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Thread: Fyakki and abominations anyone

  1. #1

    Default Fyakki and abominations anyone

    I dont need to rant more. You know what i mean bye.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    I'm trying to read between the lines. If I'm correct, you can't power level at the fyakkis for almost a year now.

    If you sit on the wall, you will receive zero experience. If you find another place in the world to hide from mobs, you will receive zero experience. If you are perched anywhere a monster can't hit you, you will receive zero experience.

    Power level hasn't possible for quite a long time.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Ya i know but what was done to those people who were powerleveling out there probably nothing. Which is not fair to other players. Because techinally they have an unfair advantage now. Not that it is any of my business. I know other places to level or just collect trophies. But im kinda burned out anyways.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Power leveling is still technically possible, it's just very risky now. The character getting the levels has to be in the thick of it and hope they don't die with every hit they take.(Which I agree with: large risk, large reward) And at best, the experience you get is 1/10th of a level per kill because it's capped there... so for a new character, it's honestly easier to do your own quests to level so you don't have to play catch up later just to be sufficient. With bipeds and multiple schools though, you're stuck with one grind or another very quickly since the quests run out rather fast after one school to 100. A 150 rating biped for example, the only way to get any experience on a character like that without shoving thousands and thousands of trophies down their throat is to power level, and even then it's a grind... marginally faster than trophy grinding, but still a grind.

    Anyway, why should something be done? Power leveling happens in every game where there exists a faster way to level than just doing your own quests. In a game as grindy as Istaria is, the fact that the majority of the population has power leveled in the past or continues to do so in the case of bipeds is unsurprising.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  5. #5

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Because there is really no benefit to have every class. A well built biped can do just as good as 279 rating biped. And just because everyone else is doing it or it happen in every game doesnt mean person has to... That kinda like that peer pressure thing you had in high school and middle school. Remember? I dont know you just kinda make it sound like you have to have all the levels to enjoy the game. I dont i think it just started a long time ago with certain group to be 279 rating and now everyone has to be cool like them. And even then its not that hard to build 150 rating character. or even 125 rating character which plenty really. And i really dont see what the hurry is the game not going anywhere. Everyone clearly has plenty of time. Just chill. If your in such a hurry to be superman i dont i think ur playing for the wrong reason that just my opinion though. I used to be. Besides if you powerlevel you never learn how to fight and become a high level gimp.
    Last edited by Willthesaviorofistaria; December 28th, 2017 at 04:00 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    Because there is really no benefit to have every class. A well built biped can do just as good as 279 rating biped. And just because everyone else is doing it or it happen in every game doesnt mean person has to... That kinda like that peer pressure thing you had in high school and middle school. Remember? I dont know you just kinda make it sound like you have to have all the levels to enjoy the game. I dont i think it just started a long time ago with certain group to be 279 rating and now everyone has to be cool like them. And even then its not that hard to build 150 rating character. or even 125 rating character which plenty really. And i really dont see what the hurry is the game not going anywhere. Everyone clearly has plenty of time. Just chill. If your in such a hurry to be superman i dont i think ur playing for the wrong reason that just my opinion though. I used to be. Besides if you powerlevel you never learn how to fight and become a high level gimp.
    Or you just let people play the way they want, rather than dictate how they should? you missed the entire point of powerleveling mostly being used by multiclassers that want to multiclass, and who are you to deny them their own goals and fun? You're 100% correct on newbies being powerleveled by people who have no idea what they get the rest of the community into though, they powerlevel them, and then refuse to take responsibility for what they caused and dump them on the community to help out with, but this is rarely the case nowadays

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Im not denying anyone im just telling you go ahead and get to 279 rating. And then tell me how you fell after wasting all that time would you could have made multiple 150 bipdes just as powerful and done tons of other things. I was just trying to be helpful really. I know lots of people that have gotten to 279 rating that say a well built biped is just as good. So have fun. Ill sped my time playing this game here and there and other games. Sorry for trying to be helpful. Its kinda like when you want i new iphone or something and get in line for it ahead time and get the iphone finally. Its not really the ipone that makes you satisified. Its just the relief of finally have gotten it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    Im not denying anyone im just telling you go ahead and get to 279 rating. And then tell me how you fell after wasting all that time would you could have made multiple 150 bipdes just as powerful and done tons of other things. I was just trying to be helpful really. I know lots of people that have gotten to 279 rating that say a well built biped is just as good. So have fun. Ill sped my time playing this game here and there and other games.
    except then I'd have multiple bipeds rather than just one that I love to play? sorry, I'd rather keep those slots for characters I actually enjoyed creating and playing rather than having multiple "powerful" bipeds for the sake of having powerful bipeds.

