all the recent plot construction bugs?
    Bleri McThrust - Dwarf
    Unity - Formerly Ice

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