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Thread: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

  1. #1

    Default Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Content Summary

    • Improvements to the first 10 levels of Druid!
    • Biped Construction Schools now use the Primary Skill system!
    • Fixes for update “16.2 The Cults”


    • Keori in Chiconis is now looking for willing Dragons to deliver a package for him.
    • Rift Spirit Form now caps FlyHeight/FlySpeed at 0 and makes you a proper spirit.
    • Dragon’s Essence Harvesting Mastery, Quarrying Mastery, Mining Mastery quests have been fixed so the counter will work. It will also prevent the quest completing from across the world (without needing to speak to NPC).
    • Focus of Spirit now has a 15s recycle (down from 60s) and does not share a timer with anything.
    • Gerix in the city of Kion is now known as BattleMaster Gerix and his tag-line is now “Adventurer Trainer”. He also sells basic Tier 1 unteched scales to young Dragons who need a boost.
    • Xarinnis in the city of Kion now has a tag-line of “Tradeskill Trainer”
    • Avariatus on the island of New Trismus is now known as BattleMaster Avariatus and has a tag-line of “Adventurer Trainer”. He also sells basic Tier 1 unteched scales to young Dragons who need a boost.
    • Kerian on the island of New Trismus is now known as Kerian the Wise and has a tag-line of “Tradeskill Trainer”.
    • Resliak on the island of New Trismus is now known as Resliak the Great.
    • Denizens of the Rift can no longer be damaged by someone who is not in Rift Spirit Form.
    • New decorations and decorative NPCs were added to Chiconis.
    • Rift Guardians no longer count as Lesser Epic bosses


    • Growth I now recycles every 30 seconds (down from 60), is received at level 5, and gives Greater Growth I while in Green Stance.
    • Growth I buff is now known as Lesser Growth I. Both Lesser and Greater Growth I have a duration of 30 seconds (down from 60) and pulse every 5 seconds (down from 6).
    • Instant Heal I is now received at level 3
    • Green Stance is now received at level 3
    • Smash 1 is received at level 1
    • Blue Stance is received at level 6
    • Nature’s Fury now recycles every 60 seconds (down from 90)
    • Cloak of Thorns is received at level 8
    • Petrify is received at level 6
    • Coordinated Lightning Bolt I now recycles every 60 seconds (down from 180)

    New Trismus

    • Adjustments made to the spawns of wolf, deer, cedar treant saplings, spiders and wild gruoks. Some areas have had more spawns added (treants, wolves, spiders).
    • Red Tusks on now has a patrol route instead of a regular spawn, and it no longer stretches over the side of a hill.
    • Added two new small brown wolf spawns east of the flax.
    • “Blacksmith: Help the Gatherer Gather Wood” has been renamed to “Blacksmith: Help Elenna Gather Wood”. Broken step that doesn’t recognize the creation of the 5 tree axes has been fixed.
    • “Blacksmith: Make Short Work of Short Swords” will now properly accept the 5 Bronze Short Swords and advance the quest.

    Spirit Isle

    • Spirit Isle Brown Spider Hatchlings are now known as Brown Crawlers
    • Quest “Cellardus' Quest: Mage Part II” now refers to Fireball and Magic Shell (instead of Enhanced Flame Bolt and Safety) and Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.
    • Quest “Cellardus' Quest: Cleric Part II” now refers to Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.
    • Quest “Cellardus' Quest: Mage Part I” now refers to Magic Shell instead of Safety
    • Quest “Cellardus' Quest: Mage Part III” now uses Incinerate instead of Engulf and refers to Fireball instead of Enhanced Flame Bolt.
    • Quest “Cellardus' Quest: Scout Part II” now refers to Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.
    • Quest “Cellardus' Quest: Warrior Part II” now refers to Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.

    Tazoon Region

    • New Rachival, Dalimond, and Chiconis are re-assigned to the City Racial Pads teleporter group.
    • Aura of the Forgotten now properly works on Forgotten Souls, not Enraged Souls and Fallen Curates. It also does not cap the total quantity of Recovered Memories at 1, but properly at 12.
    • Grave Miasma will now last 5 minutes (up from 2 minutes) and will no longer appear as a pink box on a player’s head.
    • Cleaned up quest “Pacifying the Angry (Part 2)”. The quest also refers to the High Confessor instead of Senior Confessor
    • Attuning to Tishlar now provides feedback.
    • Amulet of Scorpus now has an armor crystal icon.
    • Ancient Barasavian Charm now lists what it can be applied to and what it conflicts with.
    • Cleaned up quest “Avenge the Fallen (Part 5)” and fixed it so that the quest now properly requires completion of quest “Remnants of an Artifact (Part 2)”
    • Sigil of Toval is now properly called a Weapon Tech Kit, applies to weapons and claws (instead of armor and scales) and details what it does in its description.
    • Depolarized Remnant nodes will now properly give Dull Fragments while on “Remnants of an Artifact (Part 1)” quest. These nodes will no longer give Amber Azulyte crystals nor any resources, unless you are on the quest.

