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Thread: Istaria on Discord

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Istaria on Discord

    Greetings, everyone!

    You may remember a few weeks ago that BrutusiusFellthorn made a thread on a Discord for Istaria over in Fun Stuff. I’m remaking it here in General to be a bit more visible and to update the link, as the main post's link is no longer the most recent. We have since merged the Discord there with one I made a few weeks prior And yes, I asked Brutusius if I could repost the thread, no worries!

    For those who know what discord is, well, what're you waiting for? Come on in and join us!
    Feel free to spread the join link around off of this page!

    Do you not know what Discord is? Well, let me explain:

    Discord is a relatively new group instant messaging and voice server program. It's basically a very gaming-oriented version of Skype with a good amount of improvements. In short:

    • Free-to-use instant messaging and voice call platform like Skype that uses a noticeable amount less resources on your computer or can be used in your browser. It also has a mobile app!
    • Supports multiple text and voice channels within a single chat server to allow a lot of people to have a lot of conversations at once without cluttering up a single channel.
    • Allows clear use of roles unlike Skype with moderators/administrators displayed separately from normal users with different color names.
    • Also supports instant messaging between individual contacts and peer-to-peer calls.
      Can be linked to Skype, Steam, and a few other programs to sync up any contacts you have that also own Discord.

    In the Istarian Discord, we currently have exactly 60 members at the time of writing this. It's almost a 50/50 split between Chaos and Order players as well as about four of the development team who occasionally pop in, chat, or answer questions.

    We also run the bot Dyno, who will greet you when you first join in the welcome channel and encourage you to read the rules before joining the bulk of the chat. (Not to mentoin he's very appropriately named, as well...)

    Ready to join? Then click the link up there and hop in and say hi! Anyone is welcome, no matter the server or whether you play currently or not.

    Here is our current text channel and voice channel set up. Any channel you're not interested in you can just right click and mute individually so you get no notifications.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Big milestone - we've officially broken 100 people!!!

    A heads up to newcomers - you will be locked out of every channel except 'welcome' when you first join! This is an anti-spambot procedure since the link is openly shared. Just read the welcome message from the bot and follow its instructions - you'll be set up in no time.

    If you get stuck or don't understand, just write your server name when you join so I can manually remove the restrictions.
    Last edited by Racktor; November 14th, 2016 at 03:11 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Istaria "ON" Discord hehe

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  4. #4

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    I actually created a discord for Istarian players months ago (we have around 50 players), didn't have my forum account at the time though, until now.
    xWaterwingx SpiritStream - Lunus Ancient | Lycheeberry Pavlova - Helian Ancient | Atriva Liliin - Lunus Ancient | Intossicara Draconis - Helian Ancient | Bananaswirl Milkshake - Helian Ancient | Veshk Melone - Lunus Ancient | xWaterwingxII SpiritStream - Lunus Ancient
    And more aaaaaaaaaa

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Well... I'm not sure what to say beyond I honestly never heard of it until you mentioned it now? ^^; The Discord I've linked here is a continuation of the Cross-Server Istarian Chat from Skype which was made 2 years ago in September 2014. Since Discord is the newer platform, we basically migrated there and merged with another smaller/younger server to grow to the 113 people we have now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Somewhere in Istaria chasing butterflies or prowling the deadlands, getting into mischief.

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Yes! Count me in! How exciting.
    ~ Alphiner, Sacoridia, & Anakis ~
    Encircled by ancient records, books, and maps, located in light-sensitive rooms that stay cloaked in darkness until you make your presence known, and enveloped by dust that softly tells tales of yesteryears, it presents the ideal ambience...almost too idyllic, perhaps, for a tranquil nap... Zzzzz.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    I do know about that skype chat, though I left it about a year ago and it was never mentioned to me after that (plus it was pretty annoying, only way I could silence the notifications was to go on DnD which I did not want to do) xD

