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Thread: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

  1. #1

    Default Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    These are a few bugs that I noticed whilst going about some of the early New Trismus quests.

    These two images showcase some kind of bulk-related bug. Even though I still have room in my inventory, the system seems to think that I don't. This has happened during multiple instances within a short period of time.

    This appears to be a minor gathering-related bug. The first time the system says that I have gathered eleven bonus resources, I gather eleven bonus resources right after, as expected. The second time it happens though, it's off by one. This isn't any sort of big deal, I just figured it needed to be shown.

    This is another bug/typo that I stumbled upon after running around the island a bit. After binding to the shrine, my 'Binding Location' changed from 'Skalkaar Island Shrine' to nothing at all. I didn't actually attempt to Recall after this, so I'm not sure if it is just a simple text error or not.

    These two pictures highlight a couple of text bugs that actually happen to me quite often. Sometimes the text within tool tips and tutorial informational boxes turns into some sort of hieroglyphics. This is something that seems to occur randomly but also frequently. I have no idea what causes it or how to correct the issue.

    Edit: I also noticed that the ability for Dragons called "Tail Whip" seems to work as an AoE attack, but there is nothing mentioned about this in its description. When I use it on a mob, and there happens to be another mob close by, both enemies register being hit, even if I am only targeting one.
    Last edited by Castanops; April 19th, 2016 at 03:53 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    on tail whip, generally if an attack has an "area" setting, than that means it's an AoE

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Solitaire resident of Vella Island

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    The weird text thing happens to me for a long time actualy a few months now, and is quite annoying because you move the pointer to another side and back and its still not fixed.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    I can see now that the bug where the Shrine name was not appearing has been fixed, so thank you for that. Also, I didn't realize that the "Area" bit in the Tail Whip information window referred to its range, so my bad on that part.

    A new development that I've noticed is that when I'm in the character creation screen—even if I haven't officially created the character and am just messing around with appearances—the game will cut to a loading screen without warning saying that it is validating my account, and then crash a minute or two later. This has happened to me a few times now, and I haven't noticed any particular pattern that might be causing it to trigger. Has anyone else had this problem?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Solitaire resident of Vella Island

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    I have the same issue with the creation thing myself, happened 2 in a row to me, was very strange to happen.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    When you see what appears to be invisible bulk, just try switching to list view.

    I think the items are there, a few more slabs of sandstone, but they don't always show in grid view. If you switch to list view you might see the extra slabs.

    Once you get higher level, an easy way to work around the overburdening is to have 2 toolclaws. One with a capacity cog, one without. Gather with the tool without the capacity cog, or with a smaller capacity cog. soon as it stops gathering due to being full/overburdened, swap to the tool with the larger capacity cog. immediately removes the overburden, you can move at full speed, and you don't have to try splitting off a few items to delete.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    Quote Originally Posted by Castanops View Post
    Even though I still have room in my inventory, the system seems to think that I don't.
    This can be one of two issues. The first issue is as guaran describes:

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    When you see what appears to be invisible bulk, just try switching to list view.

    I think the items are there, a few more slabs of sandstone, but they don't always show in grid view. If you switch to list view you might see the extra slabs.
    (The invisible bulk issue can also bring about create item window weirdness in relation to putting the slider for the amount to make to the max)

    More often that not for myself though, the bulk isn't just invisible, and this is the second issue. I actually submitted a ticket for this a good while back but only got "If we can figure out a way to reliably reproduce what ever the issue is, then the developers can likely work on a fix." as a reply. Which i figure is reasonable, as it does very randomly happen.

    Both types of issues - whether not seen or really overburdened unfairly - can also be resolved by switching containers. That is, moving any amount from a stack of resources (say you have 500 in a stack, you only need move 1 of them) from cargo disk to inventory for example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Castanops View Post
    Sometimes the text within tool tips and tutorial informational boxes turns into some sort of hieroglyphics.
    The info with the "hieroplyphics" is text that doesn't properly load, "re-generating" ie closing a glitched text window then reopening it will fix that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    If I notice the missing bulk issue again I will definitely try to switch between list and graph forms. I don't really enough about tool claws to mess with them for the time being. ^_^;

    As for the broken text, I have tried multiple times to just open and close a window hoping that it would fix the problem, but it hasn't. The only way that seems to make it correct itself is if I open and close the entire game, and even then the same error just pops up in a different window.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bulk/Gathering Bugs + Others

    If playing in windows mode try dragging the window a lil bit up or down or side to side see if fixes it.

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