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Thread: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

  1. #21

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    (( haha no, was just slightly wondered at so many people reading the journal of Romirez. still wierd he's considered an Elder. or is it that my writing is halfway decent? ))

  2. #22

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    Your writing is good
    And I look forward to have more RP with you in game, the black primalist misses his friend.

  3. #23

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    Quote Originally Posted by Romirez View Post
    (( haha no, was just slightly wondered at so many people reading the journal of Romirez. still wierd he's considered an Elder. or is it that my writing is halfway decent? ))
    (( ahh hehe well you are as young as you feel *grins* and your writing is great iv always considered making one of these for agua but she has not roleplay to talk bout no one tends to do any on chaos))

  4. #24

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    Quote Originally Posted by AguaRush View Post
    (( ahh hehe well you are as young as you feel *grins* and your writing is great iv always considered making one of these for agua but she has not roleplay to talk bout no one tends to do any on chaos))
    You can still bring Agua on the forum's RP when there is some and feel free to create a character on Order if you want, too.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    well i would but im mainly on chaos and blight

  6. #26

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    *romirez yawns widely, having worked inside his lair for the day. he goes to his "bed" (more like a layer of Hay covered with cloth made to be the perfect sleeping mat), and grabs his journal, with writing stylus, ready to write.

    i guess i should write in this journal some more.... a bit has happened since i wrote in it last. first off... my Mother has recently passed. i am grieving...but i expected it to happen. she had failing health, and was sleeping for long periods of time. i had taken care of her for a while. *he audibly sighs here* i miss my mother. i wish she was still around.

    my mate, Zarla, has been dead for some time now... around a year or two i think. i haven't been really keeping track of time. being gifted... i can ignore the passage of time for a bit. but... i am doing much better now. i still miss her, but i am not as depressed as i was. i didn't really show it to others.. but her death tore me up inside for a long time. at least i had one to love. i miss her. *he fingers his earring at this time. he never takes it off*

    my daughter, Iseia, has grown up now! i saw her ascend. it was great to see her ascend. same thing for Duragis. both of the little ones i've cared for have ascended... makes me feel old... *he chuckles*

    speaking of old... i'm getting up there in years. i aint as young as i used to be. i have a whole bunch of battle scars on me, and some of my joints constantly tell me that i've gotten old. i look in the reflection, i don't see a young handsome dragon anymore. what i do see, is an older dragon that has years of experience. i can't say that i'm past my prime, because i'm still able to fight as i always have...but if i was not gifted, i would not be in the shape i am. i thank Drulkar every day for my Gift, or else i would be back in the fire realm... either that, or the spirit realm... *he smiles* maybe Drulkar will allow me to reside with him when i do pass.

    *he sighs as he taps his stylus*

    i suppose i should get back to work... helping the residents of Scorpion Isle build their homes. my neighbor needs my help.

    *romirez closes his journal, sets it down, and starts walking out of his lair, and down the road.*

  7. #27

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    *romirez comes back after the hard work, and re-reads his last journal entry... and realizes, he forgot about Welun! he hangs his head a bit in shame...he forgot another of his little ones. he personally vows to rectify this mistake, and make some more time with her, so he won't forget her like he did earlier.*

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    (very good cant wait to see what romirez writes next)

  9. #29

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    (( i am going to get back to writing this journal again. it's been way too long, and some events recently happened in romirez's life that should be written about. i'll post it when i am finished fleshing it out.))

