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Thread: Cherub's Song

  1. #1

    Default Cherub's Song

    Might as well ask here, does anyone know if Cherub's Song actually works in any way ? Considering the possibility to invoke the actual effect being such a low percentage, and the damage dealt to an opponent (watch the healthbar of the opponent, you won't get any regular combat feedback on damage it deals), I've decided to give it a go in combat.Despite being on a five minute timer it gets used when available. I've not really noticed anything whenever I've used it.

    Here's the picture of it :


    Is there any official line on if Cherub's Song is working as intended ? Player observations of whether there's any real effect during combat would be appreciated too [:)]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Olympus - Home of the Gods

    Default Re: Cherub's Song

    Never noticed it working.
    Tried it a few times, but have not seen yet any positive outcome out of it.
    I should test it again better.


    100 Warrior / 100 Cleric / 100 Shaman / 100 Guardian / 100 Monk / 100 Spiritist
    60 Druid / 40 Chaos Warrior / 36 Mage

  3. #3

    Default Re: Cherub's Song

    I think I got it to go off once. *Perhaps*. Damage went up by about 10-15 a swing. I wonder if it is something that can be monitored internally somehow to see if the ability activates .. with a 5 minute timer and the variability in combat anyway it is a hard call.

    Usually its something I use in concert with my elven leadership/bright shield/use shield/oh-my-god it's going to kill me if I don't kill it first hotkey bar [;)], so it tends to be intermingled with a bunch of other abilities that can be activating simultaneously.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Cherub's Song

    It does work, you just need to notice the 5% chance of getting it on.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Cherub's Song

    Quote Originally Posted by Jhaniss

    It does work, you just need to notice the 5% chance of getting it on.
    Had to highlight your text so I could actually read what you'd written, why bother with the highlighting anyhow ?[:P]

    Ok so it works you say, what indication is there that it works ? Sure we can see it knocking off oh, 20 health from a level 50 critter, only so long as we watch the healthbar of the critter, there's no other feedback to show that damage occured. We can tell when it misses, we're given feedback text to say that it missed. However when it comes to actual text feedback of damage dealt or an effect being applied, there is nothing. I've never noticed it being easier to hit my enemies after using it either.

    If you've got more to bring to the table, then by all means do so [:)]

    I don't know if any of you saw my post about Cherub's Song on, but basically it asked what worth there is in an ability that is on a five minute timer, where according to the probability of it working we have to use it every time it becomes available over the course of an hour and a half in order to hopefully guarantee the effect applying to our target at least once. At least if we had feedback of the effect applying, we'd be able to run better analysis of whether it is actually in effect judging by regular hits following a successful use of the ability.

    Ideally this ability should be restored to how it was originally, remove the 5% chance of the effect applying to the target, so that the effect is applied every time the ability is used. A 1 minute lowering of our enemy's evasion, usable every 5 minutes is reasonable, in its current form it is not a viable ability to use.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Cherub's Song

    It knocks the damage off the critter because it has the base damage on it what effects with successfull hit. After that there is roll for that 5% chance to get the cherub's touch effect with has 50% of base evasion for a time.

    This means that even if you succeed with the hit it doesn't mean the debuff succeeded.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Cherub's Song

    i dont think you see a damage increase if it hits, as it lowers evasion.
    but when it hits you should be able to hit the mobs more often (looks like a good ability to put on mummy dryads using their dazzle)

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