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Thread: Calling All Istarians

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Calling All Istarians

    Hello everyone!

    I recently watched a video describing the end of Asheron's Call, 17-year-old MMO that had the plug pulled a few days ago. A few players were interviewed by the site and they described their experiences in the game, their earliest memories, and why they loved it and stuck around so long. It was really touching and made me want to cry just thinking of how I would feel if Istaria was shut down, god forbid.

    However, it also inspired me. Hearing the voices and experiences of people overlaid with video of the community giving their last hurrahs made me think of how we, as Istarians, could compile our own experiences into our own video. I have videos on my channel showing fancy effects, dragons ascending, and explaining gameplay, but I don't have one showing just how much of a community we all really are.

    I have very fond memories on this game, thinking back to my very first days walking into a New Trismus filled with people, many of whom who have moved on now, but also many who I still talk to and care for dearly today. I remember my first ascension, the joy of flight, and the joy of making my dad stay up until midnight to watch my ancient ascension that followed. I remember coming back and seeing people overjoyed to see me again after a break and I remember all the funny times in group with friends getting our butts kicked by some mob we were way too weak for.

    But those are just my memories.

    I want to hear yours! And I want to bring all of our memories and joys and our reasons why we play into one video, a video by the community, for the community, and for anyone who might want to join our community.

    If any of you want to contribute and tell us your story, please do! Don't be shy! Use Window's audio recorder or search up Audacity and just... tell your tale. I don't mind if your microphone is lower quality; as long as I can understand you without much background conversations or noise, it works.

    If you can only tell your story in text, I'll pick some and read them out, so feel free to write that here, too.

    When you make your contribution, think of these questions:
    Why do I play Istaria?
    Why am I still here after this time?
    What brought me in in the first place?
    What do I remember from my earliest days?
    What are my fondest memories?
    What do I want to tell the generation of newbies that come after me?
    Can't contribute any stories? Feel free to give me your favorite screenshots, UI on or off, any resolution, showing your most touching memories and favorite moments. Spam me! Videos are awesome, too. I'll put your name on-screen for credit.

    Most of all, though, have fun. I look forward to hearing from you.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    I'll definitely be contributing! Gonna get to writing what I want to say, and gathering up screenshots and videos for it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    Glad to hear! Take your time!

    I want to clarify a few things here since I can't edit my original post right now -

    I'd like to see something before March 11th!
    I imagine if someone wants to contribute, a month should be enough time to get it together. If you have something that comes up but you really want to contribute, PM me and we can make arrangements.

    Secondly, this is the video that I watched that got me thinking:
    Related article:

  4. #4

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    You're gonna be getting a sound clip from me! Istaria means so much to me, no way I'd miss explaining it.
    "Normality is a paved road. It's comfortable to walk on, but no flowers grow on it." - Vincent Van Gogh

  5. #5

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    If I find the time, I shall try to contribute as well! both from the standpoint of a long-term player as well as my current position.
    Oooooh, what does this button do?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    i'll try to add a recording too, i have a headset microphone.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    I'm so happy to hear you're all interested! <3 It means a lot to me! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Please, though, do spam me with screenshots! I want to play the recording while going through what you give to me to accompany your story. So don't hold back! Be sure to tell me which are your favorites, though, if you're adding in filler or else I'm going to pick at random.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    When I found out the hard way that 1000 deathpoints will give an 83 hour and 15 minute death penalty.
    I just lost the game.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    Quote Originally Posted by jerk-o View Post
    When I found out the hard way that 1000 deathpoints will give an 83 hour and 15 minute death penalty.
    Add that to the record XD.

    Btw i will join as well. Get ready to be spammed. Over Discord or what do ya think of?

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    Just a heads up that this still exists and I'm still hoping people hop on board!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    It`s the 11th of march and only 2 are really contributing so far if i`m right (excluding Rack). A little reminder it would be nice to get some more people . What about the devs? Any time?

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    I'll be glad to extend the deadline if it means pulling a few more people in, there's only so much I can do with 2 other people than me, haha

  13. #13

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    I'm still very much interested in supplying an entry of my own, sadly I just haven't had the time lately.
    Oooooh, what does this button do?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Calling All Istarians

    I posted this on Discord, but maybe you can make use of it:

    Ok. I promised a story about fighting npc's, so here's one: Back during the event to free the Dryads, part of the event were 5 named event mobs around the world. We had to kill them to get a chance for a scroll (1 of 4 or 6, can't recall), a wand (1 of 6), possible mob part (which we later learned could be turned in along with a crafted item to get the crafted item upgraded), or clues to performing the ceremony on Aubadrine to free the Dryads. Anyway, one of the named mobs was a giant bloodsnout named "Umgruk". We had learned that he dropped "Umgruks Grizzled Hide" which could be turned in with a Reinforced Hide Mask to Ranger Ashmoor, who would give you back a Boar's Hide Mask. I wanted one for my Dragons' hoard... So there I was, approximately level 70 Hatchling, and Umgruk was level 72, 66k health, and had bloodsnout grouks as guards. And once you killed them, they would respawn. They were all pretty nasty. At this point in time, Dragons did not have Gold Rage, only got 7 t&c and primal per level, only got 7 strength per level... generally pretty weak and not really Dragon like. Umgruk spawned north of the yews around Harro, on the west side of the hill where now the broken house haunted by Bannock's ghost is, (27901, 26381) just west a bit from Arek Wikhalad. So to accomplish killing Umgruk, just myself and a biped paladin guildie dragged Umgruk all the way to Aughundell gates (25380, 25737) so that Prawn Golemslayer and Gremora Shieldbreaker (the 2 guards there) could help us... This was a 2500m drag to the west. Following the roads, killing Dark Stalkers, Cursed Wolves that attacked along the way, killing the Bloodsnout adds as best we could... Dying multiple times and getting ressed... Dragging Umgruk all this way served 2 purposes, 1, the guards could keep his attention for short periods, if one of us died and had to recall and run back, or get ressed and buff, and 2, as we killed the Bloodsnout adds, they respawned all the way back at Umgruks normal spawn. They were still grouped with Umgruk, and would run all the way to us... but it was a 2500m run for them, so we had some time facing off just against Umgruk. Needless to say it was a hell of a battle, taking over an hour, earning us many deathpoints, but in the end we succeeded. In some small part thanks to fighting npc's.

    Another fun example of fighting guards, was Clarissa, and all the Grove guardians around the Tower of Nature. Pull the nasty western deadlands mobs to the Tower, and the guards would all come to your aid, casting Dark Cyclone on them. Selenia the Brilliant used to live just south of the Nature Tower, you could pull her to the tower, and watch them go at it. All the guards would end up dead, but not before 6 of them all cast Dark Cyclones on her... Was so much fun doing that.

    Also, more stories like this here:

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