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Thread: [Event] - Trick or Treat: Riddles and Seek

  1. #1
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default [Event] - Trick or Treat: Riddles and Seek

    A cool breeze rustles the trees who drop some of their last leaves on the ground in preparation for the cold winter ahead. As the red and gold leaf litter dances and swirls across the paths, living races of young and old visit the Fall Festival to dress up and participate in some friendly banter and exchange candies.
    However, also hiding among the colorful backdrop are some mysterious forces, beckoning the Gifted and offering them riddling clues once found, rewarding them with treats of their own… or tricking them with dangerous forces if the answers prove wrong.

    Walking back to your property, you hear a whisper in the brush or a call from the trees. Was that your name? Was that a question? Better find out…


    Welcome to a few hours of live server fun, Gifted! From 3:00pm EST until 5:00pm EST (unless we run out of riddles sooner!) on Saturday, November 4th, various “Tricksters” (Mobs played by GMs) will be scattered across the world, hinting their whereabouts in the Event channel in-game. If you discover them, they will give you a riddle. Is your Istaria trivia good enough to answer it correctly? The only way to know is to try!

    This event will be hosted on the Chaos server due to the fact that the variety of possible rewards and amount likely to be handed out make it hard, if not impossible, to host on the collective Blight server and transfer rewards to live. Chaos was chosen as it has the higher population. Order players are welcome to join through copied characters or temporary alt characters made for the event; rewards will be transferred to the main character on Order. (Please contact a GM during the event with your main’s name on Order so we can write it down!)

    The Game & The Rules
    • 3-5 Tricksters will be hidden across the world in non-obscure, but not obvious places. (Think: under Bristugo’s large tree) Every time a Trickster moves and every 10 minutes thereafter, they will write a hint to their location until found.
    • Once a Trickster is found, the Trickster will offer the first player to find them a riddle.
      • This player then has three tries to answer the riddle. Every subsequent incorrect response will garner a bigger enemy response. On the last strike, the player is instantly killed.
    • Once a riddle is solved or failed, the Trickster will relocate to another location to be found again with a new riddle (if the previous was solved) or the same one as prior (if not solved).
    • All ancient and adult dragons will be restricted from flying using the Juvenile Dragon Hatchling Costume, which allows gliding, to prevent bipedal players from being disadvantaged.
      • Any adult or ancient dragon not in costume when arriving at a Trickster will not be eligible for a riddle and will cause the Trickster to relocate.
      • Costumes will be given out every time a Trickster relocates in Genevia. While relocating, the GM will teleport to Genevia's landing pad and use a command to send the costume to any dragon in the area before moving once more.
    • All speed buffs are allowed.
    • Collaboration is allowed, but only the person who answers the riddle correctly will be rewarded. Splitting of rewards is up to player choice.
    • Tricksters will not be visible on the map as they will be considered mobs, but also be invincible. So usage of the map is allowed, but not very useful in actuality.

    Time: 3:00pm EST - 5:00pm EST
    Date: November 4th, 2017
    Start Location: Genevia, nearby the landing pad
    Last edited by Sarsilas; November 3rd, 2017 at 02:14 AM.

    Avatar by Scaleeth

  2. #2
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: [Event] - Trick or Treat: Riddles and Seek

    Riddles Used

    Karane the Historian
    She is the start and the end
    To the skies you she will send
    Sitting within a lair alone
    For human’s sins she helps you atone

    In the jungles of Sslanis she hovers
    Above the crop she alone discovers
    A nod to a developer long gone
    She hopes not to be come upon

    The first dragon you will see
    Before you begin your leveling spree
    He sits and waits for the newest of all
    A young dragon fresh from a fall

    This lonely dragon would be
    the drake who helped set your wings free
    Out of town and away he is
    On a route you really do not miss

    Torn between reality and not
    Is the greatest man who fought
    Against the dead and cold
    And started breaking the war’s old mold

    Big, ugly and round
    these beasts travel the ground
    With a squirrel in their mouth
    that just really wants out

    Gem Golem
    Reflective and shiny these constructs are
    As they stand and collapse from each other not far.
    Lapis, Opal, Amethyst and Peridot -
    Across the world they can be fought.

    A giant whirling mass of flame
    He gladly will take the blame
    For the murder of scores of Gifted group
    As they venture into his realm for loot

    A whipping slam from his staff
    Gives him a howling laugh
    As the group before him sways and groans
    From the long stunning shock this kwellen loans

    Son of Gigaroth
    Huge and fearful is this creature
    Who has become the Deadlands’ wandering feature.
    Wings of green and staff of black,
    He awaits for the Gifted’s attack.

