Back in July 2003, David Bowman talked about dragons and what was needed to attain adulthood -

* You need to register for the free GameSpot to download the video.
* The live stream video may lock your browser (watch an advertisement first, broadband would be best)

Many of today's adult dragon players should watch that video, it is the first one on that page. Pay attention when he talks about real life time to become an adult, and the involvement of the dragon community. It is too late to change the hatchling - adult "Become a True Helian/Lunus" series of quests, but not to late for the adult - Ancient Rite of Passage.

The topic of this thread is to watch and listen to his words and ask yourself, "Do you want to finally see that concept in the game as adults become Ancient?"

I for one, say YES! Game mechanics and dragon community involvement to finally allow Ancient dragons, the elders of a long (and still) neglected race, to finally have a dignified place in Istaria. Dragons will still be weaker than the other races and classes (with similar playing effort), but at least there is one thing that a player of an Ancient dragon can be proud of, how they earned and achieved that status.

Would be a neat concept to finally be realized in the game.