    I want a maxed rating biped because it's a goal, it's an achievement, I don't want it for the "power", after all, I'm just a casual player. I couldn't give 2 flying rats about being the strongest, as long as people don't make assumptions about how my playstyle is wrong, I'm good.

    Also, considering your track record regarding forum posts lately and your sig, that last statement is not as true as you claim.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Its true fine dont believe me waste your time dont say i didnt warn you. And my sig was in humor. And i still dont like ur attitude towards me. Ask Tilithia a 279 rating character and asked some other if you dont believe. My teacher Soth Bloodbane. Will tell you that also. If he even talks to you. Besides you really dont know me and what kind of handicaps i have. Niether you or Macheon do. So in my mind you are kinda cruel.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    Because there is really no benefit to have every class. A well built biped can do just as good as 279 rating biped.
    Now where did I say anything about every class? My example was a 150 rating ped good lord... that's far from every class.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    And just because everyone else is doing it or it happen in every game doesnt mean person has to... That kinda like that peer pressure thing you had in high school and middle school. Remember? I dont know you just kinda make it sound like you have to have all the levels to enjoy the game.
    My point was: if it's a problem, it's a problem literally everywhere without any good fixes. My point was NOT that "oh hey everyone does it, might as well do it too" though that could be an actual case to make were Istaria a competetive game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    And even then its not that hard to build 150 rating character. or even 125 rating character which plenty really. And i really dont see what the hurry is the game not going anywhere. Everyone clearly has plenty of time. Just chill. If your in such a hurry to be superman i dont i think ur playing for the wrong reason that just my opinion though. I used to be.
    You're correct that a 150 rating ped is in the area of being sufficient, hell I've got one biped that I'm essentially keeping there just because I don't feel the need to go further. The difference between power leveling a ped and doing the god awful trophy grind is just the amount of time you put in... weeks vs months of play time. It's nice to be able to SEE some progress too you know? If you put in a whole day's work and only get a single level or maybe two... that's not satisfying. (trophies are horrible for that especially the lower-tier ones) And for people who do have work and other obligations, they don't have all that time to waste... yeah just sitting back and grinding for what time they have is possible, but I won't call up a witch hunt over someone leveling themselves quicker. The important thing to my mind is that YOU put in the work for YOURSELF. Doesn't really matter how to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    Besides if you powerlevel you never learn how to fight and become a high level gimp.
    This is true... for new players. Essentially nobody levels new players 1-100. Nobody...
    As things are, it'd be a horrid grind for the player doing the work and a huge risk for the player getting the levels while also being utterly boring (not doing anything in a game is rather boring). Which is why I said in my previous post that it's actually easier to just level using your quests now so you don't gimp yourself and you can actually enjoy the time that you play.

    Power leveling one's own characters I won't complain about, that's a personal choice for how someone spends their time. And I've never supported leveling a new player who doesn't yet understand the game mechanics.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  11. #11

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Ya but before i left i saw quite few ancient dragon running around not knowing where a single thing was located ...Well maybe few things but stuff that 1 year player would know they didnt. And then id say something to them and they go dont be rude. Im just saying what about people that really dont care to powerlevel.? So you should have an advantage over them. ? And just because you work is no reason to powerlevel. In my opinion. Have i powerleveled in the past long time ...Would i like to do it today yes. I mean i fought with two characters on red presents last year with the help of my nephew. But even then i missed it out cuz iwas leveling my dragon and didnt really learn much about fighting even though i already. Can fight in this game and others.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    Besides you really dont know me and what kind of handicaps i have. Niether you or Macheon do. So in my mind you are kinda cruel.
    Doesn't matter if you do have handicaps or what you do have, I'm treating you equal to any other person here. As is Meeps as far as I can see...
    Any 'cruelty' you're reading into this just doesn't exist. Dunno what you're talking about with handicaps but for clarity's sake: Meeps and I both are capable of disagreeing with someone and not hating them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    Ya but before i left i saw quite few ancient dragon running around not knowing where a single thing was located ...Well maybe few things but stuff that 1 year player would know they didnt. And then id say something to them and they go dont be rude. Im just saying what about people that really dont care to powerlevel.? So you should have an advantage over them. ?
    Uh huh... I'm sure you did at one point. Now I have NO IDEA when you were last online, but in recent times, there's nobody around who does that crap.

