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Thread: Trophy Hunting

  1. #1

    Default Trophy Hunting

    I think that each kill should drop 1 trophy, after all you killed the Monster and should be rewarded for your efforts. After XP becomes 0 due to a high rating this becomes a lot more of a problem. If you wanted to adjust the XP given for the 5 trophy turn ins that would be welcomed as well, but we should be getting a trophy on the kills.

    I realize that some mobs drop 1, some 2, some 0 and it's a ratio thing and if you hunt a mob long enough, you will get trophies, but It's a very weird equation. I can hunt and get drops on certain mobs, then all of a sudden it stops. I keep hunting them and then they drop again, it's like a timer almost, but the player is still putting forth the effort and should be getting 1 trophy. I am ok with some of them not dropping 2 or any of them for that matter, if I know that when I drop a monster I'm going to get one. It seems more fair.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Trophy Hunting

    1 drop per kill - or any non-rng based rate for that matter - would feel even grindier than currently to me, nevermind need to adjust trophy hunter turn-in exp rates (as much as i loathe to say it, but that's a different discussion alltogether) which could end up giving us a disadvantage on some creatures where exp rates might be adjusted downwards too much.

    There are some individual enemies with awful trophy rates (-stares at tremendous loricatus beetles-) but its more of an issue with individual critters, and not across the board, imo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Trophy Hunting

    Yeah overhauling the whole system like that would probably be a lot of work just to end up being more aggravating than helpful. Of course I would love every mob to drop one trophy 100% of the time but with a change like that you would have to change the xp for turning them in and all that... not something I'd want fiddled with.

    Besides it's not like the trophy hunters are sending you out to eliminate x number of mobs (that's the town marshalls' jobs) they want 5 trophies from certain mobs. And when you're hunting something, not everything you kill will be "mount its head on your wall" worthy, or it might have been but you made a whoopsie and hacked the valuable parts to pieces so now it's not worth making a trophy out of.

    If the main issue is there's a point where you get 0 xp from killing things, then the problem is the rating system, not the trophy drop rates.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  4. #4

    Default Re: Trophy Hunting

    Seems like there should be a minimum xp based on current level, so that if you are trying to gain xp, you can at least use the class for hunting instead of just turning in trophies. Maybe 20% of normal xp for anything at your current level and up, unless you hunt something with a rating that would give more than that?

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