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Thread: Warrior & linked timers

  1. #1

    Default Warrior & linked timers

    So hey...can the abilties in the warrior school get a little re-think please?

    So EVERYTHING seems to be linked to's seriously annoying pressing one button and a good section of my abilties go on timer....

    Now Arlexia is only level 40 so i haven't gotten every single ability yet so feel free to add any more disputes if yall have any but-

    Negate Attack, Rend Armour and Cripple are linked.

    These 3 are all battle starting (and cripple a battle fleeing) abilities. Negate Attack has a recycle of 40 seconds, and both RA/Cripple 30 seconds, meaning around 20/15 recycle on these abilities (respectively) with the linked timer active.

    I don't use negate attack AT ALL due to cripple/rend armour being far far superior to it (why use NA when i can use foresight) in terms of usefulness in battle because it's tough dealing out DPS even as a warrior, due to other linked timers, so i pretty much need the actual attack damage RA/cripple provide.

    Multistrike and Whirlwind Attack are linked.

    This is almost the MOST annoying link of all. Because Whirlwind attack is centred on the self, you don't need to even have anything aggrod to you to activate accidental misclick? bam - TWO abilites on recycle. It's seriously really, really, really annoying. And they have a two minute recycle, AND are integral to the arsenal of a warrior, so i misclick it and for one minute i have to wait for them to recycle to do anything....

    Smash (cleric), Power Strike, Coordinated Strike and Cleave are linked.

    Serously..seriously..FOUR abilties on one link? -grumble-. I include smash up there even if it's from cleric because this has the potential to be a useful little masterable.

    Didn't someone in another thread say coordinated attacks are useless? One of the reasons why it is useless is beacuse strike puts THREE other abilties on a timer.

    Smash/Power strike has 30 sec recycle, Coordinated Strike a 1:30 recycle, and Cleave a 1:00 recycle. Half those times and you get their linked timer recycle.

    This makes combat really annoying - of course i want to use cleave for high damage, but with its low accuracy, i don't know whether i want to risk putting four abilties on timer and doing no damage at all, with at least one of thsoe abilties (power strike) which i'd LOVE to use to recover some damage from a miss...if it wasn't on timer.

    Now, my proposal? Break the linked timers!

    I mean, all of them being broken would be fantastic, but i have no idea why they're linked the first place and that request therefore seems very hopeful.

    So firstly...cripple/RA/NA are all non-masterable.

    Breaking these timers seems fine to me, and i think negate attack especially needs to be un-linked, there's just no way it can compete with the usefulness of a RA then a cripple served a little later...

    Multistrike and Whirlwind me, either unlink them, change their linked timer to 1/4th of their recycle (as opposed to 1/2 or one half) or fix whirlwind attack.

    I don't think it'd be so bad unlinking them completely if OP-ness is a worry - while they are both masterable, obviously they only go up to a certain teir as masterables - and warrior really needs something that can do some damage aside Critical Strike (and thank god that isn't linked) because a dragons ravage, but weaker and with double the recycle. It isn't too significant damage in most enemies at all, and while whirlwind strike has a damage adjustment it still isn't very significant alone - less damage than multistrike. It's AoE, yes, but honestly warriors are AWFUL at AoE anything, the only time a warrior is taking on multiple enemies is when they pose no threat to them. A warrior isn't going to be taking on a group of anything that is a threat to it alone with just whirldwind attack.

    Smash (cleric), Power Strike, Coordinated Strike and Cleave....maybe coordinated warrants a seperate discussion with the recent appearance on the tttt thread, but that can be unlinked right away if its gonna ever be useful. I know very few people willing to use it in sacrifce of three other abilties even in a group situation, and i personally never use it solo because I need cleave/power strike so much more.

    Smash can be unlinked too, I mean firstly masterable version is used so you're at most using smash V in warrior so smash is even more pointless than coordinated to press being that it cannot even compete with the damage of that. It would make a greatly useful masterable.....if it wasn't linked to these three other abilties. (nevemrind, smash has only a very small damage boost to it so does low damage to begin with)

    Power strike and Cleave are left here, and i'd sure love thme to be unlinked, but if that's not possible then i'd at least love to see them at a 1/4th linked timer (and not a half linked timer) instead.

    Note: Linked timers basically work like, you use one ability, and all linked to it are set to recycle at half of the time it takes for the ability you used to recycle, up to a maximum of half of the recycle time of each linked ability, with the used ability needing to recycle fully. E.G. I use power strike. smash, cleave and coordinated strike will then all recycle in 15 seconds. E.G. I use coordinated strike. smash and power strike recycle in 15 seconds and cleave recycles in 30.

    When i propose a 1/4th linked timer, i'm saying that in both parts of the linked timer process highlighted above, itd be one quarter of the time instead of half. So use one ability, and linked at set to 1/4th of its own recycle time, up to a maximum of 1/4th of the recycle time of each linked ability.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Warrior & linked timers

    Thanks for taking the time to type up your thoughts on this. I don't see them entirely being unlinked. I think there should be some consequence for choosing one ability over another beyond just "this one has recycled". In many games you have abilities that use mana-like concepts to limit how much you can use certain powerful abilities (think rage, mana, focus, etc). Istaria doesn't have that concept implemented so we make liberal use of linked timers. That will continue.

    However, two things that are under consideration are the lowering of recycle rates and the shared % for linked timers. It can be any value between 1 and 100 (technically it could be greater than 100, but that seems really weird). By default it is typically 50.
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