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Thread: Play on a Mac

  1. #1

    Default Play on a Mac

    Hi All - it's been a long time. - I am hoping I can find some help here as I would really like to return...

    I am not sure if anyone has ever had any success but I'd like to try getting the game to work on a Mac.
    I spent time with a dev on screen share once and we had no luck. We believe there is a java issue. I get to the launcher and am able to log in - but - then the next screen to select characters never loads.

    Recently Racktor sent me a message saying there were options to disable Directx9 - to trouble shoot the launcher. I am not sure how to get to this screen. I was wondering if you could check the box somehow by going into the program files which I can access through the PlayonMac app.

    Thought maybe someone on the forms could help me out. I am using the directions found here: -

    I have also attached screenshots so you can see what I am able to see. - Launcher modifications - what I see when I log in.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    I don't use Mac, but was wondering why the login button is grayed out on the launcher? Is your account all good? Is that the last screen you can get to on the launcher? If it is, its not getting connected to the login server I don't think.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    Agua actually figured this out with the help of Zzacku - they figured out a way to skip the launcher entirely ^^

    I'll let them post the details, though.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    Search the forums, there is a way to launch the game with a batch file.

    This might not work behind some firewalls though (my firewall blocks it).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    Agua actually figured this out with the help of Zzacku - they figured out a way to skip the launcher entirely ^^

    I'll let them post the details, though.
    I actually jumped the gun a bit hre, Zzacku figured out how to skip the launcher but Agua still hasn't gotten in-game yet.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by AguaRush View Post
    Thought maybe someone on the forms could help me out. I am using the directions found here: -
    Since not long ago I have a Mac myself ( Macbook Air ), and that tutorial was excellent, except for 1 minor detail.
    Java version used in tutorial was wrong ( too old ) and it caused launcher to throw nonsense errors.
    You need java version 7u80 and not 7u71.
    After changing java version, Istaria worked right away as it was supposed.
    I tested it on newest macOS Sierra
    It runs pretty smooth in Dralk with about 30-60 fps.
    Thats nice since this mac have only integrated gpu.
    When running Istaria its pretty quiet.

    Edit: oh also for some reason Istaria wont start using desktop shortcut created by PlayOnMac app, you need to start it directly from PlayOnMac app.
    Last edited by Mitar; December 24th, 2016 at 01:31 PM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    I am glad to see someone else got it working. However, it still seems to hate me. I installed are-7u80-windows-i586.exe and redid the install following the instructions in the help doc.
    When told to select the wine version I have to choose 1.7 but mine looks like this 1.7 - League of Legends. I run Istaria from within PlayonMac and the launcher opens. I log in and the screen never changes to the next one. Feeling stuck again. Wondering if others have any ideas what I could have done wrong...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    Well I did an update to IOS Sierra - Reinstalled Play on Mac - Reinstalled Istaria following the steps - and then got a little bit closer but still not there. I tried using the wine version 1.7.0 and also 1.6 . I get to the second screen of the launcher but when I click any of the options about the specs to answer the question the whole thing closes.However x quartz is still running - any ideas?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    Got it to work by - bypassing the launcher - if you need help on this in the future anyone can message me on here -

    then after getting logged into the game - i tried the regular way and this time the launcher worked. Not sure what fixed it - but as Mitar said - it is working - in the walk through google doc - it says to use wine 1.7 - you should select wine 1.7.0 that worked for me.

    Best of luck to all! See you in game

  10. #10

    Default Re: Play on a Mac


    Now don't breath or might break lol

  11. #11

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    Glad to hear it's working. I've submitted a new document with the corrected version numbers, etc. Once the devs have a moment, the tutorial will be updated.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Play on a Mac

    I've been running the game with playonmac for at least 2 years now. during that time there have been several issues with launching the game due to certain updates the devs have done. Currently it is extremely difficult to get into the game for the first time due to a relatively recent java update that is not compatible with playonmac, however if you can get past that and actually get to launching the game it usually works fine from then on.
    Here are the tricks and issues I have discovered in case anyone needs them in the future:

    1)the survey popup that appears when you initially install the game and run the launcher for the first time ALWAYS crashes the launcher no matter what button you hit. the way to get around this is to go into the game folder and try to start directly from the game exe or try one of the other launchers in the folder (there should be 2 or 3). once you get past where the survey popup should be it should never show up again.
    2)You can actually get up to java 8.something to work with playonmac even though its not supported, however you can not install it with a launcher, you have to download the actual java files and install them manually into the istaria directory. If I recall, you have to create a new folder named jre8 and place the files in there, DO NOT try to install them into the jre7 folder from an installer, when i did this the whole launcher stopped functioning and i had to delete the whole directory and reinstall Istaria to get back to trying to make it work again.
    once you get the jre8folder set up with the files you can then enable it through the playonmac settings. I actually managed to make java 9.0 work this way (no higher versions will work at all), however the folder must still be named jre8 in order to be able to enable it through playonmac.
    3)Wine version 1.6 actually works fine for me at the moment. when i first did the setup i did have to use wine 1.7 League of legends, but subsequent updates have changed things significantly and I've found that experimenting with different wine versions can sometimes make the game or launcher work better. So far i've found that 1.6 and 1.7 League of Legends both work depending on how you set things up, there are a lot of things you can play with and i've tried virtually every possible setting.
    4)the windows in the launcher flash and often appear blank so you can't see the options or buttons to hit. you can't do anything about the glitch with the launcher window, however you can make the popup windows appear correctly by minimizing the window and then bringing it back, the popup window should appear properly when it comes back. The popup still has a glitch though, you won't be able to see any changes you make, no check boxes will appear and you can only select one thing at a time, if you try to do more than one thing the whole launcher will crash. If you just select one box and then hit ok however, the selection you make will take effect even though you can't see it. if you want to make multiple selections you just have to do them one at a time and the quit the launcher and restart it each time you want to make another change.
    5)in the troubleshooting options you MUST uncheck the box "use dx9 shaders" if you do not, the game will crash on loading every time. for some reason it is not compatible.

    That's all I can remember at the moment, If I find more issues/workarounds I will post them here.

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