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Thread: Should I come back?

  1. #1

    Default Should I come back?

    I've been away from this game for a very long time, and I'm wondering whether it would be worth returning to it. So far, I have 2 characters, 1 lvl 100 dragon and a low-level Saris.

    There are some questions I'd like to ask.

    What has changed in this game over the last year or so?
    I read a thread on a nerf to Gold Rage, but there was a mod edit saying it never happened. Did Gold Rage VII get altered to a 1-minute cooldown skill that always hits the target 3 times with increased hoard cost?
    Any work out there for lairshapers?
    Any map packs/guides I'd need to download?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Should I come back?

    Quote Originally Posted by JDavidC View Post
    What has changed in this game over the last year or so?
    The last year was mostly bug fixes rather than content, but the most recent addition was probably combat pets. They cost loyalty tokens (aka rewards for subbing) and give you a passive buff depending on which you get. Hmm.. last year or so (2014?) NT got attacked and mostly destroyed, so most questlines around there are new or adjusted. We also got pets in general in... I want to say 2013? 2012? which are basically extra cargo disks.

    I'm terrible with remembering content updates, honestly.

    Oh! There's also appearance change tokens now and some new colors to dragons. Can someone else possibly chime in for content updates from 2014-now?

    Quote Originally Posted by JDavidC View Post
    I read a thread on a nerf to Gold Rage, but there was a mod edit saying it never happened. Did Gold Rage VII get altered to a 1-minute cooldown skill that always hits the target 3 times with increased hoard cost?
    I've never heard of someone editing to cover anything like that up. o.o The changes to gold rage were very open and also discussed quite thoroughly. What you might've seen was someone exaggerating the changes?

    Either way, you are correct - Gold Rage was indeed changed to that. However, other abilities of dragons were also linked in cooldowns, given damage adjustments, or made AoEs. Some will argue that this doesn't make up for the damage lost from GR, but it's the upside that's often not mentioned when speaking about Gold Rage's changes.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDavidC View Post
    Any work out there for lairshapers?
    Depends what server your on. You'd be hard-pressed to find work on Order, I think; I've not really seen many people asking for lairshaping regents, but many people I know personally seem to want work done for them. I guess you'd have to ask.

    I can't speak for Chaos.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDavidC View Post
    Any map packs/guides I'd need to download?
    There's nothing you'd have to download, but the map pack is very useful when it comes to finding things in the world.

    Edit: In the end, it's your choice to come back. I don't think anyone can make that decision for you and we all have our own opinions I'm on-and-off these days, but I'm always glad to see a returning face. If anything, maybe resub for a month and see if you like it? Experiences make the best things to judge off of, in my opinion.

    Actually, I believe devs offer anyone who has been away for either a year or a few years a week or two of free trial to test the waters of the game to see if you like it and want to come back. Send in a ticket and ask about it - a friend of mine did that recently.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Should I come back?

    Crafters have gotten bigger disks. Biped shops now have storage, expert shops have 5 stacks and 600k bulk, jman 4 stacks and 300k bulk and beginners 3 stacks 150k bulk. Dragon shops about the same.

    New dragon school crystalshaping. Maybe someone else can explain it better the I could.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Should I come back?

    Crystalshaper school allows dragon to create consumable crystals,resistance and damage crystals. To craft those you need slivers of emotion (new abilities to purchase). Resistance crystals give you a lot of resistance to one element but take away some from resistance to another element ( for t6 +300 and -150). Damage crystals boost your damage by %, that depends on tier. T6 boosts by 135%. Duration 1 hour. To join the school you must complete a semi lengthy questline and be an adult dragon at least (plus other requirements). This also leads to entirely new area called Fiery Rift, its dungeon like even though it looks open. Not too big but verrry cool looking.

    Trinkets (frogs,stars etc) don't drop anymore,instead they can be bought at pawnbrokers (different city pawns offer different tiers). Trinkets now offer one specific buff and most are 30 mins long.

    Got too much hoard? You can now sell it for a good bit of money to Rhahool and Rhagool (Bristugo and NT respectively). Junk items were added purely to ease coin grind. You can also sell those to Rhahool and Rhagool.

    New adv tech kits were added, Andorr's Ironwood shaft (and formula), Thurids Undead Slayer (and formula), Virulent Venom,Amulet of the Grand Magus, Frozen Weapon for dragons (was only available to lv 100 tinkerers) and Attanuk's Stylus (craft tech,lv 100 Scholar). All of those have shorter or longer questlines to acquire.

    Titles now give buffs. Many of end game titles give very decent buffs, some add DPS but only against monsters that you fought to acquire the title (Scorpion slayer will give you a boost against scorpions but stat buffs work anytime)

    There are new pets that will follow behind you and offer more storage while still letting you recall. Combat pets, automatons give passive buff and active buff when you have Power Cell to power them. More cosmetic items,shoulder pets,bottles of wine,Snowball formula and some collectibles were added to Gnomekindle festival. Festivals are now all year around. Spring festival offers another pet,title and food formula. Fall festival has more masks to offer.

    Theres usually some work on Chaos but mostly biped work. Pays are good.

    Gold Rage VII indeed has been taken down from 15 sec to 1 min but also other abilities have been put on shorter cooldown and buffed up (more damage and Tail whip is now aoe and stuns). Breath of Flame Burst is on twice shorter cooldown but damage was slightly reduced (15 or 20% damage cant remember). Ive played for long time as a dragon and those changes definitely made combat nicer. Its more interesting and tactical.

    Enemy buffs are visible now. When you click on enemy,its buffs will show under its name. This is very useful for planning fight and learning more about your enemy.

    Island of Ice terrain and monsters were revamped and many quests added.

    Epic items system has been changed,instead of looting whole wepaons you now craft all of them. Pieces were taken out,instead you have Epic Cores,Components, epic tokens and Weekly and Daily epic quests. Many epic items got very nice upgrades in damage and stats.

    Game got hardware upgrade and will be upgrading to Unreal4. Tier3 revamp is planned for this year.
    Last edited by Tilithia; February 2nd, 2016 at 07:13 PM.

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  5. #5

    Default Re: Should I come back?

    I like how everyone is mentioning the GR nerf, and just talking about the CD, but not mentioning the buff that it recieved by being a guaranteed hit...just my 2c

    either way, yes, I'd say it would very much be worth coming back now

  6. #6

    Default Re: Should I come back?

    Aw, don't make us beg, come on back, we miss you!!!
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Should I come back?

    Sure its worth to come back.

    And community still is best of all

    So many new things to go for/explore, big thy to all who answered here- great summaries!!!

    My dragons are stronger than ever -and its more fun than ever to play a dragon-
    *blows dust from her GR button-* so many ways and tactics to fight-and win
    come in and try yourself- I `ll gladly teach you if you want advice:-)

    (and btw- flowers- we can plant wonderful flowers on our plots:-) )
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

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