  10. #30

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    *Romirez currently is laying down inside is lair chamber, the sounds of lava flowing are the only sounds around him.*

    it's been a long time since i wrote in this journal last. my neighbor in scorpion isle has really built up his home. i myself have been slowly improving my lair down here, getting the storage area finished, and onto the main hall of my lair. i've taken a bit of a retirement from all the fighting done on the eastern deadlands, to focus on my personal life and lair. one thing i have to regret, is that i did not save New Trismus from being ransacked by those damned Aegis. i have resided here too long, and decided to return to fighting the aegis again.

    when i was searching the New Trismus ruins, i came across a few friends of mine, one of which was Ryzaak. i didn't expect to find him here, and when i did, he still had the blight coursing through him. i tested a blight crystal on him, and he did react to it, and strongly, so i decided to try to remove the blight from him. the battle with it was pretty fierce, but after i had given it my all, and broken my crystal, i had managed to remove the blight from Ryzaak before it claimed him for the forces of the Aegis. i had lost consciousness, but i was still alive afterwards.

    afterwards, i was approached by a dragon and a biped about surtheim. apparently they needed a little help fighting him, so the dragon can get her final ingredient she needed for a potion of somesort. since i was in a fighting mood, i agreed, and met them at the isle of Fire, near Surtheim's lair. we approached cautiosly, and had prepared our spells to fight him, but his attack was still sudden. he had noticed us and instantly attacked. i went back to my old tactics, and activated my shield of gold, and spiked scales. we held well, but the other two with me had fallen in mid battle, leaving me as the sole survivor. i continued on using my old tricks, Refreshing breeze, and the two heal spells i knew kept my alive as i fought surtheim, getting back into my old rhythm. i had started taking some good blows, one to my right hindleg, almost breaking it, another to the ribs. surtheim looked just as bad as well because one more good blow would have defeated the giant golem, but he struck first before i could attack. the idea that i almost defeated surtheim single handedly was a good sign that i still had my fighting skill and prowess.

    one more dragon came and helped us to defeat surtheim this time. after he had revived me from my untimely death, he showed me this new fangled crystal he made using the crystal shaper technique that was recently revived. it had the properties of ice, turning your attacks into ice attacks. that dragon took down Surtheim easily, he didn't stand a chance. i didn't use that crystal, so i felt like i didn't need it at the time, but the more i think about it, it's interesting. i shall investigate this new 'Crystal Shaper' school.

    ((yay, new entry. i shall update them according with Romirez's in game antics, or other storylines i make up or encounter.))

  11. #31

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    Lov watches her daughter:
    Since early morning, she is holding her obsidian mirror in her claws, making strange moves, trying to see her back scales and tail,
    holding it in front of her face, changing her head scale all 5 minutes..
    " Luna, in Drulkar`s name-what are you doing?? If you are bored I have no problem to give you something to do or meditate about"
    Luna cringes and turns around to her mother, she looks sad, her pretty earfings hinge down
    "Mom- you should not have watched me" she blushes.
    "Come on sweet daughter" Lov tries to put her wing around her daughter, which is not easy, cause Luna is something bigger than she is
    "share your grief"
    A little tear runs down Luna`s orange- golden face

    " this handsome famous dragon.. look.."
    she shows Lov the latest entry in Romirez`journal
    " he said.." she sobbs " he talked about me as "HE"
    and I tried so hard to impress him- he is hmm well" she blushes again "handsome"

    Lov is speechless at the first moment, trying not to smile:
    " Luna, he DID see that you are a SHE- I am sure! He was just tired when he wrote that. Its just a typo..
    Next time he will know. So now- smile again-put off that make- up scale- and go out and train some fighting.
    See you later daughter"

    Lov turns around searching for her old friend Rom- to have a word with him.. or two^^
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  12. #32

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    ((whoops. i'll amend that. which part exactly should i amend that had he instead of she? also, the journal is private noone can read it but him. ))

  13. #33

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    ((since i cannot edit my post any longer, be advised, the final part of that journal supposed to be She, not he. i misremembered.))

  14. #34

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    ((reviving this, because it's time to update it. a lot has happened since i have returned.))