    Skype has just been dying for me and some friends so I rarely use it now aside from small conversations with some people who don't have discord. Also, you're never online for me/I'm never online when you are, on Istaria, so there wasn't a way I could let you know. Istaria doesn't have a mailing system, sadly. ^^;
    xWaterwingx SpiritStream - Lunus Ancient | Lycheeberry Pavlova - Helian Ancient | Atriva Liliin - Lunus Ancient | Intossicara Draconis - Helian Ancient | Bananaswirl Milkshake - Helian Ancient | Veshk Melone - Lunus Ancient | xWaterwingxII SpiritStream - Lunus Ancient
    And more aaaaaaaaaa

  8. #8

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Bumping up to make easy to find again. Have had someone told about in market chat.
    Denaryr, ancient, 100/100/36/10Fireth, ancient, 100/100/19

  9. #9

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    I'll bless this thread with a sticky as it's been requested, it also seems like a good idea to get it more out there/known about as it's a platform to contact the development team on.
    Oooooh, what does this button do?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Thanks so much Liseth!

    Just in time for another milestone! Over 200 members!

    126 from Chaos and 64 from Order

  11. #11
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    This Discord has been officially adopted by Virtrium and is now in my ownership. This doesn't change much, but most importantly, it does mean that it's now linked on the website and the community pages. It also means that any bug reports / suggestions received there can be discussed and considered with as much validity as any other form of communication under VI's control.

    The original owners/administrations and moderators have been converted into community moderators and will continue to oversee the server while the developers are busy. If there are any problems with them, send me or another developer a PM. The process to apply for a moderator position is within the server and described using the bot command ?apply.

    Avatar by Scaleeth

  12. #12

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    I had actually began to have thoughts of joining Discord, on the premise it was UN-Official

    But, for the sake of argument, I believe this changes a lot of things. like how Virtrium will be run more strickly. Not that I know of any issues related to activity previously, but every time someone involved with this team takes over or makes a new place to talk... The lines begin to blur and new rules come into effect as to how things are handled overall. But I am guessing this was an agreed takeover, with original owners. So good luck

  13. #13

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Quote Originally Posted by Malicore View Post
    but every time someone involved with this team takes over or makes a new place to talk... The lines begin to blur and new rules come into effect as to how things are handled overall.
    I have no clue what you're talking about. Especially since this is the first time, at least since the time I started playing (which is around the time virtrium took over Istaria), that I've seen Virtrium not only open up to public speaking, but fully embrace it and take over a platform like this. The developers have been in the discord chat pretty much since it started, in my eyes it was more or less official months before the actual handing over of the reins happened, as it had, to my knowledge, the majority of the team in it who were, and still are, interacting with players, listening to feedback, and more of that good stuff.

    Even further, since the takeover, the rules that were pretty all encompassing already, have changed very little. Aside from a few changes where it mentioned moderators and admins before to now be "Community Moderator".

    Maybe you should actually give things a try before condemning them, because most of this just sounds like some weird anti-virtrium propaganda to me

  14. #14

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    No thanks, it's already pulling info from forum now. I don't need to follow every new social media app out there. yesterday it was skype, today it's discord. tomorrow... who knows. not interested in changing my chat programs every time this switches to new platform. My friends can reach me on skype, that's all I have or intend to run for now. Though I have been invited to snaptchaps or whatever. and whatsnap.... too many programs to run just to talk to people. No one can can or will commonly use one convenient program.

    And this is nothing to do with and "Anti-Virtrium Propaganda" though if you wish to think that.. oh well

  15. #15

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    I do not have discord but want to know what going on and if i should truely join?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    I have found it useful when I have a question and no one in game has the answer. Also an effective way to report bugs. I don't use the app, I just use the web page for Discord.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
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  17. #17

    Default Re: Istaria on Discord

    Wanted to bump this to invite anyone who isn't currently on discord to join us there. To discuss the game, share screenshots, or even just post memes with fellow players or interact with the dev team.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

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