    Other Changes and Fixes

    • Sshranu in Sslanis is looking for assistants to help him with a new potion formula.
    • Deer are now known as Bucks and Does.
    • Rend Armor debuff is now known as Rended. Rend Armor I causes a greater reduction in armor while the user is in Green Stance.
    • Adjusted the respawn rate and times of Adamantium Golems within the Barrier Vale.
    • Son’s Shields, Son of Gigaroth’s guards, are now significantly taller.
    • Commander Jatell now offers the title “Demon Slayer”.
    • Epic Combat Ally abilities now use a skill value of 1600 (up from 1000) to determine to-hit and damage.
    • A number of Bolt (Standard and Improved) spells have had their damage adjusted to be more consistent with other bolt spells within the same tier.
    • Incinerate I now causes a greater reduction in flame resistance while the caster is in Blue Stance. Note, the 10% increase in damage while in Red Stance remains as well.
    • Updated some of the Jungle Crawler spawns within the Sslanis Jungle
    • Scorpions have been given a facelift with ability rebalancing and, for Stygian Scorpions, more health.
    • Scorpion Left Pincer attack now recycles every 30 seconds (was 15s).
    • Scorpion Tail Stinger attack now recycles every 35 seconds (was 30s).
    • Monster-generated poisons now have a much longer duration.
    • Blight Poison and Ally Poisons are no longer dispellable
    • Poison Bite is now known as Poisonous Bite and has a chance to inflict a Benign Poison instead of a simple DoT
    • Root I to VI are now known as Slightly, Partially, Moderately, Greatly, Extremely and Completely Rooted. They can no longer be dispelled (Slightly could not before), last 25 seconds (across the board), but have varying rates at which they will be removed when hit (ranging from 1 to 6 hits and 50 to 800 damage). Note that for now this does not impact other root-like debuffs such as Ice Shackles, Patch of Bramble, Debase, etc.
    • Construction schools now use the Primary skill system (this means you will only get XP from creating products that use your finishing skill or from applying resources to structures).
    • Master Leather Construction Canvas formula is now for sale by Frig Tallowgar at the Imperial Outpost.
    • Oastic Belch now has a 15m range and does nature damage.
    • Guardian of Rage in the Fiery Rift no longer counts as a Lesser Epic boss
    • Spirit Form, a Spirit Disciple ability, now has a 120s recycle (down from 300s).
    • Rhagool and Rhahool now have “Oddities Broker” beneath their name instead of a title
    • Two new junk dealers have begun offering their services in Istaria. Kelansu in the city of Kion and Elber Helmsplitter in the outpost of Delgarath.
    • Missing water added to ponds east of Pleasant Canyon 232/202
    • Flattened a plot at the guild community of Crucita.
    • The guild community of Crucita has requisitioned a new outgoing teleport gate.
    • Doc Tarrant at the outpost of Delgarath now sells a Master Antidote formula. Superior Antidotes are the only known way of curing a Lethal Poison.
    • Weapon Tech Kit: Flaming Weapon will now be usable if either the Warrior or Scout #6 quest on New Trismus is completed

    Client and Server Fixes

    • Construction Contribute UI
      • Slider bar allows click of the arrow to move the amount used by 1 unit (calculates how much you could contribute)
      • If tool needed is not equipped, UI shows red lettering for the tool and disables OK button
      • If not enough material in inventory, disables OK button
      • If resources are added to inventory, auto-calculates new max resources, etc.
      • Clicking "Use Novians" recalculates totals and adjusts the slider to the new possibility

    • When trying to delete a structure, sometimes the selected structure will shift after clicking the Okay button
    • After planning a structure and then clicking the “move” controls, the wrong structure is moved (until you select in the structure in the planned list)
    • Disable camera look when plot editing controls are pressed (alt or ctrl)
    • If clicking on plot structure, require ctrl and alt keys to rotate / move structure ( so that no confusion with look camera / unintended movement)
    Last edited by AmonGwareth; December 13th, 2016 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    I like the root changes, no more dispells. That should make the satyr race more attractive.