    *romirez walks into his lair room, with the writing desk he uses as a Khutit, sits down, and opens his old journal. he reads his previous entries, and is reminded of past events he has forgotten about. he has recently been very active lately since waking up again, and feels it necessary to write again. he picks up his old trusty Stylus and begins to write.*

    *he taps his stylus, gathering his thoughts.* I have recently woken up again, after a very long hibernation. apparently from what i learned about others, over a year had passed since i had fallen asleep. i was pretty shocked to hear the news. but it doesn't matter now. some of my old friends still are around, some have moved on to other realms. i miss my old friends, but i have made new ones! Racktor is still around, and he has grown up to be a respected Ancient, like me. i am happy to hear this, i remember when he was a young hatchling, still learning how the world worked. Lovwyrm is still alive, as well as her family too. the clone of Selarth, Thelras, has grown into an Ancient himself, long after the death of that murderous monster. he was tortured when he was young by the other dragons, for being even related to Selarth, but he out grew it in time. i am very glad to hear that, because he is a respected fighter and ancient as well. *he glances at his left thigh in a slight pause in his writing to look at the scar still there.* i still remember fighting with Selarth. ending that monster's life, i will never forget.

    i also have learned of a new discovery as well. dragons have begun to recover lost Adamantium scales that can be repaired, and i have recovered a few pieces myself. they are very formidable pieces of armor, very strong too. they allow me to move more freely, allowing more strength and dexterity into my attacks. i find myself able to dodge more attacks lately, and move myself to hit harder. it's renewed my vigor for combat training, which i have begun in earnest, getting the lazy off of my old flesh and getting myself back into prime fighting shape. i have my front leg armor, my hind leg armor, my tail armor, my wing armor, my head armor, and more recently my back armor. i just have to gather enough pieces to finish my chest armor. i need a few things from the Void to finish the chest armor. they recently have recovered the runes for the Primal Vengeance technique to be used again, my old chest piece isn't the only one with the technique on it anymore. speaking of which, i have officially retired my old Mithril-Marble battle armor, but that goes without saying. *he visibly grins while writing the last part*

    in other news, i have met a very wierd, and unstable hatchling named Pastle. she claims to be the Bane of Castle, wherever that is. in my recent encounters with her, it seems she might grow into being another selarth, because i have heard news of her threatening to rip out the wings of another dragon, and chasing down others to rip off body parts for some Necromanctic ritual. i am very wary, but she is only a hatchling. an event in the old Clearing that i go to had me change my mind about her however, because she recently ran into the clearing, popping off spells randomly in obvious pain. she ran out of the clearing, thelras was there with me when it happened. she ran off into the woods and Thelras chased after her. she then returned shortly, and literally exploded in a magic explosion. it was all very odd to say the least. i had to remain still and protect a hatchling from the events. no harm came to me or the hatchling, thank Drulkar, but Pastle was hurt very badly in the resulting explosion. me and Thelras had tried to heal her using our magics but the spells just literally bounced off of her, as if it was rejected, or blocked. i can't really explain it because i haven't seen anything like it before. Thelras then took her to her lair to recover.

    a day later, i find another dragon by the name of Niomira, who was with Pastle looking over and protecting her. she woke me up rather rudely, but she was very worried and panicked about Pastle, she could not find her. so, me and her ran off to Thelras's lair to discover her finally woken up. pastle was very weak, but Niomira wanted to carry her to her lair, so i offered to escort her there. we made it safely, but an incident with a Wyvern by the name of Inkbat was very interesting. i almost threw that wyvern across the room into the far wall, because it seemed like the wyvern was going to attack either me or Pastle, or both of us. luckily Niomira had interrupted everything by wrapping her tail around the little wyvern catching her. she locked her into a cage for all of our safety. so with Pastle safe, i had bid my farewell and retreated to my tree.