    Fallen in an ancient battle,
    This giant warrior hears cries as prattle.
    Awaiting the fight in his personal castle,
    This monster is more than just a little hassle.

    Sharp with ice shard after shard,
    Fighting him really isn’t that hard.
    Gifted can end him with just a few,
    Just hope he isn’t with his crew!

    A large hound full of Blight,
    Comes with a group for a fight,
    Outside of Harro he currently wanders
    The death of the Gifted is what he ponders

    It is quite a tremendous sight,
    To see this tall blight.
    For whomever comes near,
    Shall be filled with intense fear.

    Project X
    In a city left in shambles,
    Covered by thick, dark brambles
    A beast of metal and magic
    It moves on, forever automatic

    Hidden in Dralnok’s Doom,
    She fills folks with gloom.
    With the heart she shall die,
    Where the restless dwarves lie.

    Tortured long ago, and twisted by fate,
    The Gifted await outside his gate.
    Weak to flame, and surrounded by ice,
    You’ll never find this large foe playing nice

    This is where the first dragon made home,
    Where fire and smoke is very prone!
    Helians once had to leave this grand city,
    And far away they went; what a pity.

    A beautiful green city, one in a million,
    The perfect home for a Helian.
    Dragons, trainers and resources galore,
    In such a big valley filled with lore.

    A city on the peninsula bay,
    For over 100 years it’s been the human way,
    Southwest of Tazoon you’ll find this place,
    The Vandus Confederation you shall face.

    An area known as a hub,
    Where Gifted can build vault, house and pub,
    It gets you from city to guild, to settlement
    But the fees may leave you bent.

    The residents of this city purr in content,
    For this sandy desert is where they were meant!
    Safe from the aegis even without walls,
    Venture yonder if one has the gall!

    In the jungle this city lies,
    Where only the lizard person replies.
    In Lesser Aradoth is this hold,
    Where many stories can be told.

    Surrounded by walls and battles of old
    Sits this town that prizes iron over gold.
    Within its gates are the strongest of men
    Preparing for a siege, a fight, yet again

    Bachan / Satyr Islands
    Conquered and lost to the continent of east,
    Is a land once owned by a hybrid of man and beast.
    Lost pieces of this fallen land still sit in the ocean
    Where a race was enslaved by their own emotion.

    Teleported away by magic to the rift
    Is a city now slipping in worlds adrift.
    Owned by the smallest of all the races,
    Great danger in the east is what it faces.

    Eastern Deadlands
    Far to the east of known life
    Is a horrible land full of strife.
    Symbol of failure, death, and war,
    This blackened horror has much in store.

    Western Deadlands
    To the west of all safe lands,
    Is a stronghold of Undead that stands
    Undefeated and unconquered by all
    But a tower of living, proud and tall

    Northern Deadlands
    Many a hatchling find themselves traveling here,
    For not earning their wings is their only fear!
    Wandering here a spirit of shade, and a spirit of cold,
    To face the dead here one must be bold.

    New Trismus
    A place newly Gifted head to,
    All sorts of training they go through.
    It was a small town once complete,
    Until the Aegis thought they could compete.

    Spirit Island
    Here a biped starts their journey,
    For the Gift has deemed them worthy.
    Where they start their craft and adventure,
    Preparing for their long and interesting venture.

    It is here where the young ones spawn,
    And before long they will all be gone.
    Off to earn their wings and fly,
    To soar through the open sky.

    Nestled between ocean and war,
    Is a town formed around olden lore.
    With a sinkhole that leads to the horrible deep,
    It is a town that will never simply sleep.

    Dragons used to come here, young and old,
    To teach, to learn, until fate decided to unfold.
    The Withered Aegis tried to destroy it all,
    But one strong spirit waited for his last call.

    Heave ho the metal struts
    Say the muscled race full of guts
    Living in a well-sieged town surrounded by wall
    Are a stout race known by all

    Very small but ever so smart,
    Though they did not have the best start.
    Their old home was long ago destroyed,
    Destruction of their new home they hope to avoid.

    Cloven hooves and faces of men,
    This race was trapped in a pen
    Filled with misery, death, and fear
    The Gifted saved them within a year

    Avatar by Scaleeth

  3. #3

    Default Re: [Event] - Trick or Treat: Riddles and Seek

    We had fun running around chasing after tricksters..

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