    As long as the mobs cannot cheat, and run around while rooted, I'm all for it

  3. #3

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Many plus points for changes in Rift

  4. #4

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    • Biped Construction Schools now use the Primary Skill system!

    What does this mean in English?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerech View Post
    What does this mean in English?
    These schools now only gain exp for creating (and in this case applying) their finished product, so construction keystones, spheres, etc.
    It also means that these schools have gained an increase in the exp they get from those products compared to before. (Enchanter especially gained quite the boost, it's finished products were actually giving less than the baseline if I'm not entirely mistaken.)
    Oooooh, what does this button do?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    While I am glad of the increase for creating/applying the finished materials, I'm not looking forward to having to swap schools more often to keep from losing the experience of making the base materials.

    I mean, if you get experience from making Bronze sheets as a Fitter, then are losing the experience from making the bronze bars, unless you switch to another school, which means running back and forth to a trainer a lot more often

  7. #7

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    If we could swap schools without running all over?
    100 / 100 / 100 / 100 Lunus
    "Mythclaws" Saris

  8. #8

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    The increase in exp gained for making and applying "final" product is supposed to more then make up for the "lost" exp from the raw resource processing so you really haven't "lost" anything.

    If anything you have gained the option to increase your exp even more by switching between 2 schools to get exp for both while getting more exp in your construction school then you had before.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    I understand you can level more than one school at once, and that's fine.

    I'm just complaining about all the extra running around. For instance, go to Kion (or somewhere) to join Scholar school, then go to Wisp Isle to make dim orbs, then have to run to Sslanis to switch to Enchanter to make the Spheres.

    If you have lots of storage silos available, this is more workable, but when starting out building a plot, you don't normally have any storage available.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    But you only have to do that if you want extra exp on your other schools. If you don't and just stay in fitter or carpenter or whatever you haven't "lost" anything as in your getting more exp then you did before.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Correct about the xp. The way the calculation works is that we totaled up the XP you would gain from making (I'll use metal as the example) all of the bars needed to make braces, and then all of the braces needed to apply to a structure. For good measure we increased that total value by 15%. Then, we assigned 80% of that total to the act of applying and 20% to the act of making the braces.

    Good example. At Tier 5 there was a range of values assigned to structures.

    For braces, the values increased from 4025 (some of them were 7939) at minimum / 1995 (some of them were 3034) at optimal to 9738 at minimum / 3721 at optimal. Likewise, for jointings, the values increased from 4984 (some were 10038) at minimum / 2485 (3784) at optimal to 12313 at minimum / 4641 at optimal.

    So, as you can see, those values are actually higher than the percentages I gave and were a significant increase over the previous values. You will level much more quickly when applying resources to structures now. Its simply the step of getting there and having structures that may be the pain point.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  12. #12

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    So this only affects the 5 construction schools? Not the other crafting schools (Blacksmith, etc.)? So you can't level Weaver by deconning pouches?

    I guess it's not that bad a change to live with. But it will require some adjustments, and at my age, any adjustment to the way something has been done before is a trial

  13. #13

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    New decorations and decorative NPCs were added to Chiconis.
    Forgot to mention... I love these changes! Chiconis looks more like a warm, inviting place to visit now

  14. #14

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    I love the "new and improved" Chiconis - very beautifull

  15. #15

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Is this a bug?

    Level 55 mason with a 611 masonry skill. I get experience for making Slate Blocks, but I don't get experience for applying them to a structure?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Which structure? Some decor and festival and banner plot items don't give xp
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  17. #17

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    No, I think it's OK. Malicore just pointed out ingame that the opt skill for making the blocks is actually 25 points higher than the opt skill for placing them. I'm falling in between those numbers it looks like

    False alarm!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    I think they lowered the applying skill numbers to take in the fact you can't get a shop bonus for applying like you can for making them.

    If they raise up the skill needed to apply would we then not be able to reach opt?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Question here: I read Caprica got a portal now. I requested a portal for the community Guild Immons a while ago with a ticket. The answer was that the chance of getting one is really high. My guild will only then really move there with a portal and its just far enough away from the next portal in Apia to be built. Id really love to see Immons becomming big. It went empty over and over again. I bet because there wasnt a portal. So how much of a chance does Immons have?

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  20. #20

    Default Re: Content Update 16.2.1 - The Cults (Part 2)

    Immons got a teleport gate with "The Cults" update on November 22nd.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

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