    a new Aegis general named Sarsilas has recently risen to power to cause trouble for us Living Races. we had to defend both of our hometowns of Dralk and Chiconis from their invasions, but we turned it on their heads when we had to keep a captured skeleton warrior from their ranks from being rescued by them. we defended the Imperial Outpost in the far east of Aradoth from the invading rescue party of the Aegis. it was rather tough, but we managed it after we outflanked their maneuvering army. escorting the Imperial band to Harro, we had met another splinter group of Aegis trying to head us off. we dispatched them easily, even with Fafnir the Defiler trying to interfere, as well as Reklar Plaugebearer trying to stop us as well. he had left his portal open, so we went through. we found ourselves deep in the eastern deadlands at the rallying point of their armies apparently, finding several of their Blight Anchors ready to invade. it is a good thing we did, because we turned our defense into an offense quickly, bringing the fight to them. after investigating, and fighting Daknor the Berzerk, and finally finding Valkor the Impaler, we found the reason of why Reklar was dissapearing. they had 3 magical objects they were messing with. we took two of them, the parchment and the pure black Essence orb. the third had been teleported with a spell back to wherever it went. the Imperial mages are investigating the objects in Tazoon as i write this. i am eager to hear the news about them.

    i still think about my Zarla every day. i dearly miss her, but i have grieved her death. i am still not ready for another mate however... but if the right one finds me, i shall deal with it as it happens. i don't really have much to write about this subject, but i feel it needs to be mentioned. i still never remove my Marriage band.

    *Romirez closes the journal, and goes to sleep on his sleeping mat as a quadropedal dragon, turning from khutit*

  15. #35

    Default Re: the journal and Life story of Romirez.

    *Romirez picks up his rune stylus, preparing to write again. he was rather bored, so he decided to do something*

    A lot has happened since i last wrote. after finishing my Adamantium armor, and doing some hard training to get myself back in shape, my combat skills are better then ever. i'm finding myself wading into enemy forces killing them one after another while they struggle to kill me, and fail horribly. my body however has gotten a bit older, and can't quite keep up anymore. my left leg joint at the hip has been giving me problems lately. i just ignore it however, my combat skill is at it's peak, and i don't want to let it languish again, but i have several others telling me to slow down. maybe i should. but i am not quite ready to retire yet.

    on a different note, i have recently met a hatchling by the name of Azayan. he found himself on Skalkaar after apparently dying at the hands of the Aegis after they invaded his home. his parents were not in the lair at the time, according to him they went off to war and never came back. apparently this all happened during the last chiconis raid i was in. i went to dig out the buried lair, and discovered a ransacked lair, the poor hatchling was understandably devestated, so i took him under my wing and began teaching him what i know. he's a bit snobby and rude due to his parents teaching him their ways, but i am trying to undo it. he has irked me a few times being rude, and saying things like "melee combat is for barbarians". i let a bit slide due to his recent events, but if he continues i'll have to teach him some humility. he does make a point though, my hide is marked with scars, my scales are showing years of battle. he wants to become a Helian spellcaster, and he hates physical combat.

    onto the topic of Aemar, that dragon is a wreck. scared of their own shadow. *he shakes his head as he writes this* i have tried getting rid of Aemar's anxiety, but it's a very tough process. one of my most challenging i have taken on. i can barely call them a dragon at this point, a goose knocked aemar out of the sky recently. how does a bird knock a dragon out of the sky for Drulkar's sake? that dragon is almost a lost cause at this point, because me and azath tried to help aemar, but Azath kind of blew it with trying to scare aemar. we were helping aemar with breathing exercises but Azath decided to scare the white one. Aemar just huddled into a weeping mess. *he sighs audibly* at least the breathing exercises worked. i will have to try those later, and get aemar to do them regularly, and work from there. that's the last angle i have left. if that fails, i have no other option.

    one of the latest raids we had repelled apparently had a few items they were using, we found them when we assaulted their position in the Eastern Deadlands. a parchment and an orb. the Orb powered portals to our realm, and the Parchment was a map showing assault points. we noticed they were attackign Aughundell, so we all stood our ground and defended the city in what i am calling the 4th Siege of Aughundell. Reklar was more determined this time, he did more damage then the last attack he sent us during the raid at Harro. this is the reason i can't retire yet, with the Aegis getting so active, i have to push back with the rest of the elders and biped races fighting. i'll never forgive myself if i just sit by and do nothing. hip pain and old age be damned, i'm still going to fight.

    *he closes his book, leaving his lair to go find something to do, possibly teach Azayan a few other things he knows*

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