    And as for people who don't want to power level.... it's their choice not to. It's not an advantage over anyone either... the entire difference is the amount of time put in to a non-competitive game. Read that again: non-competitive.
    By your logic, anyone who got to 279 rating without power leveling whatsoever in 10 years of playing would STILL have an advantage over a newer player with only a few classes leveled... but no, the only difference is the time played really.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  13. #13

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    i dont see why that cant just turn in trophies till 279 there was some people in the past that did it. Not everyone should be level 279. Just because in other games everone is max level doenst mean it has to happen in this game. It kinda makes it special if certain people have more time to play and actually play legit and have high rating then those that take shortcuts. I mean its really not are our game and the developers could just one day go bam everyones level one again i doubt they would. Or one day remover trophies and completely take out all powerleveling.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    i dont see why that cant just turn in trophies till 279 there was some people in the past that did it.
    How about because I don't want to? While I still get experience from kills, I'm going to get experience from kills. I don't even want max rating dude, it's not the goal of everyone. The only thing I want are the masterable abilities that I consider useful to my build... I'm nearly out of those and am only just barely tickling the 200 rating zone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    Not everyone should be level 279. Just because in other games everone is max level doenst mean it has to happen in this game.
    Nobody is saying that, not everyone wants that. I don't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    It kinda makes it special if certain people have more time to play and actually play legit and have high rating then those that take shortcuts.
    And you know what? They can still feel special all they want, they can tell people, proclaim it to the world "HEY I DID THIS LEGIT" and yeah, some people will care. Most won't. The point of a game is to have fun. If doing things 100% legit is fun to someone, that's great, good for them. If doing something the fast way is fun for someone, that's great, good for them.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  15. #15

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    No they wont feel good about because some else came along and took a shortcut. Yes i agree in fun. But i also believe in fair play...Look at most modern day sports games they keep trying to make them fair. I mean ya its just a game some would say. But no really this game kinda become like a family place. And if you really want high rating character so bad go to blight it used to be easy to get one there. Im not sure now though. I know most wont agree with my ideas... But ive played alot of games. And once thought like alot of you. Im not saying im better or anything i undertand where you coming from and i respect it. I just dont agree with anymore really.
    Last edited by Willthesaviorofistaria; December 28th, 2017 at 05:02 PM.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Really? You're sure about that? Because quite literally everyone I've heard who goes on and on about doing things legit gets far more enjoyment out of putting down and belittling the experience of others who didn't do something "the right way." They get a huge ego boost that fuels a superiority complex when they can say "Oh you power leveled to get where you are huh... well I did it the proper way." With the implied 'I'm better than you' in their condescending tone.
    Please spare me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    And if you really want high rating character so bad go to blight it used to be easy to get one there.
    Yeah no... I copied to Chaos to avoid the low population issue Order has. Blight's 30000% more dead. I only have characters copied there to test new content and report bugs in said content.
    Last edited by Machaeon; December 28th, 2017 at 05:08 PM. Reason: I can edit my posts too bud

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  17. #17

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    I never said i did things legit. And i cant speak for what other would say that have done it legit. Have imade one character legit yes. not sure why ur getting worked up about this. Maybe that just your only guiltness of having done it the wrong i dont know. Maybe ask yourself that. not sure. Maybe that person is just happy they did it right and you feel bad that you didnt i dont know. I not psychiatrist.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Oh I'm not worked up at all man, I'm laughing my rear off
    The reason I'm responding is because you keep responding with other things I disagree with, and here I am voicing said disagreement.
    Your statement:
    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    No they wont feel good about because some else came along and took a shortcut.
    Is just laughable and I had to point out why.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  19. #19

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    haha? Glad i make you laugh. I still think your harassing me but whatever. And i think your just trying to get me get mad not sure why. But glad i entertain you. And id really wish youd stop posting after evertime i post its kind annoying and little creepy. Its almost becoming your obsession lol.
    Last edited by Willthesaviorofistaria; December 28th, 2017 at 05:31 PM.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Fyakki and abominations anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by Willthesaviorofistaria View Post
    haha? Glad i make you laugh. I still think your harassing me but whatever. And i think your just trying to get me get mad not sure why. But glad i entertain you. And id really wish youd stop posting after evertime i post its kind annoying and little creepy.
    Everyone has a right to voice their opinion on the discussion.

    That being said, I see yet another discussion devolving into personal attacks, they might not be here fully blown yet, but the stepping stones are present.

    To all parties involved, by all means continue discussing, but keep it on-topic and not personal or we will be forced to lock this thread.
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